Under the bombardment of millions of destructive lights full of killing aura, Feng Xie's bloody beak screamed again and again, and nine huge tails tightly wrapped around his body. Clusters of unwillingness flashed across!

Hundreds of monks with varying cultivation levels at the Sanxian period, while constantly bombarding, looked at Feng Xie who was still struggling at the entrance of the black hole, so that he would not be sucked in by the powerful suction of the black hole, and his eyes flashed with horror!

We all know how strong the suction of black holes is. Even monks who are as powerful as the five-turn Sanxian and Sanma period dare not say that they can escape the suction of black holes in the universe. In this vast universe, there are countless cultivators. Feel the terrifying force of nature, and the suction of the black hole is one of them!And this Fengxie was able to resist this powerful suction force, and even, if there were not hundreds of monks around him constantly bombarding it, this Fengxie would definitely be able to break free from the black hole's suction and escape!

The strong body of the Yaozu, at this moment, is extremely frightening to them!

The seven Rank [-] Loose Immortals who took the lead looked at each other, and there seemed to be a force of fear growing in their hearts, and the idle and wild cultivator of Rank [-] Loose Immortals, although he was already old, but his body The posture is extremely tall and straight, just like an ancient pine, but at this moment, because of the excessive loss of true energy again and again, it looks a little weak, a set of bright body armor exudes a dim light, and the body is full of a Dao's scars, although not fatal, also affected the display of strength!

Not only him, but the other six Rank [-] Loose Immortals and Loose Demons around him were not only injured, but also showed a look of exhaustion!Chong Qianfeng and You Gu are the strongest monks among them. Although they saw that Feng Xie was about to be blasted into the black hole, they still didn't dare to be careless. The ruthless Ling Guang!

In this universe, sword qi is bred, sword intent is vertical and horizontal, and countless different auras of true essence power are constantly interspersed in it, the target... Fengxie's body!

"Boom!" Feng Xie's huge fox body suddenly erupted with a chilling monster force, that kind of evil force, which made people feel as if they had fallen into the abyss of hell, and immediately shocked everyone. People shoot up in all directions in an instant!

"Not good!" Chong Qianfeng roared, "This Fengxie is about to break free from the black hole's suction!"

"What should I do..." Hua Yunzun's seven-turn loose immortal retreated thousands of kilometers in an instant, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself, as the power of the primordial spirit flowed, this way The voice instantly appeared in the hearts of everyone!

"We must not let Feng Xie break free from the black hole's suction, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable. The reason why Feng Xie is struggling to deal with us now is all because of the black hole's suction. If he is allowed to break free, he will definitely fight back to the death "Chong Qianfeng said quietly in his heart, "Fellow Taoist Yougu, fellow Taoist priests, each of you will bring 40 people to attack from the side and harass Fengxie. My brothers and fellow Taoists Hetutian will look for opportunities to give him a fatal blow!" One hit!"

Everyone nodded immediately, and Yougu and the three monks immediately led eighty monks and continued to attack from the side!

Duan Donglai looked gloomy at Feng Xie who was still struggling in the black hole, and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, what should we do?"

Chong Qianfeng said in a low voice: "Except for you, me and the other three juniors, two of the six juniors brought by the old man have already fallen. Hey... Junior brother, how much true energy is left in your body?"

"Less than half!" Duan Donglai said quietly, "The world inside the body has begun to appear chaotic, and the supply of heaven and earth vitality is in short supply..."

"Is that so..." Chong Qianfeng pursed his lips and said, then glanced at the other three juniors with tragic faces, and a ruthless look suddenly flashed in his eyes!

At this moment, the seven-turn loose fairy named He Tutian flashed, and appeared beside Chong Qianfeng in an instant, Rusong's figure was slightly ragged, and he looked at Chong Qianfeng with fists and said firmly: "Brother Chong, But if you have a mission, you will die!"

Before the hatred of the monster clan, everyone gave up their grievances and shared the same hatred, even if they died, there would be no regrets!

"Brother He, how sure are you that you can interfere with Feng Xie and distract him?" Chong Qianfeng asked coldly, "Live and die!"

He Tutian smiled vicissitudes, and said in a low voice: "I'm not sure, the cultivation base of the nine-tailed sky fox is really strong, and the old man is not sure at all, but since brother Chong has said it, even if the old man loses this rotten body, he will definitely lose it." To interfere with Fengxie, I think, with the help of the black hole's suction, the old man...hehe...the old man will go first!" As soon as the words fell, He Tutian's figure flashed, and he took the sky away in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it was shot thousands of miles away!

Chong Qianfeng looked at the few remaining juniors, and said in a low voice: "Junior, the earth has fallen into the immortal formation!"

As soon as these words came out, Duan Donglai and the three juniors around him suddenly fell silent. After a few breaths, the four of them suddenly said in unison: "Senior brother, come to be the eye of the formation!"

Chong Qianfeng waved his hands coldly and said silently: "The old man is here, you guys don't need to talk nonsense! Let's go!"

"Senior brother!" Several people looked at Chong Qianfeng and cried out sadly, "I can't let you do it, the sect needs you!"

"Hmph!" Chong Qianfeng snorted coldly, "The wind evil is still alive, what face does this old man have to live on!" , you can make this old man use your body as a formation to use the Earth Trapping Wheel Tribulation Immortal Formation, you are proud enough!"


"Ru..." Feng Xie swiped his tail, immediately blocked hundreds of thousands of fierce lights, the fluff on his tail flew and splashed in all directions, and the surging monster power raged wildly around, a pair of ferocious His eyes stared fiercely at the monks on both sides, his claws pawed at the mouth of the black hole, resisting the suction force of the black hole, and then, a few tails surged with great force in an instant, pulling his body out again!

"Kill me!" You Gu and the three monks yelled loudly, and countless magic weapons rushed out of the sky, smashing them over in an instant!

Looking at the huge magic weapon and countless real yuan sharp lights, Feng Xie raised his head and screamed out, a huge beam of light suddenly appeared from his mouth, instantly scattered the magic weapon and the power of real yuan , Countless magic weapons were instantly destroyed!

"Pfft..." Countless monks vomited blood immediately, and all of them were haggard. Then, the injured monk suddenly burst out mouthfuls of blood, waved a series of magical spells, and penetrated into his body!In a blink of an eye, it was alive and well!

Some monks carried a lot of pills, so they quickly ate the pills... For a while, the seals and spells of the pills came out all over the sky, and the next moment, the power of boundless true essence came over again!

Time is quietly passing by, this resistance situation has passed half a month before you know it...

"Not good!" Countless monks exclaimed in shock, "Everyone fights, the wind evil is about to come out!"

"Li..." With a hissing and screaming, Feng Xie's body finally broke free from the black hole after half a month. The next moment, beams of light burst out of his mouth instantly, and traces of strange power swept away. rise!

Just when there was nothing left in this room, a deep voice came out: "Grudges are right and wrong, a single thought is in vain..."

As soon as the voice fell, a shocking aura burst from Feng Xie's back suddenly, like a giant hiding in the darkness, it hit Feng Xie's back in an instant!

The fluff on Feng Xie's back suddenly exploded. This force is so powerful that it is definitely not something that a Rank [-] cultivator can produce, but this breath...

"Ziz...Ziz..." A trace of anxiety suddenly emerged from Feng Xie's back!

"The soul is burning..." Feng Xie let out a stern scream, and suddenly turned back to look at the enemy, but saw an old monk with hideous eyes and clusters of black flames bursting out from his body, blasting on Feng Xie's back...

"In order to kill me, I will not hesitate to burn the power of my soul!" Feeling the destructive force that invaded his body instantly, Feng Xie roared angrily, "My monster race has fallen for countless times, and has nothing to do with your human race, why? ...why do you still hate us!!!"

The monk who burned his soul and disturbed Fengxie was the old man... He Tutian!

He Tutian smiled miserably, and roared ferociously: "Feng Xie, don't be wishful thinking and self-righteous. Since your monster clan killed my human blood in the prehistoric period, my human race and your monster clan have been inseparable!"

At this moment, He Tutian's body suddenly trembled slightly, and the next moment, starting from his footsteps, He Tutian's body began to show signs of collapse...

"Why, why!!!" Feng Xie was immediately aroused by He Tutian's words!

Feng Xie walks in the realm of comprehension, hiding his true identity all day long. He doesn't have much hatred for the human race. Even though he is a nine-tailed sky fox, he doesn't rely on his identity to fight against the human race. What he does is just want to be alone !

"I, Feng Xie, have never been enemies of the human race. Everything I do is a personal grievance. Even though I, Feng Xie, am a demon race, I have never done anything against the human race. The hatred between humans and demons has passed for so many years. You... ...You human monks really can't let go!"

"What did I do wrong, tell me, what did I do wrong!!!" Feng Xie suddenly roared crazily! "

"It's late! It's late!" Before He Tutian's body completely disappeared, he said looking at Feng Xie's indifference...

"Feng Xie, let the old man tell you what is wrong with you!" At this moment, an old voice suddenly rose in panic!

As soon as the voice came out, everyone looked at the source of the voice in surprise...

In the depths of the universe, a white figure suddenly came from far to near, bursting with unparalleled aura!

"This... How did the senior become like this?" Everyone shouted in surprise when they saw the person coming!

The white light slowly disappeared, and a huge figure leisurely appeared in the distance of Feng Xie. This huge figure was a hundred miles tall, even taller than Feng Xie's body by a line!A face slowly appeared, not Chong Qianfeng, but who...

"Chongqianfeng..." Fengxie roared gloomyly, the heart-wrenching wound behind him made his body tremble, the wound burned by the soul is the most terrifying pain in the cultivation world, it can be said There is basically no cure, unless you rely on your strong cultivation all day long and the power of your soul to resist, otherwise, sooner or later you will be tortured to death by the pain and gradually expanding injuries!

Chong Qianfeng looked at the position of He Tutian, who had been destroyed physically and mentally, with a trace of indifference flashing in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Friend He Dao, thank you for this fatal blow!" The next moment, the huge Chong Qianfeng With a sudden wave of Feng's cuff, a huge chain of fire came out of his sleeve in an instant!

"Boom..." The huge fire chain was like a death scythe, smashing towards Feng Xie fiercely!

This fire chain is not comparable to the five chains swung by the previous Earth Trapping Wheel Tribulation Immortal Formation. Not only is the breath infinitely stronger, but its power has risen to an incredible level!

"The earth is trapped in the immortal array!" Chong Qianfeng said leisurely!

"Roar..." Feng Xie suddenly roared out a cluster of sinister beams of light, and blasted fiercely at the flinging chain of fire!

This force is the most powerful attack of Fengxie since this battle...

"Boom!" The two forces instantly blasted together, and countless destructive auras swept across the universe with a radius of millions of miles!

You Gu and the three elders looked at the chain of fire, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Fellow Daoist, this... This is the Immortal Formation of Earth's Trapped Wheel Tribulation!"

"Hmph!" Chong Qianfeng shouted coldly, and Feng Xie's two huge bodies suddenly retreated a hundred thousand kilometers!

On par... Everyone was stunned for a moment!

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