Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 422 Intercepting Linglong

The kissing lips were loosened suddenly, Xiaoqi's calm and gentle eyes, looking at the woman's alluring back in front of him, a hint of obsession flashed across, his tongue couldn't help licking the lingering fragrance left in the corner of his mouth, and then said softly: "Linglong, You like that declaration of war, don't you!"

Hearing these words, Linglong's body trembled suddenly, and she turned her back to Xiao Qi and said coquettishly, "Brother Xiao Qi, the one I like is you!"

Xiao Qi seemed not to have heard this sentence, and said to himself: "What is the relationship between you? And this army-breaking corpse, what is the relationship between the three of you? Why did you I like the declaration of war, hey..."

Linglong turned her head slowly, looked at Xiaoqi indifferently with her enchanting eyes, and said indifferently: "He Xiaoqi, don't mention that person in front of me again!"

Looking into Linglong's eyes, Xiao Qi's heart shrank suddenly, and his indifferent eyes slowly fell silent, thinking in his heart: So, he is your restricted area...

"I must make his life worse than death, I swear by Linglong, I will definitely make him a dilemma in this life!" Linglong's tone suddenly dropped to freezing point and said to herself, "He Xiaoqi, if you dare to ask me in front of me He once, don't even think about..." She paused in her words, Linglong suddenly turned around and looked behind her...

At this moment, He Xiaoqi's eyes suddenly turned coldly and looked behind him, saying: "He's chasing you!"

A black thunderbolt as black as an abyss suddenly and silently struck out from behind the three of them. The next moment, between a pair of wings exuding the power of lightning, a white suit appeared behind the crazy flying five-color divine light. In a moment of anger, but seeing the wings on the back of the white streamer flutter, it shot towards the location of the five-color divine light in an instant!

"Linglong, stop!" The figure declaring war rang in Linglong's heart frantically!

"Hehe... Uncle Xuan, Linglong doesn't want to see you now!" Linglong smiled charmingly, and suddenly moved her hands, but seeing the five-colored divine light guarding the guard suddenly flashed, the next moment, Linglong's flying speed suddenly accelerated Several times, surpassing the declaration of war by hundreds of kilometers in an instant!

Xuan Zhan stared coldly at the group of five-color divine light, and a doubt flashed in his heart: This five-color divine light seems familiar, by the way... Peacock, I vaguely remember Peacock, who is also a member of the demon clan like Feng Xie, her body The five kinds of light emitted by the tail wing are just like the five-color divine light around Linglong!

Xuan Zhan still remembers that when he met the peacock for the first time, through the miraculous ability of his eyes, he could penetrate the body of the peacock. The demon power made Xuan Zhan extremely chilling. The power emanating from the five-color divine light was definitely not something that Xuan Zhan could resist!That feeling is still fresh in his memory to this day...

And the five-color divine light appeared on Linglong's body. What happened to Linglong and Peacock in the middle?Now, where is the peacock who is a demon clan?

Seeing Linglong who was speeding up all of a sudden, Xuan Zhan immediately guessed that this must be the great effect of the five-color divine light, and his heart fell silent!

It was impossible for him to guess the mysterious power of the five-color divine light when he declared war, and because of the existence of the five-color divine light, he couldn't see what level Linglong's current cultivation level was, he was confused!Today's Linglong is a mystery!

Xuan Zhan didn't dare to think too much, the magic formula suddenly surged wildly, the vast thunderbolt struck his body instantly, and the black thunder tunnel appeared again!

"We can't escape!" He Xiaoqi looked at Linglong lightly and said, "Although I don't know much about declaring war, I only know a few words from my fellow disciples, but we are hiding from the unparalleled speed of the Black Thunder Dungeon!" but!"

Linglong looked at the void in front of her bewitchingly...

"Kill...kill..." Pojun Tianshi suddenly said dryly.

Linglong looked indifferently at Su Lin who had turned into a broken army corpse, suddenly thought about it, and immediately giggled and said: "Brother Su, can you help Linglong stop him?"

The empty eyes of Po Jun Tian Zombie suddenly flashed a gleam of light, and nodded mechanically...

A black lightning flashed through the universe in front of him in an instant, and the declaration of war with thunder sound and electric wings suddenly appeared hundreds of thousands of kilometers in front of Linglong. A pair of cold eyes looked at the five-color divine light that was approaching rapidly, and scenes flashed in his mind. then turned into nothingness...

Tianxin's late cultivation base suddenly came out crazily, and the next moment, Xuan Zhan slowly closed his eyes!

He had to intercept Linglong, he had to know what happened to Linglong!In this world, he regards Linglong as his relative, even if he is an old friend, he must protect Linglong, not for anything else, but for the oath he made for himself back then, in this life...he must protect Linglong!

Even though Linglong regards him as an enemy, even though Linglong doesn't understand his painstaking efforts, but...some things and some people, there is only one way to go, the lonely road!

When Xuan Zhan opened his eyes, a majestic and majestic sword intent spread instantly, where the momentum is, the sword is pointing!Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, they are all regions of potential!The boundless sword intent is surging in it, and it is slowly swaying with the declaration of war...

The five-color divine light was rapidly approaching, Xuanzhan shouted coldly, and the formula moved again: Eight gates are opened!

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a thick rumbling sound of blasting from the whole body, and the power of the eighth layer of the mutated Great Five Elements Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art instantly filled Xuan Zhan with the crazy power to destroy the sky with one hand!

As the declaration of war enters the late stage of Tianxin, the power of the Dharma Body Art that he can withstand is also gradually increasing, but what makes Xuan Zhan most helpless is that even if he is in the late stage of Tianxin at this moment, it is still a bit difficult for him to bear the eighth layer of the Dharma Body Art!

Xuan Zhan knows that his current cultivation path is somewhat uneven. At this moment, according to the records of the Dharma Body Jue, only the Mahayana stage or the Sanxian stage can truly withstand the eighth level. The power of the Dharma Body Jue, and although the Dharma Body Jue that declares war has been cultivated to the eighth level, he still has not fully used the true power of the Dharma Body Jue at this level. It still makes his body a little stagnant...

At this moment, the five-color divine light was only a thousand kilometers away from declaring war, and suddenly stopped in the void. The next moment, a black black light suddenly rushed out of the five-color divine light!

Thick black evil spirit rolled in, and this black light slammed towards the declaration of war in the blink of an eye!

"Su Lin..." Xuan Zhan's eyes froze for a moment, he never expected that the one who made the move was... Su Lin who had turned into a broken army corpse!

"Roar..." Po Juntian Corpse suddenly raised his head and roared angrily, looking fiercely at Xuan Zhan with ferocious eyes, and the next moment, a black light slammed into Xuan Zhan instantly!

The majestic and majestic sword intent of the automatic guardian slammed into Su Lin who was coming up, but... the most powerful part of the Pojun Corpse is his body. No matter how powerful these sword intents are, they cannot be destroyed at all. Sulin's body!

Xuan Zhan stared blankly at Su Lin's charge, and subconsciously, he didn't have any means of defense!

The black streamer transformed by Su Lin slammed into Xuan Zhan's body...

On the withered face, there are a series of hideous marks, and the mouth is still dry and dry: "Death...death...the master ordered...death!"

Behind the two of them was a small, dead planet without the slightest popularity, and the direction the two of them were attacking was precisely this planet!

Like lightning, Su Lin knocked him into the planet at the moment of declaring war...

"Boom..." Within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers above the planet, there was a sudden shock caused by the declaration of war...

From the perspective of the universe, a dusty mushroom cloud of a giant star suddenly stirred up on this planet...

Su Lin didn't stop at all, and immediately plunged into the planet, and continued to rush towards the place where the war was declared!

The Old Demon Anger is the master of Su Lin. In Su Lin's body, the brand of consciousness on the Old Demon Anger still exists, although because of Linglong's appearance, Su Lin suppressed the independent order of the Old Demon Anger , but the order of "kill and declare war" issued by the old demon Anger, still exists in Su Lin's heart!

And because of this order, Su Lin at this moment was killed by the declaration of war!

The declaration of war, which crashed into the ground at a depth of ten kilometers, was once again slammed up by Su Lin's fists!

"Boom!" There were bursts of crazy tremors in the earth's crust...

Regardless of whether or not, at this moment Su Lin only has one consciousness, declare war to live, then continue to kill, declare war to die, then stop!

"Su Lin..." Feeling the physical pain, compared to the pain in the heart, it is not too severe, and the powerful body of the Dharma Body Art made the declaration of war hurt, but it did not hurt him. body of……

Xuan Zhan looked at Su Lin who kept bombarding his body, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, the arrogant young monk from back then has completely disappeared...

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body was immediately blasted out of the ground by Sulin, and turned to fly to the sky. Surrounding him, the sword intent that was still protecting itself bombarded Sulin's body all the time. , Countless scars have appeared on Su Lin's body, and the fresh blood has turned him into a blood man at this moment...

The five-color divine light controlled by Linglong suddenly appeared on the planet, and feeling the battle between the two, Linglong said in a low voice: "As expected of Uncle Xuan, under the bombardment of Su Lin, he has turned Su Lin into such a man without making a move." It looks like..."

Xuan Zhan's body suddenly floated in the air, looking at the fist that instantly grew bigger in his eyes, a trace of coldness flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes. smoke!

"Boom!" Su Lin's body was immediately sucked into the ground by the foot of the declaration of war, and the rocks with a radius of thousands of kilometers suddenly trembled fiercely, and the countless mountains slowly collapsed amidst the rumble...

"Roar!!!" Su Lin's roar resounded through the sky again, and a black streamer rose crazily again!

"Su Lin!" Xuan Zhan yelled angrily, and he took a step in the air, and his body suddenly appeared behind Su Lin. The next moment, a whip kick hit Su Lin's head again!

"Wake up!" Xuan Zhan's legs seemed to be consonant, but within a few seconds, tens of thousands of Taoists were drawn onto Su Lin's body!

Twenty seconds later, Linglong's voice suddenly appeared between heaven and earth: "Brother Su, come back quickly!"

"Roar!!!" Su Lin suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed, and he glanced at the declaration of war unwillingly, and then flashed in the air covered in scars, and plunged into the five-color divine light!

Declaring war suspended in the void, looking indifferently at the five-color light group in the clouds of the sky, said indifferently: "Linglong, you actually ordered Su Lin to fight with me!"

"Hehe...hehe..." Linglong's voice sounded quietly, "Uncle Xuan, I just asked Senior Brother Su Lin to play with you..."

"Go back with me!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently, thousands of silver threads shot up in anger, looking at the five-color divine light, there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes!

Linglong suddenly fell silent, and the world suddenly fell into silence!

"Uncle Xuan, junior He Xiaoqi, meet you for a while!" A soft voice sounded slowly, and the next moment, a young monk dressed in brocade jade and purple clothes, with an indifferent and gentle appearance, quietly walked out of the five-color divine light and looked at the distant place. A look of curiosity flashed in his eyes at the declaration of war!

Looking at this young monk, a trace of doubt flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes. Suddenly, he looked at this young monk named He Xiaoqi indifferently with his hands behind his back. After thinking for a while, he said indifferently: "Which senior brother are you?" disciple?"

"Master..." He Xiaoqi smiled gently, and said softly:

"Lord of the Way of Weeping, every day weeps!"

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