(Kneeling for a monthly ticket...)

Wan Qingkui withdrew his hand on Xuan Zhan's back, and after a moment of silence, he whispered, "I don't know either!"

Xuan Zhan gave a bitter smile, then smiled and said, "This is my life!"

After Wan Qingkui told Luo Tiangang about Xuan Zhan's physical condition, he saw Luo Tiangang slowly stretch out a pair of white fingers. His fingers were as soft as a baby, but not as white and smooth as Xuan Zhan!

A wave slowly appeared between Luo Tiangang's fingers, as if a wave of energy was flowing on his fingers in the dark!

"The method of divination is profound and profound. In fact..." Luo Tiangang closed his eyes and said leisurely, "There is a crack in the sky, and divination is based on a crack in the air under the way of heaven. Thousands of accomplishments, covering the cycle of life and life, being human and character-oriented, the spatial layout of walking, the theory of luck, plus the principles of yin and yang and five elements, etc., to get a glimpse of the truth of this mystery!"

Xuan Zhan listened to Luo Tiangang's words in silence, but was a little surprised by the divination method in his heart!

Luo Tiangang opened his eyes, twitched his fingers slightly, and said with a light smile: "I see that your asynchronous method seems to have some such things mixed in, and your footwork still needs to be improved, and this improvement can be improved. It is based on how much you understand the power of nature and the power of space!"

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly...

After a long time, Luo Tiangang breathed a sigh of relief, and after a moment of silence he said: "Junior brother, your journey to ascension may be very difficult!"

Wan Qingkui was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Junior Brother, how do you explain this?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes...

Luo Tiangang said with a wry smile: "Junior brother, you are blocked by the heavens! In other words, the summoning power of the heavens will no longer appear on you!"

Hearing Luo Tiangang's explanation, Xuan Zhan's heart trembled...

"Those damned guys!" Wan Qingkui suddenly snorted coldly in a low voice, "Didn't they just swallow two tribulation-crossing thunder yuan!"

"How could this be..." Xuan Zhan murmured to himself, he wanted to go to the fairy world, and in that fairy world, there was another person waiting for him to solve a cloud of doubts, that Ling Bo, the one she had written in her mind. A seal, what is sealed... What is it! (This matter is explained at the beginning)

Xuan Zhan never thought that the mysterious woman he rescued at will would have such a powerful background, she was actually the daughter of an emperor in the fairy world!And the strength of the set of "Cangxin Sword Art" she bestowed on herself can be said to be the foundation of her foothold in the early stage. If it weren't for this set of exercises, his road to declaring war would be very difficult, and he might even have died long ago. Destroy!

And that seal, what exactly is it sealing?Declare war desperate to know!Touching the jade pendant in his bosom, there is also a so-called wood-type resonating jade pendant, the mysterious "Master Qisu", all of these, Xuan Zhan wants to find out!

Luo Tiangang said softly: "It's no wonder, the younger brother can devour the divine thunder, but he can eat the divine thunder. It's no wonder that those people in the fairy world don't stop him!"

A hint of anger flashed across Wan Qingkui's face...

Xuan Zhan took a gulp of wine, and the drunkenness in his head became more and more serious. After thinking for a while, Xuan Zhan asked in a deep voice: "Is there any other way to go to the fairy world?"

"Yes!" Luo Tiangang said with a smile, sipped what was in the cup, and laughed when he saw the declaration of war...


"Mahayana has a total of nine ranks. After reaching the ninth rank of Mahayana, it can be said that he is the real pinnacle master in the current cultivation world! At that time, he can open his strongest cultivation base and wait all day long for the appearance of the power of summoning! No need to keep suppressing it all the time! Cultivation beyond the Mahayana period!" Wan Qingkui smiled as he looked at the drunken Xuan Zhan!

"Then... what about you?" Xuan Zhan looked at the two senior brothers curiously and asked, "What level are the two senior brothers and your companions at?"

"We..." Luo Tiangang and Wan Qingkui smiled mysteriously, and said leisurely, "Our realm, even monks who have passed the ninth rank of Mahayana in these countless times, don't know it. Our level is called 'Critical'!"

"Critical..." Xuan Zhan said vaguely, and then smiled, "If my guess is correct, there is no mortal monk in this cultivation world who can reach your level!"

"That's right!" Wan Qingkui laughed loudly, "Critical powerhouses only belong to immortals from the lower realms!"

Xuan Zhan was taken aback for a moment: "Senior brothers, you...are you immortals?"

"No!" Luo Tiangang laughed, "We are not immortals!"

Declaring war fell silent. After thinking about it several times, he still couldn't figure out what the two senior brothers meant. He suddenly realized that in front of the two senior brothers, everything he knew was like a child's!

"If you have a chance, you will know in the future! In fact, we are all the same, we are all ants under this heaven, and we are all monks!" Luo Tiangang patted Xuan Zhan's shoulder, and then said: "Sleep, after the next day , what should go, what should stay!"

Xuan Zhan smiled drunkenly and fell to the ground...


After waking up the next day, Xuan Zhan looked at the roof of the living room, and was taken aback for a moment, he...was actually drunk!

With a movement of his left hand, he touched a warm arm quietly, and Xuan Zhan turned his head to look, only to see a woman in a yellow shirt and light veil, covered with a scarf, lying on the side of the bed, falling asleep with her head down!

Looking at this woman, a warm current quietly flowed in Xuan Zhan's heart, and he stretched out his hand and gently lifted the scarf!

"Ah!" The girl was awakened by the touch, and looked up shyly at Xuan Zhan. The next moment, she hastily covered her face with the scarf again, and said a little at a loss, "I...I last night When I woke up, I saw you lying in the yard and fell asleep, so I moved you to the bed! You...don't get me wrong!"

Xuan Zhan smiled softly, and the next moment, a pair of big hands put her on the bed, lifted her veil again, stroked Long Ying's delicate face, and quietly paused with her fingers on the blue butterfly mark on her cheek, smelling The girl's seductive body fragrance whispered: "Why do you always wear a veil?"

Feeling the strong aura unique to men, Long Ying's heart suddenly trembled violently, leaving all the true essence and Dao heart behind her, and said with a little shortness of breath: "You...you let me go, I just I don't want others to see my face, so let me go!"

Xuan Zhan still hugged Long Ying relentlessly. The next moment, a pair of big hands ruthlessly tore off Long Ying's robe, revealing the girl's alluring body. Regardless of Long Ying's struggle, the big hands stroked the bumpy The curves of the body immediately made Xuan Zhan's lower body exalted!

A misty look flashed across Long Ying's eyes, the corner of her mouth panted softly, a drop of tear quietly left behind, she murmured to herself: "Declaration of war...I...Could it be that Ying'er is your tool to vent your desire?"

Her heart is miserable, since she was possessed by the declaration of war, she has no face to face her sweetheart. Her character is destined to be conservative, so she has followed the declaration of war until now, but there is inevitably a gap in her heart!The scene of forcibly occupying her at the beginning of the declaration of war is always the most serious scar in her heart!

When Xuan Zhan heard this, his head suddenly came to his senses, and he looked down at the naked girl in his arms, a trace of regret quietly appeared in his eyes...


Huai Xiao and You Zijin were the only two people who declared war. With Wan Qingkui's consent, Chu Xinghen and Yun Wuying sent their disciples to lead them into Xiao Nai He Realm in Xu Guangling's state of mind!

Huai Xiao still had that cynical, giggling look, You Zijin was still as cold as an iceberg, and the declaration of war knew that this woman was soaring, like an erupting volcano!

Xuan Zhan looked at the two people with extreme personalities, and said softly: "Huai Xiao, since you appeared in the realm of self-cultivation, you have finally reached this misty Jian Xintian, and you are finally able to gain a foothold, but..."

"Stop!" Huai Xiao said lazily, "The relationship between the two of us is different from before, you and I don't belong to the same sect's disciples, so Huai Xiao won't respect you anymore, hehe... I said declare war, why are you so lucky to find such a beautiful girl as your wife!"

In a word, it immediately made Long Ying beside her blush beautifully!

Xuebao hid behind Fairy Shaoyao, and said in a low voice unwillingly: "I want to be the little master's wife too, I want to be..." Holding Panda's hands in his arms, he squeezed them hard!

"Aw..." Panda screamed, awakening Chang Sheng who was sleeping on its head again!

You Zijin stood beside Huaixiao, with his right hand secretly on Huaixiao's waist, and pinched him fiercely, but seeing Huaixiao still insisted with a pig's face, he said: "I said to declare war, a man who has three wives and four four The concubine is normal, but... hiss... that is very important, I will give you some medicine, and I will keep you safe!" After speaking, she took out a jade bottle from her arms with trembling hands and continued to slap her face. Said: "This is the 'slutty drug' that I worked overtime last night to refine... Hiss..."

You Zijin suddenly let go of his hand, and after dodging the bottle of medicine, an ice crystal popped out of his palm, freezing the medicine, and then squeezed it hard...

"Boom!" The bottle instantly shattered...

Huai Xiao exclaimed in surprise: "My prostitute's drug!"

"Hmph!" You Zijin snorted coldly, looked at Huai Xiao with disdain...

Huaixiao coughed slightly, but said with a slightly serious face: "Declaration of war, I admire you! You can swallow your breath like this, which is beyond my expectations!"

Xuan Zhan smiled indifferently: "You flattered me!"

"No, this is definitely not flattering you!" Huai Xiao said in a deep voice, "Unless you don't care about their right and wrong at all, otherwise, no matter how good your cultivation is, this is impossible. This is your master's sect. , even if you don't have any affection, but in the face of your master and your two senior brothers, it is more or less likely to stay, but you have made such a plan!"

"What's even more ridiculous!" Huai Xiao said here, with a look of disdain flashing in his eyes, "That Yin Zhengfeng, who is old and immortal, wants to abolish your cultivation, what an idiot! You have lived so much in vain!"

Xuan Zhan was silent for a while, then looked at Huai Xiao, and said in a concentrated voice: "Hui Xiao, you have firmly remembered a sentence for me. In this, you have two major enemies, one is He Xiaoqi, and the other is Yin Zhengfeng!"

Huai Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a lazy long smile: "I'm all alone now, uh... no, no, I'm in a couple now, um... I don't have anything to do with them, how much enmity can there be!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Huai Xiao seriously, and said in a deep voice: "In the future, you will know that your character is doomed to be ruthless and ruthless. Believe it or not, he actually knows in his heart that my cultivation cannot be abolished, but he dares to say it, which shows that he... is a person who is desperate for lack of toughness!"

Huai Xiao and You Zijin were taken aback for a moment...

"As for He Xiaoqi..." Xuan Zhan said with a soft smile when he mentioned this person, "He thinks that the one who stands and laughs last is the winner, so he is very reserved and deep-minded, and usually he doesn't like to talk too much, but But he has a glib tongue, his mouth never spits out human words! Compared with this kind of person, I believe your mouth should be as sharp as a needle's head!"

"That pretentious guy..." Huaixiao said to himself, "Hey, declare war... what do you mean by that, why do you mean that I am compared with his non-speaking mouth... bastard, don't go , Finish talking to me, don’t go, you bastard, tell me what you have said before you go!”

But seeing above the sky, a stream of light quietly passed away, gradually getting farther and farther away...

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