"So it's Miss Xuan!" The two young and handsome young masters clapped their hands together and smiled at Xuan Bao'er!One of the sons complimented him: "Miss Xuan looks as beautiful as a fairy, and her temperament is unparalleled in the city. She must be a person of wealth and wealth. In the late autumn of Xiajiang, dare to ask Miss where is the fairyland and where is she?"

The other young master also straightened his body, clasped his fists in a stalwart manner and said: "Miss Xuan, I'm Zhu Qing, it's a great honor for me to meet Miss Xuan here, brother Jiang's words are exactly what Zhu thinks, If we go the same way, we can take care of each other!"

Xuan Baoer giggled, but looked at the graceful woman in the bright yellow gauze dress and asked softly: "If you dare to ask my sister's name, Baoer is very polite!" The woman made a blessing!

The woman stood up softly, took Xuan Bao'er's arm and laughed softly: "What are you talking about being polite? My sister's surname is Huangfu, and she has a single name. She is from the back river of Anxu country. My sister's hometown is where?"

Xuan Bao'er rolled her eyes, giggled and said, "Sister, my son and I are both from Ningyun Tai'an Yuzhu County, this trip is to accompany my son to play!"

"Yuzhu County!" The three suddenly shouted in surprise.

Now on the mainland of Shenzhou, if you ask anyone casually, he may not know the Ningyun Guotai'an Province, but they must know the Qingshan County in Yuzhu County!Because of that place, there was a saint who was admired by students and martial artists all over the world!

Jiang Wanqiu lightly knocked on the folding fan in his hand, and said with a faint smile, "Your young master is quite strange, the name he chose is actually the same as Xuan Sheng's common name, hehe.... !"

Hearing Jiang Wanqiu's words, Zhu Qing also smiled, and said softly: "But speaking of it, Miss Bao'er looks like a mortal, she is as beautiful as the Nine Heavens Xuannv, comparable to the Holy Mother Xuan!"

When Xuan Bao'er heard that Zhu Qing said that she could compare with the Holy Mother of Xuan, she originally cared about Jiang Wanqiu's words, but these words made her smile all over her face, and shyly said: "Really, you really can talk! "

Xuan Bao'er's blushing face, as shy as the misty moon in the clouds, like a delicate and gorgeous flower, immediately made Jiang Wanqiu and Zhu Qing stunned...

Huang Fuyuan glanced at the two of them indifferently, shook her head helplessly, and then pulled Xuan Bao'er's Rou Yi to her side and asked, "It is said that Ningyun Kingdom is not peaceful now, so what about Ye Yuguo and Rong Di?" The country took the opportunity to cause chaos, although I am from Anxu, Ningyun and Anxu have been friends for hundreds of years, and I am very concerned about this matter, so my sister told me!"

Xuan Bao'er snorted softly: "This was all caused by Emperor Ming. If it wasn't for that dragon lord who committed suicide arbitrarily, a member of the territory of Ye Yuguo, this war would not have happened for no reason. Although there are occasional wars, they are not How serious it is, it has not yet affected my Ningyun Pass! The people in the country are still living and working in peace and contentment, but the number of Taoist priests is slowly increasing, and the deceitful Jianghu Taoist priests are starting to confuse people!"

Xuan Baoer's words surprised the three of them for a while, and then Jiang Wanqiu frowned and said: "Although this Emperor Chen Ming is not as wise as his father, Emperor Chen Kang, he still has the means of an emperor. Where are the local agencies managing these Taoist priests who are bewitching the public?"

After thinking for a while, Huangfuyuan said: "It is rumored that this lineage of Taoism has the art of alchemy and longevity since ancient times. Although it is not known whether it is true or not, there is indeed a magic of Taoism itself. Otherwise, it is impossible to continue to this day. It seems that this Buddha The struggle between Tao and Dao is about to start again, hey..."

Zhu Qing looked at Huangfuyuan and asked curiously: "Miss Huangfu, Zhu doesn't understand your words! Why do you want to fight for Buddhism?"

"Since ancient times, there has been no win-win between Buddhism and Taoism. In the hearts of emperors, those who deviate from the Buddha drive away the Tao, and those who deviate from the Tao drive away the Buddha. Although the royal mind has not been spread, the Taoism is becoming more and more prosperous. It is definitely not a good phenomenon!" Huangfuyuan said lightly, "Besides, the militant character of the Dirong clan is well known in China. If the Dirong clan doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos at this time, then it's not their nature!"

Xuan Bao'er covered her mouth and laughed softly: "What my sister said is so similar to what my young master said!"

"Oh?" When Huangfuyuan heard it, she looked curiously at Xuan Zhan, who was still immersed in the old Chuanjia's promises, and a hint of playfulness flashed in her eyes!

Jiang Wanqiu and Zhu Qing looked at each other, but Zhu Qing said unhappily: "Although the Di Rong clan is warlike, I think Ning Yun's power is strong, and with a strong army and a strong horse, he will definitely be able to kill Di Rong." I will not stay with Ye Yuguo!"

Jiang Wanqiu went on to say: "Although Ye Yuguo has a good army, what they are facing is my super empire in the land of China. How can they be Ningyun's opponent? Miss Bao'er can rest assured that Ningyun is safe!"

Xuan Baoer's face showed a hint of disdain, and she said softly: "My son's views are exactly the opposite of yours! Your vision is too narrow!"

In a word, the eyes of Jiang Wanqiu and Zhu Qing who said it immediately flashed a trace of anger, but Jiang Wanqiu suddenly looked at Xuan Zhan and clasped his fists and said, "Brother Xuan, Wan Qiu has something I want to ask for advice!"

Looking at the faces of the two, Huangfuyuan immediately knew that they were opposed to the declaration of war, but she was also very curious about the declaration of war in her heart. Looking at the declaration of war in front of her, although her figure was tall and straight, her face was strangely handsome Even a woman with a beautiful face like her would feel ashamed of herself when she saw her, but there was a trace of resentment in her heart towards the declaration of war. The gentleman, looking at Xuan Baoer who is extremely confident in his son, is also very interested in the idea of ​​declaring war!

However, Jiang Wanqiu shouted respectfully all his life, but he still couldn't get back his desire to declare war. Seeing that he was still in the middle of Lao Chuanjia's promise singing, and gradually began to sing along with it in a low voice!The angry Jiang Wanqiu and Zhu Qing suddenly became embarrassed!

"Hmph, isn't brother Xuan the kind of person who amuses himself, has a long talk, but doesn't dare to confront others!" Jiang Wanqiu suddenly turned around and said angrily!

Xuan Bao'er laughed softly and said: "Young Master Jiang, your method of aggressiveness is the method that can't impress my young master the least, let Bao'er tell you about it!"

Zhu Qing and Jiang Wanqiu both blushed slightly, but they were even more disdainful of the person who declared the war in their hearts. Zhu Qing looked at the declaration of war with contempt, and said to himself: "I didn't expect Brother Xuan's words, but to rely on a weak woman Say, it's really embarrassing to the face of scholars in the world!"

Xuan Baoer's face suddenly changed, but Huangfuyuan became more and more curious. Was the declaration of war in front of him really a mountain collapsed in front of him without chaos, or did he really dare not speak too much and was willing to be a blind person?

Although Xuan Baoer's face was slightly angry, she did not continue to refute, her face turned cold, and she said calmly: "Throughout the ages, all dynasties in the world have been prosperous and will inevitably decline, and the national strength of Ningyun Kingdom is becoming stronger day by day, which is a serious problem for countless countries. The Ningyun family is the only one with the most ulterior motives, not to mention those emperors who play with the emperor's tricks! Under the Ningyun Kingdom, the royal families of the surrounding countries are in danger, fearing that Ningyun will annex them, but now they see If there is chaos in Ningyun, there will definitely be a different intention to add color to these flames, if there is no Mingjun, this flame will definitely grow wildly with the momentum of burning a prairie fire!"

What Xuan Baoer said made the three of them startled, but Huangfuyuan said with a smile: "Sister Baoer, I don't agree with what you said. Seeing that my Anxu country is not as powerful as Ningyun country, but It also didn't make the surrounding countries take advantage of it, and the countries have exchanges with each other, and the trade continues!"

"Sister Huangfu!" Xuan Baoer glanced at Huangfuyuan lightly, and said tenderly, "My sister asked you, how far is the distance between Anxu Kingdom and Ningyun, how many countries are in the middle, and the power of the surrounding countries of your Anxu Kingdom?" how!"

As soon as these words came out, Huangfuyuan, Jiang Wanqiu, and Zhu Qing suddenly pondered for a long time, but shook their heads with wry smiles. Although Anxu Kingdom is one of the five great empires, the power of the surrounding countries is not much less. This creates a balanced situation!But the surrounding areas of Ningyun Kingdom are in the opposite direction...

Afterwards, Xuan Baoer analyzed the current domestic situation of Ningyun Kingdom extremely thoroughly, including economics and trade, including culture, governance and martial arts, etc., and finally, she analyzed the friction between neighboring countries and Ningyun clearly. , and then whispered: "These words are all said by my son and Bao'er. He also said that if the speculation is correct, after the three generations of kings of Ningyun Kingdom, they will surely be destroyed. , the surrounding countries will even take advantage of the vacancy, and Ningyun... is in danger!"

The last sentence made the three of them just sit there like a fairy tale!

When the three of them listened to Xuan Baoer's words and started to think, they heard a low sigh suddenly coming from their side. When everyone saw it, Xuan Zhan seemed to have come to his senses, got up and grabbed the umbrella beside him , paced and walked overboard!

In the hazy rain, Xuan Zhan's figure is lonely and declining like a falling leaf. Xuan Bao'er looks distressed, and the corners of his eyes are hazy and foggy. The relationship between Xuan Zhan and Ning Yun is accompanied by her day by day , and finally understood the helplessness and sorrow in it. Although she knew in her heart that her master was capable of reaching the heavens, she didn't want to care about the common world even more. Even though there was much pain in her heart, she was very helpless!she

Hastily walked out of the cabin, Qiao Ran stood by his side, but heard Xuan Zhan sing from his mouth:

"Looking at the waning on a rainy night, the winding peaks turn around in the fog, the road of mortals, when will it rest, everyone is unpredictable, worrying in their hearts, one general sings the merits of the dead bones, one emperor reigns the favor of the world, and earns the ants for thousands of years, but he said yes, looking back You know what you suffer! Xiao Xiao, green smoke floating in the sky, Dao Feng hidden in the Tao, suicidal love in love..."

The sound of the promise singing that declared war reverberated under this rainy day, becoming more and more erratic. The three of them who listened were immersed in it, with all kinds of emotions in their hearts, and the corners of their eyes couldn't help but shed tears...

After the three of them woke up from their love, they saw the declaration of war on the bow of the boat, and even folded the umbrella, letting the wind and rain blow, and the black and blue hair flew wildly with the wind and splashed wildly with the rain...

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