Dong Cunshan forcibly suppressed the monstrous anger in his heart, led twelve deacons, and after half a month of frantic rush, finally came to the branch of the Holy Spirit Immortal Xinyuan!

Seeing the scene of the teleportation array going back and forth, Dong Cunshan snorted coldly, flicked the cloak on his back, and said in a cold voice: "Go, go to the restaurant first to understand the situation!"

The twelve deacons silently followed behind Dong Cunshan, with murderous intent on their faces!

When a group of them appeared below the restaurant, Dong Cunshan was about to fly up, when he suddenly saw a white-haired monk appearing at the door of the restaurant, he was slightly taken aback, but saw the monk with a woman, and Two little spirit beasts flew down from above, and Shi Shiran stood 20 meters in front of the group of people waiting for him!

Dong Cunshan squinted his eyes, looked at the white-haired monk, and felt strange in his heart: The young monk in front of him seemed to blend in with the surroundings. If he wasn't looking at him, he couldn't feel the existence of the other party!And he couldn't see through the opponent's cultivation at all. This discovery made Dong Cunshan's expression suddenly wrinkle!

Shopkeeper Wang then went out, his expression changed slightly when he saw Dong Cunshan, and then he came to Dong Cunshan's side and had a low-pitched conversation!

Xuan Zhan took a careful look at Dong Cunshan, and found that although the old man was only in the middle of the catastrophe, his lifespan was almost exhausted. He knew that the old man's road to cultivation and enlightenment would not last more than two or three hundred years!Although he just came out of the Purple Light Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, he remembered quite a few monks from the Tianxin period and above, but he didn't have the slightest impression of this old man. Presumably because of his qualifications, this old monk was not qualified to participate. !

To participate in the Ziguang Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, the first is the cultivation qualification, and the second is the Tianxin stage, so that you are eligible to let the monks of Piaomiao Jianxintian choose whether they are suitable for participating in the conference!

And this Dong Cunshan is obviously a mortal body!

With a light smile, Xuan Zhan stroked a strand of his hair lightly, and looked at Dong Cunshan with a half-smile!

Listening to Shopkeeper Wang's low voice and looking at Xuanzhan from time to time, Dong Cunshan looked at Xuanzhan with an increasingly cold and murderous look, and then suddenly waved his hand to stop Shopkeeper Wang's explanation, his gloomy eyes narrowed to look at Xuanzhan He said in a cold voice, "How dare you kill the old man's great-grandson and exterminate the disciples of the old man's clan! No matter who you are, if you mess with me, it will be your death!"

Xuan Zhan Gujing glanced calmly at the twelve monks behind the old man, and said softly, "I'll give you something as a gift, let's forget about it! It's not like your junior is really dead!"

Dong Cunshan's eyes turned cold suddenly, and he said angrily: "It's just immortality. Do you think this is the end of the century of suffering of rebirth? Hmph... Do you think that if you give me something, this will be forgotten. Disciple of the Dong family, here you go!" I killed him to avenge my grandson!"

As soon as the words fell, the twelve monks beside Dong Cunshan suddenly burst out with Chen Xu's initial cultivation base. As soon as these twelve breaths came out, the flow of nearly one percent of Hanyuexing's heaven and earth vitality was accelerated. Especially in this city, the countless heaven and earth vitality crazily impacted and reverberated above the city, but these auras made the city tremble slightly!

Twelve beams of light instantly sacrificed their talisman, wrapped in murderous aura, rushed towards the declaration of war!

"Hey..." Xuan Zhan sighed deeply, and flicked his fingers with white hair. The next moment, clusters of long white hair suddenly swept from Xuan Zhan's head, and in an instant, twelve white streaks separated out. With long hair and flowing light, he gently entangled the twelve magic weapons that came to him!

The faces of the twelve monks changed, and the spells moved wildly, but what made them pale in horror was that their natal magic weapon could not be controlled by themselves, and was still under the control of the long hair who declared war!

Dong Cunshan and the twelve disciples were stunned for a moment, seeing that the distance between the two sides was only 30 meters, but at this moment it was as far away as a chasm!With one move, he suppressed twelve Chen Xuqi monks. This kind of cultivation level made Dong Cunshan stunned, and he felt that the man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary Tianxin late stage!

"My boy, I didn't expect you to have so many strange skills. This old man underestimated you!" Dong Cunshan said coldly while looking at the long hair that declared war!

Xuan Zhan said in a low voice and indifferently: "Why bother, I will still say what I just said, this matter... just forget it!"

Dong Cunshan smiled cruelly, and shouted: "Don't waste any more time, kill him!"

"Boom!" The powerful aura of the twelve Chen Xuqi burst out crazily, tearing fiercely at the twelve white-haired dragons who declared war!

A strong aura came from the twelve Chen Xuqi deacons, but what surprised them was that no matter how hard they tore it apart, the twelve white lights were still viciously shaking without any change!Just when Dong Cunshan was about to roar again, he saw Xuan Zhan pulling his head slightly...

"Boom!" Twelve white-haired dragons immediately pulled the rolled up magic weapon, but after a few breaths, popping sounds appeared again and again in the long glowing ball!

"Pfft..." The twelve deacons Chen Xuqi suddenly vomited blood.Each looked at the declaration of war with horror...

" did this happen..." Looking at Xuan Zhan who had taken away his white hair, and the broken limbs of those magic weapons on the ground, Dong Cunshan was speechless in a daze!

If he moved casually, twelve Chen Xuqi monks would be injured. Dong Cunshan could do this kind of powerful method, but... he absolutely couldn't do it so chicly and comfortably as declaring war!

Dong Cunshan looked at the sudden change with chills, but under the horror in his heart, he looked at Xuan Zhan, looked at Xuan Zhan carefully and asked: "You... who are you?"

"My name is Xuan Zhan!" Xuan Zhan said in a low voice, "I have given you two chances, but you are still stubborn!"

Shopkeeper Wang looked at the situation at this moment with trepidation. He knew that the other party was very powerful, but... he didn't know that the other party was so powerful. With a wave of his hand, he wiped out the natal magic weapon of twelve Chen Xuqi monks. Moreover, it still seems so effortless!Who is he...?

"Declaration of war?" Dong Cunshan muttered to himself in a low voice, "This old man has never heard of a number one figure like you in the cultivation world!"

Twelve monks stood behind Dong Cunshan in embarrassment spitting blood, looking at the declaration of war with a look of horror, but they were so frightened that they didn't dare to make any movement!

At this moment, the finger that declared war suddenly swayed again, "Swoosh..." Twelve white lights suddenly pierced through the void like a flash of lightning. Before Dong Cunshan could react, twelve long white lights The dragon swept towards the twelve deacons fiercely in an instant!

"No!" Dong Cunshan roared suddenly, and the magic formula in his hand instantly frantically exploded, and a black barrier spread out from his body in an instant!

"Boom!" Twelve deafening voices resounded in Dong Cunshan's ears. Standing in the protective barrier, Dong Cunshan stared blankly at the scene in front of him, only to see that the bodies of the twelve deacons had already collapsed. There is nothing left, only the power of the primordial spirit that is constantly struggling in those twelve long white hairs!

"Let them go!" Dong Cunshan's old face was trembling with horror, and he roared frantically, "Let them go, everything is easy to talk about!"

"He who understands the current affairs is a hero!" Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, "Senior, you understand too late!"

As soon as the voice fell, the power of the twelve primordial spirits was suddenly wrapped tightly by the long white hair. The next moment, the power of the primordial spirit, which was struggling frantically, completely disappeared between heaven and earth!

Dong Cunshan was stunned for a moment, suddenly bursts of bitterness welled up in his heart, and suddenly shouted angrily: "Declaration of war, this old man will never end with you!"

Just as he was about to take some action, Dong Cunshan suddenly saw a white light getting brighter and approaching in his eyes, like a thunderbolt, it instantly wrapped around his body!

The long white hair declaring war fluttered wildly, and a tuft of long hair was already wrapped around Dong Cunshan's body. Looking at Dong Cunshan indifferently, he shook his head and said, "Ants are always ants!"

Under the eyes of shopkeeper Wang, Dong Cunshan suddenly exclaimed crazily: "Let me go, let me go, this matter ends here, I will never pursue it!"

Dong Cunshan struggled crazily. He found that no matter what he did, he couldn't exert half a point of his powerful cultivation in the transcending tribulation period, and everything was locked in his body. The fear in his heart suddenly rushed from the bottom of his heart. In the brain, waves of death threats spread into the heart instantly!

Shopkeeper Wang suddenly shouted tremblingly: "Senior Xuan, you can't kill Elder Dong, you can't kill him!"

Xuan Zhan asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because..." Shopkeeper Wang whispered bitterly at the corner of his mouth...

"Declaration of war, because behind the Yaoyue Xianlou is the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao!" Dong Cunshan suddenly roared loudly, "If you kill me, you will definitely provoke the seniors of the Five Yin Blood Demon Dao to attack you mercilessly!" Endless pursuit, even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you will never escape!"

"Five yin and blood evil ways..." Xuan Zhan murmured suddenly in thought, and the next moment, his fingers slightly bent, "That woman Hua Xihua..."

"Boom!" Dong Cunshan's body was suddenly restrained by the white hair, and the next moment, his body collapsed and disappeared with a "Boom!", and the power of the primordial spirit had not yet escaped, but was already entangled by white light!

"Interesting, interesting!" A smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, "Then I'll just wait here and wait for the evil spirit of the Five Yins and Blood!"

"Boom!" Dong Cunshan's primordial spirit power was instantly compressed by the white hair that declared war and entangled into a white cocoon, completely disappearing between the world!

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