Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 428 Good show!

Today's Master of Weeping Dao is already a legendary cultivator in the cultivation world. The rumors about him can even be traced back to 10 years ago, and since Wan Qingkui brought him to Jade Sting Star, he has never set foot on it again. One step in the realm of comprehension, he has been staying in the Yuzhe Continent, but now, the Lord of Weeping Dao somehow left the Yuzhe Continent and appeared in the vast starry sky!

Although the distance between here and Yuzhe Continent can be reached within a few minutes based on the cultivation base of their master monks, even so, Wan Qingkui was a little dazed!

The Lord of Weeping Path flew to Wan Qingkui and Di Hui in an instant, glanced at them with cold eyes, and a smile flashed in his eyes!

"Eldest brother, Di Hui, I'm here to let you watch an interesting scene, so that you can know what that little monk did before that made me look down!" said the weeping master indifferently!

Di Hui's eyes tightened slightly, and he looked at this senior brother with mysterious eyes in doubt, his heart bulged, and he felt a little bad!

Wan Qingkui stood proudly with his hands behind his back, looked at the starry sky around him, turned his heart slightly, but looked at Fan Tiankui, the Lord of Weeping Way, and said softly: "Di Hui said before, you once imprisoned one party with the law of the forbidden world. Xingkong, now that I think about it..."

When Dihui heard Wan Qingkui's words, she suddenly came to her senses, her eyes looking at the Lord of Weeping Way became cold instantly, and her cold and beautiful voice suddenly sounded: "Brother Tiankui, you are the one who imprisoned and declared war!"

"Imprisoned?" The Lord of Weeping Road smiled indifferently and coldly, "I can't say I was imprisoned, because... my disciple and that little demon girl Linglong are also among them!"

"Why!" Wan Qingkui said in a low voice and indifferently, "Do you know that Xuan Zhan has the extraordinary ability to control the Nine Desolation War Cauldron, maybe he is the target we have been looking for for countless years!"

Hearing Wan Qingkui's words, the Lord of Weeping Way flashed a hint of amusement in his eyes, turned around and looked at the surrounding starry sky, with his hands on his back indifferently, and said in a low voice: "Senior brother, senior brother, how can the person we are looking for be like this? It is a coincidence that Martial Uncle Yu is accepted as an apprentice, you and Senior Brother Tiansuan are apprentices of Uncle Yu, Xuan Zhan is also his apprentice, could it it really such a coincidence?"

Could it be... is it really such a coincidence?The third apprentice accepted by Master Yu is the one they are looking for?

Dihui looked at the back of the weeping master, and said in a cold tone: "I don't care who the declaration of war is, Brother Tiankui, release the declaration of war immediately!"

The Lord of Weeping Road suddenly looked at Dihui, snorted and said coldly: "Junior Sister, how dare you talk to Senior Brother in such a tone? Could it be that our friendship of countless hours is not as good as a small declaration of war? What's more, you know What happened just now!"

As soon as the words fell, the right hand of the Lord of Weeping Way waved towards the starry sky...

"Om..." A wave of white light turbulently fluctuated in the starry sky ahead, and then a white light curtain slowly formed in front of the three of them...

The Lord of the Weeping Path made Wei Wei's right hand art, but saw three figures suddenly appeared in the light curtain, they were Xuan Zhan, He Xiaoqi and Linglong!

"He Xiaoqi, I am your uncle, how dare you be so rebellious, Linglong wants to kill me, but you dare to protect him!" Xuan Zhan in the light curtain looked at He Xiaoqi and said coldly!

Standing in the light curtain, Linglong stood in the five-color divine light, weeping and crying: "Uncle Xuan, Linglong dare not kill you, please let me go, Brother Xiaoqi doesn't know about our relationship, he is just protecting Linglong in secret !"

"Huh!" Xuan Zhan snorted coldly, and the magic formula suddenly became wild, and black thunderbolts pierced the sky and the earth in an instant, and hit Linglong in the five-color divine light, "Linglong, there is nothing wrong with wanting to inflict crimes, you disobeyed uncle If you don't listen to my teachings, you will become a monster, and if I don't kill the monsters, I swear I won't be a human being!"

He Xiaoqi's tactic came up in an instant, but seeing sword energy suddenly guarding the two of them at the center of Lei Yuan's thunderbolt, a trace of sadness flashed across his handsome face: "Linglong, Linglong, I didn't expect that your Uncle Xuan It turns out that such an extreme person, demon way Buddha way, heaven and earth myriad ways, what you see is the mind of a cultivator, although you practice monster way, but you have never harmed him, I didn't expect..."

"Uncle Xuan, don't force your nephew anymore, otherwise, your nephew will take action!" He Xiaoqi's eyes flashed with determination!

"Haha..." Xuan Zhan looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "He Xiaoqi, you and I are both monks of Piaomiao Jianxintian, and I... am the heir of the future lord. Do you... dare to take action against the future lord!"

"What..." He Xiaoqi was taken aback for a moment, but when Xuan Zhan had no time left, thousands of thunder dragons were split out instantly, and they came to bombard them fiercely!

"Boom..." A series of explosions immediately smashed the two of them into the ground...

Wan Qingkui watched what happened in the light curtain, and a stern light suddenly flashed in his eyes...

"No...impossible!" Di Hui said coldly, "Declaration of war, it is impossible to do such a thing!"

The Lord of the Weeping Way looked at the two of them indifferently: "Impossible? What's impossible? This witch is a person of the demon way. Even though the declaration of war has a little affection for her, she is a monk of the human race, but this is not what I value. More importantly, big brother, don't tell you really want a cultivator with this kind of take over Piaomiao Jianxintian?"

Wan Qingkui narrowed the corners of his mouth tightly, without saying a word, he watched the scene indifferently...

When He Xiaoqi used his true first-grade Mahayana cultivation base, and when Xuan Zhan was beaten into a mess by He Xiaoqi, the corners of Wan Qingkui's mouth trembled even more...

"Boom..." He Xiaoqi's Mahayana first-rank cultivation base showed an overwhelming momentum, and the wounds he had beaten to declare war became more and more serious, and finally...until the Nine Desolation War Cauldron appeared!

"Bang!" After the Nine Desolation Zhanding Ding opened the cauldron and absorbed Xuan Zhan into the cauldron, Linglong wept and cried: "Brother Xiaoqi, is Uncle Xuan alright?"

He Xiaoqi in the light curtain breathed a sigh of relief: "Uncle Xuan shouldn't be in danger of his life, but... this magic weapon makes me feel a little bit bad!"

At this moment, the voice of the Lord of Weeping Road appeared in the ears of the two of them!

"Disciples, I have already seen what happened to you just now, as a teacher. Now, I have imprisoned the starry sky around you. I only wait for the arrival of the senior brother to make a decision. Now you, take a short break!"

"Master!" He Xiaoqi in the light curtain was slightly startled, and immediately bowed respectfully: "The disciple has seen the master, just now... just now the disciple had no choice but to beat Master Xuan to serious injury, disciple...disciple guilty!"

"What are you guilty of?" The indifferent voice of the weeping master rang out unhurriedly, "I didn't expect... the senior brother would choose such a cruel method, and the person who disregarded family affection should be regarded as Piaomiao Jianxintian's future... Lord, this matter... I want to preach to him!"

... Everything is happening in the eyes of Wan Qingkui and Di Hui!


When Wan Qingkui and Di Hui were watching this scene, in the imprisoned starry sky, on that planet, He Xiaoqi and Linglong were also noticed by the Lord of the Weeping Path. A scene staged in the light curtain!

"Haha...hahahaha..." He Xiaoqi's face was grim, and he suddenly laughed crazily while suspended between the heavens and the earth, "Hahahaha...declaration of war, declaration of war, you... how could you stand up, the position of the lord, How did you get your hands on it! The position of the lord belongs to me, He Xiaoqi, and Piaomiao Jianxintian... also belongs to me, He Xiaoqi!"

Linglong looked at the scenes in the light curtain, and the corners of her mouth slightly opened: " good uncle, pitiful..."

Two lines of tears flowed from Linglong's eyes, but they seemed to be ignoring them. Linglong didn't wipe the tears on her face at all, and let them flow and fall, and let herself giggle wildly...

"It's time to go out!" The voice of the Weeping Lord suddenly appeared in the ears of the two of them!

The next moment, the two of them only felt that the surrounding starry sky was like the beginning of the universe, and this starry sky was slowly changing...

However, within ten seconds, He Xiaoqi and Linglong suddenly felt a burst of visual abstraction, and the next moment, three bursts of blissful aura quietly appeared in their senses!

The two were stunned for a moment, their expressions suddenly changed, and an irresistible tearing force suddenly appeared out of thin air, bringing the two of them, as well as the mysterious war cauldron, into the starry sky in an instant!

Wan Qingkui's face was as cold as ice, looking at He Xiaoqi and Linglong, his heart was constantly spinning...

Panda, Xuebao, and Changsheng didn't care what was going on around them, as soon as they saw Zhan Ding appearing, they immediately ran over!

"Boom!" Panda embraced Zhan Ding's body fiercely, and shouted loudly: "Little master, I am Panda, come out quickly, Panda is coming to see you!"

Changsheng wandered around Zhanding, looked at Zhanding curiously and said, "Hey, isn't this the cauldron that Daddy used to make alchemy, why did he eat Daddy?"

Dihui glanced indifferently at He Xiaoqi and Linglong who appeared, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, turned around and came to Zhan Ding, and said softly: "Don't worry, he is recuperating inside!"

Panda nodded clearly, and when he saw He Xiaoqi, a savage look flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly roared angrily: "Little white face, you are the one who injured my little master, Panda will do it for you Master revenge!"

As soon as the voice fell, Panda suddenly flew towards He Xiaoqi crazily. During the flight, Panda touched his body, and a black metal stick appeared in his hand instantly!

"I'll hit!!!" Panda raised his head to the sky and roared angrily, and smashed towards He Xiaoqi with Ling Ran's tyrannical aura!

"Hmph!" The Lord of Weeping Path snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, he saw a dark sword energy blast towards Panda fiercely in an instant!

Wan Qingkui's eyes turned cold, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab it, only to see that Panda's body suddenly stopped in the void, and that dark sword energy passed by Panda's side and smashed into the universe starry sky!

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to avenge my little master!" Panda's body struggled and roared in vain!

Wan Qingkui looked at the little stunned-headed green indifferently, sighed in his heart, and flung his hand casually, but threw it into Di Hui's arms: "Junior Sister, take care of them, and before the younger brother wakes up... don't let them mess up." move!"

Di Hui hugged Panda who was still struggling with complicated eyes, and said softly, "Little guy, your little master's elder brother is responsible for this matter, so just be good to me!"

Chang Sheng seemed to see something wrong, and wandered to Panda's side and said, "Father, let's be quiet first, there seems to be something wrong!"

Xue Bao grabbed Panda's ear, and said coquettishly: "Panda, just make trouble. After the little master wakes up, I will tell him that you are disobedient!"

"Hmph!" Panda snorted coldly, and looked at He Xiaoqi violently with his eyes, his ferocious eyes full of murderous intent looked coldly at... looked at... looked at He Xiaoqi!

"I miss you...I miss you...I miss you..." Panda said in such a low voice to himself!

Wan Qingkui glanced at He Xiaoqi and Linglong indifferently, shook his head indifferently, then looked at the Lord of Weeping Road again, tangled his hands behind his back, and said suddenly: "Let's go back!"

"Boom!" Three mighty auras instantly invaded the starry sky of the universe, and countless folds of space viciously trembled and fluctuated on the routes of the three auras...

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