Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 384 Yun Wuying's Weirdness

"You are really Niganxuan!" Sister Sixiao looked at Yun Wuying in surprise and asked in an uncertain tone!

Ni Ganxuan glared at Yun Wuying, and then said with a smile: "It's true, all fairies, you can be considered to have met Ni Ganxuan himself!"

The glamorous Qi Xiao looked at the sisters beside him, and said in a low voice: "It is rumored that you have a Tianque pen, its power is unpredictable, can you let our sisters watch it!"

Qin Xiao smiled softly, and said softly: "Ni Shaoxia don't blame my four sisters, it's just that my sister Hua Xiao admires many young monks in the cultivation world, Ni Shaoxia is also one of them, so I wanted to see you in person a long time ago, Now I finally got my wish!"

Hua Xiao giggled and looked at Yun Wuying and said, "Ni Ganxuan, take out the Tianque pen and let our sisters take a look, just take a look, okay..."

"Uh..." Yun Wuying looked at Hua Xiao, and suddenly trembled slightly, and then said with a trembling voice: "No...or not...don't..."

"Hehe..." Seeing Yun Wuying's expression, Fairy Shaoyao burst into giggles!

"I want it!" Shu Xiao suddenly looked at Yun Wuying in a tender voice and said, "Ni Shaoxia, why don't you let us four sisters take a look..."

"This..." Yun Wuying looked around in a daze, but his heart suddenly changed: What kind of chess did brother Ni use this move?Why do you let my brother and I suffer such innocent crimes? "After being silent for a while, Yun Wuying suddenly said in a solemn tone:

"Tian Que's pen... I lost it!"

"Pfft..." Ni Ganxuan who was standing on the side suddenly breathed out fiercely, and then looked at Yun Wuying with a serious face in a daze...

"Crack..." Chu Xinghen just threw a nut into his mouth, and before he bit it, his mouth stiffened instantly, and the nut fell from his mouth to the ground...

"Uh..." Fairy Shaoyao and Feng Xie also looked at Yun Wuying speechlessly...

"Lost it?" Si Xiao looked at Yun Wuying with a frown, and asked in a puzzled tone!

Yun Wuying said affirmatively: "Yes, it was lost, it was stolen by others!"

Ni Ganxuan faintly felt something bad in his heart...

Hua Xiao asked curiously: "Your Tianque brush is my natal magic weapon, and it is usually kept warm in my body, how could I lose it? This is the first time we sisters have heard of it!"

"Just because..." Yun Wuying said with emotion, "It's just because the person who stole my magic weapon is so clever that it is rare in the world. Speaking of this person, you all know that this person's whereabouts are mysterious and unpredictable. The most mysterious person in the world, although his cultivation is only at the Tianxin stage, his theft skills are superb! He can be said to be the originator of my generation of godly thieves in the cultivation world!"

"Uh..." Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen's jaws felt like they had dropped...

"This person?" Si Xiao thought suspiciously, "I heard you said that this person is so mysterious, who is he?"

Yun Wuying stood with his hands behind his back, sighed leisurely, and said in a low voice: "Speaking of which, this person is also one of the people I admire, and if my Tianque brush can be taken away by this senior, it can be regarded as Niganxuan." A blessing!"

"No way..." Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen looked at each other in a daze...

Fairy Shaoyao blinked her big bright eyes, and the corner of her mouth showed a look of distress that she wanted to laugh but couldn't bear it!Feng Xie himself turned his eyes to the sky and sighed helplessly...

"This senior, he has visited many sects of self-cultivation, Qibai Cosmic Sea, and 49 Yuan have been visited by him except you Wan Daoyuan. Not only that, he I have also been there before, hey... this kind of behavior, my true nature of a man at that time, really made me yearn for Ni Ganxuan!"

"Especially this senior, although he has visited many sects, he has never missed a single shot. This kind of achievement is simply appalling. Looking at the entire cultivation world, only this senior can do it!"

"In the legend, this senior comes and goes without a trace, and his whereabouts are very mysterious. Sometimes, even if he is by your side, you don't know it, so you miss him and never see him! According to the legend, he The rich and the poor are living Buddhas of countless mortals, a good man and a hero! His robbing the rich and helping the poor has saved countless people in disasters. He is not only affectionate and righteous, but also chivalrous and tender!"

"Boom..." The last sentence almost caused Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen to fall to the ground...

"He... who is he?" Si Xiao looked at Yun Wuying with his big bright eyes and asked longingly in surprise!

"He...others call him the 'thousand-faced fox'!" Yun Wuying said in a low voice, "Thousands of swords passed through without a single leaf touching him! He is the thousand-faced fox!"

"It turned out to be him!" Si Xiao exclaimed suddenly, "Everyone shouted and beat the street mouse 'thousand-faced fox'!"

"Uh..." Yun Wuying was stunned for a moment, looked at Si Xiao with puzzled eyes and asked, "What are you talking about? Everyone shouting and beating? Rats crossing the street?"

Shu Xiao said disdainfully: "Isn't it? By relying on the technique of disguise and stealing skills, I don't know how many monks I have harmed, and I don't know how many monks have stolen their magical treasures and miraculous medicines! This kind of person, relying on this kind of behavior, steals countless Things, he is one of the most disdainful people of our four sisters!"

"..." Yun Wuying was stunned and couldn't say a word!

"Ha...haha...haha..." Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen couldn't bear it, and finally they couldn't help laughing!

"No!" Qi Xiao suddenly looked at Yun Wuying and said in a concentrated voice, "It is rumored that you Ni Ganxuan and that thousand-faced fox are best friends!"

Upon hearing this, Yun Wuying, Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen's expressions suddenly froze!

At this moment, a burst of anger came from the ears of the crowd: "All of you, give this seat some peace. If it weren't for my little brother, this seat would have already killed you physically and mentally!"

Feng Xie's eyes suddenly changed, he looked at the few people around him with shocked expressions, and said in a low voice, "Lord of Rebellion!"

"Hmph!" Wan Qingkui's voice immediately rang in Feng Xie's ears, "You are a monster, and I should have killed you physically and mentally, but you have made friends with my junior brother. In terms of face, this seat will not embarrass you, this meeting, you don't want to make trouble for this seat!"

A trace of sharp light flashed in Feng Xie's eyes, and after a few breaths, he shook his head indifferently, and then gently held the soft hand of Peony, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth...

"Was that the Lord of Rebellion just now?" Hua Xiao stuck out his tongue and said in a low voice, "It's so fierce!"

"Who is the junior brother of the Lord of Rebellion?" Sister Qin Xiao asked with a frown!

Fairy Shaoyao said softly: "Speaking of this person, you all know him!"

"Who is it?" Qi Xiao asked coldly and curiously, a hint of confusion flashed on his cold and gentle face!

"Declaration of war!" Fairy Shaoyao said softly, "Declaration of war, do you remember him?"

"Declaration of war..." Sister Sixiao looked at Fairy Shaoyao puzzledly and murmured to herself, "I seem to have heard..."

Ni Ganxuan looked at Fairy Shaoyao and asked curiously: "Fairy Shaoyao, do these four fairies also know my brother Xuan Zhan?"

Fairy Shaoyao pursed her lips, as if she was thinking about the past, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but a trace of blush flashed on her beautiful face, and she said softly: "It's a long story, but I was a concubine at the time. It was because of some reason that he shot at Engong without asking questions, hey... I feel ashamed to think about it!"

"Ah!" Hua Xiao suddenly exclaimed in a delicate voice, "I remember, three sisters, declare war, declare war, that's... that's..." At this point, Hua Xiao's words suddenly seemed a little incoherent, a pair of The cute face was flushed red, but she continued to say with difficulty: "That''s the monk Piao Miao Jianxin who defeated the three young masters!"

"It's him!" Hua Xiao's three sisters exclaimed in surprise!

Fairy Shaoyao smiled slightly and said: "200 years ago, I asked you to find Wulingcao, do you still remember the man brought by our sister Feng Xiao?"

"It turned out to be him!" A look of astonishment flashed across Si Xiao's face!

Hua Xiao murmured to himself: "It turned out to be him, it turned out to be him, the little monk who was not in the fall, but... in just 200 years, he was able to keep pace with the three young masters, no... no , is a powerful monk who has surpassed them!"

Speaking of this, the few of them suddenly turned their eyes, and looked at the three people in the distant land ahead!

There, the three young lords stood beside the three lords indifferently, with a calm and condensed breath...

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