Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 355 The Four-Word Mantra

"Body..." the evil spirit yelled greedily, Panda saw the blazing heat in the dark gray eyes, and his body trembled!

"I smashed it!" The stick in Panda's hand suddenly rose sharply, and suddenly became a hundred meters long and one meter thick!Slammed down on the evil spirit in the distance!

Before the head of the stick fell down, the evil spirit suddenly dissipated, and the next moment, Panda jumped up violently, grabbed the stick and slammed hard behind him!

"Boom..." The stick flew across the air and hit a palace pillar!The entire Buddha Hall trembled suddenly...

Panda looked curiously at the place where the stick was smashed. Holding the end of the stick, he patted his head and said to himself, "Where did you go?" around!

"My body!" A shrill and greedy voice suddenly sounded from the top of Panda's head. When Panda moved, the stick went up with him, and swept across it frantically!

However, the scene in front of Panda suddenly changed, and he saw that in his eyes, a gloomy shadow of an evil spirit gathered in an instant, only two meters away from Panda, looked at Panda gloomyly and shouted greedily: "Give your body to the Buddha!" Spit it out!"

"Roar!!!" Panda let out a ferocious roar, and roared fiercely, "Don't even think about it!"

Before he could dodge in the future, the evil spirit suddenly rushed forward, and a wave of sinister force that made Panda tremble viciously hit Panda's body. At the same time, the evil spirit suddenly grabbed Panda. The treasure armor, greedily shouted: "If you don't vomit, Lord Buddha, I will enter your body!"

The next moment, a shocking sinister aura suddenly emerged from the evil spirit, and then rushed in clusters from Panda's mouth!

"Oh..." Panda suddenly screamed, and when the stick was about to hit him, he saw that his whole body was suddenly wrapped in a sinister aura, and he couldn't move at once, "Hey... let go of me, little master, be careful! Dead thing Let me go! Roar..."

"Huh..." A strong evil breath began to rush into Panda's body. This evil spirit controlled Panda's body, and his head began to spread out into its mouth!Then came the feet, until finally his hands flew into Panda's body!

"Roar..." Panda roared fiercely, wanting to cry in his heart: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo , Under these bursts of roars, two lines of tears slowly flowed from the corners of Little Panda's ferocious eyes...

This is the first time that Panda has felt powerless since he followed the declaration of war, the first time he felt unable to protect the declaration of war, longevity and blood treasure, the little guy suddenly hated himself, but...but the evil spirit in front of him is really It is beyond its imagination...


"I don't..." Panda was crying, and roared as if his head had collapsed, his hideous face was full of unwillingness and unimaginable crazy pain!

At this moment, a powerful torrent suddenly came from Panda's body, and at the same time, a voice sounded as indifferent as the gods and demons in the entire Buddhist temple:


As soon as this voice appeared, Panda's body suddenly trembled, and powerful torrents suddenly rushed through his body. The next moment, the voice sounded again:


"Boom..." This torrent suddenly gave birth to countless powerful torrents, and then fiercely contended with the power of the evil spirit!


Panda only felt that his body suddenly wanted to expand, and his body suddenly became fatter...


The intensity of the confrontation increased crazily, Panda felt the two forces in his body, and at this moment, there was a sudden feeling of a needle tip against a wheat awn...






When the last line was uttered, Panda suddenly opened his mouth involuntarily, and in the next moment, a wave of abilities full of sinister aura suddenly burst out of his mouth!

"Roar..." Panda bared his teeth and roared angrily. The powerful impact made his body crush the ground by [-] centimeters!

This Buddhist temple is definitely not an ordinary Buddhist temple, otherwise, with Panda's powerful power, Mo Lixing would have been destroyed under its stick long ago, but in this Buddhist temple, Panda's destructive power is not even as good as At this moment, the impact produced by it's spitting out evil breath is extremely powerful!It can be seen from this that the two forces in its body are opposing each other just now, and it can also be seen from this that Panda's body is so strong...

"Boom..." The Buddha Hall trembled crazily, and the incomparably tyrannical evil power in his mouth was finally bombarded fiercely by Panda against the top of the hall...

" body..." There was a burst of furious voice from the top of the hall, and the next moment, the sinister aura that was exhaled by Panda made a comeback again, rushing towards it fiercely!

At this moment, Panda raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, a powerful white light suddenly shot out from Panda's mouth, and then viciously bombarded that incomparably powerful evil force...

"Om... Om... Om..." Waves of fluctuations crazily spread from the middle of the contact between the white light and the evil force, and in an instant, the trembling of the entire Buddhist hall increased again!

At this moment, the peaceful "卍" character under the Buddhist hall suddenly burst into a layer of dense light, and then enveloped the entire Buddhist hall, but a miraculous scene appeared, and the cracks on the wall of the ancient Buddhist hall began to slowly return to its original state , together with the traces from the fighting in the hall, began to recombine...

And all of this happened without the knowledge of Panda and Xuan War...

"Boom..." A powerful explosion burst out from the middle!

"Boom!" Panda was slammed into the wall by the shock wave, and was immediately knocked out of a huge pothole, but the pothole was slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Ahem...ahem..." Xuan Zhan stood haggardly in front of Panda, clutching his chest, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and stared indifferently at the powerful evil spirit on the top of the hall!

"Woo..." Panda burst into tears when he saw Xuan Zhan appearing, his body slowly returned to his petite appearance, and he ran to Xuan Zhan's feet, then hugged Xuan Zhan's legs fiercely, crying loudly , "Wow, little master, Panda is so stupid, Panda is so stupid! This guy... woooo... this guy Panda can't beat it... woooo..."

Xuan Zhan looked at the little guy at his feet speechlessly, and a very warm current flowed in his heart, and then said softly: "Little guy, what you have done is good enough!"

Panda still held onto Xuan Zhan's leg and cried, whispering to himself: "Woooo... This guy is so powerful, my skin hurts so badly from being beaten by him... Woooo... Little master, I want to eat bamboo..."

"..." Xuan Zhan listened to Panda talking to himself speechlessly, looked at the evil spirit floating on the roof of the temple, and suddenly felt powerless in his heart!

The reason why he was able to repel the evil spirit just now after declaring war is because of the nine-character mantra bestowed by the mysterious old man on the earth back then!When he studied how to use the nine-character mantra, he discovered that the use of the nine-character mantra was actually based on the power of the primordial spirit!

The power of the primordial spirit of Xuan Zhan is quite powerful. Under the nourishment of the Jiuhuang sacred tree and the mysterious light ball day and night, the power of the primordial spirit of Xuan Zhan can be said to be chilling even if you look at it!

However, such a powerful power of primordial spirit, when using the nine-character mantra, the consumption rate is quite large!Now Xuan Zhan's mind is haggard and his Dao heart is unstable. Although the small world has not been damaged in the slightest, his upper dantian and sea of ​​consciousness are in chaos...

This is all caused by the excessive use of his primordial power!

But now, Xuan Zhan stared coldly at the evil spirit on the top of the temple, and suddenly a crazy idea came to his mind...

"My body!" The evil spirit on the top of the temple shouted greedily and angrily, "You are mine!"

"Panda!" Xuan Zhan whispered!

"Woo... Panda's body hurts so much, woo..." Panda said to himself with a mournful face while hugging the legs that declared war...

"Panda!" Xuan Zhan suddenly said loudly!

"Hey... I want to eat bamboo! Little master, I was so stupid just now, I can't beat that guy..." Panda buried his head under the robe that declared war...

The corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth trembled slightly, at this moment, the evil spirit on the roof of the temple suddenly bent down and rushed towards Xuan Zhan!In an instant, he suddenly came to the front of the declaration of war!

Xuan Zhan suddenly kicked his legs wildly, "Boom!", Little Panda was kicked and flew over!

The next moment, the evil spirit suddenly rushed into his body from the mouth, nose and ears that declared war...

"My...body!" the evil spirit roared!

An indifferent smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and the next moment, his mouth suddenly opened wide so that the evil spirit could enter his body faster, and then his body slowly sat cross-legged on the ground!

"Ouch..." Panda was kicked hard against the wall. When he turned his face to see this scene, the tears in his eyes suddenly overflowed as if desperately, and suddenly he didn't care about the pain on his body. He rushed to Xuan Zhan's side, looked at Xuan Zhan sitting cross-legged, and howled loudly:

"Little master wow... woo woo... little master woah... Panda killed you, woo woo... I killed you..." Panda stood in front of Xuan Zhan, his legs suddenly twitched fiercely. Kneeling on the ground, then throwing himself into Xuanzhan's arms, weeping bitterly and shouting loudly!

" wake up soon, little master, Panda won't hug your legs in the future,'s Panda who hurt you by hugging your legs, woooo..." Little Panda put everything together. Blame it on myself...

At this moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly opened his eyes, stared at Panda gloomyly, and uttered two words from his teeth:

"To shut up!"

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