Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 425 Token's Help

Thunder and thunderbolts flashed in the eyes, the natural force of the starry sky around this planet, the space structure is clearly layered and filled in the eyes of the declaration of war!

"Hmph!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, his foot made a mistake for an instant, and the next moment, his figure suddenly disappeared in place!

A trace of curiosity flashed in He Xiaoqi's eyes, the powerful cultivation base of the first rank of Mahayana surged wildly in his body, and the breath of death came out through his body, covering a radius of one million kilometers. Looking at the surrounding space, He Xiaoqi felt a little nervous sink...

Although this declaration of war is only in the late stage of Tianxin, the footwork it uses is quite good, not only making it impossible for me to grasp its figure, but also unable to capture its breath. In the small Tianxin stage, it has the power to make myself a first-rank Mahayana. A method that even a monk can't see clearly in his heart, this son... can't be left behind!

With a movement in his heart, He Xiaoqi pinched his right hand suddenly without moving his body, but seeing the sharp sword energy condensed in the space thousands of miles away behind him, it was like twisting the sky against the blade, and ruthlessly tore up the sword. A piece of sky!

A series of critical strikes instantly appeared around Xuan Zhan, who was already in shape...

The boundless Death's Backblade was wrapped in the breath of hell, and mercilessly bombarded all of Xuan Zhan's body!

"Boom!!!" The next moment, Xuan Zhan's body smashed into the ground like a cannonball. His body was instantly blasted into the ground within ten kilometers, and a deep pit with a diameter of [-] meters appeared around him. !

The corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth showed a bit of bitter self-deprecation, but after two small blows, his body fell into a broken stage again. The Dove Emperor Sacred Tree began to drop pieces of withered and yellow leaves. The formerly surging power of thunder in the body, because it was in the strongest protection stage all the time, fell into a dry state, and the newborn thunder could not satisfy the consumption of the body at all... …

"What should I do..." Xuan Zhan's expression instantly returned to the stage of absolute rationality, thinking of all possible solutions to the current predicament, "Using the tyrannical characteristics of the Nine Desolation War Cauldron? This method is not feasible, if you fall into the rampage stage and still cannot Repel this He Xiaoqi, then he will be in a desperate situation, this He Xiaoqi is not the half-baked loose immortal that Hua Xihua used before!"

"But..." Xuan Zhan's eyes kept flickering, leaving only a pair of cold and stern eyes in the huge pit!

"Giggle..." Amidst the five-color divine light, Linglong giggled, her smile was incomparably brilliant, she was even a little out of breath, smiling, two lines of clear tears slowly flowed from Linglong's eyes, "Declaration of war, we Uncle Xuan, have you experienced Linglong's pain now, that kind of despair, that kind of unwillingness, cluck... Brother Xiaoqi, Linglong really likes you!"

A trace of teasing flashed across He Xiaoqi's cold and stern eyes, looking at the huge pit, he pressed his hands slowly...

"Boom!" The huge pit was suddenly pressed down by a powerful force, countless rocks splashed and rolled into the huge pit instantly, and moreover, the boundless sword intent of death blasted fiercely into it!

"Declaration of war, after today, your name will be completely removed from the realm of comprehension! No. 1 under crossing the catastrophe, and peerless aptitude for cultivation are all bullshit, hehe..." He Xiaoqi stared at the man who was gradually being killed The filled deep pit jokingly said to himself, "From now on, Piaomiao Jianxintian's successor will only be me, He Xiaoqi. After Master and the others leave, I will inherit Piaomiao Jianxintian's orthodoxy, At that time, the vast cultivation world will know the prestige of me, He Xiaoqi, and respect me, He Xiaoqi, even the three respected people of seven ways will have to submit to me!"

"Pfft..." Xuan Zhan was violently ravaged by countless rocks and sword intent, and his dilapidated body was injured again, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spat out from the corner of his mouth!

"First-rank Mahayana, the first-rank Mahayana cultivation is so powerful!" Xuan Zhan thought in surprise, "No wonder the monks of the ancient Mahayana period are much stronger than the monks of the Sanxian period. Since they have a rank, then they must There are second and third ranks of Mahayana! He Xiaoqi's first rank is so powerful, what about the second and third ranks above?"

At this moment of declaring war, even if I move, my whole body hurts!

At this moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his heart, as if the itching feeling of ants gnawing on him was constantly increasing!

"What is this feeling?" A trace of doubt flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, but after a few breaths, a gleam of joy suddenly surged in his heart, "This is the regeneration function, which is the regeneration and repair of my body produced by fusing the five sword intents back then. ability!"

"But... this kind of repairing ability is really too weak. If you want to rely on this regeneration ability at this moment, you will not be able to restore your body to its peak state within half a year!" Xuan Zhan's heart sank again...

My natal magic weapon, the Demon Slayer Sword, has fallen into a dull state because the power of the primordial spirit in the body is in the firefly state, and it is impossible to use and fight at all!

"But, what else can I drive to escape this predicament?" Xuanzhan thought while resisting the itching and pain in his body!

"The countless magic weapons left by the master cannot be used, the supply of Lei Yuan in the body is in short supply, the body is in the stage of collapse, and the three vortexes are stagnant and rotating... The small world... fell into a chaotic stage..."

At this moment, Xuan Zhan suddenly thought of something, endured the pain and took out this thing from the ring - Piao Miao Jian Xintian's token!

"This token is passed down to me by my master, and the token itself is an intermediate spiritual weapon. Not only that, as long as this token is shot into the starry sky, the Piaomiao Jianxintian's unique magic power covered on it will The breath must be able to be felt by the senior brother!"

In the darkness, Xuan Zhan touched the token slowly, feeling the aura of the Mahayana rank one above, his heart was ruthless, and he immediately poured the little Lei Yuan left in his body into it!

"Everything... depends on you!" Xuan Zhan murmured to himself in a low voice, and the next moment, with a flick of his fingers, the token suddenly burst into a boundless black light!

"Boom!" The token suddenly trembled and broke through the rocks, shooting into the air like lightning!

"This is?" He Xiaoqi was so careless that he couldn't detect this small token flying away, but after he found it, he saw that the token had shot into the void!

"Damn it, this is the disciple's token!" The corner of He Xiaoqi's mouth twitched suddenly, he certainly knew the effect of the disciple's token, this is the distress signal sent by the declaration of war!

"Come back to me!" He Xiaoqi yelled angrily, his figure flashed, and he shot up suddenly, flying towards the direction of the token, completely revealing his first-rank Mahayana cultivation, wherever his body passed, The space suddenly fell into a turbulent and trembling stage!

"Boom!" The powerful air fluctuations viciously bombarded the space barrier...

After He Xiaoqi hurriedly chased after him, he finally saw a sliver of light in front of him in the haze, his face was happy, but suddenly changed, and he shouted: "It's not good!"

"Swoosh..." Tens of thousands of unique auras suddenly shot out from this token, and these auras flew towards the starry sky in all directions under He Xiaoqi's eyes and fell into the void...

"It's too late..." He Xiaoqi murmured to himself with grim faces, "The disciple's aura has completely dissipated, and with the master's unfathomable cultivation, he will definitely be able to discover the source of these auras! "

In the deep pit, there was a bleak smile on the faces of the declaration of war: "Successful, big brother will definitely be able to discover this place!"

"Right now, I can only hold on so that I don't die. That He Xiaoqi will definitely kill me right now. As long as I can survive before the big brother appears, as long as I can hold on until the big brother appears, I... will be saved !"

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