Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 452 Peerless Wine

Huai Xiao and You Zijin stood behind their master and looked at each other with a hint of worry in their eyes...

After Xuan Zhan said this, his figure was a bit shabby. He personally said the promise to break away from Piao Miao Jian Xintian. In fact, it was not a big blow to him. The only thing he was sorry for was his master "Jade Master" !"

The old man whom he respected sincerely hoped that he was Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciple...

With a stretch of his hands, a disciple token appeared in his palm!Xuan Zhan held the token in both hands, placed it respectfully in front of the statue, then walked back to the spot, looked at the crowd and said, "All real people, have you fulfilled your wish now?"

He Xiaoqi glanced at Que Ren mysteriously!

"Do you think this is enough!" Que Ren suddenly exclaimed, "You are carrying my Master Yu Zhenren's Dharma Body Art and the Demon Slayer Sword, any monk will know that you are my Piaomiao Sword Heart Disciple of Heaven, these two must keep them!"

Hearing this, Xuan Zhan's eyes immediately turned cold, he looked at the others and said indifferently, "What do you mean!"

"Hmph, words that lack toughness are the old man's words!" The old god Yin Zhengfeng looked at Xuan Zhan and said, "Since you are not my disciple of Piao Miao Jian Xintian, then what should be left must be kept, you Abolish the law and the body, strip off the demon-killing sword, let's go!"

After Wan Qingkui heard the words of declaring war, his face became angry, and now he saw that declaring war looked so incompetent, he felt powerless. The huge sect was handed over to them, and my group left without any worries!

But who knows, something like this happened in the middle of the journey, and all his hard work was instantly wasted. Now, the declaration of war not only does not defend himself, but also punishes himself. Wan Qingkui wants to leave Piaomiao Jianxintian. Just wanting to be heartbroken, he looked at Xuan Zhan angrily and roared: "Junior brother, you really let me down! You can leave as you want, why do you need to say so much!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall suddenly trembled like a storm!

Feeling the trembling of the hall, Wan Qingkui's sadness, and Luo Tiangang's loss, Xuan Zhan smiled slightly and said, "Senior brother, it was Piao Miao Jian Xintian who disappointed me..." As soon as the words fell, Xuan Zhan turned around immediately, Shi Shiran He calmly walked towards the door!

"This..." Yin Zhengfeng and Que Ren were stunned for a moment, looked at Wan Qingkui and said, "You can't just let him go like this, nephews, you must catch him and abolish his cultivation! "

The Lord of Tianfu suddenly looked at Yin Zhengfeng, with a chubby face and said with a naive smile: "Old guy, you can abolish him yourself!" Then he suddenly looked at Tian Cry, and said with a low voice: "Tian Cry, are you satisfied? ?"

Xuan Zhan walked to the door, looked at the group of people in the main hall, then looked at Di Hui again, smiled, and said softly: "Di Hui, after seeing Big Brother Tianxiong and Di Kuang, please say hello to me! "

Di Hui stared at Xuan Zhan in a daze, and nodded subconsciously...

After declaring war, he turned around, looked at the vast continent, and said bitterly: "I never thought that when I came to this Jade Sting Star for the first time, so many things would happen, and it turned into this situation in the end!"

Abandoning the things on his mind, Xuan Zhan's tactic moved, and a bright golden light shot out from his body in an instant, Xuan Zhan stepped on it, and stood on the Demon Slaughtering Sword!

"Whoosh..." The sword body instantly radiated golden light, flying towards Suxian Tower like thunder and lightning!


In the middle of the night, in the courtyard of Suxian Building!

Xuan Zhan tasted the contents of the cup carefully, looked at the huge full moon in the sky, and said in a low voice: "Ying'er!"

The veiled Long Ying and Xue Bao were by the side, and when they heard his cry, they were slightly taken aback, but they replied softly: "Mmm..."

"Do you know why I don't explain?"

Long Ying pondered for a while, a trace of doubt flashed in her exposed eyes, she shook her head in a low voice and said, "I don't know!"

"Actually, if they knew my physical condition before entering Zhanding, they would know that that scene was deliberately faked!" Xuan Zhan said with a smile, "Linglong in the mysterious five-color light, I have no I can’t hear any sound, and I can’t hear any sound at all, relying on my own sense of touch to vibrate the surrounding airflow to distinguish what the other party is saying!”

Long Ying was stunned for a moment, but Xue Bao asked curiously: "Little master, didn't you hear any sound at the beginning?"

"Yeah!" Xuan Zhan responded lightly, then continued after a moment of silence, "Di Hui knows about my situation!"

"What?" The two were taken aback again!

Xuan Zhan said with a relieved smile: "Maybe she didn't know that the mysterious five-color light had the vibration to block the outflow of air fluctuations, or maybe she didn't say it on purpose!"

A trace of doubt suddenly rose in Long Ying's heart, she was silent for a while, unable to resist the doubt in her heart after all, she asked: "Then if Senior Dihui knew about it, but didn't say it, why is that?"

Di Hui, this is not the first time she heard about this name from Xuan Zhan. For this senior in the comprehension world, as a master monk, Long Ying has heard a little bit from Xuan Zhan!

"Because she understands me!" Xuan Zhan looked at Long Ying with a smile and said, "I'm actually not suitable for cultivation, and I'm not suitable for embarking on this road of no return! She... understands this very well in her heart!"

Long Ying was silent...

At this moment, Panda's naive body and Changsheng entrenched on its head appeared at the entrance of the small building. Holding five storage rings in his hand, Panda walked into the small courtyard with his buttocks twisting and turning. Coming to Xuan Zhan's shoulder, looking at the five storage rings in his hand, he narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Hehe...hehe...the five storage rings are all filled with bamboo!"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, put away the five storage rings, took a sip of the wine in the glass, and then said softly: "Ying'er, do you... want to leave?"

Long Ying was silent...

Xuan Zhan shook his head with a wry smile, grabbed her hands and looked at her and said, "Stay by my side, don't leave, you... are my wife!"

At this moment, two figures suddenly appeared at the door!

Seeing the people coming, the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth showed a bit of bitterness, then he looked at Long Ying and the three little guys and said: "You guys go to rest first, I will talk to the two senior brothers!"

Several people nodded, looked at Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui who appeared, and then walked into the bedroom!

Wan Qingkui walked up to Xuan Zhan indifferently, and sat down cross-legged with the indifferent Luo Tiangang, but saw Wan Qingkui touch his right hand, and several jars of fine wine were neatly arranged in front of the three of them!

Wan Qingkui picked up a jar of wine carelessly, pushed aside the mud seal, and said indifferently: "Drink!" After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the jar in big gulps!

A strong smell of wine filled the space, Xuan Zhan smelled the wine and said in a daze: "Brother, this wine is not ordinary!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tiangang's mouth, he picked up a wine bottle and filled it up, and said: "This wine is made from the morning nectar between heaven and earth, mixed with cold liquid ice flowers and the inner fire of red flame beasts, brewed in the morning under the rising sun, Brewed under the soft light of the sun at night, it can be brewed after 1 years! Junior brother, do you think this wine is average?"

The hand that declares war trembles, the cold night ice flower and the essence fire of the red flame fierce beast are two kinds of extremely short-lived energies, and the fusion of these two kinds of energy can be said to be extremely powerful, let alone within 1 years, It has been nourished and brewed by the power of the sun and the sun every day!This glass of wine... It is a great opportunity for ordinary monks to smell it!

"This kind of wine has the ability to regulate the circulation of the true essence in the body. After being filtered through the two layers of ice and fire, it can achieve the great benefits of the fusion of yin and yang. It has an unparalleled breakthrough effect on future cultivation!" Wan Qingkui said indifferently. Said, "Although you are a monk of the fifth rank of Mahayana, there are still many old monsters in this cultivation world that you cannot resist!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the big brother Wan Qingkui with a funny face, knowing that he was doing it for his own good, otherwise, he would definitely not give him this peerless wine!

Luo Tiangang smiled and said: "This kind of wine is not of great benefit to the two of us. It's all he brewed. Today, I will give it all to you!"

"Give it to me!" Xuan Zhan was taken aback, "This wine... this glass of wine is a peerless treasure!"

"Not bad!" Luo Tiangang tasted the fine wine leisurely, and said softly, "Those bastards are clamoring for this wine from Qingkui every day, and I will give it all to you today, so I want to be quiet!"

Wan Qingkui drank the wine in silence, suddenly flicked his right hand, and a jade slip quietly fell beside Xuan Zhan's body!

Luo Tiangang explained with a smile: "This is the recipe for brewing wine. If you are free, you can brew it yourself!"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a moment, then put away the formula, set aside a jar of mud, and immediately poured it into his mouth. The entrance of the wine was like a clear spring, but once it entered the body, Xuan Zhan's face suddenly changed. White and then red!And it seems that two extreme energies are flowing through his body, flowing away from his whole body crazily, and what is even more amazing is that the thunder element in his body does not interfere with the flow of these two extreme energies at all!

After experiencing the pungent taste and the ice and fire double heaven, a trace of refreshing feeling suddenly emerges from the body!

"Sweet!" Xuan Zhan suddenly laughed loudly. In this short period of time, the surging Lei Yuan seemed to be more solid and powerful!But that double extreme feeling left him with endless aftertaste, and the aroma of the wine lingered in his mouth!

With a loud shout, Xuan Zhan took a sip again, and said with a leisurely smile: "1 years is too long, just seize the day!"

When Wan Qingkui heard this, he and Luo Tiangang immediately looked at each other and smiled, and continued to drink from their cups!

"Senior Fan has a problem!" Xuan Zhan said with a faint smile!

"I know!" Wan Qingkui said indifferently, "That light curtain was also fabricated by him!"

Declaring war in silence, a pain suddenly flashed in my heart, a tremor that was understood, looked at the wine in the jar, and immediately drank crazily!

Luo Tiangang said softly: "After you left, Junior Brother Tiankui only admitted it to us!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently: "I won't blame him!"

Wan Qingkui laughed loudly when he heard this, "It's useless to blame you!"

Xuan Zhan laughed at himself, and then said: "He Xiaoqi is not suitable to be a lord!"

Luo Tiangang was silent for a while, took a sip of his drink, and said with a little aftertaste:

"you choose!"

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