Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 46 Don't Lose, Don't Forget

Nine days away, Xuan Zhan stands indifferently in the void, looking at a bright moon in the clouds at night, savoring a trace of loneliness in his heart, a touch of vicissitudes by his side, and a dash of elegance flowing...

After discovering the whereabouts of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, they decided to return to the bank of the Green Lake to rest for the night, and set off the next day to Anxu Kingdom, one of the five great empires, to embark on the journey of the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect!

The Qinghu Lake at night is very quiet, with the soft chirping of crickets and the rippling of the lake water, everything seems harmonious and peaceful...

Dihui sat on the bank of the Qinghu Lake, and the white jade lotus feet gently stretched into the clear water of the Qinghu Lake. Her eyes drifted and she looked at the back of the blue sky in the sky, flashing through her mind from time to time. In the abyss, the rampant and proud figure, against the backdrop of the unpredictable situation, and with the thunderbolt and thunder, is the peerless elegance... Di Hui thought about it and suddenly a blush appeared on his face, and said to himself: "Unexpectedly, on weekdays, little He who is quiet and indifferent also has such a majestic side..."

Not far from Dihui, Linglong is sleeping sweetly with the little Panda in her arms. Looking at the smile on the corner of her mouth, it seems that something good happened in a dream, but the little Panda in her arms is drooping from the corner of her mouth. Hala was snoring, and from time to time she would say a few words: "Bamboo...delicious..."

A beautiful shadow suddenly shot straight into the sky, and Di Hui was startled. Looking at the white shadow, she wondered, "Master..." and felt confused. Master didn't have much contact with Brother Xuan on weekdays. Why did the two of them When we get along, it seems like we have been friends for a long time?

"Why are you here?" Xuan Zhan said softly to Leng Mei who appeared beside him.

Leng Mei shook her head silently, looking at the vast land under the bright moon indifferently, her cold voice came out slowly: "You surprised me, declare war."

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently, and with a casual gesture, a trace of thunder and lightning that was as thick as a finger suddenly flashed on his fingertips "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... Let's go!", In fact, in his heart, he still doesn't understand why his entry is so huge, how many amazing and talented people want to enter the realm of whirling wheel from the realm of digging yuan, no matter how evil, it takes dozens of Years, but I actually completed this process in less than five years!

The peerless face under the cold and charming veil smiled softly, and said slowly: "You may only believe it after telling it to pigs!"

Xuan Zhan suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, this coldness... even made a joke, why sometimes her changes are always so extreme...

"Actually, I'm very confused!" Leng Mei said softly, her charming eyes were flowing between the heaven and the earth, she casually flicked the light veil on her body and looked down, "I'm confused, we cultivate truth, what exactly are we cultivating, and we can cultivate for a long life A hundred years old? Or have you cultivated to the highest level? Power, corruption, people's hearts... Declare war, have you ever seen through it?"

"We are all people in the game, and we have never seen through it, unless you jump out of this game..." Xuan Zhan said indifferently, "However, throughout the ages, even the gods of the upper realm, they... dare to say that they are Can you jump out?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Leng Mei's eyes, and she suddenly said to herself: "You... are different from me...", the body suddenly shook slightly, a touch of fear appeared in the heart, and immediately regained calm, looking at the declaration of war around him He said softly, "Do you still love Rouge?"

Xuan Zhan glanced at her curiously and said, "How do you say that?"

"Even though she's dead, you still... still love her in your heart? Can't you, can't you tolerate anyone anymore?" Leng Mei seemed to find it hard to say this sentence. After she finished speaking, she seemed to let go of something in her heart. Take a breath.

Xuan Zhan looked at Leng Mei seriously, as if he wanted to see something in her exposed eyes, but he couldn't see anything except calm as the surface of the water, and said with a smile in his heart: "My wife Rouzhi has already After passing away for many years, in my heart, my love for her has been buried in my heart with her death. In this life, the only goal I declare war on is the boundless way of heaven. Those who cultivate truth must be tough, but through You can see a trace of hesitation in your eyes, Palace Master Leng, do you have any unspeakable doubts about the Dao heart in your heart?"

A gleam of coldness suddenly flashed in the cold eyes, looked at Xuan Zhan and said indifferently: "If I say, I don't have the heart to seek the Tao, would you believe me?"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment, but he questioned: "I don't understand what you mean. As a cultivator, once we enter the realm of cultivation, we can't get out. From what you mean, it seems that we were forced to step into this path of cultivation."

"Although no one forced me, I have been practicing for this way since I was born. Even if I don't want to, I still have to practice!" Leng Mei said coldly.

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, looked at the face in the veil, and said slowly: "If you are suffering, you can tell me, although I don't understand what you think, but I can feel that there is an unspeakable secret in your heart!"

Listening to Xuan Zhan's words, Leng Mei's heart softened suddenly, a trace of sadness quietly appeared in her heart, looking at Xuan Zhan's handsome face that was a bit bewitching, the weakness in her heart seemed to have found an outlet, and turned to her heart After the impact, Leng Mei nodded lightly, but her nod was so slight that no one could even see that she was nodding: "I don't want to say it, I can't say it, I can't say it!"

Xuan Zhan sighed, put his hands behind his back, faced the light moon breeze, and said silently: "Every one of us has times when we can't help ourselves, and there are fetters that we can't do it willfully. When you want to say it, But when you can talk, tell me."

Leng Mei suddenly smiled softly, like an elegant lingering sound in the empty valley, which made Xuan Zhan's mind slightly distracted. This smile, never before, has my ears lingered in Xuan Zhan's ears every day. It's a pity that Yi Ren has passed away, this smile... ...and then disappeared...

"This is what you said, don't go back on your word when the time comes!" Leng Mei laughed softly.

Xuan Zhan smiled, and said sonorously: "I have declared war so far, and I have never failed to do what I promised others!"

Leng Mei smiled lightly, shook her head lightly, turned around and turned into a white shadow with a flick of her gauze, and left...


The early morning air was filled with humidity, and Xuan Zhan looked at Linglong who was still half asleep with a light smile and said with a smile: "Girl, you are already a master in the middle stage of Digging Yuan, why are you still so sleepy?"

Linglong hugged the little Panda who was also yawning indiscriminately and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a master. Compared with Uncle Xuan, you can compare Linglong with just a little finger. Hmph! Uncle Xuan has become a bad person too, make fun of Linglong!" , As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and hid behind Di Hui, stuck out his head and stuck out his tongue at Xuan Zhan.

Xuan Zhan smiled and shook his head amusingly.

At this time, Leng Mei was already facing the sky, her eyes were full of eyes, she looked at Linglong below indifferently, she also knew Linglong when she was a guest of the Pride Sect two years ago, and she really liked this girl very much in her heart, but she was not the master of the first palace. I didn't have much contact with this girl, and after leaving the Pride Sect, it was the second official contact until yesterday. However, it seemed that this little girl was always timid in front of him, as if she didn't dare to say anything. With a timid look, I couldn't help being a little funny: Could it be... Is it really so difficult to get in touch with me?

With a wave of Xuan Zhan's hand, a majestic force suddenly appeared around the three of them, leading them slowly into the air and coming to Leng Mei's side, Xuan Zhan looked at Leng Mei, thought for a while, then clasped his fists and said, "Palace Master Leng, This time we have a long journey, and even if we reach the True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, we don't know if Tianxiong is there. So, in order not to delay the time, let's go as fast as we can, I will take Linglong, you will take Dihui!"

Dihui and Linglong looked at each other in embarrassment, with a slight blush on their faces, Linglong said unwillingly, "Uncle Xuan, you just said that Sister Dihui and Linglong's cultivation base is too low, why are they not as fast as you? To beat around the bush and say, hum!"

Little Panda yawned violently in Linglong's arms, looked at the four people with dim eyes, then fell asleep in Linglong's arms again...

Xuan Zhan patted Linglong's head amusedly, and said softly: "When you can fly, why don't you fly with Uncle Xuan!"

Linglong's face suddenly blossomed with joy, and her lovely face immediately smiled like a blooming flower: "You said that, Uncle Xuan!"

Di Hui watched Linglong and Xuan Zhan chatting and laughing, a hint of envy flashed in his eyes, then came to Master Leng Mei's side, and stood obediently behind her.Leng Mei smiled faintly, she suddenly found that she seemed to be in a good mood today, and her smile gradually increased compared to the past.

Leng Mei nodded and said: "In this case, let's go!" After finishing speaking, without waiting for the declaration of war, a magic formula with both hands suddenly appeared, and a cone-shaped layer of ice crystals suddenly appeared around her body, binding her and Earth Wisdom Master The two disciples were wrapped in it, and this layer of cone-shaped ice crystals was extremely dazzling under the sunlight of the first day!Di Hui was taken aback for a moment, and said secretly: "Bingling Breaks the Air Seal, how does Master use this technique?"Doesn't this make Senior Brother Xuan unable to catch up...

Xuan Zhan looked at the cone-shaped ice crystals, and a hint of curiosity flashed in his eyes.The Leng Mei inside smiled lightly, followed the movement of the technique, and saw that the ice crystal suddenly flew through the void to the southeast with a sound of "boom!" like a divine light piercing the sky...

Xuan Zhan was stunned for a while, the speed of this thing even made him startled, his mind moved, and suddenly covered tens of kilometers in a radius, he felt that he didn't find a cold and charming aura, and suddenly laughed in his heart, This famous Palace Master Leng... actually wants to compare his speed with him!

Linglong yelled tenderly beside him: "Uncle Xuan, hurry up, Aunt Leng and Sister Di Hui are both gone!"

"Don't worry!" Xuan Zhan said calmly, grabbed the void with both hands, and saw two three-foot-long thunderbolts suddenly grabbed with both hands, the two three-foot-long thunderbolts were like two horses in his hands, "Ziz... ..." sounded, Xuan Zhan's eyes became solemn, and with a movement of the formula, he saw the two thunderbolts instantly turned into a pair of lightning wings, and with a seal of both hands, the pair of lightning wings were connected to his shoulders, as if It looks like a pair of lightning wings are born on the shoulders!

Xuan Zhan moved slightly in his heart, and lightly manipulated the wings of thunder and lightning, only to hear the sound of "Boom, boom, boom". This skill is actually a skill of the thunder and lightning department in his master's collection of skills. It is called "Leiyin Electric Wing", and now he has enough thunder energy in his body. Although he used this technique to consume a lot of thunder energy, but when he visited the starry sky last night, he studied the situation in his body and found that the reverse rotation in his body The Lei Yuan produced by the current Lei Yuan whirl wheel is far more abundant than the Lei Yuan produced during the positive whirl!And this is enough for him to use Leiyin Electric Wings one after another!

"Wow, Uncle Xuan, these thunder and lightning wings are so beautiful!" Linglong laughed coquettishly while looking at them.

Indeed, the thunder sound and electric wings are full of dark blue streamers, stretched out to be six long and wide, with white thunder streams flowing back and forth in it.

Xuan Zhan touched Linglong's head and smiled, "Girl, lie behind me!" Linglong wrapped her arms around Xuan Zhan's shoulders in excitement, hanging behind Xuan Zhan's back, while Panda, who was sleeping, was not reconciled. After waking up, the yellow light of both palms flashed, pressing on Xuan Zhan's chest, dripping and hanging, as if there was a magnetic disk on Xuan Zhan's chest, and then... "Hoo...Hoo..." and continued to sleep.

"This little guy!" Xuan Zhan smiled helplessly, then looked to the southeast direction, a flash of sharpness flashed in his eyes: True Jade Illusory Heart Sect, Brother Tianxiong, here I come!

With a move in his mind, Lei Yin flapped his wings lightly, only to hear the roar of thunder echoing continuously, suddenly...the pair of wings slammed wildly, "Boom...", a sound of thunder and fury turbulent, and instantly turned into a The blue meteor dragged out hundreds of feet of shining light and disappeared into the sky...

In less than a breath, the figure of Xuan Zhan cut through nearly a hundred kilometers away, and Linglong let out a cheerful cry from a distance:

"Uncle Xuan, I haven't found Aunt Leng, let's continue..."

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