"In my distant memory, there was a woman who once told me that she wanted to support me and grow old together!" Xuan Zhan said softly, looking down at the girl in his arms, his messy white hair and black hair intertwined crazily. Together, add a pair of entangled beauty.

"There was once a woman who asked me frantically, asking me if Xuan Zhan loved her, and if I could love her just once!" Xuan Zhan's voice rang in Long Ying's ears at a leisurely pace!

Seeing the approaching huge thundercloud vortex, a question suddenly arises in Long Ying's mind: who are these two women he is talking about?

"One... is my first wife. Before I cultivated, she was chased and killed by the reckless people in the world, and she died to protect me!"

"The other one is a peerless beauty that can no longer be seen in the world. Her alluring charm is the last snow lotus in the world! In order to fulfill me, she has become a ray of light that will always pierce my heart. To this day , this ray of light still makes me extremely painful!" Xuan Zhan looked at the whirlpool of thunderclouds that had a diameter of a hundred miles in the sky, and whispered in Long Ying's ear!

"You, Long Ying, saved me. I used to think that I would never be able to love someone again!" Xuan Zhan said in pain, watching the surging thunderbolts, and whispered, "Long Ying, I hate you!"

These words immediately made Long Ying stunned...

"But, I... love you too!"

Long Ying's eyes were suddenly clouded...

"Boom!" Xuan Zhan took Long Ying to stay in the void for an instant, less than one kilometer below the huge vortex, looking at the huge vortex above his head, Xuan Zhan released Long Ying, took her hand, and looked at the thunder and lightning, Suddenly, bursts of shocking light burst out of his eyes!

Tribulation God Thunder, Nine Nine 81 Dao, Nine Dao is the first level, Nine is the extreme number, 81 Ninth Layer Divine Thunder, will be more powerful every time!However... the boundless Dao of Heaven has its own conclusions, the stronger the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be to overcome the calamity!

This is an unchanging law in the realm of comprehension, and it is also a law that has existed since ancient times!

If there is no accident, it will be extremely difficult for Xuan Zhan to survive this thunder disaster relying on his strong cultivation of the fifth rank of Mahayana, let alone a relatively weak woman by his side!

"Boom..." The vortex in the sky is circulating crazily, and at the center of the circle, it seems that the way of heaven is circulating, slowly condensing into a cloud of yin and yang, which complement each other and depend on each other!

At the center of the circle, a black thunder element slowly swam, surrounded by bursts of chilling, powerful power that made people want to escape, even if Sanxian faced this situation, he would never think of fighting The **** of robbery!

The berserk Destroyer Lei Yuan, just like the world-destroyer god thunder, bursts out of the sky in bursts!

Long Ying's eyes moved suddenly, and within a ten-thousandth of a second, a huge thunderbolt with a width of one hundred feet suddenly struck out from the depths of the clouds, and it slammed towards the place where they were!

"Here we come..." A relieved smile appeared on the corner of Long Ying's mouth!

Feeling this powerful divine thunder that would make one's heart tremble even if he caught the Sanxian, the corner of his mouth declaring war... smiled freely!

Where the thunderbolt passed through the void, waves of fluctuations rose from the void in an instant!

Xuan Zhan suddenly spread his shoulders, and tightly guarded Long Ying in his arms!

"He didn't resist the divine thunder, why did he hug me?" Long Ying was taken aback, and the next moment, the dark blue thunderbolt struck Xuanzhan's body frantically!

"Kacha!" Xuan Zhan Zhou's tens of thousands of square kilometers of empty land suddenly surged with a layer of destructive force!

"Ziz...Ziz..." The tiny Lei Yuan scattered in the void, under Long Ying's dumbstruck, unexpectedly... actually gathered them all up, and then crazily entered into Xuan Zhan's body!

"He...he absorbed these tribulation-crossing divine thunders!" Long Ying's brain suddenly froze!

Yes, it is absorption!When Xuan Zhan once helped Gu Ye cross the catastrophe, it relied on... the miraculous phenomenon of absorbing Lei Yuan, and now, Xuan Zhan can still absorb the God of Transcending Tribulation Thunder!

Xuan Zhan groaned softly, looked at Long Ying who was not affected by the slightest, and said softly: "Surprised, isn't it!"

It's not just surprise, Long Ying's heart is far beyond what surprise can match!

Suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the sky, the powerful aura became stronger again, and a dark blue divine thunder with a darker color than before shot down crazily again!

"Boom!" There was a crazy explosion on Xuan Zhan's back, and thousands of small divine thunders spread within a radius of [-] kilometers in an instant. In the body!

If the first time was a coincidence, then...the second time was definitely intentional!

Absorbing the Tribulation God Thunder... This kind of situation is a phenomenon that Long Ying has never heard of. She has read a lot of books on cultivation in the sect, but she has never heard of this miracle of declaring war. It was a similar phenomenon, and she had never heard of it before!


In the distance, Wan Qingkui looked at the situation of his junior brother who was hundreds of miles away declaring war and crossing the catastrophe with a look of surprise on his face.With a heartbeat, he looked at dozens of streamers behind him, and these streamers appeared beside him in a blink of an eye. They were Luo Tiangang and a group of master-level monks!

"The declaration of war is actually devouring the divine thunder of crossing the catastrophe!" Luo Tiangang's face was weird for a while, looking at the situation of the declaration of war and crossing the catastrophe, a bitterness appeared on the corner of his mouth, "What kind of variable is this declaration of war? The miraculous ability to devour the thunder that crosses the tribulation, this is the first time I have seen this kind of ability!"

"It's not just you, I've dug out all my memories, and there's no description about it. Even if the declaration of war is the body of Lei Yuan resonance, it doesn't make sense at all. Otherwise, those monks who have the physique of Lei Yuan resonance in the past dynasties , don't everyone eat Dujie as a meal!" Han Dizhou whispered.

"It's Brother Xuan! It's really him!" Yun Wuying's eyes flashed eagerly, and then he sighed with emotion, "Unexpectedly, when we saw him again, he was going through a tribulation. Cultivation, the improvement is too fast!"

A hint of envy flashed in Chu Xinghen's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "Brother Xuan's magic is beyond our comprehension, but no matter how unpredictable it is, I can't even imagine that he has already started Crossing robbery!"

Di Hui stood in front of them, listened to their conversation, pursed her lips, and showed a slight smile, but didn't make any remarks!

Xiao Xiaobai suddenly appeared beside the dazed You Zijin, and said softly, "You... didn't expect that!"

You Zijin shook his head speechlessly, but Xiaobai smiled wryly and said: "I never thought that he seems to be making progress all the time, since he first came to Jade Sting Star, it was only the Tianxin period, this short period However, after a hundred years, he has advanced to... the stinky Taoist said that he is... the fifth rank of Mahayana!"

You Zijin knew who the stinky Taoist priest Xiaobai was talking about, but at the moment he wanted to laugh but couldn't. Looking at the two people who were hundreds of miles away, his eyes couldn't help but flicker with unbelievable light...

He Xiaoqi stood beside Fan Tiankui, the Lord of Weeping Way, and said in a low voice: "Master, what should we do? If he is allowed to advance smoothly, disciple...disciple..."

Fan Tian cried indifferently and shook his head: "In this situation, as a teacher, you can't act rashly. The situation of declaring war has far exceeded my expectations! Now let's wait and see what happens!"

But after a while, the three monks also followed, the three lords, the young lord and all the monks watched this scene, unable to speak for a long time!

The situation of declaring war is truly unacceptable and unpredictable for everyone...

Feng Xiao murmured, and whispered to himself, "Who is that woman beside Xuan Zhan?"


"Boom!" The ninth dark blue thunderbolt of the first level, with supreme divine power, crashed down crazily, the arm that announced the war was tightened, and Long Ying was tightly guarded in his arms, and said in a low voice: " Not enough... Not enough!", Long Ying hid in his arms, tightly closed her eyes, feeling the tribulation-crossing divine thunders, the power of each of the tribulation-crossing divine thunders was already far away. It was beyond her imagination, if it wasn't for the protection of the man beside her, she, Long Ying, would have died thousands of times already!

But hearing the declaration of war, Long Ying was stunned: Not enough... what is not enough, it is the amount of these divine thunders, isn't it enough for you to swallow...

A trace of surprise flashed in Long Ying's eyes, she suddenly had an illusion, as if this man's embrace, at this moment, was the safest corner in the world, she wanted to... hide in this corner silently, feeling this The Guardian named Declare War!

"Om..." In the crazy thundercloud that was hundreds of miles wide, that black thunder element suddenly swayed wildly, and the next moment, the second black thunder element suddenly joined its team!

"Boom!" A purple-gold divine thunder suddenly fell from the sky. This time, the color of the falling divine thunder has become the color of purple-gold, and its power is even stronger than that of a nine-rank Sanxian's peak cultivation!

"Crack!!!" Zijin Shenlei slashed frantically onto Xuan Zhan's body, and a layer of purple and gold dense light burst out, stinging everyone's eyes!

Second course...

The third way...

Ninth Road...

The declaration of war suddenly looked towards the sky and screamed:

"not enough!!!"

not enough……

not enough……

The sound overwhelmed the sound of the thunderbolt, spread between the heaven and the earth, echoed in everyone's ears and hearts, and made everyone stunned...


As far as the outer sky and the outer world, in a mysterious starry sky far away, a dark palace shimmering with dim light is like a crawling prehistoric beast, located in that mysterious time and space!

Passing through many mysterious figures in the palace, in a huge hall deep in the palace, on the hideous dark dragon-headed throne, a mysterious man wearing black luxurious armor with his face hidden in the helmet leaned on the The cold light long sword, sitting alone in the palace, with traces of emerald green light shining inside the helmet...

"In the future... don't disturb him, I will let him practice step by step, approach me step by step, and then meet me!" A cold and heartless voice came from inside the helmet,

"I'm going to devour him here..."

The voice was cold and ruthless, filled with a sense of death. As soon as the mysterious person finished speaking, countless invisible auras suddenly rose from the palace, violently stirring the surrounding space. Inside, because of the stirring of this invisible force, there is suddenly light, then darkness, suddenly life surges, the next moment it is lifeless, and then, it is full of vitality again... The cycle is endless...

"Don't be angry, trust me, he will come to me, and he will come step by step! As long as..." the voice in the helmet said again, full of dead air,

"As long as he keeps growing! There are only two, Jie Jie... Unexpectedly, those two are there, both are there... Unexpectedly, that guy escaped there, presumably he was going to devour him, and then came back Contend against me... Jie Jie... Jie Jie..."

"Let them get together, let them...come to me!!!"

(This paragraph is dedicated to "Yiliuhe" book friends, hehe...hehe...Lao Song is going to start modifying Xiao Xiaobai's name, and will rename Xiao Xiaobai's name as "Huaixiao". Proposal Netizens leave a message in the comment area, if you think it is okay, Lao Song will modify it!)

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