Reverse Taoist Records

Chapter 482 Walking to the palace

Looking at Panda who was eating and talking inexplicable words, Hua Qing and his red-crowned crane spirit beast blinked their eyes and stared blankly...

"Dan'er, I still want to eat..." Panda swallowed the last bamboo shoot pasta on the table, wiped his mouth, and looked at Dan'er and Hua Qing pitifully!

"Ah..." The red-crowned crane blinked slightly, and then glanced at its master - Hua Qing!

Hua Qing pondered for a moment, then smiled softly, and said softly: "Dan'er, take out all the pastries we just made and give them to Panda, little guy, for the sake of seeing how much you like my pastries, I Just let you eat enough!"

When Panda heard this, he narrowed his eyes and smiled in shock, "Thank you, Huaqing!"

Not long after, Dan'er placed all the bamboo shoot pastries made by Huaqing in front of Panda's eyes, and the layers of cages exuding fragrance and heat immediately made Panda's eyes warm, and he laughed heartily: " Hua Qing, you are such a good person!"

Hua Qing felt bitter in his heart but couldn't put it into words, and said softly: "Little guy, look at how hungry you are, eat with confidence!"

Dan'er glanced at his master suspiciously, but saw her give him a look, and then walked into the backyard together!

"Master, why are you doing this? Why did you let Panda eat it all? You worked hard for two hours last night and started making it early in the morning! If Panda eats it, we will be out of business for the day! "Dan'er asked suspiciously.

"Shh..." Hua Qing put his fingers upright around his mouth, then opened the corners of his mouth slightly, and said through voice transmission: "Dan'er, if my guess is correct, the crazy killing weapon of Anye Tianxing just now was caused by Panda's master. of!"

"What???" Dan'er was startled, flapped her wings and shouted in horror, "How is that possible?"

"Quiet!" Hua Qing immediately said via voice transmission, "Don't let Panda find out! We'll take care of Panda now, and it will probably leave in a while. Panda, you won't embarrass us either!"

"So that's it!" Dan'er listened to Hua Qing's sound transmission quietly, and nodded slowly, "Master is really considerate!"

Hua Qing smiled wryly, a bitter smile flashed in his eyes, and nodded slowly: "Listen to me, take out all the pastries to serve Panda!"

Dan'er sighed, glanced faintly at the little guy outside the door and said, "I hope this Panda can calm down, we finally have a place to stay here, hey..."

Afterwards, Dan'er and Hua Qing began to get busy. Seeing Panda's crazy eating like a bottomless pit, they felt a headache, but they couldn't say anything because of the unspeakable concealment!

An hour later, Panda was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes and said, "Hua Qing, Dan'er, my little master is coming out, let me go!"

Hua Qing and Dan'er gave up the space in confusion, and glanced at each other, neither knowing what Panda was going to do...

In their eyes, the little guy turned his buttocks and slowly walked to the open space, and then suddenly opened his mouth wildly. This one was suddenly one foot wide and high, and Hua Qing and Dan'er were stunned for a moment!

"Roar..." A muffled roar came from Panda's mouth, and a white light beam shot from the little guy's mouth to the open space!

With the disappearance of the light beam, strands of white hair fluttered wildly, and then a figure in a moon white Taoist robe appeared in the eyes of Hua Qing and Dan'er!

Hua Qing looked at this figure from behind, a look of doubt suddenly flashed in his eyes, and Dan'er beside him showed the same look!

When the white back turned around, Hua Qing and Dan'er's eyes suddenly showed countless expressions of panic, and they immediately dodged backwards, and with a bang, they hugged each other and fell to the ground!

"No...don't...Leader, don't kill me!" Hua Qing hugged Dan'er, fell to the ground and looked at the white figure, and suddenly screamed in horror, "Hua Qing is wrong, please forgive me, don't kill me!" Me!" As he spoke, Hua Qing suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed fiercely towards the white figure!

Needless to say, the white figure was declaring war. He was cultivating in Panda's stomach, but he also knew what happened outside. When he came out and turned around to thank Hua Qing, he was immediately overwhelmed by her scene. He was slightly startled, and then silently watched Hua Qing's actions!

"I beg the lord to show mercy, Hua Qing will definitely not fail to see the person in that painting clearly, please be merciful to the lord, don't kill Hua Qing and Dan'er!" Hua Qing looked at the declaration of war with a cold expression in front of him, kowtowed and cried out sadly!

Not only that, but Dan'er beside him also knelt on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Master, Dan'er's master definitely didn't intend to enter the cave to see the portrait in the stone room, and the master didn't see the portrait clearly at all." What kind of face does this person have, I ask the leader to see clearly, ask the leader to see clearly!"

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, glanced at Little Panda who was staring blankly at this scene, then shook his head speechlessly, and after a few seconds of contemplation in his heart, he said in a low voice and coldly: "Boss Huaqing, I think... are you got the wrong person!"

"What..." Hua Qing and Dan'er were taken aback for a moment...

"I'm definitely not the so-called leader you said!" Xuan Zhan sighed, raised his right hand slightly, and a breath of fresh air dragged them to stand up slowly, "I'm meeting you for the first time! My name is Xuan Zhan, a casual cultivator !"

"How is it possible?" Hua Qing and Dan'er stared at Xuan Zhan in surprise, "You... can't be the leader, don't scare Hua Qing!"

"Hey..." Xuan Zhan sighed, and then casually twisted a strand of white hair. After a moment of contemplation, he stretched out his right hand, and three intermediate spirit stones quietly appeared in the palm of his hand. Looking at Hua Qing, he said, "Thank you on behalf of Panda I wish you three mid-level spirit stones as a token of hospitality, and I hope Boss Huaqing will accept them!" After speaking, the three flashing mid-level spirit stones slowly flew into Huaqing's hands!

"This..." Hua Qing stared blankly at the intermediate spirit stone in his hand, trembling a little, looked at Xuan Zhan in surprise and said, " are really not the leader? did you grow so long? picture?"

"Master, he really doesn't seem to be the leader of the alliance. You see, he has white hair!" Dan'er whispered in Hua Qing's ear. white hair!

"It doesn't seem to be true, the leader's hair is not white!" Hua Qing said in a daze, "But...but your face is really similar to the leader's face!"

Xuan Zhan looked at Hua Qing, and asked with confusion in his eyes: "Boss Hua, what is the name of the leader you are talking about? What alliance is it?"

"The leader's name is Ling Lan, and the name of the alliance is..." Hua Qing said, his body trembled suddenly, and he lowered his head when he saw Xuan Zhan, "I hope Mr. Haihan, I can't tell you the name!"

Xuan Zhan smiled slightly, and said calmly: "It's okay, this is your secret, and I don't intend to know it, I just want to tell you that you have indeed admitted the wrong person!"

Hua Qingfu took another look at the face that declared war, and said in disbelief, "It's unbelievable that there is such a similar person, so much alike..."

Xuan Zhan frowned slightly, but suddenly looked at Hua Qing suspiciously and said, "Excuse me, may I ask Boss Hua's cultivation level?" Suddenly, he was puzzled.I... can't see through Hua Qing's cultivation, not at all...

"Ah..." Hua Qing was slightly taken aback, then lowered her head silently, as if she had pondered for a while, and then said: "The little girl just used the concealment technique to hide her cultivation, because... because... "

Xuan Zhan suddenly got a little funny in his heart, and said calmly: "Miss Hua, don't worry about it, Xuan is a bit abrupt, the realm of cultivation is boundless, and there are as many miraculous skills and methods as the Ganges, Xuan is a frog in the bottom of the well!"

Hearing the words of the declaration of war, Hua Qing's eyes were a little complicated, his face was slightly rosy, and he said softly: "I hope you don't mind, the little girl really has something hard to say!"

Xuan Zhan nodded lightly, glanced at the little guy, Panda slid away immediately, pulled him onto Xuan Zhan's shoulder, and looked at Hua Qing with a silly smile!

"The matter here is over, Xuan Mou will leave!" Xuan Zhan looked at Hua Qing and said softly, then turned and walked towards the door!

Hua Qing watched Xuan Zhan's departure, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, touched Dan'er's feathers and said softly: "Dan'er, tell me, are there really two people who are so similar in this world?"

Dan'er slowly shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

After pondering for a while, Hua Qing made up his mind and said: "Dan'er, I think...the declaration of war should not be the leader of the alliance, but...there must be some connection between them, I don't believe it, the two people who are so similar have nothing to do with each other relationship, maybe... maybe our affairs still need to rely on this declaration of war!"

"Master, what do you mean?" Dan'er looked up at her master, but Hua Qing's eyes seemed to have made some kind of decision...


"Little master, you finally woke up!" Xue Bao's voice suddenly echoed in Xuan Zhan's heart!

Xuan Zhan stood on the street, looking at the crowd of monks, suddenly stopped still, thinking in his heart: Blood Treasure...

"Little master, Xuebao misses you to death, woo... woo..." Xuebao's crying sound echoed in Xuan Zhan's heart!

Looking at the huge city, there was a stern look in Xuan Zhan's eyes. Looking at a majestic and magnificent palace in the distance, he thought in his heart: Xue Bao, you are there!

"I'm trying to make ends meet for the time being, and I'm under the control of this Yin Mukun. I just wait for you, my little master, to save me! I believe that you will come to save Xuebao, my little master. Xuebao has always believed in my heart that you will save me, my little master!"

Xuan Zhan looked at the distant palace indifferently, then gently stroked Panda's fur, and then walked towards the palace step by step...

The monks who passed by didn't notice at all, just a few steps after declaring war, they walked to the gate of the palace. In their feeling, they and this person were just passing by, and they didn't find any strangeness at all. at...

"Who is coming?" A dozen or so Chen Xuqi monks who were guarding the door, wearing ferocious black body armor, looked at the white-robed monk who was walking to the gate of the palace, and suddenly flashed a ferocious halberd, blocking his way!

"This is the important place of my five yin and blood evil sect, and the idlers are not allowed to approach!" The guard leader said gloomyly, looking at the person in front of him!

At this moment, the person in front of him suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared without a trace in front of everyone!

"Where's that person?" A group of guards were stunned for a moment, looking at the empty ground, staring at each other blankly, and asked blankly!

"It seems...disappeared..."

"It should be gone..." The guard monks asked each other in confusion!

In the depths of the palace, on the stone steps of the most magnificent hall, under the eyes of countless monks, a white figure suddenly appeared. Zong Zhongdi!"

The sound of angry shouting spread into the sky mightily...

But Xuan Zhan with white hair appeared at the bottom of the steps alone, and Panda on his shoulder disappeared without a trace...

Looking at the hundreds of guards in front of him, Xuan Zhan stepped forward indifferently, stepping up the first stone steps!

"Stop!" A monk wearing a dark red armor suddenly appeared in the center of the stone steps, looked at the person indifferently and shouted coldly, "Report your name, or... die!"

Xuan Zhan's icy eyes seemed to have never cared about the battles around him, and he walked up the stairs step by step like walking on flat ground!

Seeing the mysterious monk who didn't listen to the advice, but walked up indifferently, everyone was filled with murderous aura, and then the guard in the middle shouted coldly:


Give an order, and thousands of murderous lights burst out from the surroundings instantly, and slammed towards the body where the declared war was located, but within seconds, countless explosions and crazy turbulence violently agitated , All of a sudden, the whole palace exploded again and again...

In the main hall, Yin Mukun's face was cold, the three young masters around him and a group of people who came with him suddenly screamed, and all looked outside the palace!

"Who is it?" Yin Mukun looked at the stone steps in the distance with puzzled eyes, thinking in a low voice!

The disciple Hua Xihua beside him showed a hint of disbelief in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Master, we... all of us have not found any trace of this person, he... is so powerful!"

The three young masters including Yun Piaoyan and Yin Mukun all appeared at the entrance of the hall in an instant, looking at the white figure after the smoke and dust disappeared...

Hundreds of monks Chen Xuqi bombed out puffs of thick smoke, and gusts of cool wind blew through the thick smoke, but the white figure continued to come upwards without the slightest damage!

"Declaration of war!" The three young masters looked at the face of the visitor, and suddenly shouted in shock, "Why is he here?"

"Declaration of war...declaration of war..." Looking at the familiar white figure, Hua Xihua muttered frantically to herself, with a hint of fear in her eyes...

"Declaration of war..." Yin Mukun looked at the person with a cloudy face, and said in disbelief: "How is it possible, how is it possible, how could he appear here. Could it be that Patriarch Gai didn't stop him?"

"Boom..." Hundreds of guards around crazily blasted out a wave of attacks again, and the targets were all the white figure who continued to walk up...

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