Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 423 Fall of the Heavy Peak

Yuzhe Continent, on Hengduan Mountain...

Countless monks looked sideways at an old man on the top of the mountain. The old man was strictly guarded by several Zilian Qianjie Dao monks. And his once hale and hearty expression now looks ancient!

Wrinkles are all over Zhongqianfeng's old face, and his dying expression makes people absolutely unimaginable. The thin old man in front of him is the former Megatron among the seven realms of cultivation, Zilianqian The Supreme Elder who robbed the Dao, the powerful monk who is in charge of the leader of the "Elders of Ten Thousand Tribulations"!

"Ahem..." Chong Qianfeng coughed fiercely, his thin body looked even older, and a trace of self-pity flashed across his wrinkled old face. Looking at the monks with different expressions around him, he couldn't help but feel a flash of sadness. It's embarrassing to see people die and lights go out!

Duan Donglai ruthlessly pursed the corners of his trembling mouth, supported his senior brother, looked at the fellow monks beside him, and said sadly: "Senior brother, you..." Zilian Qianjie said that the current Taoist Jie Qiye looked at him. My old patriarch became what he is today, his face trembled slightly, a trace of unbearable bitterness quietly rose, and he carefully supported Chong Qianfeng...

Among the seven paths, except for the five yin and blood evil paths that have been forcibly expelled, the other five path masters glanced at each other in the air, and they all nodded secretly. Come to where the Tao is!

Although Qidao secretly fights with each other, in today's comprehension world, except for the absolute top Piaomiao Jianxintian and the mysterious sect, the three sect members who rarely show up are headed by Qidao. Constantly, constantly killing, but at this moment, they willingly let go of their bodies and came to Chongqianfeng for no other reason, but because Chongqianfeng became what he is now, all because he used his body as bait to burn Shouyuan, kill the demon clan Fengxie!

In front of the Yaozu, all monks must learn from death!

Facing Chongqianfeng, all the cultivators quietly felt a trace of respect in their comprehension and ruthlessness!

Taoist Lord Zhenfengya and Yougu of the Fantastic Sanqing Road, Taoist Master Amber of Xuchen Youquan Road, Taoist Master Langkong City Lang of Lielang Buried Heart Dao, Taoist Master Liu Suiyun Liu who inherited Sangyou Liuxin Dao, Wuliang The Paolongpao masters of Polongdao all brought their disciples up to pay attention to Chongqianfeng's injury!

Jie Qiye looked at these sanctimonious people, although his face showed respect, but he didn't feel very cold about it, but looking at his old ancestor, the bitterness in his heart was even more surging!

Everyone looked at Chongqianfeng who was about to die. Although they had a lot of respect in their hearts, they had other plans. , the strength of the Purple Lotus Thousand Calamity Dao has been weakened a lot, but they all understand the truth that the centipede is dead but not stiff, and the sudden arrival of a seven-turn loose immortal is enough to deter the monks of the seven paths!

"This old man has lost his life in this battle..." Chong Qianfeng looked at the faces around him and said without sadness or joy, "After the old man left, Zilian Qianjie Dao hopes that all fellow Taoists will take care of you, Qiye is the new disciple of my sect The Daoist master who took office is somewhat young and energetic, if he makes any mistakes, I hope all fellow Daoists will forgive him!" Chong Qianfeng was saying these words, but he was looking at an old monk of his generation!

You Gu took a step forward and looked at Chong Qianfeng and said, "Friend Chong, I feel ashamed today... Don't worry, fellow Taoist, you and I are two cultivators who share the same spirit. I can't get along with Jue Huan San Qing Dao!" While saying these words, You Gu slammed the crutch on the ground hard to show the determination of what she said!

Hu Po's charming eyes glanced at You Gu and Zhen Feng Ya indifferently, and then said softly: "Senior, I have a very close relationship with fellow Daoist Seven Nights, and the matter of Zilian Thousand Calamity Dao is my Xuchen Youquan." As for the matter of the Tao, the senior proved the Tao with his own body today, which made the junior really ashamed, and the junior did not help in the battle with the monster clan, but I am very sorry!"

As soon as these words came out, embarrassment flashed across the faces of the other Taoist masters. They were helpless in the face of hatred. ashamed!

A powerless smile flashed across Chong Qianfeng's old face, and when he was about to speak, his figure suddenly trembled...

"Grand Master!" Jie Qiye's face suddenly changed wildly, and he looked at Chong Qianfeng sadly and cried loudly, "Grand Master, what's wrong with you?"

Duan Donglai felt the pulse of his senior brother's wrist with his right hand, and sadness flashed in his eyes, he slowly supported Chong Qianfeng and said, "Senior brother, senior brother, I am ashamed of you, I am ashamed of the ancestors of the Zilian Thousand Calamity Dao ah……"

Seeing the trembling Chongqian Peak, the countless cultivators on Hengduan Mountain suddenly became tense and exclaimed loudly...

Chong Qianfeng slightly opened his cloudy eyes, staring blankly at the blue sky, flashing scenes of the past...

The relatives who have disappeared for tens of thousands of years, the blood of the family, the cruelty of embarking on the road of cultivation, the hardships of apprenticeship to Zilian for a thousand eons, the wasted years of 2 years, and the killings along the way...

"My cultivation starts from the beginning and ends at the end, but this is the case..." Chong Qianfeng murmured, and slowly closed his eyes...

Duan Donglai grasped the hand that had lost his pulse, slowly closed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Senior brother... let's go!"

"Master Taizu..." Jie Qiye suddenly knelt down on the ground and burst into tears, while the surrounding Zilian Qianjie Dao monks knelt down on the ground with sad faces...

"Senior...Senior has passed away..." All the monks stared at the old man who closed his eyes in a daze, and muttered to themselves in astonishment...

The three venerable masters at the bottom of the steps looked at the fallen Chongqian Peak, their expressions neither sad nor joyful, Lianxin Zun Lian Litian said softly: "This little old worth dying!"

A trace of doubt flashed across Hua Yunzun Yunji's graceful and elegant face, looking at Wan Qingkui who was on the high platform with his hands behind his back, and looking at the place where Chongqian Peak was located, he said to himself in a low voice: "Isn't Wan Qingkui the most Is it the Monster Race that you hate, why didn't you just kill that beast this time, instead let the people of the Seven Paths do it instead?"

Lord Lie Fengzun Jianxin shook his head silently, turned his head to look at a girl and said, "Xiao'er, the declaration of war just now was... the declaration of war mentioned by Brother Feng?"

Feng Xiao stood beside Jian Chi, looked at Yuan Kong and nodded lightly, "Return to the Lord, he is the one my father mentioned to declare war!"

Lie Fengzun's senior, Jian Ping, looked at Jian Xin sadly and said softly: "Return to the lord, this old man had a few words in the trading war decades ago, hehe, this son's behavior won my heart." !"

Jian Xin nodded lightly, then looked at Feng Xiao and said, "Xiao'er, brother Feng has ascended to the fairy world. Since the previous generation Feng Zun ascended to the fairy world, only you and Feng Lao are left in your clan!"

Feng Xiao nodded lightly. At the last trading conference, she and her father got the Tianlong map, and the owner who consigned the Tianlong map turned out to be a member of his own clan who was displaced. After they met, , that clansman came together with them Ji Yuxin Jade Cracking Wind Venerable, that clansman was an old man who was a loose immortal named Fengming!But now, only she and the old man Feng Ming are left in the Fenghua clan of the Fenghua generation!It is also because of this that Feng Xiao has been keeping a low profile for so many years, practicing the exercises alone, hoping that one day he can truly master the dragon map of the day!

Speaking of which, she is really grateful to the clansman named Fengming. If he hadn't been wandering in the universe for countless years and finally found the Tianlong Tu, their Feng clan still doesn't know when they will be able to find this town faction. Treasure - Tianlongtu!She also admired Feng Ming, who dared to sell the Tianlong map, and was not afraid of being snatched away...

The Feng clan has been hiding in Hua Yunzun since its withering, and Hua Yunzun's Jian clan treats their Feng clan well. Not only that, the Feng Zun of the previous generation is also a member of the Feng clan. It can be seen from this that the current Hua Yunzun can be said to be the joint clan of the Jian clan and the Feng clan!

Feng Xiao saw the declaration of war again at this trade fair, but it seemed like a lifetime away. The little monk at the beginning had grown into a monk of the Tianxin stage in this short period of hundreds of years. This kind of cultivation talent, It shocked her extremely, not only that, when she saw that Xuan Zhan could fight with Hua Xihua who has the cultivation base of Sanxian, the shock in her heart was even more shocking!But she didn't come forward to say hello to her, it's all because... Ever since her father Feng San ascended to the fairy world, Feng Xiao suddenly felt lonely in her heart, even though the Jian family took good care of her, such as the new generation masters of the Jian family Jian Kyushu is like Jian Chi, but no amount of care is as good as his father's love...

Cultivation is hard, the road to practice is difficult...

Feng Xiao clenched her small fist fiercely, a trace of strength flashed in her clear eyes!

On the high platform, Wan Qingkui looked at Chong Qianfeng's death coldly, and thought indifferently in his heart: If it wasn't for the slight relationship between my junior brother and that Feng Xie, you little guy might not have to die today!

It has been some time since Xuan Zhan left, but after such a long time, he still has not seen the figure of Xuan Zhan coming back. Di Hui looked around, and a glint of badness flashed in his heart. At this moment, Di Hui's heart skipped a beat. , suddenly looked at a cold master monk in the distance, and said indifferently:

"Brother Tiankui, why...why did you use the forbidden technique just now?"

As soon as these words came out, Wan Qingkui's heart moved. He looked at the head monk and asked softly, "Heaven is crying, Dihui, what happened?"

Heaven Cry is the master of the Way of Weeping among the master-level monks——Fantian Cry!

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