"Mahayana...first grade..."

You Zijin's figure suddenly stopped in the void, and on his icy face, his brows were tightly knit together!

Zi Mang looked at the person in surprise, and said with a gloomy face: "Luo Lei, you... are you telling the truth?"

The person who came was none other than one of the disciples of Piao Miao Jianxin, a god-level monk who possessed the attribute of Lei Yuan—Luo Lei!

"It's indeed the first rank of Mahayana. He... I don't know when he has cultivated his power!" Luo Lei said with a slight twitch of his mouth, then turned his eyes, looked at the senior sister You Zijin, and said in a low voice, "His power is It's the same 'force' of the ice-type sword intent as the big sister!"

"He just advanced to the first rank of Mahayana, and he filled the surrounding space with countless icy swords. The temperature was extremely low and the sword intent was solid. Although Kuxi Mountain was sealed by those old guys, there was a trace of breath leaking out. !” Luo Leifu said again.

Zimang took a gloomy look at Kuxi Mountain!

They are a group of 30 people, who belong to the disciples of master-level monks. Perhaps...they have inherited their master's practice heart, and they don't have the slightest affection for the hermit elder of Misty Jianxintian, and they are even a little xenophobic, although Piaomiao Jianxintian is their sect, but it is divided into two factions, one is the older generation monks headed by Yin Zhengfeng's first-generation hermit elders, and the second-generation elders and deacons headed by Que Ren. Jian Xintian's true disciple claims to be himself!

The other faction is the foreign monks who are mainly the reincarnated Lord Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui, and the four third-generation disciples of You Zijin, He Xiaoqi, Zimang and Lei Jun. They use the Piaomiao sword Xintian's true Taoism is self-confessed!

The two factions jointly support Piaomiao Jianxintian's strong strength. In the eyes of outsiders, Piaomiao Jianxintian huddled together, and under the leadership of Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui, they proudly surpassed all forces in the cultivation world!However, on the Jade Sting Star, the two factions are constantly fighting in secret. Although Yin Zhengfeng's strength is weak, but because of his relatively high seniority, Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui and other master monks are not easy to deal with. They shot!

It is precisely because of this that Yin Zhengfeng and the others dare to fight for the position of Lord with this group of master-level monks!

These... are all slowly grown after the disappearance of Jade Master!

Now, when the group of monks on the withered mountain learned that Master Yu had passed away, they finally showed their fangs, although...the fangs appeared a little strangely, which caught You Zijin and the others by surprise!

Zimang said gloomyly: "Mahayana first rank...No one on our side can resist, unless...unless he doesn't go back, doesn't go back to his sect!"

Zimang's words caused You Zijin and Luo Lei to be silent for a while, but Xiaobai laughed and asked curiously: "Senior Brother Zimang, who are you talking about?"

Zimang's eyes suddenly flashed a bright color, and said softly: "Our real senior brother, the direct disciple of Lord Tiangang!"

Xiao Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, but suddenly thought of one thing. During the hundred years he stayed here, there was only You Zijin, the "big sister". Every master monk had his own disciple, and only One person... I haven't heard that he has a disciple, the mysterious Lord Luo Tiangang!After so many years, he suddenly realized that among the three generations of disciples, there seemed to be one person missing!

You Zijin said indifferently: "It's been a long time since this happened, we'd better not mention him anymore, he has his own sect, we... are at most just his fellow-clan friends! There is no such thing as a fellow-clan anymore!"

At this moment, an extremely cold and powerful true energy suddenly came out from the front. The strength of this true energy is like a frozen world appearing at a certain point on Jade Sting Star in an instant. All the immortals on the continent The bird screamed crazily in an instant, and flew around in panic...

"Swoosh..." A sword intent of death suddenly appeared beside You Zijin and the other four!

"Master, what's going on? How could there be such a powerful force?" The visitor asked in a low voice as soon as he appeared!

You Zijin glanced indifferently at He Xiaoqi who appeared, and said in a low voice: "Quian...advanced Mahayana rank one!"

"What..." He Xiaoqi suddenly raised his head and stared at You Zijin in a dazed manner when he heard this, "Quiet...advanced Mahayana rank one..."

Xiao Xiaobai and the four looked at He Xiaoqi and nodded!

After the extremely cold true energy went crazy for a very short time, it suddenly withdrew and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

"Let's go!" You Zijin looked at Kuxi Mountain with reassurance, and said coldly, "Go to Kuxi Mountain and have a look!"

"Whoosh..." Four beams of light cut through the void in an instant, and crazily shot towards the place where Kushi Mountain was!

Within half an hour, You Zijin and the others stopped instantly!

In the distance, a huge iceberg shining brightly under the sun stands in the sky, the towering iceberg is covered with ice, and the icy breath rushes towards everyone in an instant!

"Elder Sister!" Ten beams of light suddenly flew in the distance, and the next moment, ten young monks who were in good spirits but with all gloomy faces flew towards the place where You Zijin was!

You Zijin nodded to the ten people, looked at the huge iceberg with cold eyes, and said coldly: "The first rank of Mahayana is really strong, and it has frozen the entire withered mountain!"

"Elder Sister!" A disciple suddenly said coldly, "Before this, Kuxi Mountain was sealed by an enchantment. Except for Luo Lei, the other brothers and sisters couldn't sense what happened to the centimeter!"

Everyone nodded immediately!

You Zijin said indifferently: "Master sent me to monitor Kushi Mountain, it seems there is some reason, now Kushi Mountain is no longer a place for us to set foot in, everyone leave!"

While speaking, You Zi made a movement of the Fa Jue, holding Xiao Huai in his arms, and shot towards the sky in an instant, followed by all the disciples!

"Hahahaha... Niece of Master Zijin, since you're here, why don't you stay for a while!" A trembling and sneering voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears!

You Zijin looked at the sky indifferently, paused, and said coldly: "Little Qi Zimang, you take the other juniors and leave quickly, I will stop him!"

"Senior Sister!" The juniors around were stunned for a moment, and suddenly shouted in shock, "It's absolutely impossible!"

You Zijin said indifferently: "Don't worry, he doesn't dare to do anything to me, otherwise, our master will definitely not let him go! Xiaobai, you also go with them!"

"We're not leaving!" The other disciples suddenly said firmly at the same time!

Xiao Xiaobai looked gloomy, looked at the withered iceberg behind him with a wicked smile, and said slowly: "You are right, this lack of toughness dare not do anything to us, so, everyone, stay with Elder Sister!"

"You..." You Zijin suddenly looked at Xiaobai with cold eyes, and was about to speak, but saw a white light in the sky flying towards their direction like lightning, but in an instant, it had appeared in In front of everyone!

The visitor was two meters tall, and he was burly and uncommon. He was covered in an unpretentious coarse cloth coat, which looked a bit rustic. Silk's icy radiance!

This man, if he hadn't been seen by a senior monk, most people would even think that he was just the kind of farmer who went from sunrise to sunset!

"Disciple has met Uncle Quren!" Many monks clasped their fists indifferently and said!

Que Ren is now in high spirits, although he doesn't look like mountains and dews from the outside, but the ambition in his heart has swelled up with the promotion, the Mahayana period, and it is not an ordinary Mahayana period, it is real, and it is passed down in ancient times. Mahayana First Grade Realm!

It's just the realm of the first rank of the Mahayana, and the strength of the cultivation base possessed, even if it is the rank five Sanxian Sanmo, he dare not stroke the tiger's beard lightly!

Que Ren suddenly longed for the realm of comprehension that had disappeared into the river of time, the era when the Mahayana period was rampant, and the era when the ninth rank of the Mahayana was the real peak master!

He shouldn't have known these secrets, but... because of a certain person's disclosure, Qu Ren only knew... This cultivation world is so vast!If it weren't for that person, he would be at most a Mahayana stage now, a Mahayana stage that is still being bullied by Sanxian!

"Masters and nephews, hurry up and forgive me!" Que Ren said softly with a smile on his face, but he still stood motionless in the void!

"Since everyone is here..." Que Ren looked at You Zijin and the others, but felt a little annoyed in his heart: These people are all the disciples of those damned guys, damn...why is it that even if I have advanced into the Mahayana first-rank realm, I can't Still can't see clearly the true cultivation base of their master!

"Come with me to Hengduan Mountain, this seat... I really want to watch this year's Ziguang Conference!" Que Ren said with a leisurely smile!

The self-proclaimed lack of toughness instantly made the hearts of many monks go crazy with anger!

"This seat" is a title, a very high title, and this title actually appeared in the mouth of a monk who is only a first-rank Mahayana. They know that the title "My seat" comes from their master, Those [-] masters whose cultivation levels are unknown!

"This seat" is the idiom they use to call themselves. They don't know what this self-proclaiming means, but this self-proclaiming is now used on a person who is only a first-rank Mahayana. It is conceivable...they are disciples How angry is my heart!

A trace of killing intent flashed in He Xiaoqi's eyes, and he glanced at Que Ren inexplicably, but remained silent...

"Congratulations to Master Uncle for advancing to the Mahayana realm!" You Zijin praised indifferently!

"Hehe...it's just a fluke!" Que Ren's ordinary face flashed a hint of arrogance, but he didn't wait for everyone to say anything, waved his big hand, and flew into the sky in an instant!

"We..." You Zijin smiled wryly, "Let's go with him!"

"Boom!" Streams of light instantly pierced the sky and shot towards Hengduan Mountain...

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