Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 443 Three Minds

The once-in-a-thousand-year Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference finally came to an end after nearly a hundred years, and this time the conference can be said to be the bloodiest one in history, because Luo Tiangang's absence led to the rebellion. Under Qing Kui's random instigation, countless monks who hated both sides fought each other under this piece of heaven and earth!

This is something that many monks never thought of before coming here, and it is also the result of their...willingness to do so!

This is the fact, Wan Qingkui did not ask them anything, this bloody result was created by them themselves, and this conference is destined to become a topic of leisure for monks in the cultivation world. The topic of countless powerful monks who have emerged in the world and fell in this place will gradually spread...

At the end of this conference, the only ones left are the three!

The young lord of the three venerables looked at his lord, feeling a little puzzled in his heart why they didn't leave and stayed in this place, and the three of them communicated with each other, but they still didn't come to a conclusion!

Standing beside Jian Chi, Feng Xiao looked at the two young men who were still fighting frantically in the sky, and for some reason, she had an illusion of being very familiar with Long Xuanying. The feeling made her very puzzled, and she shook her head indifferently. It was the first time she saw that Long Xuanying. Although this Long Xuanying's cultivation was so powerful that she had never seen it before, but But he was only a little more impressed with him, of course, including the equally powerful He Xiaoqi!

The three monks who stayed behind stood silently in their camp...

On the outskirts of the three camps, there are a few monks standing sparsely. They are... Chu Wudao!Fairy Shaoyao, Yun Wuying, and Chu Xinghen!

Chu Xinghen looked at Chu Wudao indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yun, why does this Chu Wudao stay here?"

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of Yun Wuying's mouth, and he said in a low voice: "His... has the same purpose as ours!"

Chu Xinghen suddenly realized: "You mentioned the Bo Shanxing incident to me, I almost forgot!"

Yun Wuying smiled indifferently, and said in an old voice: "This Chu Wudao, relying on the Jade Demon Sword, one of the four magic weapons that he got from no one knows where, will of course be eager to take revenge, and this is the place where Brother Xuan is most likely to appear. !"

A trace of sadness flashed in Fairy Shaoyao's eyes, but she asked curiously: "Senior Yun, do you know where your benefactor is now?"

Yun Wuying shook his head with emotion and said: "I don't know, I don't know, but we... can only wait here! After Brother Xuan appears, I will explain some things to him. From then on... I will hide in the cultivation world, Concentrate on being the suzerain of my Jinghe Heart Sect..."

A hint of bitterness flashed in Chu Xinghen's heart, but he suddenly said gloomyly: "If...if I can enter the Xiao Naihe Realm, I believe that I will become stronger, against the hatred of my elder brother, and the debt of the Cultivation Alliance , I must get it back!"

Yun Wuying looked at Chu Xinghen who had a look of hatred on his face, sighed silently in his heart, and said softly: "Brother Chu, I know you value love and righteousness, but against the boy's hatred, you still do what you can , don't feed a tiger with your body!"

"I know!" Chu Xinghen said in a deep voice, "Until I'm not strong enough, I won't act rashly. I must become stronger, so that Brother Ni will not die in vain! People of Xingjian, hehe...hehe... "

Fairy Shaoyao looked at Chu Xinghen with a slightly dazed expression, and thought bitterly in her heart: Is my Fenglang's death just for nothing? He left in a cool way, but left me and Xun'er as orphans The widowed mother depends on each other for life, this world of cultivation... this world of cultivation, where should Xun'er and I go...

Suddenly there was a frenzied turmoil in the sky, thousands of flashes roared and roared, and the murderous bombardment shocked the monks who had not left!

"What level of cultivation are Long Xuanying and He Xiaoqi?" Chu Xinghen asked in amazement, "Looking at their young age, they have shown such great strength, but they have not stepped into the Sanxian period. The monks, their cultivation bases... are really weird!"

Yun Wuying pursed his lips and said: "My brother doesn't know, there are countless magical secrets hidden in this cultivation world, and Piaomiao Jianxintian has been the birthplace of the strong since ancient times, so it is also reasonable for He Xiaoqi to have such a cultivation level." Among them, it is said... 500 years ago, it was rumored that there was another young monk in Piaomiao Jianxintian, whose cultivation level was as strong as that of He Xiaoqi! But the appearance of Long Xuanying was extremely strange! "

At this moment, Chu Xinghen suddenly turned around and looked at Fairy Shaoyao. Just as he was about to ask something, Yun Wuying shook his head at him. Chu Xinghen was silent for a while, but looked at Fairy Shaoyao and clasped his fists and said, "Fairy Shaoyao , after you leave, what are your plans?"

"Planning..." Fairy Shaoyao looked at the trembling sky in confusion, and said bitterly: "I, Feng Lang, are dead, and I can only live with my daughter Xun'er, and I will never set foot in the world of cultivation!"

Yun Wuying sighed and said: "Don't worry about Xiao Xun'er's identity, relying on the concealment method I gave you, as long as you are careful not to be seen by powerful monks, her true identity should not be seen through. For the future of your son, you mother and daughter...leave the realm of comprehension!"

"Leaving the world of cultivation..." Fairy Shaoyao murmured to herself in a trance, "but... where is not the world of cultivation, where is not the world of cultivation..."

Where... is it not the world of comprehension?

These few words immediately silenced Yun Wuying and Chu Xinghen...

There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is no way back!Once you enter the realm of comprehension, you will never turn your head back!

With their own thoughts, several people silently watched the battle between the sky and the earth...

Without noticing the time, seven days passed quietly...

The three lords looked indifferently at the 32 master-level monks on the high platform, and then Jian Xin and Lian Litian looked at Yunji, the lord of Xinghe Suoyan Huayun at the same time!

Yun Ji shook her head helplessly, a trace of helplessness flashed across her graceful face, and Shi Shi ran out under countless eyes!

"Wan Qingkui, come here!" Yun Ji said suddenly, looking at Wan Qingkui beside Luo Tiangang with her elegant face indifferently!

The 31 master monks and their disciples were all taken aback for a moment, but they looked at Wan Qingkui, with a hint of amusement, curiosity, and comprehension flashing in their eyes!

Yun Piaoyan looked at her mother curiously, and suddenly felt her younger sister, Little Crescent Moon gently grabbing one of her hands and asked curiously: "Sister, what is mother going to do?"

"Just look at it, my sister doesn't know!" Yun Piaoyan glanced at Yueya dotingly, and said softly, "Little girl, don't ask nonsense, mother has her own ideas!"

"Oh!" The nimble little Yueya nodded obediently. Behind her, the second battle was like an eternal shadow, still standing icy in place!

A hint of helplessness flashed in Wan Qingkui's eyes, looking at that graceful and luxurious woman, he smiled wryly in his heart: If it wasn't for me not absorbing the imprint of memory, how could it be possible to be entangled with an indifferent woman like you!

With a flash of figure, Wan Qingkui appeared obediently beside Yun Ji, looking at her face that had not changed much, with a flash of tenderness in her eyes, he asked loudly: "Yun Ji, what are you and Jian Xin and Lian Jietian haven't left yet, so there should be some unfinished business, so let's talk about it!"

A flash of anger flashed in Yunji's eyes, looking at the tall Wan Qingkui, she seemed to think of the past marriage entanglement in her mind, and said coldly: "Wan Qingkui, what's the matter with this Long Xuanying? Why did the people from the Three Dou Heavenly Palace violate the theory of "Xin Xin Jian" and appear in the realm of cultivation?"

"This..." Wan Qingkui was a little stunned, and said in a relaxed tone, "He should have left that starry sky without authorization! The people from Thirteen Dou Tianfu no longer have the ambition they had before!"

This answer made Jian Xin and Lian Jietian stunned for a moment, but Yun Ji continued to stare at him and asked indifferently, "Have you seen the monks from Thirteen Dou Tianfu?"

Wan Qingkui shook his head, thought for a while and said, "Yunji, the three of you, as the masters of the three gods, and the Thirteen Dou Tianfu will stick to the agreement of Zhu Xin Jian Lun, during the time of the 3000 yuan meeting, you Have you ever heard of people from Thirteen Dou Tianfu appearing, I think, unless they have enough fatal attraction, they will never appear in their lifetime!"

"I hope this young man is an accident, otherwise, I can't guarantee that this cultivation world will experience another baptism of heart-killing battle!" Yunji said in a low voice, "That sect has a true Mahayana period of cultivation. The three of us have to take precautions against the exercises, once these exercises are spread, this cultivation world will once again enter the age of war!"

Wan Qingkui looked at the woman in front of him, and said softly: "You don't have to worry, the battle of killing your heart will never happen again!"

Yun Ji seemed to believe Wan Qingkui's words very much, she nodded indifferently, and when she was about to go back, she suddenly heard Wan Qingkui say: "In a short while, our group of people will never appear again!"

"What do you mean..." Yunji was taken aback when she heard this, and turned around to look at Wan Qingkui to ask for clarification, but she saw that Wan Qingkui had already returned to Luo Tiangang's side...

All the way back to the place where her disciples stayed, Wan Qingkui's last words still echoed in Yunji's mind, and she murmured to herself in a low voice: "He said that group of them would not show up. What do you mean? What exactly do you mean? Are they going to leave the cultivation world? Or...or???"

Jian Xin and Lian Jietian looked at Yun Ji with a thoughtful expression on her face, but they were a little elusive in their minds. Just when they were about to ask clearly, their expressions suddenly changed!

Yun Ji, who was thinking silently, seemed to have sensed something, her face changed slightly, and she looked up at the eastern sky!

But the moment before the three of them realized it, the 32 master-level monks had already discovered the changes in the eastern sky one step earlier than the three of them!

In the distant eastern sky, a blazing light instantly penetrated between the sky and the earth, connecting the whole sky and the earth together!

"He came out!" Luo Tiangang said leisurely, "Little brother came out!"

Di Hui looked softly at the eastern sky, and said softly, "He finally came out!"

The 32 master-level monks all looked at the eastern sky in silence!

After a few breaths, the tiny white light suddenly became thick and ten thousand feet wide!

But a few seconds later, the complexions of these people and Yun Ji's three lords changed at the same time!

"Impossible!" Fan Tianku suddenly said coldly, "He... Mahayana fifth rank!"

In the distant eastern sky, a thunderous voice suddenly roared:

"I declare war, come out!"

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