Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 440 The conference ended

Xuan Zhan looked at his own physical condition, within the middle dantian, the counter-swirling center circle was softly surrounded by a cloud of blue light. In this blue light, Xuan Zhan's small world was full of vitality, verdant green shade, mountains and rivers. Dachuan, lush forests, endless plain basins and vast oceans abound!However, the area of ​​the small world has reached 5.1 million kilometers (earth area: [-] million kilometers)

Although this small world is very lush, there are no signs of non-vegetative life yet, and in the center of this small world, a tall green and lush tree is swaying in the wind, exuding unparalleled strength The power of life supports the life needs and circulation of this world!

The tree is so tall that it stretches as far as the eye can see, and it seems to be a hundred kilometers high!And the diameter of the tree is even more huge, as thick as five kilometers!Above the cloudy sky, a large area was covered by a layer of green tree crowns, and the area of ​​the roots of this tree was even more huge and incalculable!

On that day, layers of scorching power descended, filtered through layers of the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree, and turned into light energy suitable for the needs of vegetation creatures, nourishing the earth!

And indistinctly, the area of ​​this small world, viewed from above the sky, seems to begin to have a slight curvature, just like the curvature of the surface of a planet!I believe that after countless evolutions, this small world will become an inexhaustible planet like the universe!A celestial body with strong vitality!

Beyond the blue light outside this small world, the endless black thunder yuan roared crazily, and after passing through the warm barrier of the blue light, it flowed into the countless meridians in the body!

Declare war with a wave of the hand, between the fingers, small black thunderbolts appeared between the fingers, and slowly disappeared between the jumps!

But at this moment, in the lower dantian, there is a tiny golden light lying warmly moistened by the Lei Yuan in the dantian. This golden light is exactly the body of the Demon Slaughtering Sword. The changes are average, still exuding although surging, but slightly weaker spiritual power compared to other places in Xuan Zhan's body!

Spiritual artifacts have spirits, and after recognizing their master, they will follow them for life. When the spiritual artifacts are destroyed, the body will be injured. From this point, it can be seen that there is a great blood connection between the monk's body and the spiritual artifacts!

But the most incredible thing for Xuan Zhan is that the most powerful thing about him today is not Lei Yuan, not the Demon Slayer Sword, nor the rich vitality of heaven and earth in his small world!But...his body, he can feel the war, his body has been so strong that he is extremely surprised. If the Great Five Elements Nine Turns Glazed Dharma Body Art has nine layers, then his current Dharma Body Art, It has gone far beyond the ninth floor, to a level that even he doesn't know how to calculate!

Even though he has never tried the mighty power of his body, even though he does not have the slightest feeling that the use of Dharma Body Art is quite obscure and heavy due to his lack of cultivation, he just feels faintly that his body is moving towards a certain place. It will develop in a way that you can't predict!

And this is the headache of declaring war. What is his current level of cultivation? Is he in the period of crossing the catastrophe, or the Mahayana period after the transition to the catastrophe? It should be noted...he has not yet reached the late stage of transitional catastrophe Heaven and Earth Divine Thunder quenches the body, letting oneself reach the stage of cleansing the tendons and cutting the marrow!

I... How strong is I now?

This is a point that he is eager to understand, and it is also a point that he cannot calculate!

But at this moment, the "momentum" on his body has completely transformed into an instinctive existence. Under the heart, the powerful "sword momentum" circulates and stirs, and what makes him even more happy is that the power of protecting the lord The power inspired by the Dharma is already quite strong, under the Mahayana, don't compete with it!In other words, only a cultivation level above the Mahayana stage can pose the slightest threat to his protection function, but... it is only the slightest threat!

I don't know how many years of endless torture... Finally, because of the appearance of that mysterious jade pendant and the sleeping girl next to her, it began to end!

He had had enough of the pain that penetrated into his life and the endless collapse and rebirth!

He... is going out!


Long Xuanying looked at the monks on Hengduan Mountain with a gloomy face, and there was a madness about to explode in his heart. It has been five years since he came to the Boundless Sword Heart Heaven, and three and a half years ago, He went back to the Suxian Tower once, but...he didn't see his beloved junior sister. Long Xuanying suddenly felt something bad, and searched the entire Suxian Tower, but there was no trace of his junior sister!

Long Xuanying suddenly went crazy under the rage, that missing girl, that Zhong Tiandi's beautiful girl, is the only girl he can accommodate in his heart since his cultivation, he vowed to keep her as his own, and let her never leave her forever Don't give up and stay by your side!

The Suxian Building was completely overturned by him, and the only thing that was intact, except for the mysterious giant cauldron, was the bedroom. No matter what method he used, he couldn't break that room. For this reason, he suspected that his junior sister was imprisoned in that room. Room!

"Seize the Spirit and Swallow the Sky Wheel!", this powerful magic weapon that inherited his father and possessed great power appeared in his hands in an instant. He rarely used this magic weapon, and he would only take it out except in times of crisis, because The amount of true essence consumed is really huge!This magic weapon is so powerful that even his father can't really tell what its effect is. Apart from turning the treasure wheel, it can emit a fierce light that destroys all things in the sky, and it can also use all of his true energy to launch a fatal attack. one strike!

He used this treasure wheel to launch a fatal blow, and blasted towards the imprisoned small pavilion!

When the restriction was broken, when a charming girl in Tsing Yi, with a bewitching smile on her face, controlled the five-color mysterious light, said thank you to him, and then fled, when he was completely stunned...

When he completely exhausted the true energy in his body due to a fatal blow, he was instantly stopped by a misty sword heart monk named "Dihui"...

At that time, the female monk seemed very angry and imprisoned him in an instant. After a monk named "Wan Qingkui" made a decision, he promised to give him an answer after the Wanxian Ziguang Conference was over, a question about his junior sister. The answer to whereabouts!

Today is the end of the Ten Thousand Immortals Purple Light Conference...

Luo Tiangang stood on the top of Hengduan Mountain, and said leisurely: "It's been almost a hundred years, and this conference has successfully concluded today!"

The faces of many monks under the high platform were complicated for a while. This year's conference was finally over. Compared with the previous ones, this year's conference had countless more fights, and in the end, there were always no more than a thousand monks, and the three monks killed many monks. , Among the seven realms, there is a generation of high-ranking people who have lost both body and spirit, and one of the other six realms has been expelled, and the remaining five realms have their own injuries!In general, this year's Seven Paths can be regarded as the fall of many masters in the sect! In the 49 abyss, nearly half of the loss, seven hundred universe seas, because there are many cultivation alliances formed, although there are some damages, they are still within the acceptable range

Chu Wudao stood in the corner with a gloomy face, and murmured in a low voice: "Where are you, why don't you show up, I'm going to kill you, to avenge my son...!"

Fairy Shaoyao was guarded lonely by Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen, with powerless and pale faces, and Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen also stood beside Fairy Shaoyao with their hearts broken, Ni Ganxuan... Niganxuan...

In the second battle, he guarded Yun Yueya's side, with a cold and indifferent expression on his face, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him, but he secretly speculated in his heart: My are you in such pain? ? ?

The three young masters stood next to the three with a look of disappointment. For them, this session of the conference was a failure, because there were so many young masters, and only the 32 master disciples of Piaomiao Jianxintian , is what they are powerless to resist!

Feng Xiao stood beside Jian Chi, looking indifferently at the many monks in the field...

Duan Donglai took over the position of senior brother Chong Qianfeng, and began to lead Zilian Qianjiedao "the elders of the Wanjie group", inheriting Chongqianfeng's will...

There are more people, or pale, or happy...

Three days later, countless Eight Immortal tables appeared on Hengduan Mountain, and Piaomiao Jianxintian's disciple brought out countless treasures of heaven and earth, and began to distribute them according to their power level. All the monks seemed to have forgotten the bloody battle before, and looked at the heavenly treasures in their hands with radiant eyes. Dibao!

"It's worth it!" A monk looked at the treasure in his hand with a grim face. This monk was holding a plate in his right hand, and he lost his left hand... He lost his left hand in exchange for the victory of killing the enemy!

"Hey..." Yun Wuying held the relatively consolation prize treasure in his hand, strands of indifference flashed in his eyes...

Chu Xinghen and Fairy Shaoyao also got a treasure, but compared to other monks, it was quite ordinary...

The three monks got their goal of participating in the conference as they wished, but... there are many bitterness...

Chu Wudao put the treasure into the storage ring, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes... His target still did not appear...

At the end of the meeting, countless monks were so drunk, howling and crying, calling out the injustice of the heavens, calling themselves ants...

The three respected people looked indifferently at the crazy monk venting, venting...

Duan Donglai filled a glass of wine, poured it down on the ground full of vicissitudes of life, and there were occasional flashes of liquid in his eyes...

They... are a group of monks who are struggling under the way of heaven, possessing the great power to move mountains and fill seas. In the eyes of the common people, they are at ease in the world. Creatures envy their own lives they yearn for. They have endless lives, a chic and unrestrained temperament, and the powerful power to kill the mundane world at will...

But under the way of heaven, they are the most deplorable group of people. They practice all day long, throwing away the kindness, simplicity, enthusiasm, and life of enjoying the comfortable sunshine in human nature. One by one, they become cruel, cruel, and ruthless. Become bloodthirsty, for calculation, for long life, for the pursuit of the vastness of heaven...

The moonlight of Yuzhe star looks very bright and flawless tonight...

Long Xuanying looked at a group of senior cultivators talking and laughing on the high platform, and suddenly appeared in front of them, and said indifferently:

"The meeting is over, where is my junior sister?"

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