Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 385 3 The Young Master and the Wanderer

Although there were many twists and turns in the reception meeting that night, it was suppressed by Wan Qingkui with strong means. After the reception meeting, these [-] monks were placed in many places in Yuzhe Star!

Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciples can't be more than a thousand. Apart from the disciples' bedrooms, there are only a few mountain tops with some guest rooms. However, Wan Qingkui unceremoniously placed him in the mountains!

Although many monks complained a lot in their hearts, when they thought about the huge power of the family and the unfathomable cultivation of each disciple, especially according to the legend, there were many Loose Immortal monks above the Jade Sting Star, plus Every meal was served with that fairy fruit wine, and they didn't talk too much, staying in the mountains peacefully!

The size of the Yuzhe Star Continent is unimaginable for every cultivator. On this huge continent, there are countless mysterious places hidden!

During the three days, except for the three meals, these cultivators were allowed to wander freely and enjoy the scenery of Jade Sting Star!

"Boom!" On a mountain forest above the mainland, three beams of light frantically flew across the sky!

"Little boy, I will fight you to the death this time!" A wild roar suddenly came from the sky!

"Idiot, this young master is not as knowledgeable as you. If you have the guts, let him come here. Instead of us deciding the winner in three days, why not fight now!" A cold voice suddenly resounded in the void!

"You two idiots, give this fairy some peace!" An ethereal voice of an angry woman sounded quietly!

But in the void, two streaks of light, one black and one gray, suddenly collided crazily at high altitude!

"Boom!" A mighty turbulence immediately spread to tens of thousands of kilometers in radius!

"Sword Chi, Purgatory, if you two want to fight, you have to see where it is before you fight!" Yun Piaoyan's voice appeared in the ears of the two again!

"Hmph, when did I ever fear this misty Jian Xintian and have the guts to let them come over!" Jian Chi shouted angrily, and the huge sword beside him suddenly rose wildly, turning into a giant of thousands of feet, and he pressed hard with his right hand. The wind swept away, and he slashed fiercely towards the place where Purgatory is located!

"Call!" Purgatory shouted softly, and the tactic moved slightly, but saw a silver whip suddenly turned into a length of ten thousand zhang, wrapping around towards the giant sword of Kuangran!

Then with a pull of the right hand, the huge sword was suddenly pulled into the distance by a shocking force. In the blink of an eye, the huge sword light suddenly flew tens of thousands of kilometers away, and then smashed fiercely towards a distant place!

"Boom!" The giant sword fell to the ground, and suddenly, a white barrier formed in that place. Suddenly, a cold aura rose violently, and a snow-white beam of light rose into the sky!

"It even affected my little uncle's rest, you two...damn it!" A light and cold voice suddenly resounded through the world!The next moment, the pillar of Optimus light that was as thick as ten feet suddenly retracted, and a purple light burst through the air in an instant!

Seeing this purple light, Jian Chi and Lian Ji's expressions changed, and they immediately withdrew their hands and looked at the person coming!

But seeing the icy aura engulfed in the purple light, wherever it passed, even the space felt a little frozen. This kind of momentum immediately made the three young lords startled!

"Whoosh..." In just a few breaths, the purple light suddenly stopped in the void, and You Zijin, dressed in a gorgeous purple robe, appeared a thousand meters away from the three of them with a cold face!

Purgatory squinted his eyes and looked at You Zijin, a gloomy look flashed in his heart, then he looked at the two companions beside him, but saw that they were also looking gloomy at the mysterious woman in front of him!

"You three bastards are fighting and scolding here, and I don't want to intervene, but..." You Zijin's face was cold, "You dare to disturb my little uncle to retreat, this crime is unforgivable!"

The faces of the three of them suddenly changed, and the sword idiot formula suddenly moved, but seeing that their natal magic weapon did not respond, their faces suddenly darkened, and they groaned with ugly expressions: "My young master thinks that you should be Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciple , give me back my flying sword!"

You Zijin stared at the three of them coldly, and with a casual movement, she saw a huge black sword floating in the air above her palm, looking at the flying sword, You Zijin said coldly: "Is this your flying sword? The step is not bad, but..." As soon as the words fell, You Zijin moved his right hand slightly, but saw a cold current rushing out, and then wrapped around the giant sword, immediately turning Jianchi's giant sword into a transparent popsicle , and then pressed his right hand, only to see that the giant popsicle sword immediately plunged into the ground below!

"Boom!" The huge sword swayed fiercely and made a loud noise, and then it was inserted into a hill!

Jian Chi snorted coldly, moved the formula, but saw that his natal magic weapon was not summoned, and his face suddenly became ugly!

You Zijin said disdainfully: "You want to break through my ice heart and jade crystal seal, wishful thinking! You three, take your life!" As soon as the words fell, You Zijin moved suddenly, but she suddenly shot tens of thousands of shots out of her body. A cold white sword energy blasted towards the three of them fiercely!

"How courageous!" Jian Chi yelled angrily, and wiped it casually, only to see a light flying sword flying out of his storage ring, instantly turning into thousands of sword lights, and slammed into the white sword energy fiercely. past!

Purgatory snorted coldly at the same time and said: "This young master wants to see what kind of arrogance you Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciples have!" Then he controlled the silver whip in his hand and shot ten whip shadows wildly, towards the void. Thousands of sword qi were thrown over!

Yun Piaoyan said softly: "This fellow Taoist, it was the fault of the three of us just now, but you shot too hard!", following the sound, she saw a jade hairpin flying out of her head in an instant , Turned into streaks of bright silver light and killed the sword qi!

You Zijin is Wan Qingkui's direct disciple, and his cultivation is hard to match even if he declares a war, not to mention the three young masters who were once defeated by Xuan Zhan. This fierce collision suddenly made the three of them feel their hearts tighten !

But seeing that streaks of icy sword energy turned out to be incomparably powerful, the auras of magic sword air streams shot by several people were instantly shattered into pieces!

"Hmph!" The three of them shouted softly at the same time, Jian Chi's countless sword lights suddenly shrank, and the next moment, his figure suddenly transformed into thousands, and his shadow was everywhere in the world!

Purgatory was full of cold aura, and clusters of gray mist emerged from his body, and then turned into dozens of giant dragons with claws and claws, and rushed towards You Zijin fiercely!

Yun Piaoyan is even more equal to the two of them, and his own skill is even fainter than the two of them, but seeing that jade hairpin is like the light that hangs the sky, among the rays of light, it turns into a boundless silver sea, Shrouded in a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers!

A trace of disdain flashed across You Zijin's icy face: "There is some real kung fu!" In the next moment, his figure suddenly flashed between the sky and the earth, but when he saw the figure, the icy sword energy was brought in, and the boundless icy breath immediately surrounded the surrounding area. The space with an area of ​​[-] kilometers is frozen!

"Cluck, bang, bang..." There was a crisp crackling sound instantly!

"Pfft..." The three young masters spat out a mouthful of blood each, looking at the purple-clothed You Zijin with horror on their faces, and said angrily in their hearts: Impossible!

Nothing is impossible!The corner of You Zijin's mouth showed a hint of disdain, and while his body was shooting quickly, the formula moved again, but he saw a sword light suddenly burst out wildly, stabbing fiercely towards Yun Piaoyan who was closest to him!

"Stop!" An icy cold shout suddenly appeared in You Zijin's ear, You Zijin's heart moved, and the formula was immediately withdrawn, and then looked into the distance!

"Boom!" A black thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the distance, and the next moment, a white light shot over in an instant, "Zijin, leave these three to me!"

"Declaration of war!" Yun Piaoyan, Jian Chi and Purgatory immediately let out a low cry when they saw the person coming!

"Whoosh..." Xuan Zhan, dressed in a moon-white robe, appeared in front of the three of them in an instant. Looking at the three people in distress, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth: "The three young lords, you have been safe for a long time!"

"Why did you appear here!" Jian Chi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Xuan Zhan and asked.

Purgatory also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked sharply at You Zijin who was standing indifferently in the distance, and said in a low voice: "Idiot, the monk who declared war is Piaomiao Jianxintian, of course he will be here!"

Yun Piaoyan suddenly frowned and asked: "Could it be...Could it be that the little uncle this girl said..."

Xuan Zhan nodded and said, "I am Zijin's little uncle!"

The answer to the declaration of war stunned the three of them...

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