Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 395 The Calculation of Declaring War and Cherishing Flowers

As soon as the voice fell, Hua Xihua suddenly rose up in the sky, wrapped in an extremely pure cold power, and slammed towards Xuan Zhan. At the same time, a pair of giant hammers in both hands came out instantly, crashing in the void. The space swelled violently, instantly growing to a length of thousands of feet, and the two giant hammers smashed towards the declaration of war like giant mountains!

With a slight movement of the thunder and lightning wings on the shoulders of Xuan Zhan, his body suddenly fled hundreds of kilometers into the void!

"Declaration of war!" Hua Xihua yelled, "Where are you running!"

Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and grabbed the void with both hands, "Zizizi...Zizizi..." I saw dozens of majestic black abyss thunderbolts suddenly bursting out from the clouds in the void, crossing the long-distance void in an instant, facing the flowers Xihua blasted over fiercely!

"Boom!" A loud noise that trembled even the space resounded fiercely from the space Hua Xihua was in!

"Huh?" Xuan Zhan's heart moved, but he saw the two giant hammers in the void, as if they were not disturbed by the bombardment of Hua Xihua by the divine thunder, they still smashed towards him fiercely!

"Om..." A turmoil suddenly swelled from the place where Hua Xihua was, and a layer of gloomy and trembling breath propped up a barrier around Hua Xihua, but after the thunderbolt disappeared, Hua Xihua's bloated body The body actually stands intact in the void!

As soon as the two-handed technique was moved, Hua Xihua smiled sullenly, and the speed of the giant hammer suddenly accelerated, and at the same time, hundreds of giant hammers were split. Suddenly, the entire sky became the afterimage of the giant hammer flying in the air!

Xuan Zhan made a wrong step, narrowly escaped the bombardment of a giant hammer, and appeared at a point ten kilometers away, looking indifferently at the giant hammers around him!

"Junior brother's footwork is getting more and more proficient, more and more unpredictable!" Wan Qingkui looked at the sky coldly, with a gratifying smile on the corner of his mouth!

Hua Xihua was slightly taken aback, in her feeling, she suddenly felt that Xuan Zhan had disappeared from her mind observation after stepping out of that part, and she couldn't capture his position, this feeling instantly made her face pale There was a big change, but after a second or two, Fu felt the position of Xuan Zhan again, his eyes suddenly turned, looked at Xuan Zhan, and yelled sullenly, "Xuan Zhan, are you still a man, dodging, or not carrying handles!"

Many men below were suddenly a little embarrassed by Hua Xihua's angry shout, even countless female monks couldn't help blushing and spit Hua Xihua's shamelessness!

Xuan Zhan looked at Hua Xihua amusedly, but secretly pondered Hua Xihua's current strength in her heart. According to her performance just now, Hua Xihua's strength definitely surpassed the tribulation period. In terms of the strength above the giant hammer , Even monks in the Mahayana period may not be able to bear it. Although he is called the No. 1 under the Mahayana in the cultivation world, he dare not blatantly confront this pair of sledgehammers head-on!

"Boom!" Hundreds of thunderbolts and black thunder viciously blasted the hundreds of giant hammers flying in the air, and there was a harsh sound of metal collision and explosion violently turbulent!

"Hey..." Hua Xihua gave a gloomy smile, the hundreds of giant hammers controlled by both hands were not affected at all, she thought to herself: Hit it, the more you hit it smoothly, the happier I will be!

"Boom..." Thousands of thunderbolts descended from the sky again, exuding destructive power and blasting at the gradually increasing number of giant hammers around!

All of a sudden, dozens of thunderbolts struck a giant hammer all over the sky!

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth: This Hua Xihua's strength is definitely beyond the Mahayana period, and seeing Yin Mukun's face, Hua Xihua's true strength is far from being shown!

"It's far from showing..." After hesitating secretly, Xuan Zhan smiled coldly: Then I will force you to show your true strength!

With one step, the figure declaring war suddenly disappeared, appeared in another place in an instant, and then disappeared again in an instant...

"This declaring war's footwork is really miraculous..." Yin Mukun looked at the declaring war above the sky in silence, and thought gloomyly in his heart, "He actually integrated the five elements, eight trigrams, Qimen Dunjia and many other complicated techniques into one, this son is really talented Not to be underestimated!"

"What technique is used to declare war? It's so magical?" The monk below looked at Xuan Zhan's body that was scurrying around frantically!

But at this moment, Xuan Zhan's body is jumping up and down crazily within a radius of hundreds of kilometers centered on Hua Xihua, with no rules to follow!

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed by, Hua Xihua was holding her breath, but for the future layout, she had to be led by the nose by the declaration of war!

In a long time, even a day passed, the two fighters above were still chasing each other and hiding, but the monks below were not interested!

"Ah..." Hua Xiao yawned fiercely, and muttered, "Why do you keep hiding from the declaration of war? It's really boring to watch. Anyway, he is also called the No.1 young man under the Mahayana period. Why is he so unreasonable?" It's worthy of the name!"

Not only Hua Xiao, but also the three older sisters beside her were bored watching it for a while!

Fairy Shaoyao smiled softly, looked at her sisters and said softly, "Benefactor's thoughts are unpredictable, he has his own plans, you should watch carefully!", and then looked at her husband Feng Xie!

Feng Xie said softly: "This Hua Xihua already has the powerful ability to disperse demons at the third turn. Although it has only been half a month, but in terms of the strength of the declaration of war today, it is no less than a narrow escape. The reason why there is no action, I guess he wanted a fatal blow or something, I guess Xuan Zhan should have thought of this too, so, according to Xuan Zhan's personality, the reason why he did this was entirely because he wanted Hua Xihua to completely break out of the three-turn scatter demon true strength!"

Feng Xie's explanation made everyone suddenly realize, and Hua Xiao asked softly, "Brother-in-law, why didn't Hua Xihua use her powerful cultivation to force her to declare war and admit defeat?"

Feng Xie said softly: "Because I can't see clearly, can't see through Xuan Zhan's true strength, this fat woman dare not guarantee that she can suppress Xuan Zhan to death with the powerful strength of three-turn scattered demons!"

"No way!" Si Xiao suddenly exclaimed in amazement, "Declaring war can only be done at the Tianxin stage!"

Feng Xie turned his eyes, but looked at the three friends who announced the war, Yun Wuying, Ni Ganxuan and Chu Xinghen...

Chu Xinghen looked at everyone with flickering eyes and said, "Because the strength of fellow preacher is a variable!"

Ni Qianxuan also nodded and said: "That's right, Brother Xuan's strength can indeed be called a variable. If you are strong, you will be strong. What about the three-turn dispersing demon? Looking at the enemies that Brother Xuan encountered, even the three young masters The master owner can defeat them with the strength that even the Mahayana period can't defeat, this kind of strength is really unpredictable!"

"But..." Qi Xiao asked silently, "But the opponent has the ability to scatter demons at three turns after all. Although this strength can only last half a year, half a month is enough to make Xuan Zhan fall to death!"

Yun Wuying looked at the irritable Hua Xihua in the sky and smiled coldly: "Because Brother Xuan has the Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Body Art, as long as he has this technique, Brother Xuan will be absolutely invincible!"

The four Sixiao sisters looked at each other, but they were also confused for a while. I don't know why they have so much confidence in declaring war!

"Boom!" Several sledgehammers collided suddenly, and there was a sound of sharp metal collision that made people's hearts tremble!

Hearing this voice, Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, his foot suddenly made a wrong move, his figure suddenly appeared behind Hua Xihua, and his right fist suddenly ruthlessly slammed towards the heart of Hua Xihua's back!

This change was really sudden, Hua Xihua absolutely never thought that Xuan Zhan would dare to appear behind her so arrogantly, when she felt the majestic force coming from behind, it was already too late!

"Boom!" The powerful force immediately blasted onto the pure yin and cold body barrier!

The Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Jue not only makes the cultivator's physical strength shockingly strong, but also helps him possess an unmatched and powerful physical strength. The declaration of war at this moment, although the eight doors in the body have sealed this powerful desire Power, but subconsciously, the power possessed by the declaration of war is definitely not comparable to ordinary monks!

Under the frantic collision of the two forces, the two of them instantly turned into two beams of light, one left and the other frantically rebounding and lasing out!

Xuan Zhan grinned, controlled his figure, and was stunned for a while: What is the strength of this Hua Xihua? The strength just now can rebound and I retreat almost a thousand miles...

Indeed, in the collision just now, the two people who bounced back flew thousands of miles away in an instant!

At this moment, Hua Xihua's voice suddenly burst out from above the sky: "Declaration of war, I look down on you!" As soon as the voice fell, a giant hammer like a giant mountain suddenly wrapped in boundless cold power and slammed It's coming to the declaration of war!

"Shut the!" Xuan Zhan suddenly let out a cold snort in his heart, and a powerful roar burst out of his body!

"The gate of!"

"Boom!" The giant hammer, which looked like a giant mountain, suddenly accelerated, and when the declaration of war was unexpected, it immediately smashed hard on his body!

"Declaration of war!" Si Xiao and the people around him suddenly exclaimed...

"Brother Xuan!"


Like a shooting star in the sky, a stream of white light slammed into the mountains fiercely, with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, it was smashed into a frenzied turmoil!

The three monks of seven paths and 49 abyss looked at the huge hammer head in the sky with blank expressions, and a drop of cold sweat quietly flowed from their cheeks!

"Women are so powerful..." Jian Zhi looked at the group of female monks around him in a daze, and said silently in his heart!

"This wild woman..." Purgatory silently looked at Hua Xihua with a hideous expression in the sky!

"I don't know what happened to the declaration of war?" Yun Piaoyan looked indifferently at the location where the declaration of war fell among the mountains!

"Brother Zhan, is your fellow brother already... dead..." Yue Ya nervously grabbed Second Zhan's arm and asked with a trembling corner of her mouth!

The second battle indifferently glanced at Hua Xihua with a ferocious face high above the sky, and thought disdainfully in his heart: I want to kill this deity, wishful thinking...

"Boom..." A thunderous voice suddenly came from the mountains!

In the sky, at some point, there was a storm, and countless dark clouds gathered from all directions at high speed towards the top of everyone's heads. When these dark clouds rolled over, black thunderbolts shot out from them!

"Why did the sky change?" Countless monks below looked at the tumbling dark clouds in the sky with doubts!

This is the Jade Sting Star. This planet is guarded by countless guardian barriers. It is like spring all year round, full of vitality, and the so-called change of seasons cannot be seen here!

" did the sky change?" Countless monks asked themselves in a low voice!

"Kach... Kacha..." The power of black thunder suddenly burst out from the tumbling black clouds!

In the suspicious eyes of everyone, hundreds of millions of black abyss thunderbolts suddenly fell in the air, and the bombing position was exactly the position where the war was declared!

"Black Thunder!"

"Lei Yuan Resonance..."

"Declaration of war!"

In the blink of an eye, the mountains suddenly exploded with waves of destructive changes, and the surrounding mountain peaks for hundreds of miles were suddenly shaken by waves of destructive thunder. into uneven ground...

Suddenly, a stream of light suddenly flew out from the mountains, and when it appeared in the void, everyone looked at that person in silence...

A streak of black thunder wrapped around his body, accompanied by strands of silver-white hair flying all over the sky!

As soon as the black cloud came out, the sky and the earth shook, and the white shadow appeared, everyone was shocked!

Under Xuan Zhan's cold eyes, he brushed his hair subconsciously, black thunderbolts entangled between his fingers, making a beeping sound, the corners of his mouth slowly opened, the voice was like a ruthless fairy Resounding throughout the world:

"Flowers cherish flowers!"

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