Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 424 He Xiaoqi's Conspiracy

In the distant ancient times, monks of the Mahayana period were everywhere, and there are even records in some rare ancient books today. The monks of the Mahayana period in the ancient times were so powerful that even Sanxian The monks in the early stage are also incomparable!

Among the very few Mahayana monks, some monks know a powerful method, which is the law of the forbidden world!

The so-called law of the forbidden world is to imprison a certain starry sky in the air, so that other monks cannot find out where it is, and...what happened in it!This is the "Forbidden Law"!This ability relies on the power of the primordial spirit!

Speaking of which, among the powerful monks, in addition to the means of using the true essence, there are more methods of using the power of the primordial spirit. The strength of the power of the primordial spirit is that it can communicate with the power of nature, thus Use some means that ordinary people can't understand!Such as tempering the magic weapon of life, such as seizing the body of a monk, and the power of the soul has been cultivated to a strong point, and it can even predict the past and the future, know the destiny, and know the nature of heaven!

The power of the forbidden world is a method used by the power of the high-spirited soul!

Xuan Zhan has also seen the forbidden world technique once, which is the method used by Wan Qingkui to hide Mo Lixing, but that kind of forbidden world technique is not at the same level as other forbidden world techniques that can be used...

The cultivation bases of the master monks are almost the same, and each of them has their own housekeeping skills. The master of weeping way is the best among them in the power of natural communication between heaven and earth, and when using this technique, few It can be discovered, but... the only thing missing is Earth Wisdom!

Dihui's primordial spirit is so sharp that even Wan Qingkui can't match it, and because of this, Dihui discovered the forbidden technique used by the weeping Taoist Fan Tiankui secretly!

Speaking of which, the so-called power of the primordial spirit is placed on them, which is already an ambiguity...

The Lord of the Way of Weeping, Fan Tiankui, is thin and thin, wearing a black and shiny hideous treasure armor, and his face is covered by a half-section armor, and his fluffy silver-gray long hair shows even more This person's mystery and extraordinaryness, in Wan Qingkui's words, this junior of mine... is insane! ! !

Destroying all creatures in a galaxy with one hand, the killing is ruthless, it can be called inhumane, and the methods are so ruthless, extraordinary people can imagine!In the past, if it wasn't for the appearance of Wan Qingkui, the Lord of Weeping Way could have overturned a star field already...

And after Wan Qingkui took it away, the legend about the Lord of Weeping Road has already become a legend and a memory in people's hearts, but people who know this history, every time they think of those tragic scenes , even the monks who have long been accustomed to killing are still silent...

"It's okay, I just saw a rather interesting thing!" The voice of the Weeping Road Lord said in a low voice through the cold face!

As soon as this remark came out, the surrounding master monks immediately became interested!

"God cry, what's interesting, tell me about it with your brothers!" The Lord of Tianfu stroked the luxurious ring on his finger and smiled naively.

The ferocious lord Yingdi frowned and said in a low voice: "God cry, you have long been too lazy to pay attention to the affairs of the cultivation world. The things that interest you must have something to do with us. Which starry sky have you imprisoned?" ? What happened there?"

Thirty master-level monks, none of them are easy to get along with, they are all old monsters who have lived for an unknown number of years, and their thoughts are so meticulous that ordinary people cannot fathom!

"You guys, it's better not to know, I'll take care of this matter!" Fan Tiankui said indifferently, and a cold chuckle came from inside his face, "Hehe, brothers, let's continue to read the following interesting things Bar!"

Although a trace of curiosity flashed in Wan Qingkui's heart, he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and then he turned his head and continued to unfold the booklet in his hand...

Dihui frowned slightly and looked at the indifferent Fan Tiancry. She had a keen mind. Even though Fan Tiancry's forbidden techniques were extremely secretive, she was about to go to the end, and in the end she found a trace of the tail, but when she was speaking However, Fan Tiankui's method of restricting the world has been completed, and which starry sky he has imprisoned, but he has no head to search for...

Looking at the vast world, Di Hui suddenly thought of declaring war, and gradually became a little disturbed...


There was a slight flash of light in the eyes of the declaration of war: "The master of the weeping way, the disciple of Brother Tiankui..."

He Xiaoqi smiled softly, stroked a little dust somewhere on his body with his slender fingers, nodded softly and said: "Yes, the master is the master of the weeping way!"

Xuan Zhan looked at He Xiaoqi indifferently, hoping to see something unusual in his expression, and said softly: "Brother Tiankui's high-achieving disciple must be extraordinary!"

"But..." Xuan Zhan's eyes flashed a strange color, "Why do you walk with Linglong, why do you want to be an enemy of me, you must know, your master and I are brothers!"

He Xiaoqi nodded noncommittally, and then smiled casually: "Uncle Xuan, Xiao Qi admires your courage, are not worthy of being my opponent!"

"Even if it's You Zijin, the elder sister!" He Xiaoqi raised his chest slightly when he said this, and said indifferently, "In front of the juniors, it's nothing more than that!"

"What..." Xuan Zhan's eyes shrank suddenly, he knew that You Zijin's cultivation was in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe, and because of the "potential" and the closeness of Yuanshen's cultivation, it can be said that You Zijin's true strength is Ignore the Mahayana period!Ignore Yizhuan Sanxian!

And such a powerful cultivation base, in He Xiaoqi's mouth, turned out to be "nothing more than that!" This shows that the He Xiaoqi in front of him is far stronger than You Zijin!

As soon as the words fell, He Xiaoqi stretched out all of a sudden...

"Om..." A powerful aura that overshadowed the world suddenly erupted from He Xiaoqi's body, and the extremely fierce sword intent seemed to be coming, filling half of the entire planet in an instant!The overwhelming hell-like breath of death poured out from He Xiaoqi's body...

"This... this is..." Xuan Zhan's eyes could no longer calm down, he stared in horror at He Xiaoqi, who was still as quiet as a virgin before, and turned into a dead creature that walked out of hell in the blink of an eye... …

"This kind of momentum..." Xuan Zhan's cheeks trembled slightly, "What a terrifying momentum! His cultivation base... Mahayana period!!!"

Standing within the five-color divine light, Linglong felt He Xiaoqi's aura. What was amazing was that these sword intents full of death aura were silently canceled out as soon as they came into contact with the five-color divine light, as if He Xiaoqi No matter how powerful Xiao Qi's sword intent is, it can't hurt the five-color divine light in the slightest. It can be seen from this that Linglong's five-color divine light is so powerful that it is not an ordinary thing at all!

Xuan Zhan endured the sword intent of death, his whole body trembled slightly, and said in a low voice, "You... who are you?"

"Who am I?" He Xiaoqi's eyes suddenly darkened when he heard this, and he looked at Xuan Zhan in the distance and said coldly: "I am the future Lord of Piaomiao Jianxintian, created by my master, the Lord of the Weeping Way. The future ruler who comes out, declares war, if you don't show up, I will be able to successfully take over Piaomiao Jianxintian in the future!"

"You Zijin, Lei Jun, Zimang and the others don't want to get involved in the position of Piaomiao Jianxintian's lord at all, especially that lack of tenacity is even more delusional!" He Xiaoqi looked at Xuan Zhan and shouted angrily, "If it wasn't for You, I can rely on my first-rank Mahayana cultivation to sweep away the second and third generations of disciples under my master, and successfully take over Piaomiao Jianxintian, but because of your appearance, because you are hand-picked by the master Bo Wanqingkui future lord!"

"What..." Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, and in this short moment, a breath of death suddenly rushed into Xuan Zhan's body!

"Boom!" Countless black thunderbolts gathered in Xuan Zhan's body, and then ruthlessly blasted out that trace of death breath!

Wan Qingkui had mentioned this matter to him once in a while, but Xuan Zhan didn't take it to heart. Regarding the position of Piao Miao Jian Xintian's lord, Xuan Zhan really didn't have any idea of ​​meddling. However, she is wandering in the world of comprehension, resisting the sky with her strength, and proving the way against the sky!

However, he didn't know that his unintentional coming had unexpectedly become the biggest worry of this person in front of him, and even... wanted to kill him here!

"Mahayana First Grade?" Xuan Zhan was taken aback when he heard these four words!

Looking at Xuan Zhan's slightly stunned face, He Xiaoqi's aura full of death weakened slightly, but he looked at Xuan Zhan and said sarcastically: "It's still my uncle, uncle, and their little juniors who don't even know the Mahayana realm. I don't even know the secrets!"

Xuan Zhan pondered for a while, and something came out quietly. That day Lun Buddha once told him before entering reincarnation that the Mahayana period in ancient times was the real strong man, and this so-called "Mahayana First Grade" may be an advanced The title of a certain level of cultivation after the Mahayana period!Moreover, Wan Qingkui seems to have mentioned to him about things after the Mahayana period, but it was only a few words...

"The real Mahayana period..." Xuan Zhan looked up at the extremely arrogant He Xiaoqi, and muttered to himself, "What does the real Mahayana period look like?"

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's whole body was suddenly surrounded by the powerful death sword intent, and Xuan Zhan's face suddenly changed. This kind of powerful death sword intent, with his current cultivation base of Xuan Zhan, is completely irresistible Resistance, the Mahayana period, is this the true power of the Mahayana period...

When there was no time left, Xuan Zhan's hands suddenly pinched a formula, but the next moment Xuan Zhan's body was immediately surrounded by layers of black thunderbolts...

"Open!" Xuan Zhan shouted angrily in it, and the next moment, hundreds of millions of black thunder dragons suddenly roared out of it, fiercely impacting the surrounding death sword intent!

At the same time, the surging sword intent in Xuan Zhan's body instantly activated the effect of automatically protecting the lord, and countless majestic and upright sword intents rushed out of the body as if desperate, and blasted towards the surroundings!

"Hey... black and white..." He Xiaoqi smiled disdainfully, and moved his hands casually, but in an instant, the vitality of the world within a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers was stirred violently as if desperately, and it took only a few breaths The time is when the mountains and rivers overturn, the earth shakes...

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body was suddenly pushed down into the ground, and a heart-piercing pain instantly penetrated his body and shot straight into his brain...

"Unexpectedly...unexpectedly..." A trace of blood dripped from the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, he looked coldly at the huge hole in the sky and said dryly, "It's so's defeated..."

"Declaration of war!" He Xiaoqi flashed his figure and appeared above the hole that was smashed by the declaration of war. Seeing the declaration of war that instantly turned into a weak dead dog because of his powerful blow, he said coldly: "See, in the In the face of my absolute strength, what qualifications do you have to compete with me for the position of lord! My plan with my master cannot be destroyed by you declaring war!"

"Cough cough..." Xuan Zhan coughed weakly, feeling the embarrassment in his body in a blink of an eye, and suddenly felt powerless in his heart, why was he injured again...

Seeing that He Xiaoqi changed from a peaceful and handsome monk to a hellish monk full of death breath in a blink of an eye, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Xuan Zhan, and the next moment, a black thunder force suddenly pierced through his eyes... …

In a blink of an eye, the structure of heaven and earth, and the force of nature filled his eyes. Enduring the injuries in his body, he declared war. With a movement of his body, he suddenly disappeared in place. The next moment, he suddenly appeared on the clear sky with a bang, clutching his chest Looking at He Xiaoqi who was still at the entrance of the cave, he said in a low voice and coldly: "He Xiaoqi, the plan between you and your master, the Master of the Weeping Way, is definitely not limited to the two of you. Tell me, besides the two of you, who else Let's take part in this game that has been set up together!"

He Xiaoqi's heart tightened, and he suddenly turned around to look at the sky, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: This guy...why suddenly escaped my spiritual observation?

"Declaration of war, you are really mysterious!" He Xiaoqi said with a gloomy face, "You are also smart enough, yes, besides me, many old guys also participated in this matter!"

"Sure enough!" Xuan Zhan said coldly!

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