Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 430 7 Deadly Sins

A smile flashed across Fan Tian's crying and cold eyes, he got up coldly and came to Linglong, looked at her who was a little pitiful and did not dare to move, and said coldly: "Demon girl, I ask you, you What does it have to do with declaring war!"

The voice rumbled in Linglong's ears, but it made her body tremble suddenly, she looked at Fan Tian tenderly and timidly and cried, "Go back... back to the Lord of the Crying Dao, the slave family and the declaration of war..."

Su Lin, who was guarding Linglong's side, suddenly looked at the Lord of the Weeping Path and roared muffledly. A pair of blood-weeping ferocious eyes looked at the Lord of the Weeping Path fiercely. Instinctively felt a burst of fear, but when Linglong was being bullied, he subconsciously wanted to protect Linglong:

"No...don't bully..."

Fan Tiankui glanced at Su Lin coldly, and said indifferently: "However, a weak mummy without sanity dares to be so arrogant in front of me..." While speaking, Fan Tiankui suddenly stretched out his right palm , I want to fight Su Lin!


"Brother, wait!"

Two voices appeared at the same time, it was Wan Qingkui and Di Hui!

Fan Tian's right palm, which was crying to kill Su Lin, gave a slight pause, and suddenly turned around and stared coldly at Wan Qingkui and Di Hui, and said indifferently: "Elder brother, junior sister Di Hui, you have changed!"


Wan Qingkui and Di Hui looked at Fan Tian silently and cried...

Maybe it is... Wan Qingkui then looked at Su Lin and suddenly thought in his heart!

Di Hui stood up and looked at Su Lin, with an imperceptible sadness flashing in his eyes, he swung the misty veil and said in a low voice: "I hope senior brother will let him go, he and junior sister and I have a little connection in this cultivation world, so ..."

Linglong looked at Dihui in front of her with some curiosity. To be honest, she had many doubts about the changes in Dihui today. Her memory of Dihui was still before she fell asleep. At that time, Dihui was a big sister in her heart. The image of her, but the vicissitudes of the world, a hundred years have passed by, and now she is no longer the weak Linglong, and Dihui... not the original Dihui!

That peerless face, that cold and misty fairy-like demeanor all reminded Linglong that the Dihui in front of her had completely changed!If it wasn't for the reminder from Fan Tian crying, she wouldn't be able to hook up with the former Dihui at all!

But... this does not hinder Linglong's mind now!Yes...without the slightest hindrance!

"Sister Dihui...Uncle Xuan..." Linglong looked at Dihui weakly!

Dihui looked at Linglong coldly for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Linglong... I underestimated your change!", only Dihui knows how much helplessness and sadness are contained in this sentence...

Wan Qingkui said softly: "Junior Brother, for my sake, don't kill him!"

"Shua!" Fan Tian cried and shook the cloak behind him, turned around coldly and sat down again, and said indifferently: "Little ant, kill him, I'm afraid my hands will be dirty!"

"Hey..." Wan Qingkui shook his head helplessly, and said softly: "God cry, you should know that the relationship between me and my master Yu Zhenren, who I have rebuilt in this life, is very close, including Tiangang, the two of us Respecting him is not because of the so-called master, but because we have truly felt a kind of emotion that I have never experienced in Yu Zhenren! The declaration of war is my junior brother with Tiangang, and the declaration of war is Yu The mantle of the real master!"

"I know these things!" Fan Tian cried indifferently, "However, this has nothing to do with declaring war and taking over Piaomiao Jianxintian. The position of honoring the master is virtuous, and the virtue of declaring war is not worthy of the position of honoring the master." ! This is a crime!"

Wan Qingkui's eyes were lowered, and he listened to Fan Tian's crying without changing his expression!

"And!" Fan Tian cried indifferently and turned to look at the Nine Desolation War Cauldron in the yard, his eyes narrowed, as if he was about to pierce the Zhan Cauldron, and pointed at Xuan Zhan himself, "Xuan Zhan dared to attack his fellow disciples, the methods were so cruel, It can be called a big killer! This is the second crime!"

"The third crime is disregarding the lives of relatives!" Fan Tian cried and said mercilessly, looking at Linglong coldly!

"The fourth crime is scheming. It's unimaginable. If I hadn't always cared about my disciple Xiaoqi, I'm afraid I wouldn't have known the scheming of declaring war!"

"The fifth crime, the origin is unclear. Although he is your junior brother, do you know the identity of this son before? Why did he become your junior brother, this seat...doubt his identity before reincarnation! "

"Sixth crime, he disturbed the retreat of the hermit elders of the sect, took the five sword intents on the withered mountain as his own, and spent the misty sword heart and heaven's luck!"

"The seventh crime!" Fan Tian cried up to this point, looked at Wan Qingkui suddenly, and said word by word: "I have something to do with the monster clan. I have heard people say that this declaration of war... has something to do with the monster clan's wind evil." friendship!"

When Wan Qingkui and Di Hui heard this, they immediately looked at Fan Tian and cried together, the corners of their mouths pursed fiercely...

These... are the seven deadly sins that Fan Tiankui condemned for declaring war!

The seven deadly sins, sins... are true!

Every crime can make Xuan Zhan bear countless punishments, and every crime can make Xuan Zhan bear the charge of betrayal!

When He Xiaoqi heard the seven deadly crimes imposed on Xuan Zhan by his master, although his face was full of surprise and disbelief, deep down in his heart he was laughing crazily, smirking crazily...

"Master!" He Xiaoqi said abruptly, "The seven major crimes you mentioned, the disciple has never known, and I still have a little respect for Uncle Xuan in my heart!"

Wan Qingkui put his hands behind his back and twisted them together fiercely, getting tighter and tighter...the veins were exposed, but there was no slight change in his face!

"What your master said..." Wan Qingkui said in a low voice, "every sentence is true!"

"What!!!" He Xiaoqi suddenly looked at Wan Qingkui in shock, as if he couldn't accept it...

Di Hui looked at the Nine Desolation War Cauldron in the yard expressionlessly, but her heart... was bleeding continuously...

The seven deadly sins have been proven...

Linglong listened to every sentence of Fan Tian's crying, from the first sentence, Linglong's expression began to darken... until, at this moment, Linglong's face was completely expressionless, Di Hui didn't know what Linglong was thinking, in fact... didn't want to know either!

"Senior Brother, such a cultivator who has caused such a disaster in the cultivation world, you actually want him to take over the position of Piaomiao Jianxintian, this... puts Piaomiao Jianxintian on the way to destroy the sect!" Fan Tian cried and said coldly!

When Wan Qingkui heard this, a glint of light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly said: "I am very tired, you go down first, and discuss this matter after the conference is over!"

There was a smile on the corner of Fan Tian's mouth under the crying mask, and he said indifferently: "Senior brother is right, it's better not to let others know about your own affairs. After the meeting is over and the monks are gone, we will discuss this matter! Junior brother resigns first! "

After finishing speaking, Fan Tiankui suddenly turned around and gave He Xiaoqi a wink. He Xiaoqi hurriedly followed behind the master, glanced at Linglong, and then followed Fan Tiankui to leave the quiet courtyard...

After Wan Qingkui and Di Hui looked at Fan Tian and cried away, they looked at Linglong again, and Di Hui suddenly took a step forward, looked at Linglong and said coldly: "Bring the demon pill!"

Startled, Linglong suddenly realized what Dihui was pointing at, gritted her teeth, and said in a low voice: "Sister Dihui, this demon pill is very good for Linglong's cultivation..."

"Bring it!" Di Hui suddenly interrupted Linglong, "Don't make me say it a second time!"

Linglong's eyes flickered slightly, and she stretched out her hand unwillingly to wipe it. A crystal clear, pure demon pill exuding condensed demon power appeared in Linglong's palm, handed it to Dihui and said indifferently: "Take it!"

"Swoosh..." The demon pill was instantly sucked into the palm of Dihui's palm, and the jade finger lightly pinched the demon pill. Dihui shook his head indifferently and said, "Linglong, you really let me down. I will decide on you after Senior Brother Xuan wakes up." fate!"

When Linglong heard this, she suddenly raised her head, looked at Dihui Yinya with cold eyes and said ruthlessly, "You..."

Wan Qingkui looked up at Linglong, shook his forehead indifferently, and then sighed softly: "Linglong, you should live here first!"

As soon as these words came out, Linglong trembled, looked at the Nine Desolation War Cauldron with complicated eyes, then shook her head suddenly and said: "No... I don't want to be imprisoned here, any place is fine, but not here!"

"This matter is beyond your control!" Dihui said indifferently!

"" Linglong's eyes suddenly flashed a trace of panic, and she stepped back, "You can't lock me here! I don't want...I don't want to!"

"Hmph!" Wan Qingkui snorted coldly, and lightly opened the right hand technique, but saw streams of light appearing between his fingers instantly, and the mighty aura instantly spread throughout the room. These streams of light were under Wan Qingkui's control, But with a whoosh, it wrapped around Linglong's body, and then flew into a guest room!

"Boom!" The door of the guest room closed instantly!

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