Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 377 Two Kinds of Sword Intent

Wan Qingkui's face turned cold, and he said in a low voice: "Masters, this matter will happen sooner or later, why are you so surprised!"

"Wan Qingkui!" Yin Zhengfeng's face suddenly turned sharp, and the faces of the dozen or so monks around him also became indifferent, "I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, and you dare to disobey me like this!"

"Qingkui, how dare you talk to us like that! Do you think you are strong enough to ignore us?" A group of monks around suddenly snorted coldly and angrily!

Wan Qingkui laughed softly, then sighed, looked at the seniors around him and clasped his fists and said, "My uncles are paranoid, please don't be angry, my nephew is just talking fast, please forgive me!"

"Hmph!" The expressions of the surrounding monks gradually darkened, and Yin Zhengfeng continued to ask: "Qing Kui, tell me the truth, what happened to my senior brother?"

At this time, Xuan Zhan suddenly clasped his fists together and said: "Masters, let the nephew talk about this matter!"

Everyone's eyes turned, but they were looking at Xuan Zhan's eyes, which were deep and dignified. However, looking at the eyes around him, Xuan Zhan suddenly had a very discordant feeling in his heart. What is this feeling?Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, his eyelids lowered slightly, and his heart suddenly moved: it is eagerness!

Yes, the dignified and deep appearance of these people hides the deepest urgency in their hearts!

"About 300 years ago, I met my master Yuren Zhenren for the first time, but at that time, the master had already had an accident, and what I met at that time was the last remaining spiritual consciousness of the master!" Xuan Zhan raised his head slightly. After closing his hand, he showed the ring of spiritual consciousness worn on his finger all the time, "This is the ring of spiritual consciousness, which has been carefully preserving the last spiritual consciousness of the master!"

"Relying on this divine sense, Master became my guide to step into the cultivation world, and I..." As soon as Xuan Zhan's voice fell, his figure suddenly moved wildly, and the next moment, the surrounding monks suddenly heard Xuan Zhan's body There was a sound of "Boom!", as deep as a drum!

But seeing the declaration of war at this moment, the aura in his body is as thick as a mountain, and the shocking aura coming from his body is as real as it is, and with a wave of his hand, there is a booming sound!

"This is... the breath of the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Jue!" The uncles around suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "This Dharma Body Jue is only practiced by Senior Brother Yuzhenren, but I didn't expect it to be passed on to you! And... and……"

"Furthermore, you have even reached the seventh level!" Yin Zhengfeng looked at Xuan Zhan with a gloomy face and said, "With the strength of the Tianxin period, you can withstand the seventh level of Dharma Body Art and declare war. You...surprised the old man!"

"150 years ago, the master's last divine consciousness finally dissipated between the heaven and the earth..." Xuan Zhan said in a low voice with silver hair, "Brother, you said that the Qi-suppressing soul tomb is the soul of my Piaomiao Jianxintian's ancestors in the past generations... home, but..."

"But the master has been destroyed, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to enter this place where the soul returns!" Xuan Zhan suddenly looked up at Wan Qingkui and said sadly, "Go against the way and go against the way, the one master cultivated is against the way. , in this life, I declare war and inherit my master's rebellion, and continue to walk!"

After finishing speaking, Xuan Zhan suddenly took a step, and only heard a "boom", a layer of fluctuation suddenly rippling in the space, Xuan Zhan stepped in the void, and walked step by step towards the "Sword Soul Palace" on the top of Kuxi Mountain!

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." The sound roared and shook the sky, and the void rippled again and again!

Seeing Xuan Zhan walking towards the top of the mountain, the faces of the elders behind him suddenly became complicated. Wan Qingkui looked at his junior brother, a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and immediately followed. Yin Zhengfeng said in a low voice with a gloomy face : "Brother, you have accepted a good apprentice!"

The closer you get to the Sword Soul Hall, the more Xuan Zhan can feel the fierce sword intents of the five sword qi raging wildly around the hall. Invincible!

"Piaomiao Jianxintian!" Xuan Zhan looked up at the huge stone tablet and said with a sigh, the huge pressure on his body was supported by him expressionlessly, and the strong pressure all over his body made his heart constrict at this moment!

On the top of the mountain to the east of the huge monument, there is a huge and majestic palace nearly [-] meters high, crawling like a giant beast in the world, full of vicissitudes of life and ancient simplicity!

"Junior brother, here is the inscription of my monk, Piaomiao Jianxintian. You will imprint your name in this hall. From then on, Piaomiao Jianxintian will be closely related to you!" Wan Qingkui said leisurely!

The five sword intents seem to have spirituality. As soon as Xuan Zhan appeared on the top of the mountain, he immediately felt his existence, and immediately came to Xuan Zhan with the might of the emperor!

Xuan Zhan's face suddenly turned cold, and the powerful Dharma Body Art made his body strong and unshakable, but he was surprised and said: "Brother, what's the matter with these five sword qi?"

Wan Qingkui felt a burst of relief, and said with a pleasant smile: "This is their test for you, and the sword has a spirit, you... then accept their test with peace of mind!" As soon as the words fell, Wan Qingkui suddenly pushed The huge strength of Xuan Zhan's body immediately made Xuan Zhan fly towards the huge stone tablet uncontrollably!

"Boom..." As soon as the five sword intents sensed the invasion of living creatures, they shot up crazily, and the five unique auras gathered momentum and rushed towards the declaration of war!

"What a powerful five sword intents..." Xuan Zhan, who was less than ten meters away from the stele, immediately controlled his figure, feeling the oppressive atmosphere around him with a horrified expression, his hands suddenly twitched wildly, and swung the demon-killing sky sword It flew out of the body in an instant, and suddenly circulated around Xuan Zhan's body, completely surrounding Xuan Zhan!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" One after another, sword intents slammed fiercely towards the declaration of war. The power of each strike can be said to have the power of the Mahayana period!And the declaration of war at this moment is only in the Tianxin stage, even if it has a strong strength that can compete with the Mahayana stage, it cannot withstand the bombardment of these five sword intents in turn!

However, within a minute, Xuan Zhan has already been bombarded tens of thousands of times by these five swords with different auras, and the majestic golden light emitted by the Demon Slaying Sword is slightly weaker than before, protecting the Xuan Zhan in the middle. , Connected with the mind and spirit of the Demon Slaughtering Sword!

Panda on the shoulder was anxious, looking at Xuan Zhanhan who was blushing and shouted: "Little master, what should I do?"

"Xuebao, Changsheng, you two entered Panda's body, Panda, you just need to protect them!" Xuan Zhan said in a cold voice!

"Roar..." Panda opened his mouth suddenly, poked his paw on his head, and before Changsheng could react, he had already thrown it into his mouth, and then touched Xuan Zhan's arms, grabbing the struggling Xuebao , Before she could speak, she threw it in!

"Humph!" Xuan Zhan shouted coldly, made a wrong step, and disappeared instantly on the spot!

Wan Qingkui felt the change in the aura of declaring war, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "The growth of my junior brother is really incredible, but... at the mysterious time, besides a giant starry sky beast, there was actually a mysterious spirit beast beside my junior brother. This one I can't tell the truth about the spirit beast, is there something in this broken place that even I can't see through, interesting and interesting!"

"Qing Kui, is the footwork that Nephew Xuan performed also taught by Senior Brother Yu? Why have I never seen it before?" Yin Zhengfeng's voice appeared behind Wan Qingkui!

"Uncle Hui, this footwork was created by the younger brother himself!" Wan Qingkui lazily replied.

"Created by myself!" Yin Zhengfeng exclaimed suddenly, not only him, but also many seniors around him also looked surprised!

After thinking for a while, Yin Zhengfeng raised his head and looked at the nephew who was shuttling through the small space by this divine asynchronous method, and said to himself in a low voice: "According to Que Ren told me that many years ago, my misty sword heart Tianxin Accepted a female disciple, this female disciple also made a set of miraculous footwork, that footwork coincides with the principles of yin and yang, five elements and eight trigrams. See that miraculous technique!"

While talking, Yin Zhengfeng stared straight at Wan Qingkui, whose back was turned to him!

Wan Qingkui showed an indifferent smile, and replied lightly: "Uncle Hui, I brought that female disciple here, her name is Dihui, if I have time, I can bring her to meet your old man! "

"Huh..." The sound of angrily declaring war suddenly came from the sky and the earth. The next moment, the sky with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and while moving and rolling, black thunderbolts suddenly appeared. , The turmoil roared in the sky!

"Bang!" A shocking thunderbolt several feet thick suddenly hit Xuan Zhan's body fiercely, and as it circulated between his bodies, Xuan Zhan shouted angrily, and the formulas came out again and again: Cangxin Sword Jue No. Eight Forms - Cang Xin Jian Yuan Ling heart-moving!

As soon as this move was made, the vitality of the world with a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers trembled fiercely in an instant, but at this moment, Xuan Zhan's figure rose up in anger, and a torrential thunder came out of the sky, thousands of black lightning bolts as thick as arms It raged out, and then instantly concentrated to five points [-] meters in front of him!

The next moment, everyone suddenly felt their hearts constrict, but they saw bursts of murderous aura suddenly bursting out of violence from those five points!

"Boom!!!" The sound of five explosions resounded through the world immediately!

The five sword intents were blasted back in an instant, and the aura weakened a little, but in an instant, they gathered thousands of auras again, and blasted fiercely towards the declaration of war!

"Boom!" A thunderbolt suddenly pierced through Xuan Zhan's eyes, and the mysterious functions of his eyes were instantly activated. The structure of the world around his body and the force of nature were immediately seen clearly by Xuan Zhan. The shape suddenly disappeared in place, and the next moment, it suddenly appeared several miles away in the sky, amidst thousands of silver threads scattered in anger, Xuan Zhan lightly stroked a strand of hair, staring indifferently at the five kinds of sword intents that came swiftly, Fa Jue As soon as he moved, a shout of anger came out instantly:

"Ten Strikes of the Illusory Sword—Shattering the Illusion and Shattering the Truth!"

The Devil Slayer Sword suddenly became tens of millions, spread over several kilometers on average, shining like a golden mirror, and the five sword intents happened to be in this mirror, and the next moment, this "mirror" suddenly clucked Bang bang shattered, every mirror had the shadow of declaring war, and these mirror fragments burst out with an aura of destruction!

The five sword intents were instantly splashed by the destructive breath of this body!

Seeing this kind of battle, Wan Qingkui showed a slight smile, and said lightly: "The test should be over!"

The elder monks around heard Wan Qingkui's words and nodded accordingly!Being tempered by these five kinds of sword intent is a kind of glory for Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciples. Moreover, there is a rigid rule that all disciples who are new to the sect must experience the sword intent tempering once. This inspires his own kendo!And as long as the cultivation base is successful, you can come here to practice the five sword intents, and then comprehend the essence of them, experience the sword intent, and become your own unique characteristics!

Now, seeing these five sword intents, they were repulsed by declarations of war repeatedly. In this kind of scene, it can be said that apart from the thirty or so monks in the sect, there was only one person who declared war!

At this moment, the five sword intents seemed to be angry, and the emperor's aura was released at once. The next moment, when everyone was surprised, the five sword intents suddenly began to merge!

"What's going on?" Everyone felt the huge change in the sky in a daze, "The five sword intents have merged into one..."

Wan Qingkui's expression suddenly changed. Seeing this powerful sword intent gradually merging, it can be said that he has already caught up with the Sanxian and others, and is becoming more and more powerful. Although Xuan Zhan's current cultivation base is very good, it is not enough. It is absolutely impossible to defeat powerful figures like Sanxian!

Just as Shang Qian was about to be rescued, Yin Zhengfeng suddenly appeared in front of Wan Qingkui, and said in a low voice, "Experiencing the tempering of sword intent is a must for disciples in the sect. Qingkui, what do you want to do!"

A flash of anger flashed in Wan Qingkui's eyes. Looking at the declaration of war in the distance, he suddenly smiled in a low voice, and said lightly: "I'm just too worried about my junior brother, so I'm a little anxious, thank you for reminding me, uncle!"

Yin Zhengfeng smiled and nodded, then looked towards the sky...

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