Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 444 Before the Tribulation

"Roar!!!" There were waves of wild roars that frightened and angered the world, as if they were real, they crazily shot into the ears of countless Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciples!

Waves of roars raged wildly in their hearts. Looking at the huge beam belt in the sky, everyone was terrified and didn't know what happened!

When they heard the roaring sound of that person, when they heard the sound of relief, ecstasy and venting in his voice, these disciples of Misty Jian Xintian suddenly thought of a person, a person they didn't understand, and they were not interested in understanding. The person, the third closed disciple of Yu Zhenren, the legendary ancestor of the sect—declared war!

Rumor has it that this man named Xuan Zhan is often dressed in a moon-white robe, with long snow-white hair hanging loose, and his face is even more bewitching and handsome, unlike ordinary monks!

Now, listening to this crazy roar, all the disciples around Suxian Tower suddenly thought of such a person who still exists but has never paid attention to, a... a very important person they have paid attention to unintentionally!

"Boom!" There was a sudden bang between the heaven and the earth, and the lid of the Nine Desolation War Cauldron was violently blocked!

Xuan Zhan roared wildly, venting, he was imprisoned in the giant cauldron for an unknown number of years, a hundred years, or a thousand years, during that extremely long time, he was almost driven crazy!If... If... Xuan Zhan felt the tenderness from his arms, and a trace of warmth flashed in his eyes!

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan's body suddenly shot madly towards the sky, but seeing where his body passed, there were waves of crazily turbulent waves, and waves of air fluctuations viciously bombarded the surrounding space!The strength of the declared war body is fully revealed!

"Hahahaha..." A rampant voice suddenly resounded through the sky, and Wan Qingkui's wild laughter instantly reached Xuan Zhan's ears, "Little brother, you stayed there for five or six years, and finally came out! ", While speaking, a black light and shadow instantly flew towards the declaration of war from the west part mixed with madness!

Xuan Zhan's figure paused, looking at the person coming, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes, but he was slightly taken aback after hearing Wan Qingkui's words: Five or six years... I have only stayed in the Nine Desolation War Cauldron for five or six years?impossible

"Eldest brother! Stay safe and sound!" Xuan Zhan Weiwei Longying's soft waist stood in emptiness with fists cupped and said to Wan Qingkui!

Wan Qingkui flew to Xuan Zhan's side, looked at Xuan Zhan carefully with a pair of big eyes, and exclaimed in surprise the more he looked: "Good! Good! Good! It's beyond the expectation of the big brother, the fifth rank of Mahayana! "

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Elder brother, is my current cultivation considered as the fifth rank of Mahayana?"

Wan Qingkui smiled and said: "That's true, the level five of Mahayana, but..." At this point, a trace of curiosity and doubt flashed in Wan Qingkui's eyes, " actually have that " Hidden life back to the heart', this really surprised me!"

"Hidden Life Returning Art?" Xuan Zhan frowned slightly...

However, Long Ying beside her said in a low voice: "Hiding Life and Returning to Heart Art is a technique to avoid the light of ascension, hide one's Mahayana cultivation base from the fairy world, and continue to improve one's cultivation base in the cultivation world!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Long Ying, and was taken aback for a moment. Under Xuan Zhan's staring eyes, Long Ying showed a slight blush for some reason, and then turned her face away indifferently to look away!

"This exercise..." Xuan Zhan thought deeply, "I do have it, but I haven't had time to practice it yet!"

Wan Qingkui looked at the two curiously, but thought in his heart: This little girl should be the disciple of Thirteen Dou Tianfu who was with that Long Xuanying, but the relationship with the junior brother... seems a bit complicated!

After hearing the words of declaring war, Wan Qingkui's face suddenly became strange: "Little brother, you haven't practiced yet? You haven't practiced that skill at the level five of the Mahayana. This... I'm still in this situation. It's the first time I've heard of..."

Xuan Zhan looked at the senior brother with a strange face, and asked with a slight frown: "Senior brother, what did you think of?"

Wan Qingkui's expression changed, he suddenly raised his head to look at Tianji Youyou and said, "Here we come!"

"Coming?" Xuan Zhan was taken aback.

"Well, it's coming!" Wan Qingkui's eyes flashed a hint of amusement, and then he looked at Long Ying and said, "Little girl, you go with me for now, the little junior brother... um...he is about to pass the tribulation!"

"Boom..." As soon as Wan Qingkui's words fell, violent fluctuations suddenly surged up thousands of miles above the sky, and countless crazy dark clouds suddenly appeared densely in the sky!

Seeing the changes in the sky, Xuan Zhan's face suddenly sank, and after listening to Wan Qingkui's suggestion, when he looked at Long Ying, he saw Long Ying's elf-like face looking at him!

Long Ying was a little curious about what the man in front of her was going to do. When she heard Wan Qingkui's words, she already knew what was going to happen when she declared war. However, she often reads books, and knows some of the shackles and circumstances in cultivation, plus Long Ying herself is extremely intelligent, and when it comes to the current situation of declaring war and Wan Qingkui's words, she is stunned for a moment... It turns out that before this , this declaration of war turned out to be a monk who has not yet crossed the catastrophe!

And from a realm that has not yet crossed the catastrophe, and instantly advanced to the fifth rank of the Mahayana, and not to mention the situation where he has not practiced the art of hidden life and returning to the heart...

When the war was declared and she looked at her, the little girl was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly she turned her head cleverly, and was about to fly to Wan Qingkui when she suddenly felt her hand being held by a strong hand!

"Boom..." In the clouds high in the sky, blue thunderbolts gradually appeared. In the high sky, a thunderbolt thick cloud vortex with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers surged crazily, as if it was going to swallow the world all living things!

"There is someone who is about to cross the catastrophe..." The three lords suddenly said through voice transmission, "Who is going to cross the catastrophe?"

Suxian Tower is far away from everyone, it can be said to be hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and the roar of the declaration of war could not be heard on Hengduan Mountain, but the tyrannical aura shocked everyone crazily!When they felt the gradual emergence of the thunderstorm storm, everyone's hearts were shocked!

There... someone crossed the catastrophe!

He Xiaoqi and Long Xuanying appeared because of that powerful wave, but they had already stopped in the void, looked at each other gloomyly, and then looked at the direction where the God of Transcending Tribulation Thunder appeared at the same time!

Luo Tiangang looked at the east with his vicissitudes of eyes, and said softly: "Let's go and see!" After finishing speaking, 31 streamers of light cut through the void in an instant, and flew over with his disciples!

Before Di Hui left, he suddenly lowered his head and glanced at the astonished Yun Wuying and the other three. Thinking in his heart, he made a move, but seeing the three of them involuntarily flew towards Di Hui in an instant!

"The declaration of war has appeared, and I will take you to see him now!" Di Hui Shi calmly said a piece of news that made the three of them beam with joy in an instant!

After these master-level monks left, the three monks looked at each other, and at the same time they sent out waves of powerful waves, and brought their own disciples, and flew towards the eastern sky crazily, although the speed was far less than that of the group of masters. The super monk flies fast, but it makes the disciples around him feel terrified, thinking in their hearts: This speed, this speed, even He Xiaoqi and Long Xuanying are incomparable!

Groups of Piaomiao Jianxintian cultivators shot crazily into the void, eager to know who the person who crossed the tribulation is, who might it be?Because according to their understanding of the cultivator status of the Zongmen monks, there is not a single monk who can survive the catastrophe now!

But... who could it be?

"Whoosh..." Countless streams of light surged up, rushing towards the place where Suxian Tower is located!

"Little Master!" At the edge of a lake, Little Panda was suddenly startled, and shouted in a daze as he looked at Yuan Kong!

Chang Sheng, who was resting on its head, was suddenly awakened by the vibration of Panda, shook his head, was slightly taken aback, and at the same time looked at Yuan Kong and Lao Lao and shouted: "Dad, I felt it too, it's Da Da's. breath!"

Xue Bao came out from a place in the grass, a layer of red light appeared from his figure, and the next moment, he turned into a peerless woman with a bewitching face, looked at the two and said, "Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Panda and Changsheng said at the same time!

Xue Bao immediately pulled up the two little guys, shook Panda and shouted: "Damn Panda, quickly grow up for grandma, let's go find the little master!"

"Okay!" Panda roared, and his figure appeared in the void in a flash, and he roared and roared up to the sky. The next moment, clusters of yellow light came out of his body, and clusters of ferocious muscles crazily Uplifted, pieces of muscles full of explosive power surged out, and the naive head turned into a ferocious monster at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In just a few seconds, the giant giant Panda with a height of one hundred feet stayed in the void!

"Aww!!!" Panda hissed wildly, and with a pull of his right hand, Xuebao and Changsheng were instantly brought to the head by Panda's suction!

"Xue Bao, my dear son, sit down!" Panda hissed and screamed, a layer of bright earthy yellow light suddenly appeared on his body, and the next moment, "Boom!", Panda's body shot wildly In the void, it shoots towards the place where Suxian Tower is located like lightning!

Xuan Zhan looked at the crazy thundercloud gradually forming in the sky, and said in a low voice: "Don't go, stay with me!" His hand held Long Ying's hand stubbornly, not allowing her to leave!

A smile appeared on the corner of Wan Qingkui's mouth, and he stood silently beside the two of them!

"Crack!" A shocking thunderbolt suddenly pierced the void from the sky, dividing the entire sky into two...

A complex look flashed in Long Ying's eyes, looking at the stormy and furious sky with thunderclouds, she suddenly thought in her heart: If...if you die in this thundercloud, it's... not bad!

"Trust me!" Xuan Zhan suddenly turned his head to look at Long Ying with a smile, and said in a slow and deep voice, "You will be safe!", Xuan Zhan's voice seemed to be full of a seductive magnetic magic power, very piercing Toli's voice echoed in Long Ying's ears!

Subconsciously, Long Ying seemed to believe the declaration of war, and nodded slightly with her delicate face!

"Hahahaha..." Wan Qingkui burst into laughter suddenly, looked at the two of them and said, "Little brother, brother is waiting for you!" After finishing speaking, Lingkong turned and flew into the distance.

"Boom!" Thousands of blue thunderbolts pierced through the void in an instant like a world-destroying dragon in the clouds!

A gust of wind blew past the two of them, Xuan Zhan's powerful arms slowly hugged Long Ying, looking at the earth-shattering blue divine thunder, his eyes suddenly flashed brightly, his figure flashed, with With a bang, Long Ying crazily shot towards Leiyun!

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