Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 410 Goodbye Xiaobai

As soon as the words fell, a brilliant stream of light suddenly rushed straight from the sky, and fierce auras raged arrogantly in the void!

"Declare war, taste Daoist's sky-breaking sword!" A shout roared in the light of the sword!

Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the streamer, and said with a low laugh: "Brother Wang's methods are really powerful, but after more than a hundred years, this kid has grown to the level of Tianxin, much faster than me. !"

When You Zijin heard the words of declaring war, a smile appeared on You Zijin's cold face, and then he hid it. However, in the sensitive feeling of declaring war, especially at such a short distance, every move of You Zijin's skin can be said to be Under the feeling of declaring war!

Feeling You Zijin's smile, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a little funny in his heart!

This stream of light struck in a blink of an eye, and the majestic coercion of Tianxin's early days was suddenly suppressed!

"Good boy!" Xuan Zhan smiled softly. Even a cultivator in the middle of Tianxin would have a little pressure to resist this coercion.

The sword finger of the right hand moved slightly, but seeing all the flowers, plants and trees in the place shrouded in coercion suddenly stand up straight, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, bursting out with sharp sword intent in an instant!Xuan Zhan stood indifferently, looked at the purple figure in the sky, and raised his sword finger lightly!

"Whoosh..." Countless strong and vast sword intents shot out of thin air, and immediately confronted the coercion of the Tianxin period emanating from the purple figure!

In an instant, the vitality of the heavens and the earth circulated wildly in a radius of tens of kilometers, and the flowers, plants and trees shook wildly!

"Xiao Xiaobai, I haven't seen you in a hundred years, it really surprised me!" Xuan Zhan let out a long roar, feeling the strong sword intent around him, and raised his sword finger slightly while speaking!

"Om..." A sharp wave of sword intent slammed into the sky like the Milky Way flowing backwards!

"Damn it!" Xiao Xiaobai said with a weeping expression on his face, "How on earth did you cultivate!" The act of declaring war immediately dissipated his coercion into the void!

In a blink of an eye, he came to the two of them in an instant. Looking at the declaration of war that he hadn't seen for a long time, Xiao Xiaobai sighed helplessly: "Uncle Xuan, you are too disrespectful to me!"

Xuan Zhan smiled casually, retracted his sword finger, and immediately saw the frenzy of sword intent around him dissipate between heaven and earth in a blink of an eye!Looking at the resolute face, Xiao Xiaobai said softly: "You have surprised me very much. In just a short period of more than a hundred years, you have advanced to the early stage of Tianxin, and your cultivation speed is much faster than mine!"

Xiao Xiaobai smiled, turned his eyes to You Zijin and said with a smile: "Zi Jin, today you seem to be a little prettier than yesterday!"

You Zijin spat secretly, smiled whitely and said with a glance at Xiaobai: "You bastard!"

"Hey..." Xiao Xiaobai laughed again, then looked at Xuan Zhan and asked: "Xuan Zhan, I heard that you beat the crap out of a three-turn scatter demon, okay you, what state are you in now? "

"Late stage of Tianxin!" Xuan Zhan said lightly, "The three-turn scatterer just relied on a secret method to temporarily improve his cultivation to that point. Compared with a monk who really stepped into the three-turn scatterer, the real strength comparison It is incomparable!"

The words of declaring war are justified. Hua Xihua borrowed external force that day to control the cultivation base of three-turn dispersing demons. Naturally, there are many places that cannot be easily controlled!Compared with someone with a real three-turn dispersing magic cultivation base, it is definitely not a level of competition!But even so, with the strength that declared war at that time, it was difficult to really beat her!

You Zijin frowned, and said softly: "Uncle, Master asked me to tell you something after you wake up!"

Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and a bad premonition quietly appeared in his heart. The thing that Wan Qingkui would tell him the first time he woke up was definitely either great joy or great sorrow. Now is the holding of the Ziguang Wanxian Conference At that time, the killing breath pervaded the Jade Sting Star, where did the joy come from?

"Say!" Xuan Zhan frowned, looking at You Zijin!

You Zijin said in a cold voice: "Your friend, Ni Ganxuan is dead!"

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly shrank wildly, and the fingers that were playing with the blue crystal stone stopped immediately!

A gust of breeze quietly blew past everyone, brushing over Xuan Zhan's forehead...

Xiao Xiaobai looked at Xuan Zhan's face, and found that the news made Xuan Zhan's body pause for a moment, and there was no other reaction!Xiao Xiaohuai is also very familiar with Ni Qianxuan. At the beginning, the two met on Tianlian Caixing, and they gave Xiao Xiaohuai a very good impression. When they suddenly heard the news of Ni Ganxuan's death, Xiao Xiaohuai was the first This impression is impossible!

Ni Ganxuan's talents are abundant, without the guidance of a famous teacher, relying on killing all the way, he has entered the Tianxin stage step by step within a thousand years. This kind of cultivation path, it can be said that the foundation of Niganxuan's cultivation is already very solid!And he has experienced thousands of years of killing and fighting, and saved himself from danger every time, so he must have his own life-saving skills!

But, how can you say that when you die, you will die...

Quiet, very quiet...

At this moment, the face of the declaration of war is very calm, just standing there, not moving... not moving!

Half an hour later, the first act of declaring war was to take a deep breath and ask softly, "Brother Ni's body, is it damaged?"

You Zijin said coldly: "No, except for some scars on the surface, there is no damage at all!"

"Lead the way!" Xuan Zhan said in a low voice and calmly, looking at the sky with faint eyes, as if through the void, deep and unfathomable...

You Zijin nodded, took a deep look at Xuan Zhan, and suddenly realized that he couldn't see what Master Xuan was thinking...

It stands to reason that Ni Ganxuan is a good friend of Xuan Zhan, his death will definitely make Xuan Zhan sad, but now what Xuan Zhan shows, except for the slight pause at the beginning, seems to have nothing to do with him !You Zijin can't see through, not at all...

Xuan Zhan calmly followed You Zijin, looking at the long sky, he was in a daze for a while, he knew who the murderer was, and the only one who could fight against Ni Ganxuan was the Xing Jian Alliance!But...but he couldn't accept the fact that Ni Ganxuan died!

These three characters, Niganxuan, represent the class with the most outstanding cultivation qualifications among the young monks of today's generation!At the same time, it is also the target of countless junior monks in the cultivation world vying to surpass. The status of the three young masters is too high.

Cultivation... this road is precarious...

Ni Qianxuan truly regards Xuan Zhan as a brother and friend, and Xuan Zhan knows this very well. After Ni Ganxuan left Bo Shanxing, he once looked for himself in the world of comprehension, and even on Tianlian Caixing, openly for himself Turn evil against five shades of blood, evil spirits, cherish flowers!Later, I went to the Pride Sect with myself, and taught many Pride Sect disciples about the valuable experience of cultivation!

The two have only known each other for 200 years, but Ni Qianxuan can go through life and death for himself!In the heart of Xuan Zhan, he has already recognized Ni Ganxuan's friend status, and Tianxiong is in the same position!

After flying for two hours, You Zijin and Xiao Xiaobai led the declaration to the manor of a tomb of souls. Two purple-clothed disciples guarded the gate of the manor!

Seeing the arrival of You Zijin, Xiao Xiaobai and Xuan Zhan, the two disciples immediately bowed respectfully: "I have met Uncle Xuan, I have seen Senior Sister and Senior Brother!"

Xiao Xiaobai waved his hands grinningly and said, "The two juniors have worked hard!"

The three of them entered the Soul Tomb Manor, but they saw tens of thousands of tombs standing here desolately and desolately!Around this tomb, bursts of gloomy wind blow, and the sky above here is covered with dark clouds all the year round, making it look very eerie and gloomy!

You Zijin introduced as he walked: "This is the first Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference held so far. All monks who died have been buried here. It is a burial place!"

Xuan Zhan nodded indifferently...

After a few turns with the declaration of war and laughing at Xiaobai, You Zijin quietly came to a stone tablet next to the tomb. On the stone tablet, there were five large characters engraved:

The Tomb of Niganxuan!

On the tombstone, apart from these five words, there are no other words!

There was no other tomb around the tomb, and it was a bit lonely in this place. Xuan Zhan came to the front of the tombstone, looked at the tombstone, pursed his lips indifferently, and patted the tombstone. His eyes were slightly hesitant, with a hint of sadness!

Only then did You Zijin discover that the death of Ni Qianxuan still had an impact on the declaration of war!

"Hey..." Xuan Zhan looked at Ni Ganxuan's tombstone with his hands behind his back, a bit of bitterness suddenly surged in his heart, and a bleak aura quietly permeated his surroundings!

Xiao Xiaobai stretched out his right hand, a pot of clear wine and two cups quietly appeared in his palm, handed it to Xuan Zhan, and said softly, "Let's have a drink with him!"

Xuan Zhan took the cup, filled it, solemnly sprinkled the wine in the cup in front of the tombstone, and drank the other glass of wine in one gulp. Looking at the tombstone, "Xian Jian Alliance" suddenly flashed in his mind, and his right hand Immediately grab it hard!

"Boom!" The cup instantly shattered into powder!

"Let's go!" Xuan Zhan looked up at the two of them and said coldly, and walked towards the gate of the manor first!

Xiao Xiaobai said in a low voice: "I am very angry at declaring war!" After thinking about it, he looked at Youzi Jinfu and said: "The consequences are very serious!"

Youzi laughed at Xiaobai for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "How do you know?"

"Based on what I know about him!" Xiao Xiaobai said word by word, "Just watch!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately chased after Xuan Zhan, You Zijin followed behind the two of them, looking at them, for some reason, he was agitated!

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