Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 454 Su Lin Joins

"Boom..." Brilliant streamers burst into the universe crazily, Xuan Zhan looked at the cosmic scenery outside, and stood indifferently in the astrolabe...

The cultivation base of the fifth rank of Mahayana has made the speed of the current astrolabe reach a terrifying level. The time of twenty breaths is about a distance of nearly one light-year!This speed can be said to be close to that of a demon!

The three little guys were chasing and shouting excitedly, running around from time to time!

"My dear son, Dad is going to catch you!" Panda ran towards Chang Sheng who was scrambling his paws to dodge his dad, and Xue Bao was giggling, shouting for cheer and making trouble!

Fairy Shaoyao sat in a corner, casually glanced at the declaration of war in a daze, the graceful curve stretched on the wall of the astrolabe, and beyond the transparent wall was the vast and vast starry sky of the universe!Fairy Shaoyao stretched her body lazily, with a hint of bitterness and intolerance showing at the corner of her mouth!

After looking at the girl beside her, Fairy Shaoyao said softly, "Long Ying, what are you thinking?"

Long Ying shook her head and said softly: "Sister Shaoyao, how far is the Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan from here?"

Fairy Shaoyao said softly: "Based on your benefactor... based on the speed at which war is declared, it will take about half a year!"

"Oh!" Long Ying nodded lightly, looked at the arrogant declaration of war from the back, and then suddenly said in a low voice, "And then?"

Fairy Shaoyao looked at the girl with some pity, but she didn't know how to comfort her. From a woman's point of view, if she encountered something like Long Ying, she would wish to commit suicide in her heart. Because of this, Fairy Shaoyao couldn't feel any disgust at all. That man took on the responsibility that should have been Zeng Shan, and took the oath to protect this girl!

"Then, after declaring war and escorting me there, I don't know where he will go next!" Fairy Shaoyao said in a daze!

"Oh..." Long Ying answered casually...

Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and he looked indifferently into the space ahead, and the Fa Jue moved slightly, but it stopped the void of the astrolabe!

A peerless figure quietly stood in the universe, with a beautiful face looking at the position where Xuan Zhan was located. Behind this woman, a shriveled figure in black robe followed her!

Fairy Shaoyao and Long Ying took a look, and were taken aback for a moment. That beautiful figure was not Dihui... But the person behind her, the shriveled black-robed body, made it impossible for the two of them to see who it was. !

"I'll come as I go!" Xuan Zhan said, looking at the people around him!With a flash of stature, he appeared in the universe instantly, and shot towards the earth wisdom in a flash!

"You're still here!" Looking at the woman in front of him, Xuan Zhan said slowly with a soft smile!

"I'm here to send him to you!" Di Hui said softly, looking at Xuan Zhan with her beautiful eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "I think, only by letting him stay by your side can he return to his previous state. memory!"

Xuan Zhan silently looked at the man behind Di Hui, and said softly, "What's going on with him now?"

Di Hui said softly: "I wiped away the brand that the old Demon Devourer had branded on his body, but now... he has forgotten everything except knowing how to protect Linglong!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the body of the black robe, and said softly: "But in his life, there is another place that is as important as Linglong in his heart!"

Di Hui nodded: "You...bring him to the Pride School, maybe...he will have a chance to recover his memory!"

Xuan Zhan thought for a while, then whispered, "What about you!"

"I will leave the cultivation world in a few days!" Di Hui laughed softly, "We don't have much time, since we can't find that person, we have to... leave!"

After declaring war for a moment of silence, a gentle sword intent wrapped around the black-robed man, looked at Di Hui and said softly, "Take care!"

"There will be a time later!" Dihui smiled happily, and with a flash of her figure, streaks of colorful streamers were drawn in an instant, flying towards the starry sky of the universe, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Xuan Zhan gave a wry smile, and murmured in a low voice: "People are still these people, people...but they are not those people anymore!", slightly refreshed, and with this gentle sword intent, the man in black robe flew towards the astrolabe in an instant past!

"Boom..." The astrolabe erupted in an instant, and the astrolabe shot into the universe like lightning!

Long Ying looked at the black-robed man curiously, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes!

Xuan Zhan gently lifted the black robe, and the exposed face immediately surprised Long Ying, and then said in a low voice: "Who is he? How did he become like this?"

This person is Su Lin!After Wan Qingkui imprisoned Linglong, he used force to suppress Linglong at the bottom of a mountain range, and was scorched by the fire from the center of the earth. In the past few years, Su Lin's body could not help but not become weaker, and it was even more violent than before. Much stronger!

Today's Su Lin is an unconscious celestial corpse. He doesn't know pain at all, but the power that erupts is so strong that even a monk in the tribulation period must weigh it carefully!He can't release true energy, but her body is so firm, it can be said that in today's cultivation world, few people can hurt Su Lin!

But seeing Shulin open his empty eyes, looking forward without blinking, with a shriveled look, he looked extremely shocked, and at this moment, his mouth was opening and closing unconsciously, and he could vaguely hear it. He was saying: "Linglong...Linglong...Linglong..."

Xuan Zhan said softly: "Ying'er, let me tell you his story!"

"Hmm..." Long Ying nodded lightly. She found that even though she was by Xuan Zhan's side, she was so homesick and wanted to go back immediately, but there was another advantage of being by Xuan Zhan's side, that is, she would hear To many, many stories that make her feel fresh!

And today's story is about a man named Su Lin, about the Pride Sect, about the Nine Swords of Pride...

Xuan Zhan vividly told Long Ying and Fairy Shaoyao what happened back then, from the first time he met Su Lin, to the young and heroic spirit of the arrogant Nine Swords, to the proud and arrogant sect under their great power. , how strong it is!

When it comes to Nine Swords of Pride, a group of people often gather in a small building in the back mountain, drinking upside down, and when it comes to Su Lin's first encounter with Linglong, everything... seems to return to the past in the mouth of the declaration of war...

"Whoosh..." The astrolabe shot wildly into the space, leisurely, and finally came to the first planet that can be teleported!

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