Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 396 Battle of Dharma Body Art

The voice was full of ruthless tone, as if calling the name of an ant!

Looking at the declaration of war at this moment, Hua Xihua's eyes were slightly blurred, and she subconsciously said softly: "Yes!"


Wan Qingkui and the thirty master-level monks were all taken aback when they saw the expression of declaring war now!

Looking forward to see through, all the smokers present looked at the declaration of war with blurred eyes, and there was a blank moment in their hearts!

The three venerable masters are the most powerful figures under the master-level monks, but they pursed their lips tightly without saying a word. Suoyanhua Yunzun Yunji!Under the silence of the three, they looked at each other!

"This kind of demeanor is only possessed by the so-called master monks like Wan Qingkui..." The three lords suddenly thought in their hearts!

Xuan Zhan said softly: "You want to use your hidden strength to deal a fatal blow to me, so you haven't revealed your true strength, am I right?"

"Yes!" Hua Xihua said subconsciously, she was taken aback for a moment, and then regained her senses, her eyes suddenly screamed fiercely: "Declaration of war, what kind of deceitful tricks did you give my old lady!"

When Hua Xihua's ferocious voice sounded, the monks on the top of the mountain suddenly woke up, and they were also shocked. They were all addicted to the indifference and ruthlessness emanating from the declaration of war just now and couldn't extricate themselves!

"What... what's going on?" Everyone asked in surprise!

"Xianggong, what's going on?" Shao Yao looked at Feng Xie beside her in surprise and asked!

Feng Xie looked at the flowers in the sky with disdain, and fell silent when he heard Fairy Shaoyao's question, and then said in a low voice: "Temperament, the temperament just before the declaration of war has made you lose your mind!"

Everyone fell silent...

Hearing Hua Xihua's self-righteous answer, Xuan Zhan's eyes remained calm, as if listening to the cry of an ant, he fiddled with a strand of hair, then looked at Hua Xihua and said softly: "If you don't Use your true cultivation, after three moves, you will surely die!"

Hua Xihua seemed to have heard a joke, and suddenly laughed wildly, her bloated face trembled, but she said angrily: "Declaration of war, you are too self-righteous, this fairy will let you taste my true strength!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hua Xihua's body suddenly burst into a layer of cold turmoil. Under everyone's eyes, this turmoil permeated in an instant, and everyone felt the cold aura, and they were stunned for a moment!

The area permeated by the cold aura expanded wildly, covering tens of thousands of kilometers in an instant. Wherever the aura passed, countless weak vegetation were immediately attacked by the aura and withered to death!

20 kilometers!This cold breath has been covering a radius of 20 kilometers, and then quietly stopped!

Hua Xihua experienced this power intoxicatedly, and shouted fiercely with a trembling face: "Declaration of war, have you seen it? This is my strength. What else can you say in front of my strength of three-turn dispersing demons!"

The people on the mountain looked at Hua Xihua silently...

Xuan Zhan carefully experienced the tyrannical power of Hua Xihua, and there was a trace of meaning in his eyes, and without saying a word, he suddenly rose into the sky!

"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion at the place where Xuan Zhan was located, and the next moment, a white figure suddenly appeared a hundred meters above Hua Xihua!

A whip leg full of mighty power was slammed down in the air, and in an instant, there was an explosion in the [-]-meter space, and the incomparably powerful wave power blasted down in the air before Hua Xihua could react!

"Boom!" The huge fluctuating power suddenly hit Hua Xihua's cold barrier!

A beam of light suddenly blasted into the ground!

"Declaration of war!" A mournful roar suddenly came out of Hua Xihua's mouth, the power of Yin and cold suddenly shrank, and Hua Xihua's bloated body burst out of the ground without any damage. The next moment, A pair of mountain-like giant hammers smashed towards the declaration of war in an instant!

Xuan Zhan smiled coldly, and shot suddenly, under the eyes of everyone, the location where Xuan Zhan shot turned out to be one of the giant hammers!

"Hmph!" A cold shout came out of Xuan Zhan's mouth. At the same time, under the dumbfoundedness of everyone, Xuan Zhan raised an arm, punched the giant hammer with his right hand and blasted madly towards it!

"Whoosh..." The giant hammer seemed to be off-line, and was violently blasted away by the fist that declared war!

"Whoosh..." Xuan Zhan made a mistake, and when it reappeared, it turned out to be the opposite of another giant hammer. Under the tyrannical counter force, Xuan Zhan's right leg suddenly twitched violently...

"Om..." A force came out from the leg, and then slammed into another giant hammer!

Seeing the fighting method of Xuan Zhan, everyone's body suddenly trembled crazily, if...if the strength of Xuan Zhan hit him just now...

"Great Five Elements and Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art..." Everyone looked at the declaration of war with horror on their faces. His power was as strong and powerful as a giant beast in the wild. With his own body, he could actually control the strength of a three-turn magic cultivator. The magic weapon under it is blown away!

"Hey..." Jian Pingbei behind Lord Jianxin looked at the declaration of war at this moment, as if seeing a very familiar scene, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes!

Not only Jian Pingbei, who is a Rank [-] Sanxian, but also many older generation monks in the arena looked at the declaration of war at this moment, and thought of a very familiar person!

Jade real person!

The fighting method of declaring war at this moment is the same as the fighting method of Yuren Zhenren a long, long time ago!

The two of them are fighting with tyrannical physical strength!

But...the difference is...

Xuan Zhan's eyes were cold, and his feet suddenly took a step in the air. The next moment, he suddenly approached Hua Xihua's right side. Before Hua Xihua could reflect, he suddenly whipped his legs together, and a tyrannical force was drawn out like this. Then it hit Hua Xihua fiercely!

Hua Xihua's body immediately flew upside down, but before hitting the ground, Xuan Zhan's body instantly appeared on the trajectory of Hua Xihua's upside-down flight, and his right fist blasted out violently in an instant!

"Boom!" The force of the rebound immediately made Hua Xihua feel a bit of pain. Although there was still a cold barrier around her, the strength of the declaration of war seemed to faintly shatter the barrier!

With gloomy and cold eyes, the Old Devil Anger looked at the declaration of war at this moment, and roared furiously in his heart: That's the way of fighting, that's the way, Master Yu actually relied on this way of fighting, but with the cultivation base of the third-rank Sanxian, But he was able to defeat my master, the Nine-Turn Scattering Demon Master Nu Tao, damn it!Damn it!This kind of fighting style has appeared again...

"This..." Countless monks on the mountain looked at the declaration of war with horror on their faces!

"Awesome..." All the monks yelled in horror!

Suddenly, thousands of sledgehammers rose up from the void, and then flew wildly in the air, guarding Hua Xihua's whole body!

Xuan Zhan stared coldly at Hua Xihua, who was guarded by the giant hammer, with a dazed expression on his face, and said to himself in a low voice: "Do you think you can defeat me by relying on the three-turn dispersing demon cultivation? How can you understand the power of the Seven-Turn Dharma Body Art..." At the next moment, there was a sudden flash at the foot...

But seeing a certain direction guarded by the sledgehammer, with a line as the road, Xuan Zhan suddenly swung his right leg, and sent the sledgehammer flying around him away with a look of contempt, just like that, with a kind of arbitrariness and unreasonable With the momentum, a path is abruptly opened!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan smashed a sledgehammer into the air, and looked indifferently at Hua Xihua, who was several kilometers away, with a blank expression on his face, and an indifferent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Beautiful man!" Ni Ganxuan yelled in a daze with trembling body, "Brother Xuan's body is so strong..."

Chu Xinghen sighed and said: "This situation should be reasonable. The Dharma Body Jue he practiced, every time he advances in a turn, his body will become more than ten times stronger. With his current physical strength, he can fight three turns to disperse demons. It just happens to be a whetstone!"

"Brother Xuan's master, Master Yu, was able to beat the three lords just by relying on this dharma body art back then!" Yun Wuying said with emotion!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhanfu swung a giant hammer flying away, looked at Hua Xihua with a dazed expression indifferently, and then made a wrong step!

At this moment, Hua Xihua's complexion suddenly changed, her figure suddenly shot into the void, and appeared on the periphery of the giant hammer guard group, and the magic formula suddenly went crazy!

Thousands of flying hammers suddenly changed their flight trajectories, and they collided with each other under the eyes of all the monks!

"Ding, ding, ding, ding..." A series of piercing sounds sounded from the colliding giant hammers. This piercing sound was so sharp that it could even invade a person's brain!

Hua Xihua's injury formula is changing crazily!

Xuan Zhan was standing in the middle of the giant hammer. Hearing the sound, his face suddenly changed. The piercing sound actually sent out waves of sound waves, which rushed straight into his brain, and then they were like sharp swords. In general, it was severed in his sea of ​​consciousness!

Hearing this voice, the cultivator on the top of the mountain suddenly had a headache in his head!

"What's going on?" Si Xiao scratched his head and asked in surprise!

Seeing that something was wrong, Feng Xie suddenly moved the magic formula on his hands, but saw a trace of evil breath, and quietly wrapped everyone in it!And this strange aura did not attract the attention of anyone around him, which shows that his control technique is so exquisite that he has already evolved!

Everyone felt back to normal immediately, and then looked at each other in horror!

Chu Xinghen stared blankly at the sky, and said in a low voice, "Sonic attack..."


A hint of disdain flashed across Wang Dafu's innocent face, and then with a wave of his hands, a hazy sword intent emanated instantly, and then circled around the top of the mountain. Once the sonic attack entered here, it was immediately impossible to invade!

Many monks on the mountain came back to their senses slowly, then looked around in horror and shouted: "What's going on?"


Hua Xihua looked at Xuan Zhan with a gloomy face at this moment, and screamed: "Xuan Zhan, I can't hurt you, and you can't hurt me, but this sound attack can penetrate your body and enter your brain. middle, and then destroy your upper dantian, I will see what you do, haha...haha..."

Xuan Zhan pursed his lips, feeling the tingling pain in his head, his face suddenly turned pale...

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