Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 481 Huaqing Court

The tens of thousands of practitioners on An Ye Tian Xing suddenly felt a fierce and majestic murderous frenzy coming from the mighty outer sky.

"Haw... chirp..." Countless beasts in the mountains, even strange-shaped spirit beasts around the cultivator, suddenly lay trembling on the ground under this crazy tide of murderous aura outside the sky, and there were waves of panic and timidity coming from their whole bodies. meaning!

Not only that, those cultivators showed fearful expressions, and whispered to themselves: "What's going on, what's going on... Which senior cultivator dared to radiate such an evil spirit outside the dark night star?" Powerful murderous aura..."

However, within a few seconds, within the atmosphere of Anye Tianxing, five areas in five directions seemed to be stimulated by this murderous aura, and five dark and gloomy rays of light suddenly burst out. These five rays of light seemed to burst out from the ground, crazy The agitation was as thick as thousands of lengths, and then went straight to the sky. They paused at the same apex, and suddenly each opened a silver-gray barrier, instantly keeping An Ye Tianxing secret in the barrier!

"My Anye Tianxing's sect-protecting formation—the five-yin-sealed formation!" The monks roared tremblingly, "The murderous aura of this mysterious senior actually stimulated the sect-protecting formation, and it automatically opened!"

No one is manipulating the Great Formation of the Five Yins and Blood Demons, and everything is controlled by the eyes of the formation. If there is any strength that threatens the survival crisis of An Yetianxing, this large formation will be opened immediately!And this is one of the guardian formations of the five yin and blood demons. After the protective barrier of this formation is opened, not only will there be waves of hazy turmoil outside, which will interfere with the judgment of the attacking monks, but will also rebound The powerful ability of the true essence to attack, the stronger the true essence, the stronger the rebound power will gradually increase, even if it is a rank nine scattered monk, when attacking this large formation, he must weigh his rank nine strength. Can it resist the rebound of this barrier!

All the monks looked at the scene in front of them in horror, as if they felt that the doomsday was coming, all the monks in the dark night star suddenly fell into a panic!

At this moment, a gloomy aura suddenly spread wildly in the sky, and more than 30 mysterious monks exuding the aura of dispersing demons rushed towards the sky!

The monks on the ground took a look and said in surprise, "Everyone, don't worry, my five-yin and blood-shattering demon-scattering senior has already dispatched to stop the invasion of that mysterious monk!"

"Oh my god, so many demon-scattering seniors are just trying to stop that one, who is that intruder?"

At this moment, many monks suddenly felt that murderous frenzy stopped suddenly, and disappeared in the next instant. They were slightly taken aback, looking at the sky that disappeared completely in the blink of an eye, and their heads were immediately confused. down!

"Could it be... Could it be that the invading enemy escaped?"

"Could it be that so many senior demon scatterers were dispatched to scare that person away?"

Everyone secretly guessed in their hearts...

Gai Bitian took more than 30 of his brothers and sisters who scattered demons, and flew out of the guardian formation with the power of monstrous demonic flames, and appeared in the outer universe of the dark night star. Looking at the peaceful universe, his brows suddenly frowned. Wrinkled down!

"What about the declaration of war? You appeared so arrogantly just now, why did you disappear in a blink of an eye?" a scattered demon beside Gai Bitian asked in a low voice!

"Hmph, isn't that kid afraid?" A female monk wearing a black Taoist robe with an infinitely enchanting charm said softly to herself, "However, it seems impossible, like this kind of arrogant monk, With such a strong strength, it is impossible to run!"

Gai Bitian looked coldly at the surrounding universe, and said in a low voice: "Junior brothers, don't let your guard down, all wear body armor, this child must be hiding somewhere, we must observe closely!"

Many scattered demons nodded, and the next moment their bodies shook, countless bright streamers shot out of their bodies, and eye-catching body armors appeared on their bodies!

"Next, a group of five people will start to monitor all movements within a radius of 5000 million kilometers. Any monk who appears without ID will be killed without mercy!" The distant universe swept past!

Dozens of scattered demons around glanced at each other, and each group of five flew towards other directions!


In a dark cosmic starry sky, a place of nothingness that seems to have nothing, slowly trembled. After a few breaths, a black and white fluffy little guy appeared with a vigorous body, suspended in the universe, with a naive expression. Looking at the starry sky in the distance, he narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to laugh silently!

"Quack... Quack..." Little Panda squinted his eyes and rubbed his belly as he murmured to himself, "The invisibility charm given by the little master really works! Well, I have to hide it as soon as possible!"

As soon as the voice fell, the little guy shook his body, and disappeared instantly in the next moment!

Gai Bitian led a group of monks who scatter demons, flying crazily around Anye Tianxing, observing carefully and carefully without letting go of any suspicious things!

In the blink of an eye, two hours passed...

A burst of space tremors appeared outside the guardian formation of Dark Ye Tianxing, and the little guy reappeared, looking at the enchanted barrier in front of him suspiciously, scratching his ears and muttering to himself: "What did the little master say to Panda just now? I seem to have forgotten..."

Looking around, the next guy trembled and continued to tilt his head to think, suddenly smiled naively: "I remember!", then touched behind, a black stick appeared in its hand, the head of this stick Each tail has a skull carving that is exactly the same as Panda's head. This stick seems to be the weapon that the declaration of war personally made for Panda!

Using four of the five legendary sacred trees in the cultivation world, it has four mysterious functions. It is not only extremely hard, but also can be large or small, and even has the function of confusing people, and one of the functions is to break the boundary!

One of the five great sacred trees—the ground-dome-breaking bamboo, which breaks thousands of barriers in the realm of comprehension, and treats them like nothing!

Holding the stick, the little guy inserted it into the formation with ease, without causing any leak of vitality, let alone making any movement!

With a slight stirring, a hole that could accommodate it was instantly opened. The little guy looked at the universe behind him, and after a wicked laugh, he got in instantly. After a few breaths, the hole returned to its original state again!

As soon as he entered, the little guy immediately fell into a free fall posture, without using his own energy, he just fell towards the ground of the dark night star!

"Yahoo!!!" The little guy laughed loudly, "Xuebao, Panda is here, you have to be good, I can already feel your presence!"

"Damn Panda!" Xuebao's voice suddenly sounded in Panda's heart, "Why did you come here now, ah, the little master is here, and it's actually in your stomach!"

"Hey, Xuebao, when will you be able to sense the little master?" Panda looked down and thought, "You couldn't sense it before..."

"Hmph, grandma, I can also sense it now, stop talking nonsense, Panda, I am now in the body of this dead guy, and I have to humbly obey his orders for the time being, just waiting for the little master to rescue me!"

Looking at the land less than a kilometer away, Panda said to himself: "I'm afraid I can't save you now, the little master has already spent a lot of real energy to come here, and now it takes a few more to recover my strength in my stomach." What time is it!"

"Ah, it's been so long!" Xuebao's bewitching voice sounded, "This old guy's body stinks to death, I don't want to stay here for a moment!"

"Smelly?" Panda murmured to himself in confusion, "How could it be smelly?"

"Hmph, it's because of the exercises this old guy is practicing. His body is full of filthy blood, and it smells so bad. By the way, Panda, can you sense my direction?"

"This is fine!" Panda nodded and said, "In my north, this the north? Oh, when did Panda become so smart!"

"Go to hell, grandma, I'm about to choke to death here, and you're still muttering there, come and save me!"

In a blink of an eye, Panda was no more than tens of meters away from the ground, and his small body suddenly spun in the air, waving a stick with his right hand and rolling somersaults in the air, and his chubby body lightly landed on the ground!

"Yahhoo!" Panda yelled loudly, held a stick behind his right hand, pointed at the sky, and yelled honestly and boldly, "Safe landing!"

Here is a forest, lush and towering trees abound, and countless singing birds are flying among the branches!

Panda flicked his stick and disappeared behind him. He prostrated himself on the ground with all four limbs, and disappeared into the bushes towards the north with a chirp sound!

With the speed of the little guy at the moment, even if it is thousands of miles away, it only takes a few minutes to run crazily on the ground, step up his limbs, and run happily!

"Ahhhhhhh..." Panda ran excitedly, raised his head and yelled, "Wow!!!"

It's not like going to rescue, but to vent the joy in my heart!

Ten minutes later, Panda appeared on a hilltop, erected his body, and looked at a huge city ten kilometers ahead with his right hand shaded from the sun!

Waves of mountain peaks blow over Panda's fluff, looking at the city in front of him, Panda's eyes burst out with a trace of curiosity, and he muttered: "It smells good, what does this eat? Blood treasure, this city There is a good smell coming from it, it seems to be the smell of bamboo!"

"Just know how to eat, just know how to eat!" Xue Bao's voice echoed in Panda's heart, "Come and save me!"

Panda rolled his eyes, and said Hanhan: "Xue Bao, since you are fine now, you should stay in that person's body for a while, and when the little master recovers, I will save you! I will go find you first." Eat it!"

No matter how coquettish and angry Xue Bao was, Panda leaped, and immediately jumped towards the cliff in front of him. When he landed below, he grabbed a few handfuls of grass and vines, wove a hat, covered his head, and touched his back stick, leaning on the stick and galloping towards the city!

Along the way, all the monks looked curiously at this little guy who was wearing a black armor, a straw rattan hat, and leaning on a black stick. They felt that this little guy was very weird!

The number of monks gradually increased. Wherever he went, Panda's current appearance was the focus of people's attention, but looking at those smart eyes, as well as the armor and stick on his body, people with discerning eyes could tell that it already had an owner!

Although there are many incidents of robbing spirit beasts in the cultivation world, Panda's appearance made the monks wonder for a while: What kind of spirit beast is this spirit beast?what's the effect?

Since I don't know what it does, I don't bother to provoke a mysterious monk!

Panda walked into the city safely, raised his nose and smelled it fiercely, and said in his heart: "Xuebao, the scent is getting stronger and stronger, it looks delicious, do you want to eat it, or I will give it to you as well." point?"

"Damn Panda, just do it, when the little master wakes up, I will definitely expose your ugly face!" Xue Bao snorted in Panda's heart, exasperated!

Panda squinted her eyes and smiled innocently, moved the grass and vines on her head, and ran towards the source of the fragrance!

After 1 minute, Panda looked curiously at a small building in front of him. This small building looks very elegant on the outside, with exquisite carvings everywhere. The carved wood on the outside exudes a seductive fragrance. There are many extremely beautiful carved ornaments hanging on it!

Looking at it as a whole, you can tell that the owner of this small building is very tasteful and elegant!

On the door of the small building, there is a plaque - Huaqing Garden!

Panda sniffed it up, squinted his eyes and said to himself: "This is it, it smells so delicious, it must be food made of bamboo!" As he spoke, he walked into Huaqing Garden with his buttocks shaking !

Just when I walked to the door, when I was about to open the door and go in, I saw that the elegant door was suddenly opened from the inside, and people came oncoming!

Panda blinked and looked at the little guy who opened the door in front of him, only to see that the one who opened the door was a red-crowned crane full of nobility and a graceful body, and it was a spirit beast!

During the countless years of following Xuan Zhan, Xuan Zhan realized that Panda had a natural hatred for spirit beasts. Faced with this situation, Xuan Zhan taught the little guy countless times, and finally let him suppress it in his heart. Spirit beasts are in the same mood as enemies meeting each other!

Panda, who was already a big-hearted person, slowly wore away this hatred during the period of being taught a lesson by the declaration of war, so that now when he saw the spirit beast, he couldn't even bring up the slightest sense of hatred. At least, in expressing In fact, Panda has long since lost the original hateful behavior!

"Hehe...hehe..." Panda narrowed his eyes and looked up at the red-crowned crane in front of him, "Hello, my name is Panda!"

"Panda?" The red-crowned crane lowered its head, and let out a feminine voice from its slender mouth, "Hello, the store only opens in the afternoon, so you came early!" After speaking, he spread his wings and opened the door gracefully. He walked to the door and took off a hanging ornament from the edge of the door!

"But..." Panda looked at the red-crowned crane a little depressed and said, "I came here smelling the smell from your place. It smells so good. What kind of food is it?"

The red-crowned crane walked gracefully, exuding a sense of nobility. Looking at Panda with a gentle smile, he said softly, "My master makes bamboo shoot pasta. Once it's made, the fragrance will be wafting for thousands of miles!"

"Bamboo shoots! Bamboo shoots!" Panda yelled happily when he heard that, "Panda loves bamboo shoots the most, can I eat them?"

"Of course you can, one bamboo shoot and two primary spirit stones!" The red-crowned crane nodded gracefully!

At this moment, a quiet female voice came from the small building: "Dan'er, who are you talking to outside? Hurry up and help!"

"Okay master!" The red-crowned crane turned around and chirped softly, looked at Panda Shi and said calmly, "Since you're all here, let's come in, it's agreed, two primary spirit stones!"

Panda nodded foolishly and said: "Got it, it's just two low-level spirit stones, Panda has a lot of them!"

The red-crowned crane smiled softly, entered the room and said: "You sit down first, I will go to the back to help the master, and I will be here in a while!"

Panda turned his head to look at the layout of the house, but saw that the layout of the whole small building was elegant yet soft. Although it was full of elegance, there was no trace of smoke and dust. The small building had two floors, and in the middle of the first floor were ten A table, but there are many private rooms on the second floor!

Not long after, a young woman with a ruddy complexion in a white dress came in from the back kitchen. Perhaps because she was a little busy, her smooth black hair was a little messy, but it added a touch of seductiveness!The appearance is very good-looking, with the cuteness of the little girl next door!

The woman looked at Panda and smiled softly: "Is that Panda? I'm Huaqing. Dan'er told me. Where's your master?"

Panda Hanhan said: "My master, it's in my stomach!" After speaking, he touched his stomach with his furry hands!

When Hua Qing heard this, he blinked his eyes, and was stunned for a moment. A trace of paleness flashed across his well-behaved face, and then two drops of sweat fell faintly from his forehead!

"" Hua Qing trembled slightly, her heart trembled with fear for a moment, and she froze in place, not daring to move. It was obvious that Panda's words frightened her...

"My master is recovering his strength in my stomach. We just came from outside, and the little master has spent some real money!" Pandafu continued to say naively, "When the strength recovers, come out by yourself!"

"Huh..." Hua Qing breathed out fiercely, "I was scared to death, I thought... I thought... Oh, forget it, where did you come from, your master spent so much real money ?”, Hua Qing suddenly asked curiously, his eyes flashed with curiosity!

"Oh, we didn't teleport here, we flew directly from somewhere else!" Panda said honestly while sitting on the chair!

"What..." Hua Qing was stunned by Panda's words...

Panda looked at Hua Qing in confusion, and asked honestly, "Hua Qing, what's the problem?"

The monks who can enter the world of cultivation are not fools. Hua Qing thought of the murderous frenzy just now, and then connected it with Panda's words, and his heart of cultivation suddenly trembled crazily: "You... Just now... the sky...", Hua Qing was talking, and suddenly became a little incoherent, a pair of well-behaved faces flashed a trace of fear, "That"

At this moment, Dan'er, a red-crowned crane, came out from behind, holding two plates on the wings, on which were hot pastries made from bamboo shoots, and a tantalizing fragrance came over the face!

The red-crowned crane looked at its owner curiously, put the two plates in front of Panda, and said softly, "Panda, here are the two pastries you want, and there are four primary spirit stones in total!"

Panda looked at the pasta on the plate, grunted greedily, and drooled from his mouth, then raised his head and said, "Hua Qing, Dan'er, that... that... the spirit stones are all in the hands of my little master." , I... I don't have any spirit stones!"

Dan'er was taken aback for a moment, and then glanced at his master, only to see Hua Qing say, "No... no need... just eat Panda, if it's not enough, I... I have more here!"

When Panda heard this, he happily picked up a piece of pasta, swallowed it hard, and said while chewing: "Don't worry, my little master will definitely give it to you when I wake up. I'll tell you, I will give it to you." The little master is very generous!"

"Hehe...hehe..." Hua Qing smiled awkwardly. Now she is preoccupied with how to send Panda away. The devil, can't wait to send Panda away immediately!

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooie !"

Hearing Panda's last words, Hua Qing and Dan'er were taken aback for a moment...

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