"Old Devil of Anger, you deserve to die!"

On the top of the mountain, a roar suddenly burst out, and immediately, the monstrous anger rose up in an instant!

"Who?" Old Devil Anger suddenly turned his gaze to the source of the voice.

"Who is it?" Countless monks on the top of the mountain suddenly felt this overwhelming anger in surprise, and looked at the speaker in surprise in their hearts!

But the person who spoke turned out to be a young monk. This young monk's face was strangely handsome and not masculine, and silver threads were flying all over the sky!The monstrous anger is more like substance, viciously surging over the entire range of the mountain!

The Old Devil Anger looked at the person who spoke, and sharp lights suddenly shot out from his eyes: "Declaration of war!"

Everyone looked at this monk, and some monks thought of him in a blink of an eye, and said in a low voice: "This monk, isn't he the young monk who defeated the three young masters? It seems to be declaring war!"

"Brother Xuan!" Ni Ganxuan, Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen exclaimed in surprise, and then walked towards him!

Hua Xiao, who was among the four Xiao Xiao, suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "Hey, sisters, don't you think that is the declaration of war that Sister Shaoyao said, and he is here too!"

Looking at the declaration of war at this moment, Feng Xie suddenly burst into surprise in his eyes!Shao Yao said in a low voice: "That's right, the benefactor is here too, Xianggong, sisters, let's go find him!"


"Brother Zhan, look, isn't that your brother declaring war?" Yue Ya looked at the white-haired monk in the distance and whispered.

"Well, not bad!" The second battle said indifferently!

Yun Piaoyan looked at the furious declaration of war in the distance in surprise, and whispered to himself: "What's the matter with this guy, why is he so angry?"

"Is he declaring war?" The three lords looked at the figure and said indifferently in their hearts!

"Declaration of war..." Chu Wudao's eyes suddenly shot a trace of killing intent...

Three statues, seven paths, 49 yuan, seven hundred universe seas, all eyes were on that young monk who was furious!

Xuan Zhan shot out streams of anger all over his body, looking at the old devil with sharp eyes, and the corners of his mouth were tightly pressed together...

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of the old demon's mouth, and then he patted the corpse-like body beside him, and said indifferently: "Little guy, one of your goals this time is to help my ancestor kill that kid!"

As soon as these words came out, a gloomy glare suddenly flashed in Su Lin's eyes, and then disappeared...

Xuan Zhan looked angrily at the old devil, Wan Qingkui's voice suddenly appeared next to his ear: "Junior brother, I will talk about it later if there is any grudge, now... calm down, senior brother!" The gentle force slightly suppressed Xuan Zhan's body!

Xuan Zhan let out a breath of turbid air, then looked at the young monk behind the old devil with complicated eyes, and his heart was complicated: Why did Su Lin become like this, and why did he stay with the old devil?What happened to Su Lin, Linglong, and Peacock?If Su Lin is not there, where are Peacock and Linglong?

Suddenly, doubts flashed in Xuan Zhan's mind...

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and he turned to look at the person next to him!

"Brother Xuan!" Yun Wuying and the other three looked at him with a smile and said!

"Brother Yun, Brother Ni, Brother Chu!" Xuan Zhan looked at the three of them in surprise and asked, "You three are here too!"

Ni Ganxuan said with a smile: "Good boy, I haven't seen you for a few years, and my cultivation is getting deeper and deeper!"

Chu Xinghen smiled and said, "Brother Xuan, you haven't fulfilled my promise yet!"

"Declaration of war!" A delicate voice suddenly sounded behind the three of Ni Ganxuan, and then Si Xiao and Feng Xie Shaoyao appeared beside them!

Xuan Zhan calmed down the anger in his heart, and then said calmly: "Four girls, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, don't come here without any problems!"

Qinqi, Calligraphy and Painting Si Xiao nodded to Xuan Zhan with a smile, and sighed in his heart: It has been hundreds of years since I disappeared. Although their respective cultivation bases have improved, the young man in front of him is no longer the young man he was back then. , their cultivation bases are all stronger than this young monk, but now, they can only look up to them...

Shaoyao said softly: "I've seen Engong!" Feng Xie smiled gracefully at He Xuanzhan, and said softly: "You have become stronger!" Looking at Xuanzhan, he suddenly had an illusion, as if he hadn't seen him for a day, Declaring war will become very different from before, and I sigh in my heart: The young man in front of me is making progress every moment, as long as he does not fall, his future achievements will be limitless!

Hua Xiao came to Xuan Zhan with a charming smile and said, "Xuan Zhan, you are so powerful now that you have already dared to challenge the old devil!"

There was also a burst of suspicion in the hearts of the people. Looking at the angry way of declaring war, it seemed that they had a bloody enmity with the old devil. What kind of grievances did the two have?

Ni Ganxuan said in a deep voice: "Brother, you also discovered that Su Lin was taken to the side by the old devil of anger!"

Xuan Zhan nodded silently, killing intent flashed in his eyes, then he looked at Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen and asked, "Brother Yun, Brother Chu, you two have a lot of experience, from your point of view, Su Lin What's going on?"

Yun Wuying pondered for a moment, but looked at Chu Xinghen. They all knew that Chu Xinghen's chest was full of hills and valleys, and the world of comprehension knew a lot, and even many secrets, Chu Xinghen could easily learn them He said one or two things, but after seeing Chu Xinghen pondering, he said uncertainly: "If I'm not wrong, this should be a mutant zombie among the zombies, and it was fostered by the old devil from his nourishment. Yes, a type of zombie called 'Pojun Corpse'!"

"Pojun Corpse..." Xuan Zhan whispered indifferently!

After thinking for a while, Chu Xinghen continued: "I think you should know that in my cultivation world, zombies are divided into five levels, white zombies, black zombies, jumping corpses, flying corpses, and the last one that is almost demonic." The existence of - Ba!"

"魃..." When everyone heard this word, they trembled slightly...

Chu Xinghen looked at the expressions around him, and said in a deep voice, "That's right, Ba, it's the kind of flying corpse that absorbs the essence of the human body at every turn, and then possesses sanity, with a green face and fangs, hideous and terrifying. Confusing all living beings is the supreme existence of zombies in the legends! Bastards can be divided into Hanbai, Huoba, Ganbai, and Hanbai after the return of the soul! After researching, another powerful species has been bred, which is also at the fifth level, and it is bred by sucking the energy and spirit nourishment of his subordinates, called the Pojun Corpse!"

Yun Wuying patted his head suddenly and said: "Old brother, I remembered that this army-breaking corpse appeared before. Seven thousand years ago, when the old devil was just a monk in the tribulation period, he also practiced I have made one, and it is said that the difference between this Pojun Corpse and the Ba that Brother Chu said is that one of the differences is that it does not have its own consciousness, but in the mind of this Corpse, there is a confession about the old demon of anger. Brand, as long as there is this brand, the Pojun Heavenly Corpse will be enshrined by its side for the rest of its life!"

Chu Xinghen nodded and said: "That's right, Ba has his own thinking, but Po Jun Tian Corpse has no thinking, and is completely controlled by the master. Speaking of which, this method is the same as the nourishment of his subordinates! However, Po Jun Tian Corpse Although the corpse doesn't have its own mind, it is stronger than Ba, his body is indestructible and extremely powerful! Apart from not knowing spells, his weapon is his body!"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhan's eyes gradually turned cold!

After thinking for a while, Chu Xinghen said, "According to the legend, above the fifth-level zombies, there is a more advanced existence, called 'J'!"

"Yu?" Everyone's eyes were slightly confused...

Suddenly, Feng Xie's voice sounded: "Ji is the name after the ascension of the 魃, above the ji, there is even more Chaotian ji!"

"What..." Everyone looked at Feng Xie in amazement and shouted in amazement!

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips, looked at the distance with dull eyes, although his body was hidden under the black robe, but very thin Su Lin, his eyes gradually darkened: "Brother Feng, is there any way to rescue him? "

"The way to rescue..." Feng Xie was silent for a moment, then looked at Xuan Zhan lightly and said, "No!"

Hearing this answer, Xuan Zhan's body trembled suddenly, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Old Devil Anger..."

"The main reason why Ba has become the supreme existence of zombies in the realm of comprehension is that it already has its own thinking and can think independently, while Pojun Tian Corpse has no consciousness of its own at all!" Feng Xie said lightly, "Pojun Tian Corpse, the only way to save him is to let him ascend to the fairy world! However, this method has no possibility at all, because the former army-breaking corpses have all perished in the hands of monks, and there is no case of ascension!"

Xuan Zhan closed his eyes and calmed down quietly. The pictures of Su Lin flashed in his mind again and again. When he opened his eyes again after a few breaths, his eyes were already clear!

Looking at Xuan Zhan's eyes, Feng Xie gave a sigh of admiration in his heart, sighing that Xuan Zhan's tenacity is not to be underestimated!Although he didn't know what the relationship between the broken army corpse and the declaration of war was, it was definitely not an ordinary relationship that could make Xuanzhan so angry!

Xuan Zhan said in a low voice: "Isn't it okay to kill the old devil of anger..."

Chu Xinghen shook his head and said: "No, killing the old devil of anger can only turn it into a body without an owner, and it can't solve the fact that it has become a corpse of the army! There is a saying in ancient books that the law of heaven has destiny, One of the fates is called 'Shapolang', which means Seven Kills, Pojun, and Greedy Wolf! The person who kills the wolf's destiny is responsible for killing! And this is also the origin of the Pojun Heavenly Corpse!"

There was a bit of bitterness from the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and he said in a low voice, "His name is Su Lin!"

Everyone was taken aback, but they didn't know what the declaration of war wanted to say...

"His name is Su Lin..." Xuan Zhan raised his head and looked at the sky leisurely, "He is a disciple of a small sect I once belonged to, the 'Pride Sect'! The first time I saw him, he was When he was frivolous and in his prime, he and nine other young people were called "Nine Swords of Pride" by the monks on that planet! His talent for cultivation was very good, and he was one of the most outstanding talents in the late stage of the cultivation world on the planet. name!"

There was a flash of nostalgia in the eyes of the declaration of war, as if Su Lin was standing in front of him...

Everyone watched the declaration of war in silence, and sighed helplessly in their hearts...

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