Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 467 1 Light Years

Declare war to control the astrolabe and break into the cosmic aurora sea, like an electric drill, piercing fiercely through the aurora group with a thickness of one light-year!

At the beginning of entering the Aurora Sea, the speed dropped suddenly, and the controlled astrolabe instantly felt a wave of crazy impact. In the feeling of declaring war, the astrolabe seemed to crash into the sea full of blades. !However, this astrolabe was given by his powerful and inhuman senior brother Wan Qingkui. The hardness of this astrolabe is just like his senior senior brother's cultivation level. It is so powerful that the declaration of war is shocked!

Even though it was extremely difficult, the declaration of war still controlled the distance of more than [-] kilometers!

But at a depth of [-] kilometers, it feels quite difficult to declare war one step further!The sharp cutting force of the aurora on the controlled astrolabe immediately multiplied by a hundred times!Each of these auroras within five hundred miles is several kilometers long, and the damage caused by these things is simply beyond what ordinary Sanxian can bear!

And after going deeper for hundreds of kilometers...

Xuan Zhan's upright hands were trembling crazily. Now, it can be said that he has tried his best to control the astrolabe, so that he did not get out of the track and was knocked into other places by the aurora!Today's declaration of war, the pressure it bears is not weaker than the pressure that the astrolabe bears!

Panda looked straight at the sweaty little master with a cold expression, scratched his head with some doubts, and quietly came to the periphery of the astrolabe in a flash. Through the transparent wall, Panda looked at the outside world. The scene suddenly froze!

Countless auroras danced wildly and cut the body of the astrolabe, and each impact would leave shallow traces. Each of these auroras was nearly five kilometers in length, and the sharp The crazy breath, even Panda, was chilled to see it!

Looking back at the little master, Panda seemed a little at a loss...

At this moment, behind the declaration of war, I suddenly felt a cold and sharp breath like a piercing back. Without any explanation, the power of the primordial spirit that was about to move in the body surged out of the body in an instant, one hand was suddenly placed behind the back, and the other finger Stretching forward in an instant, he slowly pinched out a supernatural magic formula, but he saw that there was a vast force of nature flowing between his fingers!

The next moment, the nine-character mantra suddenly came out of Xuan Zhan's mouth in a low voice!

"Om..." A vast and surging sword intent suddenly emerged from between the fingers. This sword intent burst out instantly with the power of the primordial spirit, wrapped in the astrolabe and facing the unknown starry sky ahead like a missile In general, I shot it hard!

A thousand-kilometer-long beam of light pierced through the void and disappeared in a blink of an eye!

As soon as it disappeared, a powerful aurora with a length of [-] kilometers cut from this position in an instant, but it had already rushed into the air, and then devoured other auroras...

"Swoosh..." The astrolabe at this moment sent out deafening shock waves, and the surrounding aurora was like a straw, broken by the astrolabe in an instant!

But this speed is still far from enough!If there were no obstacles, it could be said that in this short period of time, the distance of more than ten light-years had already been cut, but now... it is only a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers!And one light year is more than 9 trillion kilometers... This is a comparison between the numbers of the sky and the earth! ! !

Xuan Zhan's eyes were cold, his right hand pointed straight ahead, and he pinched the tactic. Feeling the speed at the moment, he made a calculation in his heart, resisting the obscure force of the control, his legs suddenly crossed, and his outstretched right hand slowly drew a line. The mysterious trajectory of the Tao, and the left hand slowly turbulently rises, but seeing the fingers of the left hand, suddenly "Ziz..." bursts of black thunderbolt lightning, these lightnings are full of aura of agility, as if alive Like a thing, it was beating between the fingers that declared war!

"Bump..." The astrolabe trembled violently suddenly, Panda looked out immediately, his eyes suddenly burst into surprise, and the corner of his mouth murmured: "A long... "

There are many, many are like the water in the ocean, long, and each road is tens of kilometers long!And at this moment, the surface of the astrolabe was completely covered in cuts and bruises, with scars ten centimeters deep all over the entire astrolabe!

Xuan Zhan's body trembled slightly, and the power of the primordial spirit came out of his fingers as if desperately, his eyes slightly glanced at the Lei Yuan Thunderbolt in his left hand, a trace of paleness flashed across his face, and he pursed his lips fiercely, The five fingers curled slightly...

"Ziz...Ziz..." The black thunder element on the finger suddenly shot out, through the huge astrolabe, it appeared on the periphery of the astrolabe in an instant, and the black thunderbolt instantly transformed the astrolabe Become a black thunder ball!

"Bump..." The astrolabe was suddenly cut crazily by tens of thousands of auroras with a length of tens of kilometers. The whole astrolabe was like a woman walking on a mountain of knives, and suddenly swayed from side to side...

A hint of rosiness flashed across his pale face, Xuan Zhan pursed his lips fiercely, and slowly closed his eyes. The next moment, Xuan Zhan's two hands slowly merged together...

The Lei Yuan in his left hand and the power of Yuanshen in his right hand, these two basic powers of the monks, under the tyrannical control of Xuan Zhan, started an unbelievable behavior for all the monks...

Fusion!The two forces are being forcibly merged by a declaration of war...

The primordial spirit is the lifeblood of the monks, and the true energy is the reliance of the monks to live under the way of heaven!But... the way of heaven does not allow the blending of these two forces. It is not that no one has done this method, and many monks have done it!But all of them were blown up by the powerful force!

The new power brought by the two powers is beyond what monks can imagine. The power to look down on the world is what anyone dreams of, but... they must have the corresponding qualifications for this power...

This qualification is a powerful container, a powerful body, and it just so happens that Xuan Zhan has this kind of body!Not only that……

When these two kinds are fused, there is a burst of vigorous vitality between the hands. This vitality is exactly the same as the life force of the Jiuhuang Divine Tree in Xuan Zhan's body. Xuan mobilizing the dove in his body The power of the Emperor God Tree!

The power of the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree has a powerful neutralizing ability, just like two extreme forces, as long as there is the addition of the Dove Emperor Sacred Tree, the two extreme forces can be neutralized!And the speed in the middle, if you want to control it, you can't do it without strong mind control...

Declaring war... dancing with death! ! !

While dancing together, the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth still did not forget to show a faint smile, and the next moment, his hands suddenly closed together...

"Boom!!!" A heaven-opening explosion suddenly came out from his hands, and the astrolabe wrapped by the black thunder element suddenly burst into dazzling dark golden light!

A trace of scarlet blood slowly flowed from the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and his eyes suddenly opened, but he saw streaks of dark golden thunderbolt power flowing through his eyes instantly, and the entire space structure in front of him and the power of natural circulation were evenly densely distributed in his eyes ...

The astrolabe suddenly stopped in the void, and then was severed by streaks of aurora. Viewed in the universe, the astrolabe is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, floating motionless!

Xuan Zhan looked at the bright aurora sea starry sky in front of him, in his feeling, at this moment, he has merged with the astrolabe, the astrolabe is him, he is the astrolabe!

"Boom..." Hundreds of millions of auroras slashed at Xingpan's body like a death scythe!

"Gulong..." Xuan Zhan's Adam's apple suddenly squirmed, Panda saw it, and suddenly came to Xuan Zhan's shoulder, stretched out his hand to help him wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then stared blankly at the starry sky ahead... …

After pursing his lips, Xuan Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, a hint of ferocity appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his hands shook...


The astrolabe frantically activated in an instant, rushing out a bright shock wave, and the next moment, it disappeared in an instant!

5000 billion kilometers away, the astrolabe suddenly appeared, and then sprinted forward frantically!

The foot of the declaration of war suddenly took a step, and a majestic and surging aura burst out instantly, surrounding the entire astrolabe in an instant, and the next moment, suddenly, the astrolabe disappeared again...

"Pfft..." Xuan Zhan suddenly spurted a mouthful of blood, and the steps under his feet were like a trembling old man, and the astrolabe began to tremble left and right following the steps of Xuan Zhan...

"Boom!" The second step of declaring war finally fell to the ground!

At the same time as this step fell to the ground, the astrolabe suddenly burst into bright light and then disappeared!

A few seconds later, at a distance of trillions of kilometers away, the astrolabe reappeared with a dazzling black gold thunderbolt color!

"Boom..." Auroras that were hundreds of times more crazier than before appeared densely in an instant. These auroras were not comparable to the previous auroras. Their power instantly increased by a hundred times. Countless auroras fiercely cut the intruders Suddenly, the astrolabe was slashed and trembled crazily...

"Bump..." Xuan Zhan fell to the ground hard, and Panda also rolled to the side!

"Cough cough..." Xuan Zhan coughed up mouthfuls of scarlet blood. No matter how he calculated it, the power of the aurora in this area has far exceeded his imagination. It is a monk of the ninth rank of Mahayana who appears here, and it is even more difficult to protect himself!

"Boom..." The astrolabe was instantly chopped off tens of thousands of kilometers!

"Little master!" Panda exclaimed suddenly looking at the outside of the transparent wall, "It's so big!"

Xuan Zhan raised his head weakly, looked outside the wall, his eyes suddenly burst into chills, but seeing in the distance, a bright sea of ​​aurora, like the rising sun, slashed towards them crazily, Xuan Zhan knew, if If they are cut straight by this aurora, their only choice is to die...

Just when he was about to take action, a "cracking" sound appeared in Xuan Zhan's ears. Xuan Zhan fell silent immediately, and turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, but saw that on a nearby wall, there had already appeared There are a few cracks...

Panda sat beside Xuan Zhan in a daze, touched Xuan Zhan's face and said naively: "Little master, are we going to die?"

Xuan Zhan got up from the ground, hugged Panda in his arms, looked ahead, a icy look flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "How is that possible, Panda, sit down, let's save Xuebao!"

"Well, save Xuebao!" Panda smiled foolishly, climbed onto Xuan Zhan's shoulder, and sat down firmly!

The power of Yuanshen and Lei Yuan reappeared in the hands of Xuan Zhan, and the black Lei Yuan appeared again in his eyes!Looking at the Aurora Sea in front of him, Xuan Zhan groaned for a while, and the two forces merged instantly, and the nine-character mantra rose up...

Xingpan brazenly continued to move forward, and shot fiercely towards the front. The foot of the declaration of war did not take a step in the slightest, but following, a mouthful of blood flowed out of the mouth!

The dark gold Lei Yuan rises crazily and wraps up on the astrolabe!

In the astrolabe, Xuan Zhan took four steps in a row. After four steps, Xuan Zhan's body seemed to be lingering. In his eyes, the dark gold thunder frantically trembled in the pupils. Around his eyes, one after another The bright blue veins are densely covered like spiders!

Xuan Zhan raised his right foot, trembling unceasingly, his cheeks were already covered with sweat, and he was as pale as a corpse. Panda turned his head and looked behind him and shouted: "That aurora...that aurora..."

Xuan Zhan knew that the aurora Panda mentioned was the most powerful one that appeared just now, as dazzling and powerful as the rising sun!This aurora has been crazily chasing behind me, until now... I am exhausted, the fifth step, no matter what...

A dazzling light came from behind, with his back turned to him, illuminating the entire astrolabe with a gleam of determination flashed in Xuan Zhan's eyes, his weak right foot suddenly stepped down hard !

"Boom..." The astrolabe disappeared instantly...

"Avoid!" Panda turned her head and shouted loudly, then stared blankly at her little master...

What appeared in Panda's eyes... was a one-legged declaration of war whose right foot had been shattered into pieces all over his body. From under the thigh, the leg of declaration of war was completely turned into pieces of meat!

But the declaration of war didn't seem to be aware of it at all. The dark golden thunder eyes looked at the front coldly, and the only left leg left suddenly jumped forward...

"Boom..." The astrolabe disappeared again, and it shot away towards the deep starry sky...

Panda suddenly felt that the ground below was empty, and his left leg that declared war shattered in an instant, leaving only his upper body, and the blood all over the ground infected within a diameter of three meters below him...

Xuan Zhan's dark golden thunder eyes were cold, one hand suddenly grabbed Panda's paw, and said coldly in a low voice: "Panda, promise me, you must save Blood Treasure!"

"Little master..." Panda's eyes suddenly shed two lines of tears. Although his mind is straightforward and unremarkable, he seems to feel that his little master is burning with life and leading him to escape. This sea of ​​aurora...

"Little master, Panda is here to protect you!" Panda yelled, and as soon as he finished speaking, Xuanzhan suddenly grabbed Panda's body fiercely, and a cold voice came: "Panda, you are not allowed to do anything, if you dare If you walk three meters away from my body, I will never let you go!"

In one sentence, Panda was stunned for a moment...

The dazzling light appeared behind Xuan Zhan again, a icy smile appeared on the corner of Xuan Zhan's mouth, and he slammed his hands on the ground, and the new power formed by the fusion of Lei Yuan and Yuanshen's power instantly spread from Xuan Zhan's body to the whole body. On the body of the astrolabe...

"Boom..." The astrolabe disappeared instantly...

At the other end of the distant Aurora Sea, countless monks have stayed on the outskirts for an unknown number of years, just to be able to catch a trace of the Aurora, so that they can be used by themselves!

These monks stayed here all year round, some wept with joy, and some were extremely disappointed...

At a certain time, the monk who was catching the aurora suddenly froze. Everyone looked at the depths of the Aurora Sea, but seeing the depths, a bright dark golden color suddenly bloomed, and there was a faint roar of thunder and thunder. !

But before they realized what was going on, the dark golden light suddenly swelled wildly, and the next moment, "Boom..." pierced through the group of auroras in an instant, and rushed out of the sea of ​​aurora with a look of contempt. Bringing up a shock wave that made the world eclipse, it disappeared into the universe in an instant...

"Just now..." All the monks were talking to themselves in a daze...

"What happened just now?"

As soon as the astrolabe left the Aurora Sea, the speed suddenly increased crazily, bursting into tens of light-years in an instant...

This dark golden thunderbolt did not pass through the teleportation array at all, and its only action was to fly crazily, without a trace of stagnation, violently rampaging in the universe!

A few days later, this ray of dark gold thunder suddenly rushed into the hell that made all the monks in the universe turn pale when they heard of it!

"Stars and hollows..." A cold, unhuman voice came from afar in the dark golden thunderbolt!

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