Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 473 Choice

"Gululu..." There was a sudden murmuring sound from the viscous pool filled with green liquid, about ten meters in diameter, and then several bubbles slowly rolled out of it!

In just a few breaths, a pair of white and tender arms slowly emerged from the edge of the pool, and the green viscous liquid slid down the arms into the pool without leaving a trace!

You Zijin came out of the pool naked with a cold and charming face. After the crystal clear body walked out of the pool, the icy-cold aura of peerless beauty instantly eclipsed the quiet mountains!

A pair of bright eyes glanced at the surrounding mountains indifferently, and then looked at the pool, warming up slightly, turning her body and mind, the icy and bright starlight instantly lingered around her body, and the next moment, a purple dress quietly covered her curvaceous body, covering her entire body. Elegant and graceful against the background of the body!

"I don't know when this idiot will wake up..." You Zijin looked at the green sticky pool and thought to himself, "Why did the master suddenly care so much about helping us increase our strength? In just a few years In the process, I have a feeling that I want to cross the catastrophe..."

Unable to guess, You Zijin could only shake his head indifferently. A few years ago, seven people appeared from the "Little Void Light Lingling State of Mind". He knew that those seven people were all his own hundreds of years ago. A group of people brought back by the master from the outside world!

When that group of people reappeared, You Zijin suddenly turned pale, because apart from one woman whose strength he could see clearly, the strength of the others was almost comparable to that of his master Wan Qingkui!She has never dared to guess how powerful her master is, she only knows that it is as vast as a starry sky...

After that group of people appeared, the lives of my group of people completely changed!

The thirty or so famous teachers and uncles seem to be more focused on training their own disciples, and they are more willing to waste their talents and treasures. In the past few years, no matter the "green ice crystal" in front of them that makes the mortal cultivation world envious "Liquid", or other things used by the juniors, all of them are of the highest grade!

But... why is all this?

It seems that something is about to happen in the dark...

When You Zijin was guessing in his mind, a vast voice suddenly came from his ear: "Zijin, come here!"

"Yes, master!" You Zijin bowed in the air and said, and then disappeared instantly!

Wan Qingkui stood indifferently in the "Sword Soul Hall", looking at the wooden plaques of senior Piaomiao Jianxintian from past generations, his eyes shifted and he focused on a plaque:

"Piaomiao Jianxin Tianyu real person's tablet!"

Wan Qingkui looked at the memorial tablet indifferently, and after a long time sighed deeply, and said to himself in a low voice: "Old guy, you have taken in three apprentices in your life, but... you have failed your promise." A painstaking effort!"

When Wan Qingkui said this, he felt extremely melancholy. The three apprentices that Yuren Ren had accepted in his life, one was Wan Qingkui, the other was Luo Tiangang, and the third...declared war!

It can be said that apart from Luo Tiangang inheriting the position of Lord Yuren, which can make him feel at ease, Wan Qingkui is a master who bothers Master Yu very much. His arrogant and unruly behavior does not know that Master Yu How many disasters have been caused, and the declaration of war, if Master Yu knew it underground, he would definitely crawl out of hell in anger, and he must be severely reprimanded for declaring war!

Indeed, judging from Xuan Zhan's current cultivation achievements, taking Xuan Zhan as his apprentice is the greatest pride of Master Yu in his life!But the act of declaring war and his more arrogant heart than Wan Qingkui doomed Master Yu to be unable to control this little disciple in the end!He would rather give up the position of the Lord for his noble dignity, and give up the reputation of Piao Miao Jian Xintian's disciple, but also let himself be free and follow his own heart!

However, what Wan Qingkui knew better was that among the three disciples, only Xuan Zhan valued He Yuren's master-student status the most. This... was the most gratifying point for Wan Qingkui!

"Master!" You Zijin's voice appeared outside the gate of Sword Soul Hall!

Wan Qingkui looked at the memorial tablet and said lightly: "Come in!"

You Zijin came to Wan Qingkui's side respectfully, and then stood behind him without saying a word!

Wan Qingkui said indifferently: "Recently, is there any news about your little uncle?"

"Returning to the master, the little uncle is now in the Holy Spirit Immortal Heart Abyss... teaching Feng Xun'er, the descendant of Feng Xie and Shao Yao!"

Wan Qingkui frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "This kid can really cause trouble for himself!"

You Zijin listened to the master's words, but he didn't dare to express his own opinion at will, and continued: "Besides, there is no trace of Thirteen Dou Tianfu around Long Ying!"

Wan Qingkui lowered his eyebrows and said slowly: "What should come, will always appear, and you can't stop it, Zijin, I want to tell you one thing now!"

Upon hearing this, You Zijin clasped his fists and said, "Master please give me instructions!"

"You guys with yellow hair, after my juniors and I leave, you will no longer have the title of master and apprentice!" Wan Qingkui said leisurely!

"What..." You Zijin was stunned for a moment, and a trace of disbelief suddenly appeared on his beautiful face!

"Repeat what the teacher said just now!" Wan Qingkui suddenly snorted and said!

You Zijin's brain was completely confused, and he didn't dare to accept this fact at all. He said intermittently in a trance: "After you...leave...after you leave..."

"Boom!" You Zijin suddenly knelt down on the ground with trembling knees, "There is no more... the title of master and apprentice..." After repeating the words, You Zijin's face suddenly turned pale...


In the dark hall, Luo Tiangang sat cross-legged on the futon silently, murmured something softly with lowered eyebrows, and after a long time, he sighed deeply and said bitterly: "You brat, come out!"

"Hey...hey..." A carefree smile suddenly came to mind in the hall, and the next moment, a blue breeze suddenly blew in front of Luo Tiangang, and then he saw a blue dress with a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth. A young man with an unruly smile appeared in front of Luo Tiangang. This young man exuded a carefree and carefree aura!

"Old guy, hey... Long time no see!" The young man didn't care about the respected status of the old man in front of him, and sat down beside Luo Tiangang very arrogantly, putting his arm around Luo Tiangang's neck and shouted, "Old guy, this Seventy-eight hundred years have passed, and your ears are still so sensitive, hey... How embarrassing is this young master!"

"Nonsense!" Luo Tiangang looked at the young man with a wry smile and reprimanded him, "You are so old, and you still make such nonsense regardless of superiority or inferiority, how decent it is!"

The young man laughed indifferently and said, "It's not all because of your good teaching!"

Luo Tiangang looked at him dumbfounded and said: "Stinky boy, when did this old man teach you not to distinguish between superior and inferior, not to respect the old and love the young!"

"Tsk tsk, you don't remember, 1000 years ago, didn't I beat up that lack of toughness, didn't you smile and say to me that children can be taught, this is a typical example of not respecting the old and loving the young! "The young man looked at Luo Tiangang solemnly and said seriously!

Luo Tiangang suddenly burst out laughing loudly, the vast and carefree smile filled the world!

Looking at Luo Tiangang's smile, the young man's expression slowly changed. He suddenly got up and came to Luo Tiangang's body, then solemnly knelt down and said, "Master, please accept disciple Xiaoyao's worship. 700 years have passed, and disciple has not Serving you by your side, my disciple... is not filial!" As soon as the words fell, the young man immediately "Boom! Boom! Boom!" knocked his head hard three times!

Luo Tiangang calmly accepted Xiaoyao's three bangs, raised his right hand and said in relief, "It's been 700 years, and the old man has never laughed as happily as before!"

Listening to Luo Tiangang's words, Xiaoyao showed a hint of guilt in his eyes, stood up and immediately smiled and said, " you old guy misses me so much!"

Luo Tiangang shook his head again with a wry smile...

"How about this, in the future, you will follow behind my ass. If you have my young master's meat, you must have your broth! Think about it!" Xiaoyao playfully winked at his master Luo Tiangang Eye!

Luo Tiangang straightened his face, looked at his disciple and said, "Tell me, brat, you came out of Thirteen Dou Tianfu this time, but for Long Ying?"

After hearing this, Xiaoyao suddenly said bitterly: "It's not just for this girl, there are other things!"

Luo Tiangang looked at Xiaoyao with some doubts: "Is there anything else?"

"The group of old guys want to find all the people who have lost the lineage of the clan!" Xiaoyao lazily smiled, "I'm really full, and I have been hiding my name for so many years. Now there are only seven of their clans left, so where can I find them!"

Luo Tiangang was taken aback for a moment: "What, sent you out to find the other six clans?"

"Not bad!" Xiaoyao said lazily, "You can pinch and count, so I'm here to find you!"

Luo Tiangang frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "The war of killing the heart at the end of ancient times was instigated by the Thirteen Dou Tianfu behind their backs, and in the end they also tasted the bitter fruit. Six branches of the thirteen clans betrayed Zong, the other seven sects were forced to sign the agreement of "Zhu Xin Jian Lun", but this time, what is the intention of asking you to find the successors of the other six sects?"

"Do you want them to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors!" Xiaoyao said helplessly, "The old guys... old guys, do you want to help?"

Luo Tiangang pondered for a moment, then said softly: "I can only help you find one of the branches, and I won't help you with the others!"

Xiaoyao's eyes lit up slightly, and then he said with a playful face, "My most respected master, you are a living Bodhisattva who saves the suffering, so please help the little ones!"

Luo Tiangang said solemnly: "If you say it again, don't even want to know about a branch!"

When Xiaoyao heard it, he immediately covered his mouth with his hands, and blinked at Luo Tiangang with his eyes...

Luo Tiangang thought for a while and said: "Xiaoyao, as a teacher, I want you to agree to a request. If you agree to this request, I will tell you where the legacy of this branch is!"

Xiaoyao covered his mouth and nodded innocently, then blinked his eyes twice, making Luo Tiangang laugh!

After contemplating for a moment, Luo Tiangang's eyes suddenly flashed a deep color, looking at the world outside the main hall, he said leisurely: "From now on, we will no longer have the title of master and apprentice, you... will no longer be my disciple of Luo Tiangang !"

Xiaoyao's body suddenly froze...


"Bi Ling..." Tianxiong held a pair of warm jade hands, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and said in a low voice, "It's been so hard for you for so many years!"

There was a blush on Bi Ling's face, and she looked at the bright moon sky in the sky!

"Tianxiong, I miss Master, I don't know how the old man is doing..." Bi Ling's eyes were a little hazy...

"I will go back, I will go back one day!" Tianxiong's voice revealed a majestic atmosphere!

"Of course!" Bi Ling said with a soft smile, "It's been so many years since I came out, and I don't know how your group of senior brothers are doing! I suddenly miss them too!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Tianxiong's mouth, and he said softly: "They have their way to go! Biling, I want to tell you something!"

Biling looked at Tianxiong curiously and asked, "What's the matter? Seeing you like this, it's quite mysterious!"

"After a while, I will go to heaven with many other brothers!" Tianxiong said suddenly, his tone changed indifferently!

"What..." Bi Ling's eyes suddenly flashed a hint of surprise, "What did you say? You want to go to heaven with your brothers?"

"That's right!" Tianxiong suddenly stood up and looked at the vast starry sky. , and the three old demon brothers were seriously injured because of a big battle, and had to be reincarnated to rebuild!"

Listening to Tianxiong's words, Biling slowly covered the corners of her mouth with her hands, feeling inconceivable for the truth Tianxiong said...

"Later, my elder brother, Wan Qingkui, found us and brought us here to restore our memory and strength. strength and memory have been restored, so...we have to leave. There is another group of brothers fighting alone!" Tianxiong looked at the vast starry sky, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, "Our enemy is too powerful, so... we must go!"

Suddenly, Bi Ling felt something bad in her heart, and said in a low voice, "Brother Tianxiong, what do you mean... what do you mean..."

Tianxiong suddenly turned around and looked at Bi Ling, with strands of guilt and sadness in his eyes: "It's too dangerous there, I can't take you with me!"

Bi Ling was stunned for a moment...

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