Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 420 Linglong's Appearance

All the monks present looked at the woman who appeared suddenly, but saw that the woman's eyes were bewitching, the corners of her mouth were rosy, and a pair of bewitching eyes were surrounded by a circle of gorgeous eye shadow, but her appearance was full of charms. Strength, on that enchanting face, hangs a slight smile that is enough to charm the common people!

"Who is she? She seems to know that Misty Jian Xintian's declaration of war!" Many people talked in low voices!

"Look at her image, isn't she very similar to the legendary Tsing Yi demon girl Linglong?" A monk suddenly woke up and exclaimed in surprise!

Upon hearing the monk's words, countless people around were startled, and hurriedly looked carefully at the woman who appeared!

But suddenly, everyone shouted in surprise: "The witch Linglong, she is the witch Linglong who specializes in absorbing my monk's energy!"

"But, how did this demon girl know Piaomiao Jianxintian's declaration of war?"

"Could it be that the two of them have something unspeakable inside story?"


Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong at this moment, and his previously peaceful Taoist heart suddenly trembled crazily. If there is anything in this huge cultivation world that can cause Xuan Zhan's peaceful Taoist heart to tremble, then there is only one person, this person, It was the woman in front of many monks—Linglong!

"You..." Xuan Zhan opened the corner of his mouth, wanting to say countless words, but when it reached the corner of his mouth, it turned into, "Linglong... Uncle Xuan finally sees you again..."

Now, Di Hui, who is already a master monk, suddenly flashed the figure of a weak woman in a pair of pure and beautiful eyes. This figure slowly merged with the woman in front of him, and finally turned into the enchanting woman in front of him: "Linglong, you are Linglong!"

Wan Qingkui stared at Linglong who appeared coldly. Although the two were far apart, it did not prevent Wan Qingkui from seeing her clearly. He first met his junior brother, and then stayed in Molixing for a while. , I also saw that cute girl who once sank into the "Drunken Dream Entrance" in the small world. I didn't expect the world to be wasted, and the girl who used to sleep turned into such a look now!But at this moment, Wan Qingkui was startled when he saw the five-color light around Linglong, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "Brothers, five-color light!"

"That's right, it's the legendary five-color divine light!" Wang Dafu and many master-level brothers around him said solemnly through sound transmission, "The one guarding Linglong is precisely the five-color divine light, the legendary five-color divine light." A heavenly treasure transformed from a little chaos!"

"However, it is said that the five-color divine light is the treasure of the peacock clan, the monster clan in the heavens. How could it appear here?" Wan Qingkui said to himself through voice transmission, "Could it be that this realm of cultivation has been patronized by the peacock clan? But... Even if it appeared, how could it leave behind the five-color divine light? Does Linglong have anything to do with the Peacock Clan?"

"Lord of Violence" Yingdi said coldly: "Looking at the five-color divine light, it is only at the weakest level, and it is far from reaching the true full form. If this is the case, it can be inferred that Linglong has obtained the five-color divine light. The time is not long!"

"However, this Linglong's body has been completely infiltrated by the demonic power of the five-color divine light. It can be said that the current Linglong is integrated with the five-color divine light, and both are prosperous!" "Lord of Weeping Way" Fan Tian cried coldly and ruthlessly. : "If it is allowed to develop, it will become a powerful arm of the Yaozu. We must not allow it to develop, otherwise, the power of the Yaozu will definitely become stronger!"

Wan Qingkui waved his right hand and said to the brothers: "This matter needs to be discussed slowly. The appearance of the five-color divine light has become an unstable factor. The relationship between the younger brother and Linglong is a bit complicated. This matter , let him deal with it!" After speaking of this, Wan Qingkui paused slightly, then smiled coldly and said: "It's just the appearance of the five-color divine light, you bastards, don't be overwhelmed by this powerful magic weapon Lost my head!"

Dihui looked at the girl who had completely changed from the Linglong in her memory, a flash of pity suddenly flashed in her heart, and then looked at the lonely figure with her back turned away, feeling in her heart that this unexpected event had occurred, as if It's not that I should intervene, but... I can only wait and see what happens!

"Hehe... Emotions are not moved, evil comes out, sex is not normal, and people are monsters! Uncle Xuan, you have a rich literary talent, and you feel that this line of poetry is particularly in line with Linglong!" Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan's mask Zui chuckled and said, among her five-color rays of light, there were round white beads that were no bigger than a fist, beating lightly, and they were the extinct Fengxie demon pills!

"Linglong..." Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong dimly at this moment, " did you become like this? What happened to you?"

"Hehe...hehe..." The corner of Linglong's mouth showed a hint of playfulness, but this witty smile made countless young people present feel jealous!

You Zijin looked at Linglong coldly, his heart moved, but he looked around and thought to himself: "Where is Xiao Qi, didn't I ask him to track down this witch, but why is he not seen now?"Did something happen?

Thinking of this, You Zijin's heart suddenly flashed a gloomy look, looking at Xiaobai beside him, a pair of cold eyes faintly showed a trace of determination!

Looking at the woman in front of him, Yun Wuying suddenly thought of something, looked at Chu Xinghen with a dazed expression in a low voice, and asked, "Brother Chu, what's going on between Brother Xuan and this woman?"

Chu Xinghen was slightly startled, and then looked at the people around him and said in a low voice: "As Brother Yun saw, Brother Xuan and this Linglong are uncles and nephews. The reason why Brother Xuan wanders in the universe is that It is precisely because of this girl Linglong that I searched for the Floating Life God Leaf Grass to refine the God Refreshment Pill! The relationship between them is very delicate, and I don't know the details of it, only Brother Xuan knows! But... ", Having said that, Chu Xinghen paused for a moment, looked at Linglong solemnly and continued, "If there is anyone in this cultivation world who is brother Xuan's relative or brother Xuan's Nilin, there is only one person, and that is her, Linglong. !"

"So that's how it is..." Yun Wuying looked at Linglong and said suddenly, thinking about the scene when he first met Xuan Zhan hundreds of years ago, he secretly felt emotional...

As if countless times had passed, Xuan Zhan suddenly woke up from his confusion, his eyes tightened suddenly, and he said in a low voice: "Linglong, where is Peacock, aren't you together, and... and..."

"Roar!!!" A crazy roar suddenly came from the crowd, and as soon as this roar came out, it crushed everyone's hearts fiercely!

"Damn it, Su Lin, calm down!" The voice of the old devil who devoured suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts!

"Swoosh..." A black light cut through the universe in an instant, rushing towards Linglong in the distance!

"Su Lin, where are you going! Come here, Patriarch!!!" The Cheating Old Demon looked angrily at the Pojun Corpse, who was suddenly out of his master's control, and flew towards Linglong crazily. Next, there are bursts of ferocious mad anger!

He is a mighty casual cultivator in the world of comprehension. Relying on his magical skills and superb corpse refining technique, he is famous far and wide. Up to now, he has refined several army-breaking corpses. He didn't show any resistance to his orders, but just now, when that exquisite witch appeared, he suddenly felt that the Pojun Corpse beside him began to tremble crazily. It was in Su Lin's body that flew madly as if it was about to come out, until just now, the army-breaking corpse suddenly disregarded his order and flew towards the demon girl crazily...

"What's going on?" Old Mo Che stared blankly at the Pojun Corpse who was getting farther and farther away from him, and immediately stopped in a daze!

"Look, the Pojun Heavenly Corpse of the Old Devil Anger has betrayed the Old Devil Anger!" The surrounding monks watched this scene, and suddenly started talking in a low voice!

"Could it be that this Pojun Corpse has something to do with that Linglong?"

"Hey, I didn't expect the old devil of anger to stage such a shameful thing, it really made me laugh out loud!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The old devil's face was blushing. Looking at the monks who mocked him, he immediately roared angrily: "Go to the ancestor!" The next moment, the old devil swung his pair of giant palms towards Those people slammed the past fiercely!


A burst of black light burst into Linglong's side in an instant. The corpse-like corpse of the army-breaking sky, the shriveled face hidden under the black robe twitched, and the black and godless eyes looked at the bewitching Linglong, and slowly opened and closed. Dry lips: "Ling... Ling..."

Linglong curiously looked at the mummy that suddenly appeared. Although she couldn't see the face, she somehow gave herself a rather familiar feeling, and she frowned slightly...

Xuan Zhan looked at Su Lin bitterly, feeling a sense of sadness and powerlessness in his heart, and said in a low voice, "He...he is Su Lin..."

"Linglong..." Pojun Tianshi suddenly called out Linglong's name, and there was a hint of human intimacy in his cold tone...

"What..." Linglong's pupils suddenly shrank, and she stared blankly at the black robe mummy in front of her, "You...what did you say it again..."

"He..." Xuan Zhan exhaled softly, and the power of primordial spirit in his body slowly circulated in his heart, "He is Su Lin!"

"Su Lin!" Linglong suddenly exclaimed, "How could he be Su Lin! How did Senior Brother Su Lin become like this?"

Xuan Zhan looked indifferently at the old devil who had killed many monks in the distance, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, indifferent and speechless!

"Linglong..." Pojun Tianshi subconsciously shouted again, and the next moment, in front of everyone's eyes, Pojun Tianshi rushed towards Linglong...

"Boom!" The five-color divine light suddenly shined brightly, and immediately bounced back Su Lin's impact!

Su Lin's figure was immediately bounced back fiercely, and the next moment, Su Lin suddenly roared angrily: "Linglong...Linglong..."

"Whoosh..." A black light slammed into Linglong again: "Linglong..."

At this moment, Linglong moved her right hand, and the five-color divine light was absorbed into her body instantly. Su Lin appeared beside Linglong in an instant, looking at the girl in front of her, and a trace of surprise flashed in her cold tone: "Linglong ...Ling..."

Xuan Zhan looked at Su Lin indifferently, and thought sadly in his heart: Even though you have lost consciousness, you still haven't forgotten Linglong. Is this good for you...or bad...

"Hehe...hehe..." Linglong suddenly burst out laughing, looking at the Pojun Corpse in front of her, she slowly touched Su Lin's head with her right hand!

Subconsciously, Pojun Tianshi dodged slightly, dodging Linglong's hand!

"Don't move!" Linglong shouted angrily at Pojun Tianshi!

This sentence was like an order, and immediately made Pojun Tianshi stop and remain motionless!

Linglong's hand slowly covered the head of the Pojun Corpse, but she heard Linglong giggling and saying: "Su Lin, you are Su Lin, seem to be very powerful now, um... you will continue in the future." Follow me!"

"Ho...ho..." Su Lin hissed softly twice, and then stood by Linglong's side!

Seeing Linglong's continuous behavior, Xuan Zhan suddenly burst into anger, and shouted angrily: "Linglong! What do you mean by this? Do you know that Su Lin has become what he is today? Did you make it yourself!"

Hearing the declaration of war, Linglong suddenly covered her mouth and said with a coquettish laugh: "Gack... Uncle Xuan, giggle... All of this was caused by you, how can you blame the innocent Linglong, giggle..."

"Demon girl, give me back my Pojun Corpse!" Suddenly, the voice of Old Devil Anger resounded in everyone's hearts, but old Devil Anger was slammed towards Linglong fiercely wrapped in raging flames!

Linglong's enchanting eyes looked at the raging anger, and the boundless hatred of the old demon came surging, and suddenly she took the demon pill and "giggled" and said with a smile: "Uncle Xuan, Linglong is a step ahead!"

As soon as the words fell, Linglong's figure suddenly turned into a gust of evil blue wind, and flew towards the depths of the universe, and it was a million kilometers in the blink of an eye...

"Demon girl, don't run away!" Old Mo Chenqi let out an angry roar, and immediately stretched out his body and chased after Linglong!

"Linglong!" Xuan Zhan suddenly shouted eagerly, subconsciously, Lei Yin's electric wings appeared instantly, and with a shake of the wings, the distance of a million kilometers was instantly...

"Boy, kill this old man!" Seeing the declaration of war that went hand in hand with him, the old devil of anger suddenly surged up in his heart. He slammed over, "If you hadn't lured this witch over here, the old man's heavenly corpse would never have betrayed me!"

Xuan Zhan didn't look at the attack of the giant palm at all, but at the next moment, a vast sword intent suddenly gushed out from Xuan Zhan's body, and flew towards the giant palm fiercely!

Silently, the two forces collided instantly...

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