Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 381 The Beginning of the Purple Light Conference

A monk vomited blood, and looked at the young man in front of him in horror. This young man's face was really young, like a seventeen or eighteen year old. The elegant and scholarly atmosphere made this monk look no threat at all!

"You... When did you step into the Mahayana stage..." The monk who looked at the young monk in horror and spitting blood asked sadly!

"30 years ago!" The young monk said softly, and with a casual movement, a white flying sword full of spirituality suddenly came out of his body!

"This... this sword..." The monk stared blankly at the white and delicate flying sword that was as gentle as jade and shouted in a daze, "this flying sword..."

"That's right, it's the magic jade sword!" The young monk looked at the jade-like flying sword softly and said softly, "The magic jade sword was refined with the painstaking efforts of [-] scholars!"

"Hehe, Chu Wudao...the battle a hundred years ago forced you to advance, and even killed a hundred thousand ants to refine this magic jade sword that everyone in the cultivation world has heard of!" The monk said tragically, " In the first battle, I just sneaked up on you from behind, and you are so narrow-minded..."

"The time has come, you... it's time to go!" Chu Wudao said softly, and with a casual movement, he saw that delicate white jade flying sword suddenly turned into dust in the void, and then it all fell on the cultivator. The next moment, the cultivator's body The exterior immediately began to rot, and countless essence and blood seeped out of the body, and then was absorbed by the dust...

The next moment, amidst the screams, the cultivator suddenly burst into white light, but after a few breaths, only a handful of white star spots were left floating in the void, but seeing Chu Wudao’s movement, the white dust instantly condensed into a flying cloud. sword!

"Huh!" Chu Wudao snorted coldly, then looked into the distance and said in a low voice, "Declaration of war, don't let me down..."

Here... is the universe!


"Old devil of anger, you will die!" A miserable scream suddenly turmoiled in the universe, "You actually refined such a horrible thing, you... the old man curses you to be imprisoned under the law of heaven for the rest of your life!" !"

"Hey hey hey...Gao Luo is not dead, how is this army-breaking corpse refined by my ancestor, how does it taste, Jie Jie Jie Jie..." The sneering laughter of the devouring ancestor resounded throughout the universe!

"Gee..." A horrifying sharp howl suddenly resounded, and the next moment, a shrill scream of death appeared in an astrolabe!

"Su Lin, it's good, it's good, you taste good, patriarch, I'm good to you! Grow up quickly, I will always find you food such as Sanxian Sanman, so that you can eat enough, according to this In terms of speed, if you don't reach Piaomiao Jianxintian, you will have the strength to fight Mahayana, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Here, in the universe of Piaomiao Jianxintian...


"Boom..." Beyond the Jade Sting Star, boundless turmoil erupted, and the slaughter of countless monks appeared outside the Jade Sting Star!

Here, it seems to have become a killing battlefield, with countless broken limbs floating in the universe. If you are lucky, you will float to the periphery of the battle, and then continue to drift. If you are unlucky, you will be affected in an instant and become cosmic dust...

This is the realm of comprehension, as long as you are strong enough, you can win respect, as long as you are ruthless, you can live for a long time, just like the Jade Sting Star at this moment, no matter who it is, when you lose your mind and kill with the enemy, the only one Pay attention... that is, the scope of this battle cannot reach Jade Sting Star!

"Whoosh..." A cultivator was violently blasted into the Jade Sting Star by the opponent, but the opponent watched the cultivator's helpless enemy enter the Jade Sting Star and never come out again with a look of reluctance!

"Boom!" A flying sword suddenly rushed into the Jade Sting Star, and the next moment, this flying sword suddenly disappeared!

I don't know how long it took, the outer atmosphere above the Jade Sting Star suddenly turned into clouds, and many monks stopped fighting immediately, and then watched the Jade Sting Star change in front of them!

"Om..." A hole appeared slowly, and then thousands of purple lights flew out from it. The next moment, these purple lights were separated, and each purple light corresponds to a monk!In the blink of an eye, these purple lights have turned into a purple robe!All the monks present were already wearing purple outfits!

Among these group of monks, the lowest level of cultivation is the Tianxin period, and the highest ones, even the rank five loose immortals, there are dozens of them, and those above the fifth rank loose immortals all rely on their status and do not do anything, but only on the periphery. watch!

"All monks, don't fight again, otherwise, don't blame my ruthless hands!" A cold voice resounded throughout the universe, and a black light suddenly rose from a distance, standing in the center of the huge gap formed by the clouds beyond the Jade Sting Star !

The eyes of many monks suddenly tightened, and they shouted in a low voice:

"Lord of light!"

The Piaomiao Jianxintian cultivator who came was the "Lord of Light" Mo Tianwei!

Mo Tianweisheng is tall and burly, with a figure comparable to Wan Qingkui, and his appearance is very rough, full of a sense of tyrannical power!Looking at the void universe from a distance, Mo Tian snorted coldly: "The Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference welcomes all fellow Taoists!" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the Jade Sting Star below, and immediately shot out thousands of colorful lights!

"My Jade Sting Star has prepared delicious wine and fresh fruits, welcome everyone!" Mo Tianwei seemed very satisfied with the performance of these monks, and said with a slightly relaxed expression, then turned around, plunged into the Jade Sting Star and disappeared!

"Let's go, everyone!" A monk suddenly roared, "The Lord of Light and Micro has already said that the delicious wine and fresh fruits are ready, I hope this real person can break through smoothly this time!" After finishing speaking, enter the Jade Sting Star first!

"Whoosh..." Followed by that, tens of thousands of monks threw themselves into Jade Sting Star, and no one went to see that place in the previous cosmic battlefield. For them, the battle just now was just this meeting. The appetizer of the trip, the real battle, you have to eat and drink enough to destroy the enemy physically and mentally!

As soon as everyone entered the Jade Sting Star, they immediately saw a long flying path in the void formed by Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciples!This road runs from the void to a certain place on the Yuzhe Star Continent!

The two rows of disciples looked cold and handsome, unsmiling, and their eyes exuded bursts of arrogance. Some monks in the Tianxin stage looked at these disciples and suddenly felt a little terrified, because they couldn't see through them at all what kind of cultivation they were!

Piaomiao Jianxintian's tyranny has been maintained for a long, long time. Even if it is a long-lived Sanxian who can live for tens of thousands of years, it needs thousands of people. Adding up the ages one by one, it is estimated that Piaomiao Jianxin The history of the creation of Tian... And her position, in the countless years of time, can be said to have been deeply ingrained in the hearts of everyone, and no monk can shake her own position!

Especially ten thousand years ago, dozens of powerful monks appeared in Misty Sword Heart Sky, and these monks were the predecessors of today's master monks!

And these thirty master monks appeared in the realm of comprehension as if they appeared out of thin air. Thousands of years ago, a new generation replaced the old ones, and the status of these thirty monks and the impression they gave to everyone , but it is more terrifying and more arrogant every time!

And the origin of the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals also because of these thirty master-level monks, until the current conference, and held more than a dozen sessions!

They prepared a lot of fine wine and fairy fruit, and prepared countless treasures that monks could improve their cultivation level with a sip, in order to be a peacemaker, so that these vengeful monks can turn their enemies into jade!

But according to experience, it is more... to let these monks eat and drink enough, come here to kill each other, and then perish... When this peacemaker is old, the effect received is very slim...

However, many monks are still eager to join in, what they do is these heavenly and earthly fruits that can increase their cultivation base...

Perhaps, the good things here hide a chance of oneself, which can allow oneself to break through the shackles, advance and even ascend!

Everyone followed the road all the way down, not daring to use their spiritual sense to explore the surrounding environment at all, but looking around, their destination was a mountain top!

This mountain seems to have been flattened by brute force. It is so large that even if it accommodates a million people, it cannot be filled!

On the smooth ground, countless tables and chairs are lined up in rows, and these tables and chairs are divided into two groups. In front of these tables and chairs, there is a step. On the step, a man wearing a black bodyguard The monk in Baojia stood there awe-inspiringly, with a calm and dignified breath, like a mountain!Standing with hands behind their backs, there is an aura of disdain that refers to the world!

After everyone landed on the top of the mountain, special disciples were immediately assigned to the corresponding seats!

Main-level characters, in fact, not just anyone can see, more, just heard the legends about them, and heard every big thing they did!

But even so, quite a few of them recognized the powerful cultivator standing with his hands behind his back on the steps!

"Lord of Rebellion, Wan Qingkui..."

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