The gentle breeze blew over everyone's faces, and everyone's eyes were all on the steps, with a tall and strong figure standing proudly!

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, although the mountain is quite high, there is no trace of cold breath, but everyone has an illusion that the figure on the high platform exudes a breath of unbearable cold!That person is a master figure in the realm of comprehension, what is a "lord"?Life and death are in your hands, although you have no power, but you control the life and death of anyone, the "lord"!

Looking at that position, everyone suddenly felt a desire to step forward to experience it...

Three days, three days, countless large and small forces of the big class all appeared on this mountain!

At this moment, more than half of the forces of Seven Hundred Cosmos Seas have come, and 49 Yuan is almost there!

"Look, the people of the Seven Paths are coming!" the surrounding monks whispered!

But seeing the sky, a group of monks appeared in the eyes of everyone on the passageway discharged by Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciples!

The first seven people were the Daoist of the Seven Paths, the Daoist of Zhenfeng Yazhen of the Unreal Sanqing Dao, the Daoist of Jieqiye who had just inherited the Dao of Zilian Qianjie, the Daoist of Amber of the Dao of Xuchen Youquan, and the Daoist of Lielang Buried Heart. Daoist Langkong City Wave Daoist, Yin Mukun Yin Daoist Yin Mukun who has inherited Sang Youliu's Dao, Liu Suiyun Liu Daoist who has also inherited Sang Youliu's Dao, and Roaring Dragon Roaring Daoist who broke the dragon way!

"The seven Taoist masters have already replaced more than half of them. It seems that there is going to be a big change in this cultivation world!" A monk said in a low voice!

"It is said that the young Taoist master of Lie Lang's Burying Heart Dao, for some reason, died at the Zilian Thousand Tribulation Dao Fair 100 years ago. As a result, the current Lie Lang Burying Heart Dao is incomplete, and there is no one to succeed him!"

"Isn't that right? Moreover, I heard that the person who killed the young Taoist master was a white-haired monk named Xuan Zhan, and Xuan Zhan shined brilliantly in the final battle at the trade fair, even beating three My lord, young master, capture that mysterious remnant picture!"

"Today's seven Taoist masters, except for the Dao of the Unreal Sanqing, the Dao of Burying the Heart of the Fierce Wave, and the Dao of the Blood of the Five Yins, all of them have become young people. It's true that the waves push forward!"

"Hey, look at the shoulder of Taoist Huber, there is actually a white bird!" Everyone was surprised to look at Hupo, the Taoist master of Xuchen Youquan in the distance, but saw a bird on Huber's shoulder. A petite spirit bird with pure white feathers stood on it!

"It is said that there is a guardian spirit beast in Xuchenyouquandao. Its power is very powerful, but I have never seen its real power. I think it should be this little bird!"

The monks on the hill were chatting in low voices!

After Seven Paths, a large number of monks came along with them. Looking at the group of monks behind, the monks on the top of the mountain were suddenly shocked, because all the followers in that group were all Sanxians!

Sanxian, who has already cultivated in seclusion in the Seven Paths, is here now!

Including the Qidao Sanxian who once appeared on the trade fair, all of them have appeared so far. Although these bad old men don't emit any breath at this moment, but because of the place here, they are not allowed to be reckless at all!Don't say anything else, just a figure on the high platform on the top of the mountain can make them all die, and they dare not make the slightest move!

Among them, the ones Xuan Zhan is most familiar with are Chongqianfeng and Duandonglai of Zilian Qianjie Dao, but these two old guys are confronting a group of casual cultivators around them, as if they are a little inconvenient It will be a big fight!

The lofty Sanxian, who is worthless at this moment, appears in one fell swoop!

And this makes those monks in the Tianxin stage dare not have the slightest act of transgression!

With a relaxed smile on his face, Jie Qiye walked beside Amber, looked at her and said softly, "Congratulations to Taoist Amber, I never thought that in less than a hundred years, you would advance to the stage of crossing the tribulation!"

Hu Po's charming eyes rolled around, she stroked the petite white spirit bird on her shoulder, and looked at Jie Qiye with a "giggle" smile, but said in a low voice: "Isn't this thanks for your secret help back then?" , Amber is now able to advance to the Tribulation Transcendence Stage, but thanks to the secret help of Daoist Seven Nights!"

Jie Qiye looked at Hu Po's enchanting and charming face, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes. Looking at the current Jie Qiye, Hu Po suddenly giggled, and then looked at him with winking eyes and said: "Master Qi Ye, you again Look at the slave family, the slave family will be shy!"

Hearing these words, Jie Qiye woke up suddenly, and then a trace of rosiness flashed on his cheeks...

Chong Qianfeng followed behind Jie Qiye, watching this scene, he sighed silently...

After coming to the top of the mountain, the people of the Seven Paths still looked cold, and under the guidance of Piao Miao Jian Xintian, they came to their seats!

Wan Qingkui looked at these groups of monks indifferently, as if he wanted to see something from them, but after a long time, he sighed silently, and said bitterly to himself: "It has been 5000 million years, but unexpectedly Haven't found it yet! Even though the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference has been held for a thousand years, there is still no useful news, hey..." Speaking of this, Wan Qingkui turned his gaze to the distant sky, as if he was looking for What's so...

Time flies by. For these monks, waiting for a day or two is no different from the difficulty of breathing!

At the beginning of the moonlight, the misty Jian Xintian's disciple in the sky is still obeying the order and acting as a pedestrian passageway!

But at this moment, three palpitations suddenly came from the sky, and the expressions of all the monks suddenly changed!

"Grin..." A neigh suddenly came from the mouth of the spirit bird on Hu Po's shoulder. The voice was high-pitched and sharp, as if echoing far away!

Wan Qingkui suddenly angrily looked at Hu Po and said coldly: "Master Hu Po, take care of your miscellaneous bird, otherwise..." At this point, Wan Qingkui's right hand suddenly flipped, and in an instant, a million square kilometers Inside, it was immediately filled with a trembling majestic killing aura of coercion, like a chariot, crushing everyone's hearts fiercely!

"Damn...Damn..." Hu Po said in a soft and angry voice dripping with sweat, then gently stroked the spirit bird on her shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Feng'er, don't bark, I know you hate that wild fire The Lord of Xuelan Refining Heart, but now is not the time for us to do it! Don't worry, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely make the cultivator of Refining Heart pay the price in blood!"

Hearing Hu Po's words, the spirit bird suddenly said: "Hu Po, who is the person above the steps? I can feel his strength, and the Lord Lian Xin Zun. I hate him. I hate him, it is their lineage that has kept my mother from fully recovering from her injuries!"

"Don't worry, Feng'er, we will definitely make him pay the price in the future, but now we have to endure, we must endure!" Hu Po muttered to herself!

Wan Qingkui stared at the sky with sharp eyes, and a clear roar suddenly came out of his mouth, and then he laughed wildly: "Master Yunji, Lord Jianxin, and Lord Lianjietian, three people, farewell for a thousand years, don't Come all right!"

"Boom..." Three tyrannical auras suddenly erupted from the sky, and the area with a radius of nearly ten million kilometers was immediately filled to death by these three auras!

"Lord of Rebellion, please stay safe!" A maniacal laugh suddenly appeared, and then three streamers of light descended from the sky, but the three of them were in a line, and the woman in the middle, who was dressed as an elegant lady, was none other than Xinghe Suoyan Hua Yunzun's lord, Yunji!Dressed in a bright yellow loose robe, with a thin body, he looks like an ordinary man in his forties, with a calm face and a hint of scholarly atmosphere. On the other side, a middle-aged cultivator dressed in a dark blue robe, with a thin appearance and a face resembling a middle-aged one, is none other than the contemporary lord Lian Cietian of the Huo Huo Xue Lan Lian Xin Zun!

These three are the real monks who are at the pinnacle of power in the cultivation world today!The three of them have been in the cultivation world for tens of thousands of years, and they have stayed in the Mahayana stage for an unknown number of years, but there is no sign of ascension. This mysterious phenomenon has become a mystery in the current cultivation world!And the peerless demeanor of the three of them is even more extolled by this comprehension world!

The peak of power and the peak of skill make the light of these three people, even the cultivator of Piaomiao Jianxintian covered up!

"Wan Qingkui, after a thousand years, you are still the same!" Yun Ji whispered, her voice was neither sad nor happy, but it gave people a feeling of trembling that penetrated the heart, coupled with her graceful and luxurious appearance, Adding a touch of non-human fireworks!

A complex look flashed in Wan Qingkui's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Yun Ji, this seat has always been like this, you know it best!"

"Hahahaha... Lord of Rebellion, you are more beautiful than others, you are really arrogant!" Lian Jietian laughed wildly!

There was a smile on the corner of Jian Xin's mouth, but he said softly: "Lord of Rebellion, why, do you still want to reconcile with Lord Yunji as before?"

Wan Qingkui's face turned cold suddenly, he looked at Jian Xin and Lian Jietian, and said coldly: "In front of this seat, it's better for the two of you to talk less, stop talking nonsense, and take your seat quickly!"

The three shook their heads, and then, under the guidance of Piaomiao Jianxintian, they came to the seats specially prepared for the three lords!

Afterwards, most of the accompanying monks of the three gods appeared on the passage, and the three young masters, a group of older casual cultivators, and a few young people also came to the top of the mountain one by one!

"Sister, the conversation they had just now was so strange!" Little Yueya whispered as she walked beside her sister Yun Piaoyan!

Yun Piaoyan looked at Wan Qingkui in the distance complicatedly, then said with a wry smile:

"There is one thing you don't know, Yun Zun and the Lord of Rebellion were once a couple when they were young!"

Little Yueya's complexion suddenly changed, and then she stared blankly at Wan Qingkui, speechless for a long time...

"Sister, what about our father..." Little Yueya murmured to herself in a low voice, her pair of small tender hands had already firmly grasped the big hand of the second battle beside her, the small hands were cold, let the second battle see A burst of distress!

"Our father...thousands of years ago, because of the crack in the fairy world, the drop of spiritual liquid that leaked out died in the battle for it!" Yun Piaoyan said bitterly!

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