Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 374 The Way of Wheels

On the vast continent of Jade Sting Star, there is a place in the center that covers an area of ​​over [-] million square kilometers, surrounded by a powerful protective barrier. This place is called "Suppressing Qi Soul Tomb"!The Qi-Suppressing Soul Tomb is surrounded by dark clouds all year round, and the aura inside is deep and dignified. What's even more frightening is that there are all kinds of Lingran sword energy all over the Hengsheng, but these tyrannical sword energy can't destroy the spatial structure of this place in the slightest!It can be seen that the spatial structure of this place is strong and solid!

After Xuan Zhan flew wildly for three hours, he finally came to this place. Along the way, he saw quite a few disciples of Piao Miao Jian Xintian, but these disciples were slightly taken aback when they saw Xuan Zhan's appearance. , but bowed and said: "Disciple pays homage to Master Uncle!"

Hearing this name, Xuan Zhan couldn't help but feel a little funny. He didn't expect that his own people would already be famous far and wide as soon as they arrived on the Jade Sting Star. It seems that the senior brother had done a lot of work before he came here!

Three hours later, Xuan Zhan looked at the place protected by the barrier in the distance in surprise. Although looking at this place from the outside, there were only bursts of majestic guarding aura that made him shudder, but he had already guessed in his heart that , being able to be surrounded by such a powerful protective barrier is definitely something beyond one's imagination!

That deep and dignified feeling made Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, and then he stepped forward. With one step, he escaped tens of thousands of kilometers!

"Junior brother, here!" Wan Qingkui's resounding voice rang in Xuan Zhan's ear, and then a ray of light instantly appeared beside Xuan Zhan, it was the tall and tall Wan Qingkui himself!

"Eldest brother, this is..." Xuan Zhan looked at this place solemnly and asked.

Wan Qingkui looked at this enchantment indifferently, and said with a smile: "This is the place where the souls of the seniors who have lived in Piaomiao Jianxintian return!"

Xuan Zhan looked at this vast and endless place in surprise and asked: "The place where the souls of the predecessors return? Why don't they enter the reincarnation?"

Wan Qingkui glanced at Xuan Zhan with a strange expression, as if he felt very strange about what he said, then shook his head indifferently and said: "Little brother, do you think any living being can enter reincarnation? Every living being wants to enter reincarnation Is it that a living being dares to enter reincarnation?", three questions in a row, immediately made Xuan Zhan speechless...

"Once you enter samsara, your past will disappear! Once you enter samsara, you will never be able to escape! In samsara, the past is in vain, even love, hatred, and hatred suddenly seem like a dream! Reincarnation... huh... no one Dare to say that I can easily enter reincarnation!" Wan Qingkui said in a low voice!

Xuan Zhan suddenly realized that he seemed to have entered a big misunderstanding, and asked in surprise: "For my monk, isn't this reincarnation a reincarnation?"

When Wan Qingkui heard this, he laughed dumbfounded and said, "Then do you mean that all human beings are my reincarnated cultivators?"

Xuan Zhan's eyes gradually became serious, thinking about Wan Qingkui's words in his heart, thinking about it, suddenly feeling a little dazed...

Reincarnation... what is reincarnation?

After reincarnation, will the past disappear?All the causes and effects seem to end here!But... Faced with many fetters in this world, who dares to say that they can completely get rid of them?Across the world, free and easy in the world, countless monks are struggling under the way of heaven, looking for a glimmer of life in the thousands of tribulations, in order to break free from the shackles of the way of heaven!But... is it really that simple?Or...was it too simple for me?

In order not to be imprisoned by heaven and earth in order not to be imprisoned by heaven and earth, Master Master Yu practiced the rebellion of the Three Thousand Ways. What is the final result?Still perishing under the Dao of Heaven!In order to fight against the Dao of Heaven, Tianlun Buddha did not hesitate to practice both Taoism and Buddhism, even though he used the Buddhist technique of eternal reincarnation, in the end... still struggling hard!

As for me... I thought I was going against the way, cultivating against the way, but I... was I really going against the way?

Reincarnation... What exactly is reincarnation?

Xuan Zhan stared blankly at the "Suppressing Qi Soul Tomb" in front of him, inside it was the care that Piao Miao Jian Xintian had left here, a trace that was hard to let go!They can't give up anything...

"Is it worth it... Senior Brother!" Xuan Zhan looked at the "Suppressing Qi Soul Tomb" blankly, and asked in a low voice, as if he was also asking himself, "Going against the Dao of Heaven and Earth, I just want to be free in the world..."

Wan Qingkui suddenly looked at the declaration of war with a solemn expression, a complicated look flashed between his brows, and he said in a low voice: "No one can speak clearly, and no one dares to cross the thunder pool. The exception is perishing under the Dao of Heaven. There are three thousand Dao, the Dao of Unfeeling, the Dao of Killing, the Dao of Shura, the Dao of Passionate, the Dao of Ruthless, the Dao of Forgetfulness, and the Dao of Killing Love! Mahayana is still suppressed under the Dao of Heaven, and even with billions of Huishou Yuan, he still cannot escape!"

"No!" Xuan Zhan suddenly murmured to himself in a low voice, "No, I am the Dharma, I am the Tao, the Tao and the Dharma are my original mind, and my original mind is my words and deeds! I am the Tao, so why not..."

"What..." Wan Qingkui was stunned when he heard the declaration of war, and said in shock, "Little brother, this... is this from your heart?"

Xuan Zhan suddenly raised his head and moved his hand slightly, but saw the surrounding space shake slightly, and suddenly felt a very harmonious feeling of harmony. The next moment, a mighty and surging aura suddenly gushed out from Xuan Zhan's body!

Sensing this aura, Wan Qingkui's eyes suddenly flashed sharply, and he said in a low voice: "Young brother's state of mind is growing crazily!"

good!At this moment of declaring war, under the immersion of the mind, I suddenly have a clear understanding of my own path of cultivation, and as this awareness becomes more and more clear, the mood of declaring war is uncontrollably rising crazily!The breath gushing out of the body is a kind of determination, a kind of never looking back, even if it is wrong, it will be wrong to the end!

And as this state of mind grows and strengthens crazily, in the small world inside the body, the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree and the mysterious luminous body in the sky suddenly echo each other from afar!Between these distant echoes, a trace of extremely harmonious Buddhist aura is like a needle thread, connecting the three together to form a unique endless cycle. This cycle implies a declaration of war against the power of nature and the power of heaven. understanding!

I am the Dharma, I am the Dao!

This kind of cognition of the way of heaven and the way of practice has surpassed the comprehension and perception of the way of heaven and earth by monks in the cultivation world!

"Om..." A mighty aura suddenly gushed out from Xuan Zhan's body, and this aura implied emotions that violated the principles of heaven!

In a trance, suddenly a gust of wind blew up in a radius of hundreds of millions of square kilometers, and began to crazily squeeze towards the place where the war was declared. It seemed that the war declared at this moment was the enemy of the force of nature and the target they had to destroy!This is... the coercion of heaven!

Wan Qingkui looked at the declaration of war in astonishment at this moment, his mind was moved, and the formula suddenly became mad. Looking at this piece of heaven and earth, a trace of horror appeared in his eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "This is the power of heaven and earth!" ..." During the conversation, Wan Qingkui's formulas suddenly became wild, and he said in a cold voice: "Even if it is the power of heaven, what can I do, this seat is not as good as you and others! The power of heaven and earth, listen to my orders !"

"Boom!!!" A destructive killing sword energy suddenly gushed out from Wan Qingkui's body, and the sky and the earth changed color and the wind and clouds surged in an instant!

But seeing at this moment, in the sky above Yuzhe Star, following Wan Qingkui's last words, thirty powerful sword auras that echoed this killing sword aura burst out, and at the next moment, a mysterious sword aura burst out The sword formation, these 31 sword intents with different auras, centered on Wan Qingkui's killing sword intent, suddenly covered a range of one billion kilometers around Wan Qingkui, guarding this billion-kilometer territory fiercely!

A billion kilometers away, the power of the heavens and the earth raged wildly. In an instant, hailstorms fell, snow and ice fell, and thunder howled...

But seeing it, the situation is suddenly calm, no matter what kind of great changes in the world outside the thirty guardian swords and sword formations, the wind and the clouds are surging!

Wan Qingkui's face was extremely cold. Seeing the declaration of war with his eyes closed at this moment, he suddenly roared in his heart: "Brothers, be careful, don't let the power of heaven outside disturb this place!"

"Roar!!!" Thirty roars resounded in Wan Qingkui's heart, and the next moment, the 31 sword qi around him surged wildly, protecting the surroundings tightly!

At this moment, a sentence suddenly came from everyone's hearts: "Hey, what's going on, how can I hear your voices?"

"Haha...haha..." Between the echoes of minds, countless wild laughter suddenly occurred!

Luo Tiangang and Chen Tianyou suddenly came to their senses, looked at each other in amazement, then felt the crazy turmoil around them, and exclaimed in surprise: "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" Chen Tianyou pursed his lips, and said in a low voice, "I don't know why, I just felt that Wan Qingkui's loud voice appeared in my heart just now!"

"Me too!" Luo Tiangang said solemnly in a low voice...

"But..." Chen Tianyou said suddenly, "If there is also that mysterious connection between us and them, why didn't we feel that way when we first met them? I remember when we first met, The feeling of mind-to-heart connection is ready to come out in an instant!"

"That's because we can send and receive this feeling freely, and it's because your cultivation is backward!" A cold voice suddenly came from outside the door of the guest room!

The next moment, a resolute and cold man with a slender figure, wearing an elegant body armor, and a face as sharp as a knife appeared in their room!

"Lord of a thousand weeks, Han Dizhou!" The two of them looked at the visitor in surprise!

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