Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 442 Leaving Zhanding

Xuan Zhan looked at the girl with a somewhat indifferent temperament around him, feeling helpless in his heart, the matter has come to this point, it is a done deal...

"What's your name?" Xuan Zhan asked softly.

Long Ying turned her face away, not bothering to watch the declaration of war at all, but after hearing the question of the declaration of war, her heart became more and more bitter, and... Dead silence!

Looking at this empty space, Long Ying felt no different from hell, and said indifferently: "Long Ying!"

"Long Ying..." Xuan Zhan savored the name carefully, "My name is..."

"Declaration of war, right!" Long Ying said indifferently.

Declaring war in silence, he didn't know why Long Ying knew his name, but...he didn't ask!

Suddenly, Xuan Zhan's right hand suddenly pulled Long Ying's arm, and before Long Ying could react, he immediately hugged her in his arms, holding her hard, no matter how Long Ying struggled, she showed no sign of relaxing!

"Let go of me, you devil!" Long Ying screamed and struggled, "Don't touch my body again!"

"Long Ying!" Xuanzhan shouted wildly in her ear suddenly, "Remember, I am a man who declares war, and I will bear what I have done. are the woman I declared war on, even Up to the ninth heaven, down to the abyss of hell, you, Long Ying, will be the woman I declare war on from now on!"

The domineering and tyrannical declaration of war instantly made the struggling Long Ying stunned, staring blankly at the empty space!

"No matter how time changes, my body has already branded your mark!" Xuan Zhan suddenly tore off the robe on his shoulders, revealing the clear row of teeth marks on Long Ying's shoulders, "This is your Give me the imprint, this imprint will accompany me in declaring war for the rest of my life!"

"No matter how the future changes, I declare war will always be by your side and protect you. No matter how miserable your heart is, I will definitely make you fall in love with me and let you know that it is your happiness to choose me to declare war in this life!"

"My happiness..." Long Ying murmured, looking at the row of clear teeth marks, she stretched out her hand to stroke, "My happiness..." The next moment, Long Ying suddenly looked at the row of teeth. Yin bit it hard, and his eyes... were glistening with tears!

But now, no matter how hard Long Ying tried, she never caused any damage to Xuan War again...

The blue butterfly print on her cheek seems to be telling her about her passing love...

Xuan Zhan's face was tense, and there was no movement at all. He knew that some things had to be heavily dosed. Otherwise, the two of them would get along more awkwardly after a long time. He didn't want that to happen, so... only There are heavy medicines and heavy treatments!

Long Ying slapped Xuan Zhan's body fiercely, biting her teeth fiercely, tears... flickering frantically, silent... silent...

Xuan Zhan stroked Long Ying's disheveled hair in some pain, a flash of madness suddenly flashed in his eyes, the next moment, he tore off the skirt of Long Ying's body, and the white, tender and holy girl's breasts shone with a layer of temptation, appearing on Xuan Zhan's door In the eyes!

"No... don't..." Long Ying seemed to have thought of something, suddenly shook her head frantically, her hands pressed firmly on Xuan Zhan's chest, tears poured out suddenly!

With a move of Xuan Zhan's finger, the moon white robe on his body was instantly put into his body, revealing his lean and explosive body, and his penis instantly rubbed against the black secret place between Long Ying's legs...

A palpitation appeared in Long Ying's heart, that kind of numbness made Long Ying's eyes flash with a slack light!

Xuan Zhan's big hand immediately covered Long Ying's upright breasts, the two buds in his hands were like swaying poppies, gently kneaded by Xuan Zhan, the corners of his mouth came close to Long Ying's earlobe, gently lick lick... lick lick...

Long Ying groaned unconsciously, it seemed that countless tingling numbness suddenly rose in her body, and then... Long Ying's body unexpectedly leaned closer to her body unconsciously!Even she herself didn't know that she did such an unimaginable behavior...

Feeling the graceful feeling from above the body, Xuan Zhan's penis slowly hardened, and slowly reached the middle of Long Ying's secret place, and then rubbed subconsciously...

This is pure physical desire, this is pure confusion, the two of them are entangled in this endless space like a pair of ordinary idiots and resentful women...

I don't know how long it took, Long Ying's heart was completely confused, and she grabbed Xuan Zhan's back fiercely, her black and white hair intertwined, and her two naked bodies were entangled crazily...

Sweat slowly oozes from them, mixing together...

Subconsciously, strands of pure true energy suddenly and slowly flowed from the junction of the lower body, these two strands of true energy rubbed against each other, entangled, and then entered the bodies of both parties, entered the vortex wheel of both parties, Spiritual fusion...

The most wonderful things in the world happen in an instant, the high-pitched cooing, the hissing and soft drinking, and the fusion of two true essences, making this pair of men and women climb to the peak one after another, and become entangled together...

The true essence in the two people is absorbing each other's characteristics, clinging to each other to become stronger, and slowly becoming a torrent full of peaks of spiritual desire...

"Boom..." The small world of the two of them was trembling crazily and expanding, and the true energy in their bodies was becoming more and more pure and condensed...

When their brains stopped, and when they felt that all the enjoyment in the world was nothing more than this, a trembling torrent washed over their bodies and minds...

"Boom!" The two hugged each other frantically. At that moment... there was no time, no space, and there was... cuddling and loving each other...

Xuan Zhanfu felt the kind of experience that filled him with joy again, but Long Ying stared blankly at the void space...

Holding the white jade body next to her, Xuan Zhan gently stroked her hair, and said in a low voice: "Ying'er, the past has already passed, and the future is the world between you and me!"

The corner of Long Ying's mouth twitched slightly, but she swallowed what she was about to say, and after a long time, she whispered: "How do we get out?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and he said softly, "I'll take you away!"

"Hmm..." Long Ying nodded meekly!

After the two were fully dressed, Long Ying stood beside Xuan Zhan, looking at the man who looked up to the sky, her heart was filled with complicated emotions. He... once again possessed him, and his mind actually had a subtle change. She seemed to... hated this man who declared war a little more!

Xuan Zhan looked up to the sky and looked at the void. After a little thought, he looked at Long Ying and smiled, stretched out his arms to wrap around her delicate waist and said, "Let's go!"

"Boom!" A torrent suddenly appeared around the two of them, and the next moment, Xuan Zhan took Long Ying and shot towards the sky!

"Nine wastes and eight combinations, rebelling against the law and enlightening the heart!" Xuan Zhan moved his right hand formula, and a thunder light appeared between his fingers, but under the thunderbolt, he shot towards the sky in an instant!

"Boom..." An earth-shattering tremor suddenly resounded in the void, and the next moment, a white light suddenly appeared in the sky where the two of them were, and that white light was like the most brilliant light in the world. It shot straight down and enveloped the two of them!

"Boom..." The white light grew crazily, but within a few breaths, the top of their heads had turned into a circular exit!

"Boom!" A surging torrent suddenly shot out from the mouth of Nine Desolation Zhanding!

The two of them instantly appeared at an altitude of [-] meters, looking at the emerald green continent below, they declared war and suddenly raised their heads to the sky and screamed wildly, thousands of silver threads shot out!

Long Ying looked at the man beside him who was screaming in a daze, and suddenly had an illusion in her heart, an illusion that she seemed to have been conquered by the man in front of her...

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