Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 365 The Disappearance of the Sky Wheel

The slumber of declaring war lasted for 15 years...

Fifteen years later, layers of silk cocoons suddenly formed on Xuan Zhan's body. This layer of silk cocoons surprised Tianlun. In his calculation, the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art It is impossible for such a strange phenomenon to occur, and this silk cocoon is actually mixed with a lot of Buddhist aura!

"Mixed breath of Taoism and Buddha!" ​​Tianlun looked at the silver-white silk cocoon around Xuanzhan in horror, and exclaimed, "Could it be... Could it be that Xuanzhan is also developing towards Taoism and Buddhism?"

In a year's time, the aura of Taoism and Buddha densely covered on the silk cocoon was quite mixed, but under the combing of a mysterious energy, the aura of Taoism and Buddha slowly merged together!This kind of mutation suddenly surprised Tianlun, and if Tianlun looked at this situation, it could only be said that this was a true dual practice of Taoism and Buddhism!

And after the double cultivation of Taoism and Buddhism... Tianlun looked at the still sleeping declaration in a complicated manner, wondering what was in this young man's body that was urging him to move forward crazily...

Four years later, Xuan Zhan Youyou woke up. When he opened his eyes, there was a roar in the entire Buddhist hall, and it sank slightly...

The space in the center of the earth trembled violently!

"Little master!" Panda and Xuebao yelled in surprise, and hugged Xuanzhan's neck fiercely, and Changsheng immediately entangled him not to be outdone!

"Amitabha..." Tianlun uttered a Buddha's name, "Congratulations, little benefactor, for waking up! Your skill has improved greatly, congratulations!"

Xuan Zhan took a deep breath, but when he heard the sound of endless thunder suddenly coming from his body, his face turned pale, and then he returned to his original state. After feeling the condition of his body, he suddenly said strangely: "Master, why does your Buddhist energy appear in this place? into my body, and get along so harmoniously with my own energy?"

And the body that declared war at this moment is not only several times stronger than before, but also has a new kind of energy in the small world in the body. This kind of energy is full of compassion and broadness, as if it is inclusive In the inner world where war is declared!But this kind of energy gets along well with the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree that declared war, and the mysterious and violent energy ball in the sky!

Tianlun smiled wryly, and after a moment of contemplation, he said: "It is estimated that the poor monk sorted out the power of the soul for you, and what remained after the crazy bombardment of your Lei Yuan energy! The poor monk did not expect that this would actually fulfill the benefactor Xuan , I don’t know whether this kind of result is a good thing or a bad thing, hey... Amitabha! The poor monk thinks, there will be one more Taoist and Buddhist monk in this world!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Tianlun with a strange expression on his face. After pursing his lips, he pinched his right hand slightly, but was taken aback: "So it's been 15 years!"

"Yeah, 15 years have passed, Amitabha!!!" Tianlun suddenly made a deep Buddha's name, and then looked at Xuan Zhan kindly and said, "Since the matter here is over, Master Xuan, your request has been fulfilled by this little monk." I realized that your soul power has not only recovered, it is also much stronger than before, no evil and evil will not invade, and all filth will not come close!"

After feeling the war, the power of the three souls and seven souls in his body was so full that he didn't feel the yin and yang imbalance in the past. The dark disease was finally solved by him, and all of this should be thanks to the Tianlun monk in front of him!

"Tell me, where are you Buddhist disciples now, and what should I do after I find it?" Xuan Zhan asked lightly!

Tianlun made a casual move towards the depths of the hall, but saw several jade slips flying out of the depths, these jade slips flew to Tianlun's hand in a blink of an eye, looking at these jade slips, Tianlun sighed Said: "This is some Buddhist teachings that the poor monk realized during the 3000 yuan meeting. I hope you can bring them to them!"

Xuan Zhan looked at these jade slips, then took them and put them into the storage ring!

Tianlun looked at this side of the Buddhist hall, with a bitter smile on his mouth, and then the tactic moved slightly, only to see the whole hall tremble violently with a loud bang!At this time, the "卍" character under the Buddhist hall burst into a thousand zhang light, and these rays of light suddenly poured into the Buddhist hall, and then four beams of light suddenly appeared around the swastika, and these beams of light began to slowly follow the trajectory of the swastika. Shrinking, under this continuous shrinking, the swastika is gradually getting smaller, and then...the four beams of light converge at one point, and the swastika disappears...

Monk Tianlun touched the gate of the Buddhist hall, but there was a creak, and the gate of the Buddhist hall opened instantly. Tianlun Buddha led a few people out of the Buddhist hall, looking at the huge Buddhist hall in front of him and the four beams of light that were shrinking all around, but it was the magic formula. With one movement, the Buddha Hall slowly shrinks...

But after a dozen or so breaths, what appeared in front of Xuan Zhan was a bowl-sized Buddhist temple. This Buddhist temple was placed in the hands of Tianlun, blooming with golden light, and the breath was vast and peaceful, serene and soft...

Tianlun looked at the Buddhist treasure in his hand, and said in a low voice: "This treasure is the most precious Buddhist treasure in my cultivation world. It is of the highest grade... an immortal artifact!"

"What..." Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment...

"That's right, this Buddha treasure is called 'Summi Buddha Hall', it can be big or small, it can cover the planet, and it can be included in mustard seeds!" Tianlun said lightly, "Its wonderful uses are ever-changing, and it can be called unparalleled. You... want ?"

Xuan Zhan was stunned for a moment, and his heart was slightly loosened by Tianlun's words. This Buddha Hall is a treasure of the first level of immortal artifacts. It is the first time he has seen the power of immortal artifacts in the past 200 years in the cultivation world. He didn't dare to imagine that the Devil Slaughtering Sword in his body was a high-level spiritual weapon, and its power was even called a quasi-celestial weapon by people in the cultivation world!

Although there is a difference of one letter between immortal artifacts and quasi-immortal artifacts, they are very different. Spiritual artifacts have spirits, but no souls!This is the biggest difference!A magic weapon with a soul, even though its power is not very powerful, is still a fairy weapon!

There is a misunderstanding in the world of comprehension, that is, the power of all immortal artifacts must be unparalleled in the world, but people who really know it sneer at this. True immortal artifacts are of course unparalleled in power, but not all immortal artifacts are like this!

The soul is the foundation of a fairy weapon, a weapon with a spirit and a soul, even if it is not very powerful, it will still be called a fairy weapon, because a magic weapon with a soul will self-evolve into an infinitely powerful level sooner or later!

Looking at the Buddhist hall in front of him, Xuan Zhan took a deep breath, and then said coldly: "There is no need to test my sincerity, I will bring your Buddhist treasures and Dharma to you Buddhist disciples, you have no doubt about this!"

Tianlun smiled wryly, and his shrewd speculation about the declaration of war in his heart went up to a higher level. He sighed leisurely, and said with a soft smile: "The wish of the 3000 yuan club has finally been fulfilled. My Buddha is merciful, and the poor monk is also re-entry." It's time to turn around..."

Declare war and nod!

However, Tianlun flicked his right hand towards the void, and a map of the starry sky appeared. In one of the remote areas, a shining point flickered!Monk Tianlun said: "Master Xuan, please also take out your astrolabe and open the star map. The poor monk will give you a designated area for this piece of star map!"

Xuan Zhan moved his right hand, but saw the astrolabe given to him by Wan Qingkui slowly swimming in his palm, and then moved his left hand formula, with a sound of "嗡...", a vast space suddenly appeared in the space above the two of them. Star map!

"This map of the starry sky..." Tianlun said in surprise, "It's actually much bigger than the starry sky map of the poor monk. Master Xuan, you are really not an ordinary person!"

Xuan Zhan said indifferently: "This astrolabe was given by my senior brother Wan Qingkui, um... Speaking of which, my senior brother is also a monk of Piaomiao Jianxintian, and you are also his patriarch!" It's a bit weird, according to Xuan Zhan's assumption, if his senior brother Wan Qingkui sees this sky wheel, it is estimated that the Buddhist disciples who understand the eternal reincarnation are very unlikely... Thinking of this, Xuan Zhan suddenly shook his head with a dumbfounded smile!

It's really weird to be a founding patriarch to this extent!

After hitting the Tianlun Fajue, he stuffed the starry sky region in his hand into the starry sky region where he declared war, and the declaration of war was shocked!

The latitude and longitude of the universe, the top, bottom, left and right of the universe, if the region of Piaomiao Jianxintian is the land of the extreme east, then the place where the Buddhist disciples are located is the land of the extreme west. ...Xuan Zhan couldn't help laughing bitterly. I don't know if there is a teleportation array in the extreme west where the Buddhist disciple is. If there is no teleportation array, with his current strength, he can fly for hundreds of years, and he can't fly there...

From this, it can be seen how profound and powerful the Dharma practice of Tianlun back then was!

Xuan Zhan suddenly longed for the era at the beginning, the era when the Mahayana period was respected, and the starry sky was always rebellious...

After explaining everything, watching the declaration of war put the Sumeru Buddha Hall into the storage ring, he lightly called the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, declare the benefactor, the poor monk will go..."

After finishing speaking, Monk Tianlun's soul condensed body slowly rose into the void, and disappeared instantly after a bright light...

Seeing the disappearance of Tianlun, Xuan Zhan felt a little melancholy in his heart, and then he turned and left indifferently...

"No!" Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the void, then took out the Buddhist temple, and said in a low voice with flickering eyes:

"This monk... is lying!"

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