Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 357 Crisis

"Roar..." The hundred angry dragons chased wildly in the direction where the evil spirit was flying!In just a few breaths, at the cost of shattering ten angry dragons with this tyrannical torrent, the evil spirit can barely control the body!

Feeling the violent power just now, the evil spirit flashed a trace of madness in its eyes, and then let out a stern scream: "Ru..."

As if feeling the presence of evil spirits, the swastika under the Buddhist hall suddenly emitted a layer of silver light at this time, and this cluster of light instantly penetrated into the Buddhist hall and entered the body of Xuanzhan...

"Om..." The silver light suddenly poured in from the head of the evil spirit, and the cassock on the evil spirit suddenly shone with silver light. Under Xuan Zhan's surprised gaze, the evil spirit suddenly sat cross-legged, murmuring Buddha's name...

Xuan Zhan looked at the evil spirit cautiously, not knowing what the evil spirit wanted to do, but he absolutely did not believe that the evil spirit would let it go...

The jerky and dark Buddha's name came out from the mouth of the evil spirit, and the swastikas on the silver cassock, as if being urged, began to flow slowly...

"Swastika!" The evil spirit suddenly opened his eyes, stared coldly at Xuan Zhan's mouth and roared...

"Swastika!" The entire sea of ​​consciousness reverberated fiercely with this sentence...

As soon as the evil spirit uttered this word, a swastika suddenly flew up on the cassock, as if flying through the void, it instantly collapsed on the top of Xuan Zhan's head, and pressed it down...

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a mountain-like force pressing him down. Although his real body is strong, it doesn't mean that his primordial body is also strong!As a result, a heart-piercing pain suddenly invaded his brain crazily...

"Humph!" Xuan Zhan endured the pain, and snorted coldly, and was about to resist the pressure and make some moves, but when he heard "卍!", the next moment, another strong force crushed him fiercely. His primordial body!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan immediately knelt down on one knee fiercely, resisting the inexplicable pressure, a haggard look suddenly flashed from his eyes!

" could it be so powerful..." Xuan Zhan looked palely at the evil spirit who was still whispering the name of Buddha dozens of kilometers away!

"Swastika!" The evil spirit suddenly roared again, and looked at Xuanzhan gloomyly, but saw the swastika on the silver cassock flew out again, and then ruthlessly pressed down on Xuanzhan...


This ten thousand word was like the last straw, the declaration of war was crushed immediately, and he crawled on the ground weakly, looking at that evil spirit unwillingly...

"Swastika!" The evil spirit roared again, his face suddenly changed, and then he looked at the cassock on his body unwillingly, but saw that the color of the cassock began to turn gray again...

Even though he was not reconciled, seeing that Xuan Zhan was still breathing in but not getting out, the evil spirit's eyes burst into a greedy look of joy, his figure flashed, and he came to Xuan Zhan in an instant, and greedily shouted in a low voice: "Destroy you!" By destroying you, I can have a body! Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."

Xuan Zhan closed his eyes tightly. At this moment, he could not feel the existence of the Demon Slaughtering Sword at all, and his body was even weaker as if he had collapsed. Feeling the sinister and powerful force around him, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his heart !

The Jiuhuang Divine Tree was mobilized by his primordial spirit, but no matter how powerful the Jiuhuang Divine Tree is at this moment, if it wants to help him, it must have enough primordial power. He had already activated the nine-character mantra before, The power consumption of the primordial spirit is as high as the eighth floor, and after entering the sea of ​​consciousness, the consumption of the power of the primordial spirit is about to bottom out...not to mention using the power of the primordial spirit to activate the Dove Emperor Divine Tree...

Now, it is the most critical moment since the declaration of war has entered the world of self-cultivation...

The reason why he wants to choose the battlefield in his own sea of ​​consciousness is because this place is a world that he can control. With so many spiritual help, it can at least increase the chance of winning by one point, but people are not as good as heaven , I didn't expect this evil spirit to have miraculous magic. Just relying on three or four swastikas, it has already declared war and can no longer fight...

Xuan Zhan kept thinking of countless ways, but he saw that the evil spirit had come to him. Looking at Xuan Zhan with a flat face, the evil spirit greedily shouted: "Kill you, take away your body!", the next moment, the evil spirit Ling suddenly opened his mouth wide, and swallowed Xuan Zhan's head all at once!Then countless evil forces immediately wrapped around the declaration of war, imprisoning this space to death!

"Ru..." There was a burst of high-pitched excitement in the voice of the evil spirit, and then his throat slowly wriggled, bit by bit devouring the body of the primordial spirit who declared war!

"What should I do? Can't give up!" Under the devouring of the evil spirit, the body of the primordial spirit is still thinking about how to survive this catastrophe!

At this moment, the roar of an angry dragon suddenly came from Xuan Zhan's ear. This sound, as if ringing in Xuan Zhan's ear, suddenly made him stunned!

Xuan Zhan clearly felt that a mysterious force suddenly appeared in his body, this force ignored his whole body, and went on a rampage, thinking that his Niwan Palace was crazy to level up!

This force is full of mighty, angry and crazy aura, like a lunatic. However, Xuan Zhan has experienced a kind of energy from this force that is not like that in the cultivation world. The real essence is more advanced, but what kind of power this kind of power is, he can't tell at all...

What kind of power is this sudden force?Xuan Zhan thought blankly...

Panda had already vomited out the two little things Xuebao and Changsheng from his stomach, and the three little things sat around Xuan Zhan on the ground of the Buddhist hall, looking at the little master whose face turned red and then pale, his heart also went along with him. The last time I was on tenterhooks...

"Father, godmother, look at Daddy's aura!" Changsheng suddenly stood upright trembling, and shouted at Xuan Zhan with a look of horror on his face!

"Don't make noise!" Xue Bao said angrily, "The little master is fighting that dead guy, don't disturb him!"

Changsheng shrank his head, and then looked at Xuebao in awe, but Panda shouted angrily: "Little master is in danger!"

With a bang, Xue Bao slapped Panda hard on the head, and said with brows bristling, "Both of you father and son, give me some peace, I also feel the danger of the little master, but what we can do now I can only pray, Dead Panda, can you still enter the body of the little master?"

Panda and Changsheng suddenly looked at each other...

"Look!" Changsheng suddenly looked at the body that declared war in horror and shouted in horror!

Just when Xue Bao lost his temper again, a cyan light suddenly shot out from the chest of Xuan Zhan, and at the same time, a roar of rampant dragon anger suddenly resounded in the entire Buddhist hall:

"Aw... ho..."

Changsheng felt the roar of dragon anger in a daze, and a blurry image suddenly flashed in his mind: In the void, a black giant dragon roared in the space. This black giant dragon was tens of thousands of kilometers thick, and its length ...It is even more far away, maybe tens of millions of kilometers long, or maybe hundreds of millions of kilometers long, but seeing this huge black dragon roaring casually, countless monks collapsed and perished!

"This... this..." Changsheng blankly echoed the picture that appeared in his mind just now, and muttered to himself, "Could it be... is this my ancestor? It's amazing..."

"Oh..." The dragon roar seemed a little lazy, as if it had just woken up from a deep sleep, but seeing this blue light flow, a dragon-shaped blue dragon suddenly flew out from the chest of the little master who declared war. The jade pendant, this piece of dragon-shaped jade pendant flashed suddenly, and instantly got into Xuan Zhan's body...

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