Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 408 The Power of the Demonic Jade Sword, Chu Wudao's Heart of Vengeance

Chu Wudao looked at Wang Wenda and Tianmo indifferently in front of him, and snorted coldly in a low voice: "I, Tianji Shang Xingyuan, am the only one who came here for the Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference. You can fight me freely this time." , life and death are determined!"

As soon as the words fell, before the two opponents could say anything, the magic formula was activated in an instant, and the power of the magic jade sword, after countless years, once again looked down on the cultivation world!

"Whoosh..." The Moyu sword shot up like a nimble little snake, and what came with it was full of bloody aura that made people smell bad!

"The Demonic Jade Sword... has moved!" All the monks looked up at the small smart sword in the sky. The white jade was flawless and full of warm light, but the momentum it emitted was unspeakable and powerful. In a blink of an eye, everything within a radius of [-] kilometers was enveloped in it!

"Zha!" The faces of Wang Wenda and Tianmo suddenly changed and they shouted wildly. The next moment, two streamers of light, one blue and one black, suddenly rose out of thin air, and immediately grew in length!

Everyone took a closer look, but it was a big seal covering the sky and a huge black sword!

The big seal that covers the sky is Wang Wenda's natal magic weapon. It is covered in azure blue, with a big "Wang" character engraved on the bottom!And that huge black sword, the blade is icy cold, with a shinning light, and it holds a good magic weapon!

In an uproar, the wide and long seal smashed fiercely towards the place where Chu Wudao was. At the same time, Tianmo's giant sword suddenly turned into tens of thousands with a powerful aura, and he shuttled through the void in an instant. , and quickly surrounded Chu Wudao!

"Hey..." Chu Wudao smiled coldly, while the magic formula moved slightly, he saw the magic jade sword suddenly appearing on top of his head, and the next moment, the white magic jade sword entered Chu Wudao's body instantly, strangely become abrupt...

"Boom!" Chu Wudao's body suddenly turned into a handful of blood mist, and then drifted in the void!

Wang Wenda's big seal and thousands of sword shadows suddenly lost their targets, and wandered in the air!

"One of the characteristics of the magic jade sword, the blood mist, can instantly disintegrate the monk's body into mist and hide in the surrounding space. The area filled with blood mist is his absolute control!" Looking at the coldness in the void, he said, "Purgatory, this characteristic is similar to your hell-suppressing spirit, but this blood mist has no room to grow, it all depends on the characteristics of the magic jade sword itself!"

A gloomy look flashed across the handsome faces of Purgatory, and he said with a low and gloomy smile: "Master, if I fight this Wudao, what will be the result?"

"You?" Lian Lietian glanced at Purgatory indifferently, and said in a low voice, "You will definitely die! Although your strength is not bad, this Chu Wudao has not only stepped into the Mahayana stage, but his body has been reborn, and the power of the magic jade sword , it is simply not something you can compete with, unless you can really use Hell Suppressing Soul Qi handy, but you have only been in contact with Hell Suppressing Soul Qi for hundreds of years, and there is still a long way to go before you can master it Walk!"

"Really..." A trace of reluctance flashed in Purgatory's eyes, and his fists clattered loudly, "Declaring war is one, I never thought that Chu Wudao, who was not seen by me before, has now become one of my friends." Great enemy!"


When all the monks looked into the distance, the bloody mist quickly spread within a radius of nearly [-] square kilometers!

The magic jade sword has disappeared for nearly ten thousand years, and Wang Wenda and Tianmo are one of the four forbidden weapons, and they rarely hear about it. They only occasionally encounter superficial knowledge in ancient books. The effect of the mist was not understood by the two of them at all, but their eyes were also vicious!

"Fellow Daoist Tianmo, let's get out of this mist quickly!" Wang Wenda shouted loudly, and his figure shot away in one direction instantly!

Tianmo, as a strong man in the Pomodakoman Star Abyss, although his cultivation base is not the strongest in this abyss, he has his own pride. Looking at the blood mist, he smiled coldly, The tactic suddenly moved, and the next moment, the tens of thousands of flying swords controlled suddenly split into nearly one hundred thousand streamers again, and these streamers shone with sharp light, viciously stirring up the blood mist for a while!

"Wang Wenda, if you are scared, just run away, I don't believe it, he is just a newly promoted Mahayana monk, with a magic jade sword, what can he do to me!!!" Tian Mo shouted angrily, the power of true essence Suddenly surged wildly, within a radius of thousands of kilometers, bursts of sturdy killing breath suddenly appeared!

"You..." Wang Wenda burst into anger, and controlled Dayin to smash people into the mist fiercely, smashing pieces of mist into pieces...

"You are already dying, and you don't even know it!" A cold voice appeared in the ears of both of them at the same time!

The two were startled, they couldn't see where Chu Wudao was talking to them, at this moment, the blood mist suddenly changed!

"Swoosh..." A few tiny blood-colored rays of light suddenly surged in the mist, and these tiny rays of light increased crazily. At this moment, Wang Wenda suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Looking at the talisman he controlled, Immediately froze...

But seeing these small rays of light, they actually pierced the surface of his big seal, and pierced fiercely into it!

"Chu Wudao, show yourself to the old man if you have the ability!" Wang Wenda yelled, and the big seal shrank rapidly in an uproar, but suddenly there was a crackling sound on the big seal...

"Boom..." A series of shattering sounds suddenly resounded through the void!

"Pfft..." Wang Wenda's heart trembled violently, and he spit out blood immediately, and a feeling of powerlessness slowly appeared all over his body!

"Why, why is this happening?" Wang Wenda looked at the heavy blood mist around him, and in his heart, he frantically moved the magic formula, and a violent force suddenly emerged from his body, covering the surrounding blood mist in the air. peripheral!

However, the next moment's change made Wang Wenda's face startled, but seeing the bloody rays of light pierce through the protective barrier he activated, and then went inside!

"No...don't...don't!!!" Wang Wenda yelled frantically, and immediately threw away the wreckage of his natal magic weapon, and fled frantically into the distance!

"Wang Wenda, you ran!" A cold shout suddenly passed through the bottom of his heart, and it sounded coldly!

The next moment, these small blood-colored rays of light broke through the barriers, entered the barrier of body protection, and shot towards Wang Wenda's body frantically under the lasing!

"Swoosh..." A bloody light penetrated into Wang Wenda's body instantly, and then the second, third...

"Don't..." Wang Wenda's whole body burst into layers of flesh, and clusters of blood overflowed from his body. When he yelled, his mind suddenly haggarded!

"Don't..." Wang Wenda said haggardly, but within a few breaths, Wang Wenda's exuberant vitality had withered crazily. At this moment, he was covered in blood, and his face was skinny like a skeleton...

"Hum!" A cold shout sounded suddenly, and countless bloody rays of light stirred in Wang Wenda's body instantly. Immediately, Wang Wenda's body withered away, and even the primordial spirit was completely swallowed by these bloody lights!

"Tianmo, it's your turn!" A cold shout sounded from the bottom of Tianmo's heart!

"What's going on?" Tianmo frowned and looked at the bloody mist around him, "Wang Wenda, where are you? Let me die!"

"Hehe... Wang Wenda is already dead, this time it's your turn!" Chu Wudao's body suddenly appeared a hundred meters away from Tianmo, his whole body was blood red, and there was a bloody aura coming out of him!

"What happened in this blood mist? Then Wang Wenda seems to be in danger!" The monks below chatted in a low voice!

"Chu Wudao can be regarded as the number one character. In a one-on-two match, the man from the Jianjian and the monk from Man Xingyuan have nothing to do with Chu Wudao!"

"Is this magic jade sword really so powerful? What kind of power are the four forbidden weapons?"

"They've only been fighting for less than half an hour, yet Wang Wenda screamed like that! What happened?"

"Damn the blood mist, it even blocked our sight!"

The three lords looked at each other silently at this moment, and some high-level Sanxians and Sanmas in the field also looked at the void in silence, and sighed helplessly after a long time!

A strange look flashed in Feng Xie's indifferent eyes, and he whispered: "This battle is over!"

"What?" Fairy Shaoyao, Chu Xinghen and Yun Wuying were startled, "So fast!"

"It's already Chu Wudao who showed mercy!" Feng Xie shook his head indifferently and said, "Otherwise, he would definitely end the battle within 5 minutes. The power of the Demon Jade Sword is really weird and unpredictable!"

While everyone was talking, the blood mist in the sky suddenly disappeared, and Chu Wudao was wearing a white robe, with a warm smile flashing across his delicate face, beside him, a white jade-like magic jade sword was slowly flowing!

"Where are Wang Wenda and Tianmo?" A group of monks who couldn't understand asked slightly confused!

Feng Xie looked at Chu Wudao in the sky gloomyly, and said indifferently: "Those two people have lost their bodies and spirits..."

Everyone froze in place for a moment...

Chu Wudao smiled warmly, appeared in the periphery of Hengduan Mountain in a flash, then looked at Wan Qingkui and said respectfully, "My junior pays homage to the Lord of Rebellion!"

Wan Qingkui looked at Chu Wudao indifferently with his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "Chu Wudao, you won this battle beautifully!"

"What...Wang Wenda and Tianmo both died?" The monks who didn't know why were shocked, and they didn't know what happened!

"Don't dare!" Chu Wudao said with a chuckle, "Lord of Rebellion, this junior wants to meet with you!"

Wan Qingkui shook his head indifferently and said: "Chu Wudao, I am already familiar with the enmity between you and my junior brother!"

Chu Wudao was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled and said: "In this case, the younger generation won't worry about talking nonsense!" As soon as the words fell, Chu Wudao's breath suddenly rose sharply, and he raised his head and roared angrily: "Declare war, come out to the old man, you will kill my son!" Hatred will end at this conference!"

The sound rose in panic, and rumbling spread throughout the world!

Dihui frowned, looked at Chu Wudao coldly, and said indifferently, "Your name is Chu Wudao?"

Chu Wudao looked at the world with a ferocious expression on his face, and when he heard Di Hui's words, he was slightly startled, and then clasped his fists and said, "This senior, this junior is called Chu Wudao!"

When Di Hui was about to say something, his face was slightly taken aback, and then he looked at Wan Qingkui, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at Chu Wudao indifferently!

Wan Qingkui burst out laughing suddenly on the high platform, flung the cloak behind him, looked at Chu Wudao and said coldly: "Chu Wudao, let me tell you the truth, I will not interfere in the enmity between you and my junior brother!"

Hearing Wan Qingkui's words, Chu Wudao felt relieved immediately. It was no secret to him that the monk who declared the war was Piao Miao Jian Xintian, and even the junior of these master monks. It is the heart of death, because he knows that even if he kills and declares war, these master monks will not let him leave safely!

"But!" Wan Qingkui suddenly smiled coldly!

Hearing these words, Chu Wudao suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart...

"But if you dare to kill my little junior brother, I will definitely not let you leave alive, let alone set foot on the road of reincarnation!" Wan Qingkui said coldly like the sound of mountains!

Hearing Wan Qingkui's words, Chu Wudao suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but after a few breaths, Chu Wudao had once again determined his path of revenge, and said in a low voice: "Even so, junior It won't stop there!"

"Then this seat will destroy your Tianju Shang Xingyuan!"

"Then this seat will destroy your Tianju Shang Xingyuan!"

"Then this seat will destroy your Tianju Shang Xingyuan!"

As soon as this sentence came out, it immediately spread across the entire Hengduan Mountain...

Hearing these words, a group of monks suddenly burst into shock, and all of them looked at Wan Qingkui, the lord of rebellion, with greatly changed expressions.

"You..." Chu Wudao suddenly blushed and looked at Wan Qingkui angrily, "Lord of Rebellion, what do you mean!"

"Hmph!" Wan Qingkui snorted coldly, but he didn't bother to look at Chu Wudao any more, picked up the booklet and flipped through it...

Chu Wudao's eyes became complicated for a while, he hated, hated the declaration of war and killed his only son, hated Wan Qingkui for blatantly covering up and declaring war in public, he hated even more... his own powerlessness!

In order to take revenge, Chu Wudao did not hesitate to risk the danger of being destroyed by the thunder of God of Transcending Tribulation, and went against the sky to kill a hundred thousand people who studied, and took their blood to refine this magic jade sword. What others can imagine, when the magic jade sword is completed, its magic flames and sky will make a planet burnt and lifeless. Although he is already a monk in the Mahayana period, but now he has even Not being recognized by the fairy world, the only way out is to ascend to the demon world!However, he didn't regret it, no matter how much he paid for revenge, it was worth it!

For this reason, he did not hesitate to betray Tianju Shang Xingyuan!

"Lord of Rebellion, this junior is no longer a monk of Tianju Shang Xingyuan..." After a few breaths, Chu Wudao said in a low voice, "How is it different from that bandit when you vent your anger on others like this! Declaring war as your Piaomiao Jianxintian's cultivator, can you kill my cultivator at will and be protected by you? Can you implicate others at will?"

"That's right!" Wan Qingkui frowned, and looked at Chu Wudao disdainfully, "What you not bad at all! If you dare to provoke my monk, Piao Miao Jian Xintian, you must be prepared to be angered by me! "

"You..." Hearing Wan Qingkui's answer, Chu Wudao suddenly became angry, and his face was as red as a pig's liver, " are covering up naked!"

Wan Qingkui glanced at Chu Wudao indifferently, and said in a low voice: "Little ants, roll back wherever you came from!"

"Lord of Rebellion!" Chu Wudao looked at Wan Qingkui coldly, and said word by word, "Declaration of war, you must die, and one of him and I must fall! Even...even if you really anger Tianju Shangxing deep!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Chu Wudao instantly fell into Hengduan Mountain...

"This Chu Wudao is really crazy!" The monk below said in a low voice, "In order to avenge his son, he did not hesitate to sacrifice all the monks in the entire Tianji Shang Xingyuan..."

"This Lord of Rebellion is really brutal!"

Wan Qingkui looked at the monk below and smiled coldly, then looked at the booklet in his hand!

"Who is next?" All the monks asked in their hearts!

It can be said that the Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference has run counter to the original purpose of the conference. At the beginning of the conference, Luo Tiangang, the Lord of Fortune, presided over it. There are also people who are reconciled and hated. , but it is definitely not like this year, killing every scene!This year's Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference has completely turned into a killing conference! ! !

These monks looked at Wan Qingkui's pamphlet, and suddenly felt a sense of horror in their hearts. In every name-calling battle, one side died, and even many people died together when they went crazy. Now Wan Qingkui's The booklet is like a book of life and death. Although it is very ordinary, somehow, this booklet is even stronger than the lethality produced by the four forbidden weapons!

"The next group... who is it?" All the monks suddenly thought silently...

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