Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 390 Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference

"Om..." A mighty wave suddenly came from above the turbulent mountain, and in the blink of an eye, this wave instantly stirred within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers!

"Old ghost Yang, pay for the lives of hundreds of my disciples!" A maddened roar resounded over the mountain, but a flag suddenly flew out from the top of the mountain, and every time the flag fluttered, there were waves of waves. Vigorous yellow light shot out from above, and then shot into the sky within [-] meters!

This roaring monk is a monk in the middle stage of the tribulation, and his opponent is a demon cultivator who is in the early stage of the tribulation and is about to enter the middle stage!

Wan Qingkui stood on the high platform on the top of the mountain, watching the battle with cold eyes. Above the top of the mountain, thirty master monks stood in emptiness, watching the battle with cold eyes!

In Misty Sword Heart Heaven, except for Luo Tiangang who was rebuilt because of reincarnation, all the others were present, and counted one by one, including Wan Qingkui, there were a total of 31 people!And the thirty monks in the void, all of them concealed their breath and their faces were indifferent!

Ni Ganxuan, Yun Wuying, Chu Xinghen, and Wan Daoyuan's four female disciples, Feng Xie and his wife stood in a corner of the hill!

And at this moment, on the top of the mountain, there are tens of thousands of monks, all of whom are watching this battle!

Chu Xinghen looked around at the people around him, suddenly stretched out his finger to the side and said softly, "Brother Ni, look there!"

Ni Ganxuan immediately followed his fingers to look far away, his expression changed suddenly and he said: "What's the matter, didn't that kid leave Molixing with your niece Linglong who declared war, and your friend Peacock?"

Chu Xinghen shook his head and said, "I don't know, who is that monk next to Su Lin?"

Ni Ganxuan looked into the distance, there, two monks stood together alone, one of the monks was Su Lin, a disciple of the Pride Sect, and at this moment, Su Lin was emitting a dark aura, his face was pale as if Like a dead man, his whole body was covered by a black robe, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and the monk beside him, with a very restrained aura, was also wearing a black robe!

But when Ni Ganxuan saw his appearance, his face changed drastically and he shouted: "It's the old devil of anger! He is the old devil of anger!"

"What..." Chu Xinghen's face suddenly changed drastically, "What happened? Seeing that Su Lin's breath is completely different from the previous one, and his eyes are empty, as if he has lost his sanity. How could he Will you come together with the old devil of anger?"

Yun Wuying looked curiously at the two talking in a low voice, and asked curiously: "What are you two talking about, and you are still speaking through voice transmission, what's so shameful?"

Ni Ganxuan looked coldly at the old devil who was several kilometers away, and said in a low voice: "Brother Yun, have you seen the young monk next to the old devil? A little monk..." Ni Ganxuan spent a few minutes explaining the situation to Yun Wuying, and finally said solemnly: "Something must have happened to Su Lin, otherwise there would be absolutely no reconciliation with him. Brother Xuan's niece Linglong is missing!"

After hearing Ni Ganxuan's words, Yun Wuying immediately felt something was wrong, and then said in a low voice: "Don't say anything about this matter for now, and make a decision when you see brother Xuan!"

When the three of them encountered such an accident, they didn't even bother to watch the battle in the sky. They kept thinking about the relationship between Su Lin and the old devil...


In another place, Lian Ji squinted his face and stood behind Lian Jietian, looking indifferently at Jian Chi who was a hundred meters away, their eyes collided wildly in the void!

"Purgatory, why, want to fight that sword idiot?" Lian Jietian's thin face moved slightly, and he asked in a deep and indifferent voice!

Lian Yi, the eight-turn Sanxian old man beside Lian Jietian, laughed in a low voice: "Your lord, it's not like you don't know the temper of the young lord. Hundreds of years ago, Jian Chi defeated the young lord with a slight move. With this breath, he will definitely take this opportunity to return it to Jian Chi!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lian Lietian's mouth, and he said lightly: "Purgatory, remember to be impetuous in everything, and don't take winning or losing in your heart, otherwise, sooner or later, you will have a heart demon. You are a genius, and you and the other two little guys will definitely become enemies in the future." Friends! Remember, remember!"

Purgatory shook his head indifferently and said: "My lord, I must defeat Jian Chi, otherwise, how can I talk about winning and declaring war!"

"Declaration of war..." Lian Lietian said in a low voice, "Is this young man really like what you said, he understood the 'power' at a young age..."

Purgatory nodded, a sternness flashed across his handsome face, and he said in a deep voice: "Not only that, I met a female disciple of Piaomiao Jianxintian a few days ago, and that disciple has also practiced Shi, my lord, What is this situation?"

A gleam of Ling Ran flashed in Lian Lietian's eyes, and he said lightly: "Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciples are really beyond guesswork. Any disciple can cultivate their strength! It's extraordinary, especially the one who declared war. In the Tianxin period, he has also practiced the way of momentum!"

Then he shook his head and said: "Originally, this deity only wanted to tell you after you entered the tribulation-crossing period, but I didn't expect you to know about this situation, anyway, after returning to the sect this time, I will tell you about this situation." One of the Taoist teachings will be given to you!"

Purgatory was overjoyed, and quickly cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

Lian Lietian snorted coldly and said: "Purgatory, don't be happy, this situation is not so good that you can practice!"

"Boom..." There was an earth-shattering boom in the sky, and a corpse leisurely fell from the sky...

Wan Qingkui looked at it coldly, and shouted indifferently, "Zhong Lingchong, congratulations on your revenge. You have endured for 300 years, stepped into the middle of the catastrophe, and finally avenged your death!"

But seeing a black light flying in the void, this black light was in a state of distress, and he glanced at the corpse under his feet indifferently, waved his hand, but saw the corpse disappear in his hand, and then said cruelly: "The old man not only If he wants to die, let him be whipped! Lord of Rebellion, thank you for your fulfillment!" But after Zhong Lingchong finished speaking, he immediately walked into the crowd!

Wan Qingkui nodded indifferently, grabbed it casually, and saw a roster appearing in his hand, looking through the roster, Wan Qingkui crossed out the names of the monk surnamed Zhong and the monk surnamed Yang, and then looked at The roster said: "Jianwudi Guanghai and Zhenmu Xingchenhai, your enmity is for an intermediate spiritual weapon 'Yushan Heijing Qiankun Bell', which caused the death and injury of hundreds of disciples. How should your enmity be resolved?"

"Whoosh..." Several beams of light suddenly flew out from the crowd, but I saw four cultivators of the Tianxin stage standing in the void in two groups, looking at each other coldly!

"Kill!" One of the monks looked at the other party coldly and said, "I, Zhenmu Xingchenhai, will never die with the other party!"

One of the monks stretched his right hand, but saw an oval clock appearing in his hand, looking at this source of disaster spiritual weapon, the monk's eyes turned cold and he said, "Even if you kill us, you can never get it!" This universe clock!"

Wan Qingkui said indifferently: "Don't talk about other things, is it killing or arguing?"

"Kill!" The monks on both sides suddenly shouted in unison!

Wan Qingkui closed the roster and said lightly: "Let's get started!"

"Boom!" The protective essence of the four monks opened instantly, and the next moment, they immediately penetrated into the void!


A month later, Wan Qingkui opened the roster impatiently, and continued: "The Song family of the Xiuzhen family, and Bengyue Shenjianhai!"

"Whoosh..." The two monks flew out of the crowd in an instant. With cold eyes, they immediately saw what they were thinking in their hearts. , Boom up!


Two days later, the hearts of the 31 master-level monks including Wan Qingkui moved slightly, and they all looked towards the sky. After a few breaths, the three lords also looked sideways to the west at the same time!

"Boom!" A black thunder suddenly rose out of thin air, and the next moment, sword intents full of destructive aura flowed around a white figure, bursting out of the void!

The white figure seemed to have sensed the battle in front of him, his breath was slightly restrained, and he disappeared without a trace!

But a few minutes later, Xuan Zhan appeared on the edge of the mountain, watching the battle in the void with cold eyes, and moved in his heart, but looked at Wan Qingkui on the high platform!

Wan Qingkui nodded lightly to Xuan Zhan, and after Xuan Zhan smiled, he looked at the crowd around him, watching them one by one!

"The people of the three?" Xuan Zhan looked at the positions of the three young masters, then glanced at the people around them and said in a low voice, "It seems that all the three are here, and there are countless others. Yinxiu, this realm of self-cultivation is truly boundless!"

"Chu Wudao?" Xuan Zhan suddenly looked into the distance in surprise, and a young monk with hidden breath said in a low voice!

"Not only Chu Wudao is here, but also many old guys who showed up at the trade fair back then..." An indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth!

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's eyes looked at the two figures in the distance, and his breath suddenly became chaotic. The next moment, a monstrous anger burst out from Xuan Zhan's body!

"Old devil, you should die!" Xuan Zhan suddenly shouted furiously!

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