Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 366 1 Road to the East

spin... spin...

The two naked bodies are crazily intertwined, immersed in the excitement of passion in bursts of passion...

The woman's skin is like snow, her teeth are full of bright eyes, but her face is hazy like the moon in the clouds in the sky. Her body is enchanting and smooth, and she groans coquettishly under the man like silk. Echoing in the surrounding void space; the man closed his eyes tightly, his slender and well-proportioned body was crazily exposed, his strong body and the enchanting woman under him confronted, collided, faster and faster, streams of sweat flowed Body, flowing through two fiery bodies...


"Boom..." Xuan Zhan suddenly opened his eyes and straightened his upper body, looking at the empty grassland under the moonlight in front of him, panting fiercely, then wiped the sweat from his forehead, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes!

"It's this dream again..." Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, and then looked at the vast wilderness. Beside him, three little guys were soundly asleep without any image. A smile appeared on the corner of their mouths, and then they lay down gently on the grass!

Here is the extreme east of the mainland of China - a grassland area in the territory of Anxu country. After half a month's walk, you will reach the coastline, and then there is his destination - the land of the East China Sea in the mainland of China!

Looking at the moon and stars in the sky, a trace of doubt flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes. It has been two years since he came out of the center of the earth. During these two years, he traveled across mountains and rivers, using the physical strength of an ordinary person, to browse the vast land of China. Thousands of mountains and rivers, just like a young man in troubled times, with an origami fan and an umbrella!

After constant experience in the mundane world, his Taoist heart began to become more rounded day by day, and the steady growth of the small world in his body was pushing him to the middle stage of the heavenly heart!He believed that by advancing at this speed, in another ten years, he would be able to cross the early stage of Tianxin and reach the middle stage of Tianxin!The reason for this extremely fast speed is that he only realized it after the Buddhist power appeared in his body. It seems that his cultivation base has become faster because of the addition of Buddhist characteristic power!

Ten years... For him now, it is actually just a nap time...

"What's going on with that dream?" Xuan Zhan thought silently, "I think about it every day and dream at night, who is this woman? The only woman I've known so far who has had sex with each other is my wife Yan Zhi, And how did this woman break into my dream?"

"This weird dream suddenly appeared in my mind after I started sleeping a year and a half ago. Why is that? Who is the naked woman in the dream? What does it have to do with me?"

After thinking about it, the declaration of war resumed and slowly fell asleep...


The early morning on the grassland is extremely humid, especially when getting closer to the coastline, this wet feeling is particularly strong!

The enchanting woman transformed by the blood treasure caused countless troubles wherever she went, but this made this ghostly little guy feel particularly interesting. Therefore, there were also some small disputes and troubles along the way!Longevity is entrenched on Panda's head, and Panda stands on the shoulder of the declaration of war!They formed a special and eye-catching combination!

On this day, the declaration of war came to the bank of a vast river. On this occasion, there was a hazy drizzle in the sky!

There is a simple ship by the river, with countless large and small boats docked, and one of the canopy boats is about to start!The old boatman was wearing a coir raincoat and was about to throw down the reins and shake the oars...

At this time, the old boatman suddenly heard a clear voice from a distant path: "Boatman, boatman, wait a minute!"

The old boatman looked up, but saw a young man in white, accompanied by a wonderful woman in red veil, walking towards his boat quickly!

The complexion, skin and clothing of this man and a woman, Lao Chuanjia can tell at a glance that they are not the sons and daughters of ordinary families. Although there are occasional mud on the feet and the corners of the clothes, the man looks outstanding, but the lady is still unparalleled in beauty!

The old boatman stopped for a while, and said with an old smile to the man and the woman: "Young masters and ladies, I'm sorry, the old boat has been booked by the guests on board, you can take another boat!"

The man and the woman came to the side of the boat, and when they heard this, they both looked at each other. The woman looked at the cabin and giggled and said, "Old man, please inform the nobleman in the cabin that we are really in a hurry. It’s okay to pay some money!”

The old boatman smiled with embarrassment on his face: "The two young masters and young ladies who can be seen from a big family at a glance, I will not offend you, but I dare not offend the distinguished guests in the cabin. Wait a moment, I will go and ask!" , then chuckled, and walked into the cabin!

"My lord, look at you, your clothes are quite dirty!" The woman looked at the corner of the man's clothes with some reproach, and stretched out a tender hand to tidy up his clothes!

The young man had a gentle face, a smile flashed across his bewitching and handsome face, he wiped off the sweat from walking in a hurry and said with a smile: "Hehe, I walked in a little hurry, but I didn't pay much attention!"

At this moment, the toy-like black and white animal in naive clothes who stood on the man's shoulder suddenly snickered, then fell silent, and then turned into a daze again!

"Crack!" The woman smacked the little guy's butt, pouted and said coquettishly: "Damn Panda, why are you laughing, give my aunt some peace!"

"Cut..." The little guy suddenly made a face at the girl...

The woman looked at it reproachfully, then touched a little "long worm" on the little guy's head and laughed softly: "Changsheng, don't be like your father!"

"I know, godmother!" The little worm suddenly whispered human words, and then opened a pair of slightly old eyes and remained still...

After waiting for 1 minute, the rain in the sky became more and more turbulent. The umbrella in this son's hand could no longer cover the two of them tightly, and many places were wet by the raindrops!

"Little master, Panda wants to eat bamboo!" The little guy standing on the man's shoulder suddenly said pitifully in a low voice!

"Don't eat!" The woman's bewitching face showed a hint of shy anger, she patted Panda on the head and said coquettishly!

The young man smiled faintly, touched the little guy's nose and said with a smile: "I'll let you eat your fill when no one is around, bear with it now!"

"Oh..." Panda rolled his eyes, and replied pitifully...

At this moment, the old boatman finally came out of the cabin, with a look of relief on his vicissitudes of life, he looked at the man and the woman and said: "You two young masters and ladies, the guests inside are invited, and said, this time You don't need to pay any more money, just take the boat!"

There was a gleam of joy on the young master's face, and he asked the woman beside him to get on the boat first, and said as he walked: "No money is given, how can this be, it is not easy for the old boatman to earn money, so it is as much as you want!"

"Hehe, you two should get on the boat first, the rain seems to be getting worse!" The old boatman smiled loudly and led the man and woman into the cabin!

As soon as the two of them entered the cabin, they immediately saw the people chartering the boat in the boat. They were two gentlemen in brocade clothes and jade belts, accompanied by a lady with indifferent eyes, a graceful appearance, and a bright yellow brocade gauze. Sitting next to him was a pretty woman who looked like a maid, and the four of them looked curiously at the man and woman entering the cabin in front of them!

When the two sons saw the woman who came in, their eyes were stunned for a moment, and then they shot eager gazes from their eyes!

"Three friends, I'm really sorry!" The man looked at the three young people in the cabin with warm eyes and a little embarrassment, and said, "Because I was in a hurry, I had to do this, it was really a last resort! "

"My lord, you are being polite. You and I are destined to meet each other. It is also a fate. Take your seat quickly!" The young lady suddenly said elegantly and gently!

"Hehe... Then thank you, sister!" The new woman giggled, but she directly dragged the man to the chair on the other side, and then helped him tidy up some messy clothes on his body, complaining while tidying up: "In this damn weather, An Sheng is not even allowed to drive, son, look at the mud on your clothes, let's go change after getting off the boat!"

A hint of jealousy flashed in the eyes of the two young masters. Looking at the newly boarded woman, she was not only beautiful, but also faintly seductive and enchanting. The two men immediately lost themselves when they saw it. It is a confidante who harms the country and the people!But because of the hindrance of the female companion around him, he was embarrassed to do that romantic scene of Feng Qiuhuang!

The rain outside is getting heavier. On the broad river, this lone boat is slowly moving, and suddenly the old boatman's singing is heard from the bow:

"One river of autumn water and one from the mountain, one life is a man and one is facing the sky, two pairs of pairs, looking through the river, making the idiot man and woman tearful and confused; The world is changing! There are clouds and sky above the green hills, and the gods in the sky are at ease, but they make the life of the world suffer, and it will be in vain for a hundred years..."

Listening to Lao Chuan's singing, this young man with a strange and handsome appearance was fascinated by it, his eyes were slightly distracted...

"Dare to ask the two surnames?" The graceful woman looked at them curiously and asked!

But seeing that this young master was immersed in Lao Chuan's cappella and couldn't extricate himself, he showed a bit of embarrassment, but heard the little maid beside her shout angrily: "Hey, you young master, my lady asked your name!"

"Hehe..." But the charming lady suddenly giggled and said, "Sister, I'm sorry, my son is very happy when he hears this little folk song, so he doesn't care much about external affairs, sister My name is Xuan Baoer, and my son's name is Xuan Zhan!"

"Declaration of war?" The three of them looked curiously at the young master who was still immersed in the Lao Chuanjia's singing!

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