Under this powerful sinister force, the declaration of war bears the brunt and the pressure is the strongest!

At this moment, the bloody light in Xuebao's eyes suddenly scattered wildly, and the next moment, his body slowly turned into a human state, his soft lips parted slightly, and countless sinister auras rushed wildly into Xuebao's mouth Influx!

Xuan Zhan desperately endured the crazy upgrade of countless evil auras, and black thunder and thunderbolts formed an enchantment around him, and the powerful destructive aura instantly wiped out the invading aura!Seeing this miraculous scene of Xuebao, after a little thought in his heart, he suddenly understood that, to put it bluntly, the energy aura in Xuebao's body was just in line with this evil aura, so Xuebao could absorb it so unscrupulously. Go!

Lei Yuan, who declared war, is the nemesis of all good and evil energies in the world, and one of the most powerful destructive forces in the world!For these two points, even the mysterious power of light and darkness is incomparable!And this caused the energy attribute and all attributes of the declaration of war to be sworn enemies!

In particular, the more evil the energy is, the more destructive and lethal its thunder element will be!

Even though Blood Treasure shared a large part of the evil energy, the pressure on declaring war has not decreased but increased at this moment. At this moment, in this small space, the pressure he is facing cannot be overstated. Compared with the pressure that the three young lords put on to declare war, they are just like adults and children!

Panda let out an angry howl, and his body suddenly swelled to a height of hundreds of meters, almost level with the roof of the temple. He tightly guarded Changsheng in his palm with both hands, and shouted loudly: "Little master, what should we do now?"

"Om... Om..." The invasion of Xuan Zhan by the evil forces is constantly increasing. These evil forces seem to feel that the four creatures in the field can pose a crisis to them, and only this human with the attribute of thunder element up!so……

"Ru..." There was a shrill scream from the depths of the Buddhist hall, and at the same time, strong sinister and evil energy rushed towards Xuan Zhan crazily!

"Huh..." Hundreds of evil spirits suddenly came from the deepest part of the Buddhist hall!

The expression on Xuan Zhan's face was startled suddenly, and the black thunder and thunderbolt in his eyes surged wildly in an instant!

"Kacha..." In Xuan Zhan's eyes, apart from this quaint Buddhist temple, there is an evil spirit running wildly in the depths. The statues of Lun Buddha are exactly the same, but the aura is so gloomy, they are definitely two extremes!

After a dozen or so breaths, the evil spirit suddenly slammed into Xuan Zhan alone...

Xuan Zhan controlled the black lightning protective barrier around him. Facing the leveling up of the evil spirits, the magic formula moved slightly, and a thunderbolt as thick as an arm struck fiercely!

"Boom!" The evil spirit was slashed, and instantly disappeared, but the next moment, with the help of the surrounding evil aura, it actually reorganized its body and continued to level up like crazy!

Before the declaration of war had time to be surprised, thousands of evil spirits rushed towards him!

"Little master!" Panda and Xuebao suddenly yelled, but they were not in a hurry...

"Ru..." The evil spirits frantically overlapping around the declaration of war, without fear of that divine thunder guarding the enchantment, the evil aura suddenly smashed down!

Even the power of black thunder, which is famous for its destructive power, has to admit defeat under such a powerful evil spirit!

The face of Xuan Zhan suddenly turned pale, and an evil spirit actually took advantage of the emptiness and invaded his sea of ​​consciousness in Niwan Palace in an instant!With a shout of declaring war, the three swirls in his body reversed crazily in an instant, and the surging power of black thunder in his body crazily vented out...

"Cackling, bouncing..." A series of clear and violent sounds suddenly filled the entire space, and the evil spirits in front of him disappeared instantly!

But at the next moment, Xuan Zhan's face turned pale, and the evil spirit suddenly reorganized again, this time, it pointed directly at Xuan Zhan Niwan Palace's Sea of ​​Consciousness!

"Cruel..." The evil spirits rushed forward with their teeth and claws scrambling, their greedy expressions entered the brain of the declaration of war...

"Om..." Xuanzhan's brain suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and he roared furiously in his heart: "Get out of my body!"

"Boom..." After roaring out in Xuan Zhan's heart, his whole body burst into crazily thunderbolts, and all of them poured into Xuan Zhan's brain consciousness!

But at this point, within the boundless sea of ​​consciousness of Xuan Zhan, there is already a mess, the evil spirits flying forward crazily exude a sinister aura, and thousands of black thunderbolts crazily strike out!

But these evil spirits are definitely not so easy to eliminate. After each evil spirit is split, it immediately reorganizes its body. Although the evil spirit is slightly weakened, it is still troublesome!

A greedy and arrogant voice suddenly came out of the Buddhist hall: "Body, I want a body, such a powerful body..."

"Whoosh..." Suddenly, from the depths of the Buddhist hall, there was an evil spirit power that was thousands of times more terrifying than the evil spirit's presence!

"Om..." Accompanied by a dark shadow, this force slowly scattered from the depths of the Buddhist hall...

"Pfft..." Under this powerful energy, Xuebao immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. Even though she could absorb so much energy, it suddenly became tens of millions of times stronger, instantly making her body swell and Injuried……

"Roar..." Panda roared angrily, protecting Changsheng, and stepped back again and again. When he saw that Xuan Zhan was still struggling, a hideous light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his figure flashed, and suddenly appeared beside Xuan Zhan. Before, keep the declaration of war under the body!

"Little master, Panda... Panda is here to protect you!" Panda had a ferocious look in his eyes, holding the declaration of war and longevity tightly in his palm, when he saw that Xuebao was also injured, his face turned pale, Veins suddenly popped up on his forehead, and there was a violent roar, his body moved again and again, and at the same time he picked up the blood treasure...

Just as it was about to evade, the evil force beyond Panda's imagination suddenly slammed into its body fiercely!

"Boom..." Panda was immediately blown away by a violent force and hit the gate...

"Hey...hehe..." Panda screamed ferociously, looking at Xuanzhan, Xuebao and Changsheng who were guarded by him, he snapped his sharp teeth, swallowed the three of them, and then choked... …

"Gulu..." After Panda touched his neck, his huge body suddenly flashed...

"Boom!" A fierce evil force suddenly blasted on the gate where Panda was before!

Just as Panda dodged, a force suddenly hit it again!

"Crackling..." Panda grabbed the floor and backed away fiercely, digging with his sharp nails on the ground, he immediately made a long scratch!

"Roar!!!" With a tyrannical roar, Panda touched his back, and a black stick appeared behind it in an instant!

"I don't care what you are!" Panda suddenly danced his hands, swished a few times, stretched his left hand forward, pointed backward with his right hand with a giant stick, and stepped forward with both feet, "but want to My little master's life must pass my Panda first!"

"Body...my body..." Yinhui's shadow moved slowly, accompanied by a strong evil force, and suddenly floated towards Panda!

"Roar!" Panda flashed ferocious and violent eyes, looking at the floating evil spirit, even though the breath made it feel a huge threat, but the power of the blood flowing in the body suddenly made it go crazy, and the giant stick in his right hand suddenly Dancing wildly, his figure soars into the sky!

"Ah, hit!" Panda's body immediately supported the roof of the hall, and the giant stick hit the shadow fiercely!

"Boom..." The shadow was instantly scattered by the giant stick, and there was a violent trembling sound from the floor, and then a shallow crater appeared under the stick!

Looking at the flying shadow, Panda's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of vigilance. His body suddenly shrank to the size of a human, but his strong muscles and coat color did not change at all, but the stick in his hand began to shrink together with his body!

He became the size of a normal person, but his fat body was hanging on the roof of the temple, looking around with ferocious eyes, and slowly waving a long black stick in his hand!

"Body..." A gloomy voice suddenly appeared behind Panda!

"Boom..." Before Panda could dodge, the next moment, he was slammed onto the floor...

"Hiss..." Panda lay on the ground, took a deep breath, and the palm of the hand holding the stick trembled a few times, "It hurts, it hurts..." Before recovering in time, Panda's stick Swipe back abruptly...

"Huh..." A cloud of smoke suddenly spread from around the stick!

"Whoosh..." Panda grabbed the stick and moved around frantically, looking at the Buddhist temple with a pair of eyes alertly!

"There is no chance to go out, the little master and the blood treasure are both injured, and I can't beat it...Little master, what should Panda do, huh..." Panda murmured to himself with a sad face. At this time, The hair on his face suddenly stood on end, the stick rose from the sky, and suddenly smashed fiercely towards the void in front of him!

"Boom..." A powerful force of evil was immediately dispersed by Panda!

"Hmph..." Panda roared ferociously, "Although I can't beat you, Panda is not easy to mess with!"

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