(Kneeling for a monthly ticket...)

Bi Dechuan sat in the discussion hall with a peaceful face, listening to the discussions of the senior elders in the left and right sects, as if he didn't care!

"The background of Yaoyue Xianlou is very strong. Although we can invite countless experts to come to support, but one of the forces of the Seven Paths is not something that just anyone dares to provoke. We must tell Yaoyue Xianlou about that person. Be clear, and when necessary, hand over him and his spirit beast!" A middle-aged white-robed elder with long eyebrows and beard looked coldly at his fellow disciples around him and said, "The people his spirit beast kills are not ordinary people. people!"

"He is the grandson of one of the three high-level executives in Yaoyuexianlou, we all know that!" Another middle-aged elder in white robes said calmly on the other side, "The power of Yaoyuexianlou is indeed something we cannot provoke. Yes, but this person, can we provoke him?"

"Then what do you think we should do? Can I just let my Holy Spirit Xianxinyuan bear all this alone?" Another person said coldly, "20 years, that person has been here for 20 years, and he has not been out of the back mountain all year round. Master Yuan, Junior Brother, I really don't understand why you promised him to leave him a temporary residence in the back mountain, this temporary residence lasts for 20 years!"

Bi Dechuan listened to the junior brother's words, a relaxed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he avoided answering!

"Senior brother, let's not talk about his identity, even more than a hundred years ago, this person helped Senior Brother Dansheng to overcome the tribulation, we must do our best to ensure that he overcomes this difficulty!" A fellow student suddenly shouted Said, "Brother Dansheng has already ascended to the fairy world. If he knows that I am waiting in this lower realm, even if I can't even protect a former benefactor, Brother Dansheng will not blame us!"

As soon as this person mentioned Dan Sheng, everyone immediately shut up and remained silent!

"Finished?" Bi Dechuan looked at the brothers around him and finally closed their mouths, and said with a soft smile, "If you have finished speaking, then it's my turn to speak!"

Many monks were slightly embarrassed...

Bi Dechuan stood up from the chair leisurely, walked to the door with his hands behind his back, looked at the long stretches of green hills, and a trace of relief quietly appeared in his eyes: "This sect has been sitting in this position for thousands of years. , our group of people have never experienced any kind of crisis, but a little monk Chen Xuqi died. This monk only had the backing of Yaoyue Xianlou. It scares you. It is really a waste of thousands of lives Year!"

Listening to Lord Yuan's lecture, the monks around suddenly showed a little bit of resentment, but a few people showed a little bit of embarrassment!

"Hey... We have been alone in the cultivation world for too long!" Bi Dechuan said with a wry smile, "It's just that a seemingly powerful disciple died. Thinking back, what a dangerous situation our sect has experienced. , was besieged by several monks who dissipated demons, and we had to hold on, and we were forced to die one after another, and we were even in danger of annihilating the sect, but you see, aren't we still doing well now! Hmph, so many years , I am already greedy for life and afraid of death!"

What Bi Dechuan said was tens of thousands of years ago, the disciples in the sect accidentally provoked a monk who scattered demons, and in the end, this demon-scattered monk formed a gang to besiege Hanyuexing, which almost led to the demise of the sect In the end, the elders in the sect relied on exchanging their lifespan for powerful cultivation pills one by one, and took the lead one by one, and finally killed and wiped out the group of monks!In that battle, more than 80.00% of the three generations of the sect and the disciples of the hidden world were killed or injured!

After tens of thousands of years of submerged cultivation, it was not until more than ten thousand years ago that he regained his vitality!

This incident dealt a great blow to Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan. Fortunately, the cornerstone of the cultivation method was not missing much, so that the Taoist tradition could be continued!

It has been 20 years... Bi Dechuan looked towards the green mountains, deep mountains and old forests. In that direction, there was a white-haired monk who had never stepped out for 20 years, and he didn't know what he was doing. However, Bi Dechuan was very relieved, even though this had already happened, He is also very at ease!

Because my teacher and niece Fairy Shaoyao once said that the white-haired monk, Xuan Zhan, is a powerful Mahayana monk, and he is not so powerful, even if he is a nine-turn loose immortal, he may not be able to fight!

Nine-turn Sanxian only belongs to the legendary masters!

Although he had some doubts about the real cultivation level of the one who declared war, but thinking about it, even if he couldn't beat the rank nine Loose Immortal, rank eight or seven, it should be okay!

As for the Yaoyue Xianlou... it is already very good to have a monk at the Mahayana stage!Can the Mahayana period beat Sanxian who has been solved by soldiers?The answer is yes, no!

So Bi Dechuan was very relieved, he knew that the declaration of war would definitely appear, because that little spirit beast named Panda was his reverse scale!

At this moment, a woman wearing a red veil walked outside the door, and this woman was holding a well-behaved little girl in her hand. The little face was full of indifference!

The beautiful woman in the red veil looked at the battle in the hall with a sweet smile, then giggled and said: "My master said, you don't need to manage this matter, he will take care of everything!"

"Miss Xuan Bao, where is your master now?" Bi Dechuan's eyes lit up, and he looked at the girl and asked curiously!

Xuan Bao covered his mouth with a smile, and said softly: "In the city, at Yaoyue Xianlou, um...he's teaching that idiot Panda a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, he led the little girl Shi Shiran out of the door, leaving the group of monks in a daze alone with a look of confusion...


Long Ying slowly poured a cup of fragrant wine into the cup that declared war, and looked at the little Panda with her head drooping on the stone chair with a pair of smart eyes in a funny way!

"Little master, Panda is wrong, please don't punish me, please don't make me not be allowed to eat bamboo for a month!"

Xuan Zhan picked up the wine bottle, took a sip lightly, frowned and said: "This wine... has a very mild taste!"

Long Ying shook her head helplessly, then smiled silently!

It's been 20 years, time flies by, unexpectedly, it has been 20 years, and when I stay by this man's side, it will be 20 years!But... Even if he wasn't staying by his side, where could he go?Go home... Do you... have the face to go home?

Thinking of this, Long Ying's eyes darkened slightly, but she felt a big hand gently holding her hand, and the man's voice came from next to her ear: "In a while, you... take me back!"

Long Ying was stunned for a moment, and a trace of hesitation suddenly appeared on her small face...

The shopkeeper surnamed Wang stood in the distance, looking at a hanging stone table a hundred meters away, a trace of inexplicable color flashed in his eyes, beside him, a servant accompanied him, and said gloomyly: "The shopkeeper , What should we do? This white-haired monk's cultivation is so strong that even you can't see through it, but there is news from the higher-ups that it will take half a month to come to support, shall we... just let him come in at will?"

"Then what do you say?" Shopkeeper Wang said in a low voice with some resentment, "His cultivation has definitely reached the Tianxin stage, and may even be in the late Tianxin stage! He... is too powerful!"

"Hey, just don't disturb him for the time being, we will give him whatever he wants, and settle him down for the time being. As long as he doesn't leave Hanyuexing, his death will be half a month later. Elder Dong personally brought him The appearance of support, I think it must be the fury of Thunder!"

Thinking of Elder Dong's cultivation base, shopkeeper Wang's face suddenly jumped wildly, as if Elder Dong was a god-like existence in his heart.

The servant next to him heard shopkeeper Wang's order. After thinking about it, he also felt that this matter was very tricky. He didn't know what to do, so he responded casually: "That's the only way!"


A smile appeared on Xuan Zhan's mouth, he looked at Panda and said angrily: "Little guy, your strength is too strong, don't make such casual moves in the future!"

"Hehe... What Daddy said is right. Daddy, your strength is really powerful for them!" Changsheng sat on the shoulder of the declaration of war, looking at his father who admitted his mistake, suddenly Hehe laughed!

"This month, you should leave me idle and don't walk around outside. If I find you eating bamboo or sneaking out, I will let you not eat bamboo for two months. If you commit the third crime, I will punish you not to eat bamboo for three months!" Xuan Zhan looked at Panda helplessly and said!

Panda looked at his master pitifully, then stretched out two fingers on his paws and said, "Little master, punish me for not eating bamboo for a day! One day, just one day!"

Changsheng broke down and shouted: "Dad, you are two, what you stretch out are two fingers!"

"Two?" Panda was taken aback, and immediately pressed his left hand on one finger of his right hand, and said with a chuckle, "Isn't this becoming one? Panda is smarter!"

Long Ying chuckled, but the next moment she couldn't stop laughing and giggled!

Xuan Zhan looked at Panda speechlessly, then smiled wryly and said, "Panda, I have to teach you how to count later!"

Panda rubbed his head, and said with some doubts: "Then after you teach me how to count, will you be able to eat bamboo?"

"Hehehehe..." Long Ying burst out into a burst of joyful laughter again, and said out of breath, "Panda, why are you thinking about bamboo all over your head!"

Panda sat on the stone chair, scratched the hair on his head with his claws and smiled innocently: "Because Panda likes to eat bamboo!"

Xuan Zhan shook his head speechlessly, and said softly: "One month, it must be one month, neither increase nor decrease!"

Panda drooped his head again depressed, and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Bamboo, Bamboo...Little Master, how about a week...not for a week, how about half a month..."

Xuan Zhan smiled wryly, but turned his eyes to the shopkeeper Wang who was a hundred meters away, and then waved his hand to signal him to come over!

Shopkeeper Wang did not suspect him, and flew to Xuan Zhan with a calm smile on his face and asked respectfully, "Senior, what are your orders?"

Xuan Zhan took a closer look at Shopkeeper Wang, and asked softly, "You said it, but it's true? Will Elder Dong come in half a month?"

The shopkeeper Wang was taken aback for a moment, and his heart trembled: He... He actually heard what I said just now!After the face changed drastically, he said respectfully: "If you go back to the senior, the news from the headquarters is indeed like this!"

Xuan Zhan smiled, and said softly, "I hope Elder Dong, whom you speak of, knows current affairs!"

In a word, shopkeeper Wang immediately sent a chill down his back!

As soon as the declaration of war sits here, half a month has passed!Watching dancers dance and listening to musical instrument ensembles in your spare time, accompanied by beauties, is extremely pleasant!

Half a month later, dozens of faint auras suddenly came from above the Hanyue star. As soon as these ten auras appeared, the war in the fairy building space was declared, and a pleasant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth immediately!

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