Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 378 Do You Want To Go Out?

Ethereal and light like clouds, icy and piercing to the bone, majestic and majestic like vast stars, thick and dignified like heaven and earth mountains, killing and extinct comparable to the five sword intents of the abyss of hell, madly entangled on the top of the withered mountain, unable to suppress the declaration of war Under such circumstances, a phenomenon of imminent integration has occurred. This is the first time that many monks of the older generation have encountered this situation!

As for why this happened, they couldn't explain it at all. Counting every disciple of Piaomiao Jianxintian who was astonishingly talented, no one would force these five sword intents to the point of merging, even Wan Qing. A group of master-level monks in Kuina had never met a long, long time ago!

It's as if...there is a pair of mysterious hands between the heaven and the earth, and they must be defeated to declare war!

Xuan Zhan faced each other with cold eyebrows, looking at the waves of surging sword intent slowly exuding in the void in front of him, he became slightly pensive in his heart!

With this wave as the center, countless sword intents around rushed in frantically, merging into a new sword intent in an instant!

"Emperor's Sword Intent..." Yin Zhengfeng muttered to himself, looking at the aura that fused into a new Sword Intent and exuded it!

"It's indeed the emperor's righteous sword intent!" The junior fellow beside him murmured, "I never thought that the legendary sword intent recorded in ancient books really existed..."

Listening to the horrified comments of the seniors around him, Wan Qingkui was amazed at the characteristics of this new sword intent, but he was noncommittal about it in his heart. If his guess was right, the real truth of this sword intent is...

But within 1 minute, Xuan Zhan's pair of black abyss thunder eyes suddenly flashed a trace of thunderbolt. Looking at this emperor's sword intent, he suddenly wanted to show a hint of surrender, and then his heart shrank suddenly, and he woke up immediately!Under his miraculous eyes, he couldn't see through the true structure of the newborn sword intent!This phenomenon made him feel a little inexplicable!

Unless...unless this new sword intent is beyond the scope of his eyes!And what kind of sword intent is this kind of sword intent?

"Boom..." The newborn sword intent suddenly erupted with shocking sword energy. The space structure above the Jade Sting Star is so powerful, but the current space is about to be on the verge of collapse!However, this kind of sword intent is only limited to a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, and can no longer expand outwards, as if its range of activities is only limited to the range of Withered Mountain!

"Swoosh..." A trace of air fluctuations suddenly hit the declaration of war, and everywhere it passed, layers of space fluctuations suddenly appeared!

At this moment, the eyes of the declaration of war shrank suddenly, and before he could dodge in the future, he was instantly bombarded head-on!The speed is absolutely beyond the imagination of declaring war...

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body was immediately smashed into the ground, and what followed was a puff of blood!

Xuan Zhan lay on his back in the mountain gorge, watching a part of his chest collapse. This place was hit by the headshot. At this moment, the ribs in his chest have been broken!With just one blow, the sternum was completely broken. If it wasn't for the fact that his body was stronger than he imagined, at this moment, his chest would definitely have been pierced!

"What kind of power is this sword intent formed?" Xuan Zhan's indifferent eyes flashed a trace of light, ignoring the pain in his chest that hit the nerves, but thinking about the formation of this sword intent in his heart!

"Crack!" The black thunderbolt in the eyes flickered again. When this flicker pierced the eyes, Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and then urged Lei Yuan to flood into the eyes again. In an instant, the thunderbolt in the eyes flashed Hundreds of times!

The sword intent structure in front of him flashed through his eyes again and again, as if the effect could be accumulated. The new sword intent was slowly stripped out of his eyes, showing its essential characteristics!

"It hurts..." Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly felt a heart-piercing pain, which made the corners of Xuan Zhan's mouth twitch. The soreness and pain in his eyes made him want to cry, but when the true essence of the sword intent was about to be revealed, he didn't With the pain in countless eyes, dozens of thunderbolts flashed from the eyes!

"Boom..." Xinsheng Jianyi seemed to feel that Xuan Zhan's injury was not as big as imagined, and suddenly trembled crazily. The place exploded!

"Boom boom boom boom..." The sound of dozens of mighty sword qi hitting the ground crazily ravaged everyone's ears!

"Little brother!" Wan Qingkui suddenly roared loudly, but one of his arms was caught by Yin Zhengfeng who was beside him!

"Nephew Xuan is not dead yet, Qing Kui need not worry!" Yin Zhengfeng said in a low voice, looking at the battle ahead!

Wan Qingkui's face suddenly turned cold, and he said coldly: "Uncle Yin, you have to think twice!" While speaking, he slowly broke free from Yin Zhengfeng's powerful hand!

Hearing Wan Qingkui's words, Yin Zhengfeng's face suddenly trembled, and then he gave Wan Qingkui a cold look: "Hmph!"

"Great Five Elements Nine Turns Glazed Body Jue, it turns out that it still has this kind of effect..." Xuan Zhan felt his current physical condition strangely. Before that, his bones could be said to have been completely shattered, even on the verge of collapse, but suddenly, There was a numb and itchy feeling all over his body, and a warm current flowed from his bones, and then swept his whole body!

"Rebirth..." Xuan Zhan smiled softly, "Why did this effect appear only now? Could it be that it was inspired by this new sword intent?"

Even though the pain all over his body was unbearable, even though the tingling feeling flowing from the bone marrow made him feel like he was in the Nine Heavens of Ice and Fire at this moment, but he had experienced the process of practicing the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art many times. He has experienced a more powerful feeling of death than this, and now this feeling is not so difficult for him!

"Hmm..." Xuan Zhan resisted the bitterness in his eyes, looked at the new sword intent that appeared under his eyes, and suddenly realized...

"It turns out... so this is the fusion after the dual cultivation of Taoism and Buddha!" ​​Xuan Zhan blurted out suddenly, yes, this new sword intent is the essence of dual cultivation of Taoism and Buddha, and it is also the only one left in the world after Tianlun's dual cultivation of Taoism and Buddha Sword intent!

"So that's it, that's it!" Xuan Zhan suddenly burst out laughing, "Buddha's main nature, Dao refines one's life, under the double cultivation of life and soul, it turns out to be... imprisoned..."

"It turns out that this sliver of sword intent was imprisoned on the withered mountain..." After declaring war and laughing, he muttered to himself...

"Boom!" The newborn sword intent suddenly trembled crazily, and at the next moment, hundreds of powerful sword intents blasted at Xuan Zhan!

"Pfft..." Hundreds of powerful sword intents, each with the powerful strength of Sanxian, immediately vomited blood from the mouth of the declaration of war, and at the same time, all the bones of the whole body were suddenly smashed!

"I'm angry...I'm angry..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself as he was dying. At this moment, he was completely broken, his bones were broken, and he protected Panda tightly under his body, making the little guy roar again and again. : "Little master let me go, let me hit it, let me hit it!"

At this moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly raised his head and roared loudly: "Do you want to go out!"

"Do you want to go out..." The voice suddenly resounded between heaven and earth...

"What do you mean..." Yin Zhengfeng frowned and asked the people around him!

"I don't know..." The old monks around shook their heads and said silently.

Wan Qingkui had a dumbfounding smile on his face, and said in his heart: "He's asking about it, he's asking about it! You old bastards have been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years by the Dao of Heaven and Earth for nothing!"

In the void, the newborn sword intent paused suddenly, and then stopped in the sky with turbulent air fluctuations!

Feeling the tingling feeling in his body again, Xuan Zhan's mouth broke into a bitter smile, and the sword intent looking at the sky roared again: "The road against the road, do you dare to walk with me!"

"What do you mean?" Yin Zhengfeng asked again shaking his head.

"I don't understand..." After a long while of silence, the monks around couldn't think of anything!

Wan Qingkui suddenly said leisurely: "The Dao of heaven and earth does not allow any disobedience. Thousands of living species are born because of the Dao and follow the Dao. How lonely and humble it is to go against the Dao... I think this your sorrow, if you don't have a chance, you will be imprisoned here forever!"

"Do you want to go out..." Xuan Zhanfu roared again, this time, he shouted with all his strength:

"Together we will!"

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