Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 431 Changes in Withered Mountain

When Wan Qingkui and Di Hui reappeared on Hengduan Mountain, it was already more than a month later!

Wan Qingkui, who was standing on the high platform, still had an expression of calm and prestige, as if what happened to Xuan Zhan before was nothing, but if someone noticed it, he would be able to see it. Qing Kui seems to be chanting a sentence all the time:

"Tiangang, have you recovered your memory, bastard..."

On the lengthy list, 80.00% have been resolved, and the remaining 20.00%, if all goes well, within three to two years, this Ziguang Conference will be completely over, and by then, all surviving Monk, the happiest time!

After the previous Ziguang Conference, after the end of the Piaomiao Jianxintian monks will come up with countless treasures of heaven and earth that make the monks covetous, and distribute them according to the strength of the monks, just like the three gods and the seven people. The treasures of heaven, materials and earth are rare and rare, and there is no one out of ten million years. For monks with relatively weak cultivation bases or relatively weak forces, although there are very few treasures of heaven, materials and earth in their hands, for them, it is already a treasure. It is worthwhile to come here to fight for life and death!

And this is the main reason that attracts countless monks to participate in the Purple Light Conference once every thousand years!

The monks in the entire comprehension world don't know why Piaomiao Jianxintian held such a thankless conference, and this is also a big secret in the current comprehension world, but even if they don't know, it doesn't hinder their participation Come in!

The so-called revenge and settlement of grievances, for the monks, is just following the trend. With such a platform and such an opportunity, why not do it...

Above the sky, streams of light circulated in circles, and clusters of murderous intent surged within, but the vitality of the world with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers surged crazily...

Piaomiao Jianxintian's weak disciples looked at Hengduan Mountain with envy. It was a supreme honor to appear there. Only powerful monks and those who possessed the cultivation qualifications like the darlings of heaven and earth were eligible to participate. !

Although it is said that life and death are determined by fate, it is absolutely possible to fight between life and death to compete for the peerless treasure that can be desperately fought for!

Several beams of light crazily bombarded the sky, it was a life-or-death battle for several monks in the Sanxian period!

The three monks finally made their move, and all the opponents the three monks were looking for were casual cultivators, and only casual cultivators dared to stroke the beards of the three monks with all their strength, and then escaped without stagnation!

But this platform saves the three monks countless efforts to find those casual monks who dare to stroke their beards!

The actions of the three masters would kill all directions at every turn, causing the opponent to be wiped out physically and mentally!

Standing beside Yun Yueya in the second battle, watching the fight in the sky indifferently, but all his thoughts were thrown out of the sky!

He could clearly feel that, hundreds of millions of miles away, there was an aura that made him familiar with blood being thicker than water. There... was the aura of the deity!

"This deity is in trouble!"

This is what I think in the second battle!

"I can't do anything!"

This is also what he thought in the second battle!

"It's just like this!" You Zijin looked worriedly at Xiao Xiaobai beside him, and said softly, "Xiaoqi said, Master Xuan Zhan is seriously injured and is being treated in a mysterious place, but how will my master punish him in the future?" He, Xiao Qi has no way of knowing!"

Xiao Xiaobai clenched his fists fiercely, his exposed veins seemed about to explode, and a pair of frivolous eyes flashed a trace of coldness!

"The seven deadly sins, hehe... What a seven deadly sins!" Xiao Xiaohuai said in a low voice and coldly, "There is no excuse for adding a crime!"

"Elder Sister!" Suddenly, a voice suddenly appeared in You Zijin's ear, "There is a change in Kuxi Mountain!"

You Zijin's heart moved, he looked at Xiao Xiaobai and said: "Let's go, there is something going on at Zimang's side!"

"Withered Mountain?" Xiao Xiaobai frowned and asked!

"Yeah!" You Zijin nodded and said, when the formula moved, a stream of light shot up from his body, leading the two of them to disappear in place in an instant!

But within ten seconds, You Zijin appeared in front of a tall and thin purple-robed monk with a smile, but it was the Zimang that You Zijin ordered to monitor Kuxi Mountain!

Seeing the figure of Senior Sister, Zimang immediately shouted: "Master Sister, there is a huge turmoil on the withered mountain, it seems that there are monks who are going through the tribulation and advanced to the Mahayana stage!"

"Hey, Brother Zimang, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are still so handsome!" Xiao Xiaobai joked while looking at Zimang with a grin!

"Hehe...hehe..." Zimang looked at Xiaobai, then at You Zijin, with a smirk, came up and put his arm around Xiaobai's shoulder and said secretly, "No matter how handsome you are, you are as good as a younger brother!"

Xiao Xiaobai was startled, and hurriedly shouted "Ouch": "Senior brother, what are you talking about, my whole body is not as good as even a single hair of yours!"

"You bastard!" Zi Mang patted his shoulder dumbfounded, looked at You Zijin but immediately said solemnly: "Elder Sister, look there, do you want to take action!"

You Zijin ignored the conversation between the two at all, frowned and said: "Zimang, what you just said just now seems not sure if there is someone crossing the robbery there, please tell me carefully!"

After Zimang pondered for a while, he sorted out the language and finally came up with a sentence: "If my guess is correct...someone used tricks to seal the surrounding space, and we can't feel exactly what happened inside. What happened! But Luo Lei said that there are small fluctuations of thunderbolts inside, although the fluctuations are not big, he really felt the vibration of the thunder inside!"

You Zijin pondered for a moment, then said softly: "Luo Lei's body attribute is the Lei Yuan attribute, he is quite sensitive to Lei Yuan, and he will never make a mistake! If it is true as Luo Lei said, someone must be crossing the tribulation! "

"But..." You Zijin said thoughtfully, "The people inside are all the hermit elders of my sect, they are all the people of loose immortals, there should be no monks under the loose immortals!"

You Zijin's words also made Zimang beside him shake his head silently!

After Xiao Xiaobai thought for a while, he looked at the land of Withered Mountain indifferently, and said softly: "You guys, you have forgotten one person!"

"Who?" They both asked at the same time.

"Que Ren!" Xiao Xiaobai laughed softly, "If my guess is correct, it should be Que Ren who is crossing the tribulation!"

"Quiet!" The two of them were startled, and after thinking about the relationship within the sect, they felt that Xiaobai's words were indeed true!

Quren is the direct disciple of Elder Yin Zhengfeng who has practiced in seclusion, and he is also one of the candidates for the future lord's successor. Pulled by the gods and thunder, carry out the tribulation, if successful, you can advance to the Mahayana stage, and wait for the power of the summoning of the fairy world to ascend to the fairy world with peace of mind!If it is not successful, it will be reincarnated and recultivated, or the soldier will practice Loose Immortal!

Now, in that withered mountain, Xiao Xiaohuai said that Que Ren was going through a catastrophe!

You Zijin knew that Yin Zhengfeng was the head of the group of elders in the withered mountain, and Yin Zhengfeng was Qu Ren's master. If this is the case, Qu Ren can be said to be blessed to be taken care of by those old guys!

But...why do they seal off the surrounding space to overcome the calamity for lack of toughness?This is something that you can't figure out!

The reason why You Zijin monitored Kuxi Mountain was because of a temporary order from Master Wan Qingkui, but as to why this order was issued, they don't know at all!

"But... so what if you have survived the thunder calamity!" A look of disdain flashed in You Zijin's and Zimang's eyes, "After the thunder calamity, so what can you do in the Mahayana stage? You haven't cultivated" Potential', you will not be able to reach the true Mahayana period, you can only wait for the power of the call from the fairy world to ascend to the fairy world, and you are just a puppet of the heavens!!!"

Zimang said softly: "Elder Sister, do you want to tell Uncle Wan about this?"

You Zijin said coldly: "You don't need to tell me about such trivial things, Master, let's go to Kuxi Mountain to have a look first!"

Zimang nodded, then looked at Xiaobai with a chuckle and said, "Junior brother, do you want me to take you for a ride?"

Xiao Xiaobai glanced lazily at Zimang, and was about to say something when a cold jade hand suddenly wrapped around Xiao Xiaobai's waist, and You Zijin's face was blushing very hidden, with his right hand wrapped around Xiao Xiaobai's waist. waist, said coldly: "Let's go!"

"Boom..." Two beams of light shot into the void in an instant, and shot towards the land of the withered mountain!

Looking at You Zijin with a cold face, Xiao Xiaobai smiled, a frivolous look flashed in his eyes, his right hand flirtatiously grabbed the jade fingers around his waist, and said softly: "Well... so slippery, so tender !"

In one sentence, You Zijin's face instantly turned red, and he said in a low voice, "Don't move around, or I will accidentally throw you down!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Xiaobai immediately stood upright, staring straight ahead, and muttered to himself, "So slippery... so tender... so slippery... so tender..."

You Zijin's blushing face listened to Xiaobai's muttering to himself, and he spat in his heart: men... are they all fun things!

At this moment, a thunderbolt blue divine thunder burst out from the sky, appearing in front of the three of them instantly!

But seeing that the visitor was tall and tall, with a solid and upright appearance, he looked at You Zijin with a frown, and said word by word:

"Master, lack of tenacity to advance!"

You Zijin stopped and nodded indifferently!

Then I heard the man continue to say coldly:

"Mahayana...first grade!"

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