Under the foil of Wan Qingkui and other countless monks, the old man looked at the Hengduan Mountain in front of him. A gleam of elegance that seemed to exist in ancient times flashed in his old eyes. After taking a breath, he said with a wry smile: "Slaying evil, junior brother, the killing evil caused by this meeting is really too heavy!"

Wan Qingkui raised his head and laughed loudly, standing behind the old man and said with a bold smile: "You guy, you still have the heart of a Bodhisattva, I am wondering, how can you take this position!"

The old man smiled, stood with his hands behind his back and said softly: "Let's go down, hehe, I haven't seen these familiar faces for more than 200 years!" As soon as the words fell, he flew up into the sky and flew towards Hengduan Mountain!

The Piaomiao Jianxintian disciples who followed the old man stood behind the [-] master monks in their respective positions, with a look of respect, Wan Qingkui and a group of people immediately followed the old man's speed and headed towards Hengduan Mountain. Flash away!

However, in a short while, the old man floated from the sky to the high platform of Hengduan Mountain. Looking at the monk below with his old eyes, a gleam of deep light flashed, and then he disappeared, and said softly: "Everyone, Luo Tiangang is here!" Be polite!"

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, he saw the old man who called himself Luo Tiangang leaned down slightly, and bowed lightly to the countless monks in front of him!

Three statues, seven paths, 49 yuan, seven hundred universe seas, and countless monks looked at the old man who appeared in front of them, and there was a wave of crazy surprise in their hearts instantly!

If it is said who has the greatest authority in this cultivation world, it is undoubtedly... the old man in front of him——Luo Tiangang!

As the master of a sect above the three masters in today's comprehension world, the power in his hands is something that everyone envies and taboos. Thirty master-level monks and countless talented disciples, with such strength, Can't make anyone not jealous or afraid!

As for Luo Tiangang himself, known as the "Lord of Fortune Telling", his divination ability is unrivaled in the world of cultivation, especially his own strength, which is a mystery that no one dares to go to. Touch the answer!

In front of his divination skills, no one would do any tricks or take any chances. There are rumors among monks that the Lord of Calculus can calculate a monk's past and present lives, and even go back to the reincarnation even longer!

And there are even more rumors that the Lord of Fortune... controls the passage of time!From the moment he appeared in the realm of comprehension, Luo Tiangang has always looked like this vicissitudes old man, and he has never changed!

Everyone looked at the bowed old man in front of them, and immediately bowed down again and again, even the three lords had to stand up and return the salute!

Luo Tiangang straightened his body slightly, turned his head slightly, but calmly looked at Quen Ren, whose expression had changed drastically, and said leisurely: "Junior Que Ren, here, as long as there is this deity, you just wait and see with many disciples. !"

Thirty master monks, as well as their apprentices, all stood indifferently around Hengduan Mountain, and their eyes were all on Qu Ren!

Que Ren's complexion was extremely complicated, and he turned around and said, "Que Ren welcomes the Lord!" Then he bowed and stepped back, leaving the steps!Even though he is Yin Zhengfeng's direct disciple, the person in front of him is the highest person in power in Piao Miao Jian Xintian, and in his capacity, he has no choice but to perform the gift of a subordinate!

Luo Tiangang smiled, and flipped through the booklet lightly...

The group of monks below was silent for a while!


Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen stood alone on the edge, watching the appearance of Luo Tiangang, they both secretly admired: just this peaceful heart is beyond comparison between the two of them!

Chu Xinghen said softly: "According to the legend, Luo Tiangang has never committed a single murder. Every purple light conference he holds is for the purpose of resolving disputes. Only when it is impossible to resolve, will the two parties decide on their own. , Judging by his temperament, this rumor should be true!"

Yun Wuying sighed and said: "Brother, I don't pay attention to these things. Right now, I don't know what happened to Brother Xuan chasing that Linglong. I haven't seen him come until now!"

Chu Xinghen smiled casually and said, "Brother, Brother Xuan is very powerful, so you don't have to worry!"

Yun Wuying thought for a while and smiled: "This statement is true. If you don't have the strength of the Mahayana period, you can't even think about harming brother Xuan. Hehe, brother is worrying!"

After the appearance of Piaomiao Jianxintian's real lord, the nature of this conference changed suddenly. If the previous conference was a revenge conference, then the conference hosted by Luo Tiangang returned to the essence of the Purple Light Conference to resolve Hate is the main thing!

But at this moment, Luo Tiangang was so indifferent, he actually started to persuade the two hostile parties to reconcile, regardless of previous suspicions!And because of his divination method, he began to unravel the contradiction between the two, until he said the crux of the hatred between the two sides, and if the crux is so complicated that Luo Tiangang cannot determine which is right and which is wrong, then only ……fighting!

In the blink of an eye, Luo Tiangang stood on the high platform, and three months of presiding over the meeting quietly passed by!

And so far, the conference has been held for decades since its inception!

Decades passed by in a hurry, and for these monks who were at the lowest stage of Tianxin stage, it was just a nap time!

As time went by and seasons changed, Luo Tiangang in white robe stood solemnly on the high platform, and when he was resolving disputes, his heart moved, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he said softly, "Where is Zijin!"

But seeing You Zijin who was standing beside Wan Qingkui above the sky was slightly taken aback, his expression suddenly became solemn, and he appeared under the high platform in a flash, clasped his fists and said coldly: "The disciple is here!"

Luo Tiangang looked at the sky and said leisurely: "Go quickly to the 'storm and sand sea' to pick up two young monks, a man and a woman, don't neglect them!"

You Zijin said indifferently with a cold face: "Disciple obeys the order!" After finishing speaking, You Zijin immediately turned around and was about to leave this place, but suddenly Luo Tiangang's voice transmission came to his ear: "They... are Xiaoyao's juniors and sisters! "

You Zijin's figure paused slightly, a dazed light flashed in his eyes, and then his figure flashed, rushing into the sky, but in an instant, he had already entered the universe, after he saw the direction, he immediately It turned into a burst of icy sword light and shot away!

"Hey..." Luo Tiangang sighed softly, looked at the sky as if there was something hard to say, and then smiled, but continued to mediate disputes between the two sides who had hatred!

Xiaobai, standing behind Wang Dafu in the sky, looked at You Zijin who was leaving, and asked curiously: "Smelly Taoist priest, where is Junior Sister Zijin going?"

Wang Dafu turned his head to look at Xiao Xiaobai and said slightly angrily: "Stinky boy, give the Daoist some face, don't be disrespectful in front of the public!"

Xiao Xiaobai laughed out of boredom, but continued to ask: "Hey... Good master, you really said it!"

Wang Dafu said softly: "There are two monks who have fallen into the turbulent sand sea. Although they are not in danger because of their strong cultivation base, but they want to get out, they need our method of guiding them. Nephew Zijin is going to welcome those monks. There are two people!"

Xiao Xiaohuai suddenly realized the nod and nodded. He also knew that the stormy sea of ​​sand was a defensive formation on the way to the Jade Sting Star. During the conference, it was reopened again!Once this formation is activated, monks like rank eight loose immortals will never get out of it safely. Even monks at the Mahayana stage are in it, and it is somewhat difficult to protect themselves!

"Those two cultivators were caught in it, and they were able to protect themselves. With this level of cultivation..." Xiao Xiaobai muttered softly!

Wang Dafu said softly: "There are many secrets in this cultivation world. Although you are a disciple of my Piaomiao Jianxintian, your cultivation base has already advanced to the Tianxin stage, and you can be regarded as a small master outside, but in In front of a real master, you are still like an ant, boy, the way you want to go, hehe...hehe..."

Xiao Xiaobai fell silent after hearing what his master Wang Dafu said...


Tens of light-years away from Jade Sting Star, there is an endless chaotic sand nebula. This nebula firmly guards Jade Sting Star behind. The fearful mist kills!

Jade Sting Star was able to hide safely in this remote corner. Although its own super strength is a major factor, the most important factor is that there are countless terrifying star-killing formations in this surrounding area!Once these formations are activated, it will be extremely difficult for monks like the Nine-Turn Sanxian to come here!

And the stormy sea of ​​sand is one of these killing formations, which are opened all year round, guarding the front of Jade Sting Star!

But at this moment, in this crazy Gangfeng Nebula, a burst of roar suddenly came out:

"Damn it, that old guy actually led us into this place with ulterior motives!"

"Junior Sister, don't leave my side!"

A brown figure and a white figure loomed in the sharp wind and chaotic sand, scurrying around crazily, but no matter what, these two figures were like two ants who had lost their direction, unable to find the exit to leave this place !

These two people are exactly Long Xuanying, a disciple of the mysterious sect "Thirteen Dou Tianfu" and his junior sister!

Long Xuanying controls a mid-level spirit weapon that looks like a swallow's tail, guarding herself and her junior sister fiercely, but seeing the tail spirit weapon flying up and down crazily, dancing a white barrier to protect the two of them!

Although it seems that there is no danger of life, the sweat dripping from Long Xuanying's forehead has already shown that it is very difficult for him to control the magic weapon at this moment!

"Senior brother, your real energy is almost exhausted!" The junior sister next to her said in a low and worried voice, her two little hands were tightly grasping Long Xuanying's body!

A trace of pity flashed in Long Xuanying's eyes, and he said softly: "Don't be afraid, senior brother has plenty of true energy, little junior sister, senior brother made you suffer!"

A trace of shame flashed in this junior sister's eyes, and she said faintly: "If I hadn't insisted on coming out with my senior brother to see this cultivation world, and with my senior brother's cultivation base, I wouldn't have fallen to such a point! I... I I'm sorry!"

"Where is the junior sister talking!" Long Xuanying suddenly laughed, and suddenly poured powerful real energy into the tail magic weapon with both hands, but saw that the middle-level spiritual weapon suddenly burst into white light, and the speed suddenly increased. The strong wind was stirred up and scattered in all directions!

"Let's go!" Long Xuanying suddenly hugged the woman's soft waist with one hand, looked in one direction, and immediately struggled to fly over!

Long Xuanying was anxious. If it wasn't for the wrong guidance of that Sanxian cultivator, he and his junior sister would not have fallen to this level, but...but he and he have no grievances, why do they hurt themselves like this! ! !This cultivator in the realm of comprehension has a strange and unpredictable mind, which is really chilling!

Could it be... Could it be that that bastard has always been in this kind of filthy cultivation world?

Thinking of that bastard's appearance, Long Xuanying's heart suddenly surged with anger, and he yelled in his heart: You are just an outflowing disciple who has disappeared for thousands of years, how can you get along with me, Long Xuanying and other inner disciples? Compare!

"Whoosh..." Brother Long Xuan controlled the magic weapon and struggled forward crazily, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't keep up with the consumption of true energy!

And because the real energy can't keep up with the use, some strong winds even took advantage of it. In order to protect the girls around him, the armor on his body has been broken in many places. At this moment, he is already in a mess, like a beggar General, pale and disheveled hair!

At this moment, a white light suddenly flashed from a distance, Long Xuanying's heart suddenly flashed alert, and said in a low voice: "Junior Sister, someone is coming, we have to hide!"

Not daring to say more, Long Xuanying immediately controlled the magic weapon and flew towards the distance in a panic!

But at the next moment, Long Xuanying suddenly felt the pressure drop suddenly, and the wind around him suddenly disappeared completely. Long Xuanying felt comfortable for a moment, but a trace of doubt quietly flashed across his pale face!

"Both of you, follow me!" A cold woman's voice suddenly came from a distance, and the next moment, a female monk wearing a tight purple robe appeared in front of the two of them instantly!

A hint of vigilance flashed in Long Xuanying's heart. Looking at the woman in front of him, he said coldly, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

The person who came was You Zijin, but You Zijin said indifferently: "Follow me, or die here!", as soon as the words fell, You Zijin flew away in an instant!

"Damn! Damn woman!" Long Xuanying cursed in a low voice, "This cultivator in the realm of comprehension has such a bad temper!" Before he could think about it, the female cultivator in front of him was about to disappear in front of his eyes. Don't think too much , Long Xuanying wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately followed with his junior sister!

The woman in front seemed to intend to lead her to a certain place, and her speed gradually slowed down so that Long Xuanying could keep up!

Within a few minutes, a huge meteorite suddenly appeared in front of Long Xuanying, and a teleportation array was quietly built on top of the meteorite!

That woman was waiting for the two of them on the teleportation array!

After thinking for a while, Long Xuanying resolutely brought her junior sister to appear in the teleportation array at the same time!

You Zijin looked at Long Xuanying and her junior sister indifferently. The two of them had been in the wind for an unknown amount of time. There were many cracks in the armor of this male monk, his face was pale, and his hair was messy and unbearable. , the stiff face is full of filth, looks like a beggar, and the woman, a lot of yellow veil has been torn off, although the veil is still on the face, but there is a lot of filth!

In general, it's pretty good for these two people to be able to wait until they appear!

You Zijin gave the two of them a cold look, and then activated the teleportation array!

The next moment, the three of them instantly appeared outside the starry sky around Yuzhe Star. In the starry sky in front of the three of them, a huge continent was suspended in the universe!

Long Xuanying stared fiercely at the continent in front of him, and said coldly in his heart: This should be where that bastard used to practice!

But the junior sister beside her said softly: "Senior brother, this place should be the 'Jade Zing Star' where Senior Brother Xiaoyao used to be." After that cold woman's gaze, the woman in yellow veil immediately lowered her head and hid behind her senior brother!

"Come with me!" You Zijin said indifferently, with a flash of figure, he shot towards the Yuzhe Star Continent!

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