Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 45 Tianxiong Missing

Leaving dozens of people at once, the bank of the green lake immediately seemed clean.The declaration of war stood indifferently, and a pair of eyes looked at the small tomb like water and tenderness.Entering the vortex wheel by chance this time, his state of mind seems to have changed. The blind creature flashed in his mind, and an indifferent thought appeared in his heart, as if the gods looked up by all living beings, despising everything in the world... …

"Congratulations!" Leng Mei said complicatedly. In her heart, although she admitted that the talent for declaring war was amazing, she never thought that he would enter the realm of whirlwind in such a short period of time. Back then, they When we met for the first time, I declared war... I was just a monk at the early stage of restraining my mind, at the same stage as Earth Wisdom, and at that time, I could kill him with a wave of my hand!

But in just three short years, his growth... made him feel shocked and horrified in his heart!Others need hundreds of years to reach the heights, but he can do it in three years!

Hearing Leng Mei's congratulations, Xuan Zhan didn't feel any pleasure in his heart. He just nodded slightly and asked, "Why are you here?" The cultivation base of Xuan Zhan has improved, and his natural temperament has also changed a lot, and he even faintly has the illusion of surrender...

"I..." Leng Mei replied in a daze, suddenly woke up, took a deep breath, the cold and true energy in her body rushed straight to her head, and said coldly, "I have a lot of eyeliners in the Ming Xin Han Qi Realm, I learned yesterday morning Dihui was robbed by these two sects, so I rushed over immediately!"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, and glanced at Leng Mei indifferently, the implication made Leng Mei slightly surprised!

"Uncle Xuan..." Linglong walked weakly beside Xuan Zhan, watched him suddenly fall into her arms, and said timidly, "Uncle Xuan, Linglong was so scared just now!"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, patted Linglong's shoulders with both hands and smiled, "It's all right now, aren't we still fine?"

"Then, at the Moyu Club two years later, do you really want to fight them to the death?" Linglong said worriedly, her eyes full of sadness and helplessness, "If Linglong's cultivation If it is a little higher, maybe it can help Uncle Xuan..."

Xuan Zhan couldn't help but laugh, looked at Linglong and said with a smile: "You just need to be happy, oh... that's right!" Having said that, Xuan Zhan turned his eyes to Di Hui and said, "Di Hui!"

"Ah?" Di Hui was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the scene where he declared war and entered the whirl wheel just now, a flash of surprise and admiration flashed in his heart, his face flushed suddenly and he said softly, "What's wrong, Senior Brother Xuan?"

Xuan Zhan thought for a while, and said solemnly: "Di Hui, do you still remember the feeling when you first met Tianxiong?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Di Hui, but also Leng Mei became a little confused, Di Hui nodded lightly and said: "I remember, what's wrong? Ah, by the way, where is Senior Brother Tianxiong, why didn't you come with him? "

Xuan Zhan smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing. When we entered Tai'an Province, Tianxiong and I met a monk named Earth Maniac. Tianxiong also had some kind of mysterious connection with him, just like at the beginning. It was the same when you met Tianxiong."

Leng Mei and Di Hui looked at each other, a hint of shock flashed in their eyes, Di Hui said puzzledly: "I remember when I first met Senior Brother Tianxiong, there was a kind of feeling as if we knew each other a long time ago. A general illusion, this feeling is very strange, but it's obviously the first time I've seen Senior Brother Tianxiong!"

"What about the two of them now?" Leng Mei suddenly asked.

"I remember that when Tianxiong and Dihui woke up, it took a whole day and night. I was afraid that Dihui and Linglong would be in danger, so I ignored them. That place!" Xuan Zhan replied softly.

Leng Mei nodded and said: "Earth madness? I have heard of this person. It is said that this kid is Qiu Mingyue's third apprentice, and his talent is quite extraordinary! He is really the best among young people, and this kid likes to challenge young masters from all directions. He is a rare cultivator! Could it be that this kid came here this time to challenge Tianxiong and you?"

Xuan Zhan's thoughts changed sharply, thinking of the words that Di Kuang yelled when he first appeared, he immediately knew that Leng Mei's guess should be good, a little worried in his heart, and then said: "Let's go see how they are doing right now." , I have a bad feeling."

Leng Mei was startled slightly, then nodded.

Xuan Zhan looked at the familiar but unfamiliar Qinghu Lake, took a deep breath, the two vortexes of true essence that he forcibly reversed in his body were quietly and slowly reversing in his body at this moment, he swept his hand, and his body suddenly flew into the air, dragging A glittering streamer several tens of feet long appeared, above which, Linglong, who was carrying her with her, was looking around nervously holding the little Panda...

Leng Mei and Di Hui immediately followed, and three bright rays of light cut through the void in an instant, and flew towards the place where Tianxiong and Di Kuang met for the first time. For the declaration of war at this moment, after his whole body was cultivated, his speed Fast can be said to be nearly twice as fast as the imperial envoy's golden sword. Coupled with the addition of Lei Yuan, it can be said that his speed is so fast at this moment. Taking care of Dihui, and Leng Mei's speed has obviously slowed down a lot!

At this moment, a question also appeared in the minds of the three: Tianxiong, Dihui, and this Earthmaniac, what is the connection between the three?

After flying for nearly three hours, the three of them finally came to the place where Xuan Zhan and Tianxiong met Dikuang for the first time. Feeling the place ten kilometers ahead, Xuan Zhan suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and his eyes flickered. After a bit of sharpness, the speed suddenly increased several times, whoosh! ! !A bang appeared at a distance of ten kilometers in an instant...

Seeing the emptiness around, the heart of Xuan Zhan sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. There was no trace of Tianxiong and Earthmaniac here!Obviously, both of them are missing...

"What's going on?" Leng Mei's cold voice suddenly appeared behind her and asked coldly.

Xuan Zhan shook his head silently, and said softly: "They are missing!"

"What?" Di Hui suddenly called softly, then stared blankly at Master Leng Mei, "Master, this..."

The cold and charming eyes turned around slightly, and his mind changed instantly, then he looked at Xuan Zhan and shook his head slowly.Xuan Zhan frowned for a while to observe, and his heart moved. He didn't know whether he could control the miraculous power in his eyes. Before the whirlwind, he couldn't control this power, but it always appeared in his critical moment. Now I have stepped into the realm of the whirlpool...

His eyes suddenly turned to the sky, imagining the feeling when the supernatural power appeared at the beginning. Cangxin Jue slowly flows in the meridians, and a burst of thunder and roar fills the body. The thunder element in the body communicates with the energy of heaven and earth. There was a thunderclap in the ear: click!

At this moment, Xuan Zhan's eyes suddenly flashed a deep blue thunder and lightning, "click", shaking the whole body, and an electric current slowly spread throughout the body!After the thunder in the eyes, it was filled with countless thunder elements, and there was a buzzing sound!

Under the shocked expressions of the three, the world in Xuan Zhan's eyes slowly changed. White silk threads spread across the field of vision within the reach of the eyes. Every plant and tree in a radius of tens of kilometers, any wind and grass, is in his eyes. Under induction!The life outlines and body structures of countless creatures became clear in his miraculous eyes. In the entire space, except for Leng Mei, who was covered with a layer of mist, making himself unable to see clearly, everything else was completely clear. Clearly, clearly, clearly!

Declare the war with a sigh of relief, this feeling of revealing the structure of the world is really wonderful!It was as if the way of heaven and earth was stripped naked by his own eyes!Looking around, Xuan Zhan suddenly found an erratic aura, this aura was hidden extremely skillfully, as if someone deliberately obliterated it!If it weren't for the ability of my own eyes, I am afraid that with the power of coldness, only those who have entered the cultivation base of the unfalling stage can feel it!

This kind of power... Xuan Zhan frowned slightly in his heart, he had never seen it before, no wonder he hadn't seen it, it was because he had too little contact with the monks of Molixing, and knew too little about it!

After withdrawing this power, the world returned to its previous appearance in the eyes of the eyes. Under the astonishment of the three people, Xuan Zhan revealed the characteristics of this energy.Leng Mei frowned, and the charming and cold eyes above the veil flashed a trace of confusion, but she heard her say: "This is the characteristic of the 'Earth Nether Instant Illusion Art' of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect! It seems that there is a true Jade Illusion The masters of Xinzong have come here!"

"True Jade Illusory Heart Sect?" Xuan Zhan and Di Hui looked at each other. What is the purpose of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect appearing here?Could it be that there was another purpose for the madness to appear here before?But does this so-called purpose have anything to do with Tianxiong?

Linglong hugged Little Panda and watched the three of them confused for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Little Panda, do you know what they are talking about?"

Little Panda scratched his head and said in a daze: "It seems that Tianxiong is lost..."

"Lost it?" Linglong asked suspiciously.

Little Panda scratched his ears and said with a foolish smile: "Hehe...hehe, I must have lost it..."

Linglong: "...should..."

Xuan Zhan said in a cold voice: "It seems that we need to go to the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect once!"

Leng Mei lightly shook her head and said: "The True Jade Illusory Heart Sect should not be harmful to Tianxiong, Tianshangge and Qiu Mingyue have a little friendship! Anyway, let's go to the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect to find out!"

"True Jade Illusory Heart Sect!" Xuan Zhan recited the name silently, and a murderous intent flashed in his heart: If you dare to do harm to Brother Tianxiong, you will be buried with your life!

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