Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 458 Feng Xun'er

In the "Qingbi Danxin Mountain", there is a secluded lake with rippling light. The water surface of the lake is rippling, and the ripples move evenly. Around the lake, various herbs are planted, exuding a dense and dynamic halo, embellishing this place. It's so beautiful!

The spring rain fell from the sky, dripping on the lake, dripping on the herbal trees, the moist soil mixed with the aroma of herbs, making this place covering thousands of square kilometers exude a paradise-like smell !

There was a simple thatched hut built of straw trees by the lake, but at this moment, there were four women in the hut plus a delicate and tender girl with a low and indifferent face!

Although the little girl looked indifferent, she sat cross-legged and concentrated on learning the Jiaoweiqin in her hand. Cozy!

Among the four women, there was a girl wearing a blue veil with a blue butterfly print on her face, sitting on the left side of the little girl, stroking a Guqin, and playing with the girl's double wall!

On the right side of the little girl is a beautiful woman in a palace dress. Looking at the little girl from her beautiful face, she has a look of love and affection!

And on the steps of the thatched shed, there stood a girl wearing a bright red veil with a coquettish and charming face. A little black dragon was hanging on the girl's shoulder, and the little black dragon was sleeping peacefully!

The sound of the zither is like a sound floating in the sky, and it is sent to everyone's ears in a long time!

"Mother, why did Teacher Xuan let the rain wet me?" The little girl curiously asked a white figure bathed in the loose rainwater by the lake while playing the piano!

Fairy Shaoyao said softly: "Your teacher is comprehending the nature of heaven, good boy, learn the piano with your Aunt Ying well, don't be distracted!"

"Understand the way of heaven and nature?" Fairy Shaoyao's daughter——Feng Xun'er's eyes flashed with confusion, "But... why did the teacher do this? Can fishing help you understand the way of heaven?"

Hearing her daughter's question, Fairy Shaoyao was at a loss for words and said after thinking: "Your teacher has a high level of cultivation, and his every move implies the principles of heaven. Mother is not as cultivated as your teacher. For some of his behaviors, It's also hard to understand!"

"Oh, is that so?" Feng Xun'er said with a flash of pride on her pink face, "So in Mother's heart, the teacher is so powerful!"

Fairy Peony smiled slightly!

"Xun'er, the timbre of one of your fingers just now was inaccurate!" Long Ying who was beside her lightly flicked Feng Xun'er's little head, "Concentrate on studying, and if you are distracted, be careful that I will give you a small report in front of your teacher." !"

"Oh..." Feng Xun'er stuck out her tongue a little angrily, and finally showed a trace of innocent expression that she should have at this age, and then continued to play the Jiaoweiqin beside her in silence!

Here is "Huifeng Lake"!

A lonely back by the lake, that back seems to be set off by the surrounding space, and against that back, it shows that he is out of the world, floating outside the world!

Xuan Zhan was sitting by the lake, fishing in the lake with a fishing rod in his hand, looking at the lake with calm eyes, as if he was thinking about the principles of heaven!

However, beside Xuan Zhan, there was a little guy, also holding a fishing rod, fishing with some commotion, I saw the little guy scratching left and right for a while, and then looked up at his little master!

"Little master, it's so boring!" Little Panda glanced at the small fish basket beside him, there fish in it, and then he glanced at the small fish basket beside Xuan Zhan, there...five fish in it!

Xuan Zhan seemed to have not heard the little guy's words, still looking at the lake with clear and bottomless eyes!

"Hey..." The little guy suddenly let out a breath of laziness, and flicked the fishing rod with his head drooping, revealing the hook, but he saw that the bait on it had been eaten by small fish in the lake at some point!

"No. 20 times..." The little guy picked up a stone from the bottom of his feet, and carefully placed it next to the fish basket, where nineteen stones were neatly placed. Ten, the little guy narrowed his eyes with some joy, "Ten more times!"

Either one fish is caught, or the bait is eaten thirty times by the small fish in the lake... This is the rule set for the little guy by the declaration of war!

The right hand fumbled for an earthworm in the small bag next to it, then put it on the hook, and started No.20 fishing!

Xuan Zhan was wearing an ordinary white suit, with long snow-white hair hanging over his shoulders, moving with the wind as if blending with the surroundings, the rain hit him sparsely, quietly wet the clothes!

"Plop, plop..." Xuan Zhan's heart moved, and when he lifted the fishing rod, a frantically struggling little fish was lifted up by Xuan Zhan, with a hint of helplessness at the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and then he took the small fish off and put it into the fish basket beside him, and placed it casually Put on the bait and keep fishing!

Xuan Zhan's eyes glanced at the sky a little lazily, and then returned to peace!

Time passed by unknowingly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye, but the sky was still covered with overcast clouds, and there was no sign of turning the clouds to see the sun!

It's been 20 years, and it's been 20 years since I came to Shengsheng Xianxinyuan!

20 years ago, after he came here and saw the young Feng Xun'er, he immediately decided to stay temporarily and be Feng Xun'er's teacher, teaching her homework and practice!Although the body structure of the Yaozu is different from that of human beings, they lead to the same goal by different routes. In terms of cultivation, after observing Feng Xun'er's body structure, and after half a year of thinking about it alone by the lake, he finally realized the difference in the brain for Xiao Xun'er. In the middle of the sea, a set of cultivation techniques is deduced!

The exercises are not particularly advanced, but they can allow Feng Xun'er to eliminate the demonic aura of the monster clan while practicing, and weaken the monster clan's pursuit of killing!The good intentions of declaring war, Fairy Shaoyao saw it in her eyes and kept it in her heart. Knowing that this set of exercises is really for the sake of her daughter, she didn't stop the little girl from practicing!

Perhaps because of the particularity of the growth of the monster race, Feng Xun'er is still a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with the physique of a human being in more than a hundred years since she was born, without any physical growth!

But Feng Xun'er's disposition is constantly maturing, especially after Xuan Zhan cruelly informed Feng Xun'er of Feng Xie's death, the little girl's disposition seemed to become an adult overnight!

Feng Xun'er's mind has never escaped the eyes of declaring war!Including her inner demons, including the hatred she heard her father was killed by humans, including... After Feng Xun'er took the Fengxie Yao Pill, the blood of the demon race was aroused by Feng Xun'er little by little , have never escaped the induction of declaring war!

So in the past 20 years, he has never been distracted by paying attention to Feng Xun'er's growth!

Also because of the attention paid to declaring war and the subtle changes, Feng Xun'er's hatred for Feng Xie's death and the human race has not penetrated so deep into her bone marrow until now, but every time these things are mentioned, Feng Xun'er's heart shudders. A tyrannical beast has appeared!This beast is Feng Xun'er's body, Feng Xun'er's monster body!

This beast is also the focus of attention and suppression of the declaration of war!

Declaring war is well aware of the dangers of this point, as the saying goes, "blocking is worse than sparse"!So Xuan Zhan has been subtly trying to change Feng Xun'er's evil nature, and wants to let Feng Xun'er control the beast in her heart at will!

And more than 20 years of continuous subtle efforts have also confirmed that the speculation and practice of declaring war are correct. Feng Xun'er... a year ago, she was finally able to use her powerful mind and thoughts, as well as the strength buried in her weak body. Mind, controlling the continuous explosion and impact of the beast in the body!

But... In the following year, Xuan Zhan suddenly felt that no matter how mature Feng Xun'er was, she was still a little girl! ! !

And Long Ying, as the proud daughter of the mysterious sect Thirteen Dou Tianfu, has a lot of understanding, especially her piano skills are outstanding, so... the scene in the thatched shed at this moment was born!

In the afternoon, when the sky cleared up, Shi Shiran stood up to declare war, and Panda beside him had already rushed into the thatched shed at some point, talking to Xue Bao and Feng Xun'er one by one!

With a slight shake of the body, a burst of heat instantly surged up, drying the drenched body instantly, and then walked towards the straw shed. The distance of several kilometers was only three or two steps, and it was already there!

Seeing her teacher coming, Feng Xun'er immediately stuck out her tongue at Panda secretly, and played it with a serious look, making Shaoyao Fairy and Long Ying beside her dumbfounded!

After Feng Xun'er played the last tune with her little hands, she obediently got up and stood in front of Xuan Zhan, with a cute smile on her pink face: "Teacher, how did you listen to Xun'er's talk?"

"More than proficient, but not smart enough!" Xuan Zhan shook his head indifferently and said softly!

When Feng Xun'er heard this, she immediately pouted her face in displeasure, and said a little unwillingly, "Teacher, Aunt Ying said that Xun'er talked pretty well! Aunt Ying, don't you think so!"

Long Ying glanced at Feng Xun'er amusedly, and said softly to Xuan Zhan: "After all, Xun'er's time to play the piano is still short, and it's quite excellent to be able to talk like this. You...don't praise her too much!"

Declaring war is ignoring Long Ying's good words, and looking at Feng Xun'er solemnly with a straight face, he said: "With piano skills, not only practice makes perfect, it is enough to send and receive freely, and mastery is the lowest goal I give you!"

Listening to the lecture of declaring war, Feng Xun'er's heart suddenly turned cold, and a layer of water mist appeared in her eyes instantly. She stood there timidly and motionless, and the four girls around her felt distressed for a while, but she didn't dare to help and speak casually!

"My goal, you are still far behind, continue to practice, three hours a day, no less than a moment! Remember, the skill of the piano, if you practice it to a high level, you will walk with the Tao. Practicing the piano is like Cultivate the Tao with one heart! Do you remember?" Xuan Zhan said indifferently.

"Remember...remember!" Feng Xun'er turned pale slightly, lowered her head timidly and said, "Xun'er remembered, let's continue practicing!" After finishing speaking, he immediately sat down and played carefully. Get up!

Panda sat beside Feng Xun'er with her limbs drooping, and she glanced at Feng Xun'er in a daze, but saw that the little girl in her eyes had already shed a lot of tears on her face, running across her tender cheeks , the little guy who didn't know why, stood up quickly, and carefully wiped Feng Xun'er's face with his furry paws. After wiping, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the little girl who seemed to have no feeling but was still concentrating on playing, and was a little puzzled. scratched my head...

"Little master..." Xue Bao cautiously came to Xuan Zhan's side, looked at Xuan Zhan with a serious face and said in a low voice, "Xun'er...has worked very hard, look at her fingers!"

Hearing Xue Bao's words, Xuan Zhan turned indifferently and walked to the entrance of the thatched shed, without even looking at Feng Xun'er's already red and swollen fingers!

Fairy Shaoyao and Long Ying shook their heads helplessly, both felt powerless, although...although they knew that what they did to declare war was all for the good of Feng Xun'er...

After a quarter of an hour, Xuan Zhan frowned when he heard the sound of the piano behind him, and said indifferently: "I made a wrong tone, practice for half an hour!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a low-pitched sobbing sound from behind, and a few gorgeous women suddenly felt sad when they saw it!

"Xun'er is young and her cultivation base is too low, but that piano is a primary treasure, and Xun'er is very difficult to play!" Long Ying looked at the little girl with some distress and said softly, "How about...or tomorrow Let's practice again!"

What Long Ying said is true. Although Xun'er swallowed Fengxie's demon pill, her power was imprisoned in her body by the declaration of war. Due to physical limitations, the declaration of war did not allow her to absorb it, and the human race's skills were not suitable for Feng Xun. Her practice, so Feng Xun'er's exercises are all tailor-made for her by Xuan Zhan, while his exercises focus on training the mind rather than the body!To this day, Xun'er's body is extremely weak, but the piano she plays is a primary treasure. Therefore, it is also doomed that Feng Xun'er's fingers will be injured after playing for a long time!

"Go down, I'm enough here alone!" Xuan Zhan said indifferently, turning his back to the girls!

Long Ying looked at Fairy Shaoyao with a complex expression, smiled bitterly and shook her head, then left here with Xue Bao and the other three!

"Continue!" Xuan Zhan said coldly with his back to Feng Xun'er!

The sound of the piano behind me echoes around my ears, fluttering up and down...

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