Yun Wuying silently looked at Ni Ganxuan who was fighting with the controller, and then sighed deeply...

"Brother Yun, what's wrong with you?" Chu Xinghen asked softly.

Chu Xinghen's question immediately attracted the attention of Si Xiao, Feng Xie and his wife.

Yun Wuying gave a bitter smile, shook his head and said, "Brother Yun, do you know Ni boy?"

Chu Xinghen nodded and said with a smile: "The few of us have been roaming the cultivation world together for nearly a hundred years, how can we not understand! Big brother Ni is bold and unyielding, although he is proud, he is a reputable man!"

Yun Wuying sighed helplessly, looked at Ni Ganxuan's tense face in the sky and said softly, "You... still don't know him very well!"

Hearing Yun Wuying's words, Chu Xinghen suddenly fell silent...

"Between Ni boy and the Xingjian Cultivation Alliance, it can be said that either you die or I die!" Yun Wuying said leisurely, "For the continuation of the family, he has to fight like this all the time. He...has not returned for 600 years. Ann Rhodium star!"

An Rhodium star and Chu Xinghen knew that it was Ni Qianxuan's hometown, and it was also his family headquarters in the distant Zhou-level interest silver knife star field!

"The Ni boy's family is a secular family on the planet An Rhodium. The Ni family has been doing business for generations, and they are already extremely wealthy on that planet An Rhodium. Few people know about the Ni family. There is a cultivator protecting them in secret! "Yun Wuying said peacefully, "Hehe, actually... In fact, this kid has a hundred reasons not to protect his offspring, and a thousand reasons not to face every battle that is sure to die!"

Everyone listened to Yun Wuying's words in silence, and when they heard this, they all nodded dimly!

"As for the battle with the Xunjian Cultivation Alliance and the flags of the Silver Knife Starfield, there are 1 reasons why he must die, but he... only has one reason to live! Moreover, this The reason has become the survival belief in his heart!"

"He used to have a girl he liked very much!" Yun Wuying laughed, "He and I mentioned this by chance, and that girl was an ordinary woman he met while staying on the planet An Rhodium!"

Fairy Shaoyao asked curiously: "Did Ni Shaoxia not get together with that girl?"

Yun Wuying shook his head indifferently: "No, for his family, in order not to cause trouble for this girl, he just went to visit her a few times in the dark and waited silently like this until he broke through Chen Xu Shackles, leave the Silver Knife Starfield!"

Qin Xiao looked at Ni Ganxuan in the sky, then glanced at the people around him, and said softly, "For the sake of the family, he would rather give up his feelings, and for the safety of this girl, he would rather hide them , this Niganxuan is also a person with deep affection!"

Listening to Qin Xiao's words, everyone fell silent immediately, and Fairy Shaoyao gently grasped Feng Xie's hand, feeling complicated in her heart...

"Actually, brother Ni..." Yun Wuying looked at everyone with a smile and said, "His wish is very simple, but it is also very difficult. He wants to be an ordinary person, live a normal life for a hundred years, marry a wife and have children, After a long life, he turned into a piece of loess, his greatest wish in this life is to be a leisurely farmer, facing the loess and back to the sky..."


"Boom!" Ni Ganxuan's body shot backwards in an instant, and the nimble Tian Que brush hair guarded his side, accompanied by the roar of dark blue fire dragons, and a pair of flame wings had turned into blue flame wings!

Thousands of folding fans raged fiercely around him, and the star-pointed true energy raged wildly, entangled around Ni Ganxuan!

Time passed quietly for three months, and the battle between the two has even become fierce, and there is already a lot of blood on each of them!

The blue treasure armor is still firmly guarding Ni Ganxuan's body, but the opponent's treasure armor has been burned by Ni Ganxuan's blue phosphorous burning flames, leaving many dilapidated places!The most conspicuous thing is the black and blue patch on the abdomen!

Looking at the controller tens of kilometers away, Ni Ganxuan's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of ruthlessness, he flapped his wings violently, and his figure suddenly shot towards the controller madly!

The controller looked gloomyly at the attacking Ni Ganxuan, his head was completely filled with crazy bloodthirsty, at this moment, he wished to immediately strip Ni Ganxuan to life and death, his body shook, and A powerful and ferocious divine consciousness instantly turned into a giant palm that covered the sky, and smashed towards Ni Ganxuan fiercely!

"Swoosh..." The blue fire dragon transformed from thousands of hairs suddenly roared out, and slammed into the giant palm fiercely!

The two erupted wildly in the void in an instant, and the land with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers shook the world in an instant!

"This Niganxuan, it's not bad!" Lie Fengzun, Young Venerable Master Jianchi grinned and said stiffly!

Purgatory looked at Ni Ganxuan at this moment, nodded indifferently and said: "If it wasn't for the fact that his cultivation environment is not the same as this young master's, he might become my great enemy in the future!"

Yun Piaoyan frowned slightly and looked at Ni Ganxuan who had gone mad, and said in a low voice helplessly: "Another fighting madman!"

"Boom..." Thousands of fan shadows collided with hundreds of millions of hairs fiercely, and within a radius of nearly ten thousand kilometers, there was a series of explosion sounds in an instant!

"Look at my Tian Que Pen!" Ni Qianxuan suddenly roared in the air, and the magic formula came out wildly. The next moment, the barrel of Tian Que Pen exploded with a loud bang to a length of ten thousand feet, and a thickness of one hundred feet!Controlling the magic weapon of Tian Que's pen, it appeared several kilometers away in front of the controller in an instant, and the huge pen came down violently!

"Huh!" The controller snorted coldly, the magic formula was raised instantly, and a layer of dense light suddenly appeared on the body in an instant, and the magic formula burst into anger immediately!

"Boom!" With a sound, Tian Que's pen slammed into the Enveloping Light, but the controller only fell slightly!

Ni Ganxuan suddenly felt a palpitation, and was about to dodge when countless folding fans suddenly appeared around him...

"Ding, ding, ding..." A series of sharp collision sounds suddenly exploded on Ni Ganxuan's body!

But in the middle, Ni Ganxuan's body trembled unceasingly, in the void, countless fierce lights circled and cut Ni Ganxuan's body back and forth!

"Hmph, let me see what you should do now!" A hint of sarcasm flickered on the corner of the controller's mouth.

"Hey...hey..." Ni Ganxuan shook his body and smiled sullenly. In the void, the controller didn't notice, a few hairs concealed his small body, and he turned fiercely and flew behind the controller!

Although the cutting power of the feather fan could not destroy Ni Ganxuan's treasure armor, the powerful force from the point to the surface kept impacting his body, and the injuries continued to increase rapidly!

"Pfft..." Ni Ganxuan suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and the powerful force had penetrated into his body, causing his body to continue to suffer more injuries!

"Whoosh..." A few hairs suddenly shot fiercely from behind the controller towards his back!

"Attract your attention!" Ni Ganxuan said gloomyly, resisting the injury and suddenly went crazy, but saw thousands of hairs suddenly turned into countless roaring fire dragons, devouring towards the controller!

"Roar!!!" The controller roared angrily, and star-point water dragons gathered in front of him in an instant, water dragon against fire dragon!

Blue Phosphorus Burning Flame and Xingheng Waterfall collided fiercely in the void...

"Whoosh..." Unconsciously, several vellus hairs flew to the back of the controller, and suddenly turned into several blue fire dragons!

The face of the controller suddenly changed, and he instantly felt the threat behind him, but he discovered it too late, and his face was horrified...

"Aww..." The fire dragon suddenly roared wildly and crashed into the back of the controller!

"Boom..." There was a deafening sound from the back of the controller, and the next moment, a stream of light suddenly slammed into the place where Ni Ganxuan was!

Seeing that his sneak attack was successful, Ni Ganxuan's face was overjoyed, and his mind suddenly relaxed...

Several feather fans and three water dragons immediately swallowed Niganxuan in!

A stream of light rushed into the sky, and a desolate figure slowly fell below...

"Master Controller!" Several people suddenly screamed from the top of the mountain!

"Brother Ni!" Yun Wuying exclaimed in shock...

"Brother Ni!" Chu Xinghen's expression changed drastically as he looked at Ni Ganxuan who was falling towards the mountains on the ground and shouted in horror!

Si Xiao and Shao Yao Fairy and the others also changed their expressions...

At this moment, a tyrannical prehistoric aura suddenly emerged from Ni Ganxuan's body. Everyone felt this aura, and their faces changed drastically...

"This breath is..." Countless people exclaimed!

"That's right, it's exactly the same as the aura of declaring war five years ago!"

At this moment, everyone felt the tyrannical aura that suddenly emerged from Ni Ganxuan, and the first person that came to mind was to declare war!

Wan Qingkui murmured to himself somewhat dumbfoundingly: "I never thought that there is the aura of the Nine Desolation War Cauldron on your treasure armor!"

Under the interference of this breath, Ni Ganxuan suddenly opened his eyes, and instantly felt pain all over his body, as if the bones of his whole body were about to break!Looking down, his eyes suddenly changed, and he quickly raised the thin heaven and earth vitality in his body, barely stopping his falling posture!

"Ni Ganxuan, let this sect die!" There was a miserable howling voice from behind, and the next moment...

"Boom..." A stream of light from a feather fan suddenly blasted into Ni Ganxuan's back!

Time seems to be frozen in an instant...

Ni Ganxuan's eyes were dim, looking at the approaching mountains, feeling the unbearable pain and powerlessness all over his body, as if the power of life was passing away rapidly, a trace of depression suddenly stirred in his heart...

" this the end?"

Yun Wuying looked at the place where Ni Ganxuan fell with a rage-changing expression, and immediately wailed: "Brother Ni!!!"

"Hey, your name is Yun Wuying, right? I'm Niganxuan!"

Chu Xinghen froze in place as if struck by lightning, staring blankly at the place where Ni Ganxuan fell...

Si Xiao looked at the place where Ni Ganxuan fell with a pale face, soft lips hesitated to speak: "Ni..."

Fairy Shaoyao firmly held onto Feng Xie's hand, her delicate lips were pursed fiercely, Feng Xie's figure was unrestrained, looking indifferently at the mountains where Ni Ganxuan fell...

"Boom..." Ni Ganxuan slammed into the mountains fiercely, with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, he trembled violently...

Streaks of scarlet blood flowed viscously from Ni Ganxuan's mouth, his haggard and hazy eyes slightly opened and closed, looking at the surrounding rocks with dull and powerless eyes...

"It's impossible to escape the shackles of the sky, even so, I, Ni Qianxuan, only want to be able to survive, and do things against the sky!"

"The sky is short of a pen, and in the first life of reincarnation, even a mere ant dares to drag out an existence!"

"Outstanding people, I, Ni Qianxuan, have only a dirty mind. I don't dare to pretend to be an outstanding person, but I still want to try to emulate the hearts of my predecessors, rebelling against chaos and cultivating the truth!"

The belief in the past, the persistence in the past, the crazy loop in the heart of the dilapidated body, slowly gathered into a torrent, suddenly came out through the body, and ruthlessly ravaged the sky above the Jade Sting Star...

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