Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 426 Crisis

With a flash of He Xiaoqi's figure, he came to the side of the five-color divine light on the land in an instant. Looking at the enchanting figure in the divine light, a trace of crazy greed burst out from the depths of his eyes, and then disappeared, returning to normal. Tranquility in the past, looked at Shenguang and whispered: "Linglong, I can't say, I have to kill and declare war!"

Su Lin, the Pojun Heavenly Corpse, stood sluggishly behind Linglong. Although his body was still covered with scars, he didn't seem to feel it, allowing the wound to recover slowly...

Hearing He Xiaoqi's words, Linglong's body trembled subconsciously, then "giggle..." smiled and said, "Brother Xiaoqi, then... let Linglong kill him!"

"Let Linglong kill him..." These words instantly resounded through the clear sky, and fell into the ear of the war declaring in the huge pit...

"Boom..." Xuan Zhan's arm suddenly fell down numbly, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes!

A long, long time ago, Jiu let the declaration of war at this moment not remember exactly how many years, I only know that a long time ago, he rescued a little girl named Linglong from a monk named Thorn, this little girl is When I was in the ordinary world, after the benefactor who had the grace to continue my life, since then, he has shown great love and care for Linglong, and always protected her by his side. Even if the two are separated, he will try his best to protect her she!

Gradually, this kind of caring and love became a habit of his. Even for her, relying on his unfathomable cultivation, he traveled alone in the world of cosmic cultivation, looking for an antidote that could save her. After more than seventy years, the antidote was finally found...

Now, the girl said the words that killed herself!

He could ignore anyone and say this sentence, but... this sentence happened to appear in the mouth of his bondage, in this world, in the mouth of his only relative...

"Why..." Xuan Zhan silently looked at the dark world around him, and thought painfully, "Why is this happening, could it be... Is it just because I can't accept you..."

"Cough cough..." Under Xuan Zhan's cough, a trace of scarlet blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again, "This... is it the feeling of betrayal..."

The feeling of being betrayed by the person closest to me...

Xuan Zhan closed his eyes in pain, scenes of the past kept appearing in his mind, that weak Linglong, that shy Linglong, that lovely Linglong, had... completely disappeared!

"Hehe...hehe..." Xuan Zhan smiled miserably, "But... But Uncle Xuan can't hate him!"

Suddenly, a strong tearing force suddenly covered Xuan Zhan's body!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body was immediately blasted from the chaotic pit to the ground by this force, and a feeling of powerlessness quietly emerged from the bottom of Xuan Zhan's heart!

He Xiaoqi controlled Xuan Zhan's body and flew slowly to a distance of [-] meters in front of him and Linglong. Seeing Xuan Zhan's distressed appearance at this moment, He Xiaoqi smiled lazily: "Master Xuan, it's time to get on the road! Otherwise, Master Uncle!" Come on, Xiao Qi has no escape!"

At the moment of the declaration of war, a head of silver-white hair was disheveled and drooping feebly, the once-clean Yuebai Taoist robe was completely dirty and dilapidated, and the handsome face of a peerless woman was haggard, making one feel distressed...

Xuan Zhan slowly opened his bleak and powerless eyes, looked at the two people in front of him, his suspended body moved slightly, but caused countless wounds, making him subconsciously groan in pain...

"Hehe..." Linglong looked at Xuan Zhan in such a state, and suddenly laughed wildly and coquettishly, a trace of cruelty flashed across the bewitching face, and said in a low voice: "Uncle Xuan, my good uncle, I didn't expect that, right?" , You also have such a day, you also have such a day, cluck... cluck... Emotions are unmoved, evil comes out, sex is not normal, and people are demons!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong who was falling into madness, smiled bitterly, then looked at Su Lin who was dull and numb, and said powerlessly: "Linglong, Uncle Xuan...Uncle Xuan didn't protect you well, I'm sorry for your mother..."

As soon as the words fell, a demonic power suddenly rose out of thin air, instantly enveloping Xuan Zhan's body, and the next moment, the boundless demonic power immediately tore Xuan Zhan's body, and traces of blood immediately overflowed from Xuan Zhan's old wound out!

Linglong Yaomei looked at Xuan Zhan with stern eyes, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Don't mention you and my mother, I don't want to hear it, Xuan Zhan, I hate you, I hate you!" From then on, that wave of evil power suddenly strengthened crazily, and then eroded Xuan Zhan's body...

"I..." Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong, his whole body trembled violently, traces of blood were torn and squeezed out from the wound, and his sanity suddenly fell into confusion. Looking at the two blurred figures, he was powerless to speak to himself Said to himself: "I... didn't protect you well, causing you to fall into... the demon way, I... hate myself..."

"Declaration of war!" Linglong suddenly fell into a state of madness, looked at Xuan Zhan and shouted, "Go to hell!" The next moment, Linglong suddenly shot out five-color light, and this group of bright five-color light jumped like poppies on Linglong's body. In the palm of her hand, Linglong punched forward, and this five-color divine light suddenly burst out with a crazy force of destroying monsters, and blasted towards the declaration of war!

"Go to hell...go to die..." Linglong yelled numbly, when the five-color divine light was about to rush towards Xuan Zhan's body, Linglong suddenly regained her clarity, closed her eyes and screamed bitterly: "No...don't! Don't !"

He Xiaoqi looked at Xuan Zhan gloomyly, and said with a low laugh, "Go to hell!"

"Boom!" A sound that shook the world suddenly resounded in the ears of the two, and even the whole planet trembled violently under this shock!

"What..." He Xiaoqi was taken aback for a moment, looking at Xuan Zhan in front of him and muttering to himself, "This... what is this..."

Linglong opened her eyes, looked at the scene in front of her and suddenly froze...


Di Hui felt a little uneasy. Seeing that the Purple Light Conference was still going on boringly, the worry in her heart became more and more serious. Since she recovered her memory and skills, her powerful cultivation was vaguely similar to that day. There is some integration, a heart of practicing Dao in my heart even has some mysterious connection with Dao Dharma, what I think in my heart, there will be Dao Dharma speculation to help!

But the departure of the declaration of war, and the waiting without any news, are constantly disturbing her mind!

Thirty brothers and sisters were watching this battle indifferently and uninterestedly!

This battle is a grievance between two alliances in the sea of ​​seven hundred universes. The two alliances are fighting fiercely in the sky, but everyone has seen the battle between Feng Xie and Chong Qianfeng, You Gu and others before. Finally, I am really not interested in this battle!

Wan Qingkui flipped through the brochure indifferently, and muttered to himself: If things go on like this, it will probably take several years to complete this conference. Hey... I don’t know how that guy Tiangang is doing now. After Xiao Xuguang was in the state of mind, he and Tianyou didn't know if he and Tianyou could successfully merge the memory imprint, hey... After they wake up, after I confirm the identity of the junior brother, the fairy world... We will meet up with the brothers!

At this moment, Wan Qingkui's heart moved, and he raised his head and looked into the distance behind him. At the same time, the thirty master monks also raised their heads and looked into the distance!

"Boom..." The land of Yuzhe suddenly trembled fiercely, and countless fairy birds and beasts immediately screamed and flew wildly, hoping to stay away from the center of the earthquake as soon as possible!

All the monks were stunned for a moment, feeling the vibration of the ground under their feet, and their hearts trembled suddenly: Here... what happened again...

"Boom!" Like a giant stomping on the ground fiercely, the sound of vibration became stronger again!

Dihui looked at the source of the vibration, and felt a slight movement in his heart. His consciousness instantly moved in the void and swept away. When he felt the source of the vibration, Dihui's eyes lit up, and he shouted joyfully in his heart: So it was this little guy, I didn't expect that I haven't seen it for hundreds of years, but the strength of this little guy has become so powerful!

"Aww..." A vicissitudes of life suddenly resounded between the heaven and the earth, everyone listened to the roar of the angry dragon, and wondered in their hearts: When did Piaomiao Jianxintian raise such a violent dragon?

"Wow..." The roar of the angry dragon suddenly became stronger again!

At this moment, the roar of another ferocious beast appeared again!


The roar of this tyrannical beast immediately made all creatures surrender in fear, as if everything in the world surrendered and bowed down...

"Hurry up, hurry up, Panda, didn't you say that the little master is in danger, where is it, let's hurry over there!" The voice of a charming woman's enchanting voice suddenly resounded through the void!

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Hearing this voice, everyone murmured in their hearts: What's going on here?

But as soon as this woman's voice appeared, the expressions of Di Hui and Wan Qingkui suddenly changed, and they disappeared in place instantly...

One black, one black and white and one red, three streamers of light shot towards the void rapidly, but they were the three little guys Panda, Changsheng and Xuebao who left from the place of "Suppressing Qi Soul Tomb"!

The three little guys seemed to have not changed much, they were still the same as before, except that Changsheng felt a little stronger, and they shot anxiously into the void!

At this moment, two streamers suddenly appeared in front of the three little guys, they were Wan Qingkui and Di Hui!

"Little Panda!" Dihui looked at Panda happily and shouted!

Panda was taken aback, looked at Dihui slightly confused, scratched his head and thought for a few seconds, then suddenly shouted: " are the girl who likes my little master, your name is Dihui, hehe... Hehe...that's right, your name is Dihui!"

Xue Bao was taken aback for a moment, looking at Di Hui with an alluring face in front of him, after hearing Panda's words, he suddenly thought of something, looked at Di Hui with hostility, and muttered in his heart: I like the little master, hum... ...Then you are Xuebao's enemy!

Wan Qingkui looked at them indifferently and said coldly: "Panda, what did you just say, your little master is in danger?"

Wan Qingkui's words immediately brought back Panda who was in joy. After hearing the three words "little master", Panda immediately squatted down with a "plop" and his two front paws ruthlessly tore Listening to his ears, the next moment, he suddenly howled and cried:

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...the little master is in danger, I feel it, the little master is dying, dying soon...uuuuuuuu...

Di Hui was startled, looked at Panda and shouted: "Did you feel it? Where is it? Take us there!"

"Woooo... The connection between the little master and Panda is getting less and less, woooo... The danger that the little master encountered this time is very great, woooo... I can't feel it anymore..."

Wan Qingkui's complexion changed suddenly, and he turned around suddenly to look at the starry sky of the universe, with his hands behind his back, his icy eyes stared into the distance as if piercing through eternity, those icy eyes were suddenly filled with countless threads, as if the entire universe Everything is in his eyes...

Dihui looked at Wan Qingkui, knowing that he was looking for a place to declare war, and she was certain in her heart...

Changsheng flew to Panda's side, and then fell into Panda's arms. His old voice used to be very old, but now he revealed a trace of ability: "Dad, don't worry, Daddy will be fine!"

Xuebao also came to Panda's side and comforted him, "Don't worry, Panda, the little master has countless exercises and magic weapons by his side, so nothing will happen!"

"Impossible, woo woo woo... The connection between the little master and Panda is constantly weakening, woo... Little master's big brother, have you found the little master, it's there, there, you found it No!" Panda howled, pointing at the starry sky beside him!

Wan Qingkui stood in the icy void, ignoring Little Panda at all. About a minute later, Wan Qingkui moved, his eyes narrowed tightly, and he said coldly: "I didn't notice the little brother's Location, someone... has imprisoned a certain starry sky, and this person's cultivation is not shallow, he is at the same level as us!"

"What..." Di Hui was stunned for a moment, and the uneasiness in his mind suddenly swelled, "Someone wants to harm him..."

"Wuuu...impossible, the little master is right there!" Panda roared loudly, "If you don't go, I'll go... I'll save the little master!" Just fly to the starry sky!

Wan Qingkui snorted coldly, looked at the position of Hengduan Mountain with cold eyes and said indifferently: "Di Zhou, you come to preside over the meeting, and Di Hui and I will come as soon as we go!" As soon as the words fell, Wan Qingkui's right hand suddenly With a strong force, he immediately rolled up Xuebao and Changsheng, and then pulled it fiercely, Panda's body was pulled back to the same place by this irresistible force!

"Let me go, let me go!" Panda looked at Wan Qingkui and roared, "I'm going to save the little master!"

"Hmph!" Wan Qingkui glanced at Panda coldly, and whispered to Dihui, "Let's go!"

The two glanced at each other, and immediately shot...

"Boom!" An astonishing loud noise suddenly boomed from the position where the two were standing, but seeing that position, the space immediately wrinkled...

Among the master-level monks, the Lord of Weeping Way watched the two leave, and a faint smile flashed in his eyes...

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