Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 416 Fighting Wind Evil

"Swoosh..." A huge white shadow with a length of hundreds of miles retreated 20 kilometers in an instant in the universe, and a pair of ferocious eyes stared fiercely at dozens of people scattered in every corner of the surrounding area. Exuding a chilling and powerful breath of death!

From the perspective of the universe, it is terrifying to look at, with a body length of hundreds of miles, and its whole body is white, but there are nine huge white plush tails swaying behind it, all of which show the strength of this monster!

"Boom..." The surrounding monks suddenly erupted with murderous turmoil. Looking at the monster white fox in front of them, Chong Qianfeng's primordial power instantly circulated in his body, and the majestic and boundless voice resounded through everyone In his heart: "Feng Xie, today must be your death day. The old man doesn't believe it. I have poured out dozens of monks who are at the stage of loose immortals and demons, and I can't get you. All the monks obey the order, and form a group of five. In all directions of Fengxie!"

At this moment, the number of monks present has already reached a hundred. These monks include the well-known Optimist monks, some idle wild cultivators, and their cultivation bases are between the third and seventh ranks. Among them, except for the battle of snatching the nectar dripping from the cracks in the fairy world 500 years ago, there is no battle that can compare with the current war between monsters!

Although the number of participants is quite small, no more than a hundred, but in this quality first, even the powerful monks who are three-turn loose immortals and loose demons, who are already at the top of the pyramid in the cultivation world, must fight in this battle. Ten out of ten energy!The enemy they are facing is not someone else, but the hatred monster race that is inherited in the blood of the human race!

According to ancient records, in the distant prehistoric period, the human race was simply the target of being devoured by the monster race. At that time, the human race lingered in the cultivation world, and even had to feed tigers with their bodies. In order for the human race not to be swallowed by the monster race Complete devouring, in order not to be completely cut off the blood of the Yaozu's inheritance...

Now, when the human race is strong, it will definitely kill the demon race. The slogan of subjugating demons and eliminating demons is definitely not an act of saying nothing. These four words are formed by adding hatred again and again!

Although Fengxie is still strong at this moment, it is not too pleasant. More than 50 scattered immortals and scattered demons attack in groups. Even if it is a nine-tailed sky fox, it must be taken seriously, and if it is careless, it will be injured!

Hearing Chong Qianfeng's words, the fifty or so monks were instantly divided into dozens of squads. The murderous branch was tens of thousands of kilometers away from Fengxie, and each of them showed their abilities and tried their best to encircle and suppress the monster clan Fengxie. Only a nine-tailed sky fox!

Among the people present, there are already seven Rank [-] powerhouses. Besides Chongqianfeng and Duandonglai Yougu, there are three others who belong to the Three Venerables. It is the will of all cultivators to eradicate the monster race. It is really impossible not to send people to fight, and the last one is an idle field repairman!

There are as many as twenty rank six monks below rank seven, and as many as seventy rank five and rank three monks!And the monks under the third rank, it is even impossible to gain a firm foothold in this battle. These more than a hundred monks, after being eliminated by death for a long time, the rest can save their lives especially Those who have a chance to make a move!And before that, nearly three hundred monks under the third rank even fell!

Among the seven Rank [-] Loose Immortals and Loose Demons, Chong Qianfeng was the most senior and the strongest in cultivation, so the one who gave orders was none other than Chong Qianfeng!

Under the same hatred and hatred, all the monks rose up densely in an instant, and the magic formula in their hands came out in response!

This is a hard battle, a battle to the death that must eradicate the evil spirits of the Yaozu!After Wan Qingkui gave such an opportunity, countless monks were immediately inspired by the hatred in their blood, and used the most powerful means against Feng Xie without any means!

"Phew..." A stream of sinister aura suddenly blew out from a corner, and the next moment, boundless miasma suddenly spread towards Feng Xie's surroundings!

Poisonous miasma gas is one of the most sinister and vicious methods in the cultivation world. If the miasma gas is poisonous enough, it can even cause a monk to lose his life without knowing it. In the blink of an eye, Feng Xie was densely covered!

At the same time, a group of puppet monks suddenly flew over from a corner. Under the gloomy complexion of these puppets, one by one, they entered the miasma like their lives and then blasted towards Fengxie!

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of Feng Xie, who was hundreds of miles long, and while his nine huge tails were swaying, his whole body suddenly trembled fiercely, and traces of a sinister aura that seemed to be substantial suddenly rushed towards the miasma and the puppet!

"Roar..." Feng Xie suddenly raised his head and let out a yell, and suddenly shot out huge white light balls from his mouth, and then blasted towards the puppets!

"Boom..." The sound of a series of explosions suddenly trembled fiercely, but seeing layers of ripples around the explosion, the next moment, a black swirl suddenly appeared, and the piece of The cosmic framework suddenly appeared unstable!

Five huge chains shot out from the universe in an instant, and millions of ruthless auras were suddenly shot out by more than a hundred monks, pointing to the place where Feng Xie stood!

When there was no time left, nine huge white tails suddenly wrapped around Feng Xie's body, forming a huge white ball in an instant!

"Boom!" Miasma, puppets, five chains, and millions of sharp lights suddenly blasted together with Feng Xie's body crazily, creating a wave of aftermath that made everyone terrified. Stir it up!

"Whoosh..." Countless streamers left here in an instant, and after the aftermath, the white ball transformed by wind evil, except for a little mess and countless white fluff floating around, did not change at all!

"Li..." After a heart-piercing neigh, Feng Xie's body suddenly unfolded crazily, and the next moment, hundreds of thousands of white streamers shot out from his body, and each streamer turned out to be fluff. , but at this moment, the power carried by this hair, even the three-turn Sanxian Sanmo dare not meet head-on!

You Gu sneered coldly, and after thousands of streams of light followed, she snorted and shouted angrily: "Cultivator of the Fantastic Sanqing, Tianyou is bewildered!"

The five monks suddenly drank together.The five miraculous formulas were suddenly pinched by them, and the next moment, the space around Feng Xie suddenly changed violently!

Feng Xie's eyes changed, but he saw a lovely figure suddenly appearing in front of Feng Xie, it was Fairy Shaoyao herself, but seeing this Fairy Shaoyao came to Feng Xie's side with a clever smile and said softly: "Mr. "

Suddenly, a petite figure poked his head out from behind Fairy Shaoyao, looked at Feng Xie with big clear eyes and called softly, "Father, let's go home..."

Suddenly a trace of daze flashed in Feng Xie's ferocious eyes, and a trace of hesitation suddenly flashed in his heart. The two figures were extremely small in front of the huge Feng Xie, so small that it felt like a gust of wind could blow them away Blow down in general!

But it was these two small figures that made Feng Xie's aura slightly weak!

"It's now!" The seven rank seven Loose Immortals suddenly shouted angrily, and many monks suddenly came to their senses!Feng Xie is a nine-tailed celestial fox, and his tenacity is unimaginably strong. Although this enchanting formation is very powerful, it cannot stop Feng Xie's attack all the time, but now it can stop Feng Xie for a while, even if it is only within a microsecond. However, it is very rare that such a loophole appeared, and a hundred powerful monks suddenly resorted to all desperate means!

"Om..." Waves of turbulence appeared in an instant, and waves of whirlpools that reversed the universe were stimulated. In the blink of an eye, these whirlpools slammed fiercely from all directions towards Feng Xie's position. past!

"Ru..." Feng Xie's eyes suddenly returned to a ferocious scarlet color, and he broke free from the disturbing power of the confusing array, but it was too late to wake up...

"Boom..." A hundred strands of murderous, sharp and destructive aura blasted Feng Xie viciously!

A cluster of white light suddenly exploded from it. Before everyone could react, the explosion suddenly spread to an area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers!

All the monks who had not had time to escape were immediately sent flying by the aftermath of the explosion!

A trace of black swirl quietly spun out from the center of the explosion. Where Fengxie was, the space structure of the universe was immediately destroyed by this bombardment, creating a huge black hole!

This black hole became more and more violent, and slowly swallowed the wind evil that was bombarded for no reason!

Seeing Feng Xie gradually being swallowed up by the black hole, all the monks' faces suddenly became happy!

At this moment, Feng Xie, who was covered in scars, suddenly seemed to be able to grasp the space with his two front paws, and he grabbed at the mouth of the black hole. A stream of black blood spewed out, roaring out suddenly:

"If you want me to die from Fengxie, you guys are still too early!!!"

"Boom!" The two front paws suddenly thrust forward, and the universe was grasped by him as if it were real, just like that, bit by bit against the black hole's attractive force crazily, and then struggled and crawled out!

Chong Qianfeng looked at Feng Xie with trepidation at this moment, his heart turned cold, and he suddenly shouted angrily: "Everyone, blast Feng Xie in!"

The exhausted people at this moment can be said to have exhausted the power of their true essence in their bodies, but seeing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they gritted their teeth fiercely, and strands of blood burst out of their mouths in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, strands of powerful aura reappeared in the universe. Looking coldly at Feng Xie crawling out of the black hole, he immediately roared and launched a series of powerful attacks!

"Ru..." The nine tails suddenly extended from the black hole, and the next moment, the nine tails suddenly attached to the barriers around the black hole!

"Boom boom boom..." The endless attacks all hit Feng Xie's body immediately, but because of the nine tails attached to the black hole, Feng Xie's body was not blasted into the black hole by this bombardment. middle!

"Pfft..." Feng Xie spit out mouthfuls of black blood immediately, looking ferociously at the cultivator in his eyes, like a god of death who just crawled out of hell!

Everyone was startled suddenly, this Feng Xie was covered in wounds, but it was like a divine help, he was holding on to the black hole, no matter how powerful they bombarded, they still couldn't blast Feng Xie into the black hole!

"Boom again!" Chong Qianfeng yelled angrily, and the sword formula in his hand rushed out, and a giant sword of ten thousand feet was suddenly condensed by him, and blasted towards Feng Xie's body...

Millions of sharp lights, seemingly endless, hit Feng Xie's body in one shot!

Despite this, Feng Xie was still struggling at the mouth of the black hole, fighting against hundreds of monks and the suction of the black hole!

The power of the nine-tailed sky fox, the power of the monster clan, so powerful!

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